Is it possible to add filters to a saved search when using N/Task module to run saved search - netsuite

I have a script (2.0) successfully running saved searches and writing the results to CSV files in the File Cabinet via the N/task.searchTask.
The issue is that the full system requires multiple saved searches that vary only by date range, and multiple script deployments configured with the same script parameterized by Saved Search Id and File Id (for the results). It would be better/simpler to have one Saved Search and have parameters for the data range instead of having multiple Saved Searches.
Is there a path using the N/task.searchTask that allows for the adding of Filters on the Saved Search?

You can use the N/search module to load Saved Searches and modify them however you see fit before executing them. You could certainly load a Search then manipulate its filters property before running the search.


using the parameters in Alteryx workflows

I am fairly new to the Alteryx.
I would like to create a process/workflow in Alteryx to import a file from a specified location but that should be controlled by the input parameters.
Kindly help me in this.
You can connect an Interface Tool:File Browse via an Interface Tool:Action to change the file selected to an In/Out:Input Data:
You will then want to run the workflow using the Run As Analytic App:
In the developer tool category, you'll find the Dynamic Input tool. This works much like the standard Input Data tool, but can take records in to modify the data it collects.
It sounds like you have files in a standard location, but want to be able to dynamically select the ones to load.
Let's say you have a collection of sales files in the format "Sales_20190718.csv" but want to only get sales information for certain dates as specified in your workflow. You can point your Dynamic Input tool to the Sales_20190718.csv, and have it replace the "20190718" part with whatever input you gave to the tool before querying the information.
You could get a similar result by using wildcards in a basic Input Data tool by pulling data from "Sales_*", and ticking the "Output File Name as Field" box. This would load all your sales data (which could take some time) but then you could filter to the relevant files using the new FileName field.

In NetSuite using SuiteTalk, Is it possible to create a CSV file from saved search

I am a newbie in the NetSuite world. We are trying to integrate NetSuite with our ERP and I am doing some preliminary research to find out what would be the best option moving ahead. The primary objective of the first task is to download huge volume of data from NetSuite to our end and find alternatives approaches.
I did some research on SuiteScript/SuiteTalk/Analytics and some facts I have come to find and my questions are below:
Custom search can be created and save SuiteScript/SuiteTalk.
This saved search can be invoked via both SuiteScript as well as SuiteTalks
Well have a confusion, is the Saved Search the View, which SuiteAnalytics can access? (NOT MY MAIN QUESTION THOUGH!!).
Using SuiteScript, return of Saved Search execution can be saved on as a flat file, and that file can be moved to File Cabinet. Exposing a REST API using RESTlet, this file can be downloded. [But have not implemented this yet!!]
I have not researched more on the topic File Cabinet and how a created file or files here are indexed?
Or Is it better to load whole result set from the SOAP call?
Your comments are highly appreciated!
Thank you!
You can certainly execute a saved search via SuiteTalk. You can also loop through all the results of the saved search and do whatever you'd like with those results, such as create a text file.
The SuiteTalk API also allows for accessing the File Cabinet to create or retrieve files, with limitations on file size.
Suitetalk can be used to create File and move file from a folder to another by changing the folder internalId of the fileObject.
Since you are using the Suitetalk to create/load Saved Search; you are required to create and save the CSV at your end using the search result and then move the file to file cabinet.
Since your objective is to get huge data from NetSuite I would recommend below option:
Use Scheduled script/Map Reduce to build a file and place it in required folder of file cabinet
Using Suitetalk you can extract that file. (Note: You don't need REST do this job. You can get the fileContents and store the result at your end. You cannot directly store the file. You will have to store the filecontents)
Thanks #netsuite-guru and #suite-resources!
So doing some further research, and considering your recommendations, the server side(at NETSUITE) scripting can be done only using SuiteScript to achieve the goal of automating - READ from NetSuite and WRITE to File to FILECABINET!
Also found another good read thread as an option to MapReduce link
But would go with "Scheduled script/Map Reduce" at this time.

APEX: Read uploaded excel file with as_read_xlsx

As far as I understand, APEX 5.1 does not support Excel files to be loaded into tables.
I found this package that seems to make it possible to SELECT from Excel files, but it does not show how to use it with, for example, files loaded via the "File Browse" Item.
Now, I am very new to this environment, so please explain it from the beginning.
What I did is I upload the package script to the SQL workshop and executed it, without errors. But now?
APEX 5.1 doesn't support it out of the box, but you can use the EXCEL2COLLECTION plugin (available here).
It is very straightforward, just create a file browse page item with an upload button which calls an onsubmit process (e.g. CreateCollection) of type Excel2Collection[Plug In] - specify the file browse item, a collection name and the CSV separator, then you can do as you please with the data (e.g. you may want to run some validations on the data then insert it into a table where you can access it as normal).

how to show contents of the file rather than filename when searching by solr

I have a lot of pdf files (text inside), and I want to build a simple search engine to search the sentences which contains the given keywords. After several hours' searching, I chose solr as the tool.
I am new to solr. I downloaded latest solr 6.5.0 and set it up in windows 7.
I have used the following commands to create a collection called gettingstarted and can search operation by visiting the link http://localhost:8983/solr/gettingstarted/browse
bin\solr.cmd start
bin\solr.cmd create -c gettingstarted
java -Dauto -Dc=gettingstarted -Drecursive -jar example/exampledocs/post.jar *.pdf
However, it only shows the filename which contains the keyword rather than the detail lines of the file. The following picture shows this case:
I also tried the integrated example called techproducts and to my surprise, it can show the exact sentences which contains the keywords. The following picture shows this case:
So I have a question if I can do something to enable the sentences which contains exact keywords show in the first picture. I don't know about velocity, config files and even the underlying principles. I just want it work, giving the detail search results. I do not care about the security issues and also do not care about the way it shows (uglyness is OK).
It is the first day I play with solr, so maybe I made some mistakes about the description. Thanks for your patience. I need your help.
this is example UI application (solritas )which comes by default with solr.
You should use /select request handler to query, which handles you query and retrieve results.
For Indexing PDF.
when you index pdf, all content inside pdf goes to field called content by default.
Assuming you created gettingstarted collection already.
Navigate to directory example/exampledocs/ and hit this command.
java -Dauto -Dc=gettingstarted -jar post.jar solr-word.pdf
if it indexed successfully. go to admin and search for keyword inside pdf, it should give content field with value (text inside pdf)
example query request URL

How do I search attached files stored in a MS Access 2010 database?

How do I search in MS Access (ver 2010) for data in files attached to records? If I do a "Find" and specify text I KNOW is in an attached txt file to a particular record, there are no hits. While if I have the same data in a Text Field or Memo field, Access finds it. I understood from one of the Access help screens I found that it is possible to search attachments from within Access, but I have not been able to do this yet.
BTW, I did try using the query tool and searching for text I knew was in the attachment, but it was not successful, although it did find the same text within a memo field in another record.
I'm fairly certain that there is no mechanism in Access to find records based on text within a file attachment. A bit of web searching found an earlier question here and the responses seem to agree that there isn't.
One reference from Microsoft here says
By using attachments, you open documents and other non-image files in their parent programs, so from within Access, you can search and edit those files.
but I think that statement could be misinterpreted. I believe what they meant to say was that
"...from within Access you can open an attachment in its parent program and then work on it as usual (e.g., edit it, search it, print it, and so on)."
You can use file system object, open the file as string and search sequentially. That's as close as you'll get
