I'm creating an Azure Search index and would like a field to be globally unique. Initially, I tried using the id field for this purpose, but it looks like certain characters are not allowed in the id field. Is it possible to define a field as globally unique at the time of index schema creation?
"key"- Unique identifier for documents within the index. Exactly one
field must be chosen as the key field and it must be of type
If you encounter characters not being supported in Azure Search, have a look at base64 encoding your field using field mappings.
We need two different types of search (based on user input), partial and exact for few fields that we have and for the same requirement, we require two different analyzers for each field to produce the required output.
Now, the problem is, I'm not able to configure 2 analyzers for a single field. The only option for me is to create two different indexes altogether and then query respective index based on the user input, but clearly, this is not the right solution, it is not scalable, mostly redundant data and takes almost double the space.
I'm trying to create a duplicate field in the same index with different analyzers and use the output of them based on the user input, but I'm not sure how I can configure that in the index. The name of the field is what is used to search for, during query time. Is there a possibility for me to have 2 different fields with different names, which actually point to one field but have different analyzers?
You can have 2 different fields with different names, which actually point to one field with two different analyzers. This can be done using field mappings in indexer definition.
I have created index as shown below,
As highlighted in above screen shot, I have taken two new fields with name cont01 and cont02.
These two new fields will point to field merged_content with two different analyzers.
In indexer definition I have configured field mappings as shown below,
Ran indexer and results are as shown below,
Reference link
Arcade expression to calculate unique ID in ArcGIS Pro
I have a field that I want to be automatically populated with a unique ID whenever a new record is created. I'm pretty rusty at working with Arcade and Attribute Rules. I've figured out how to make a number automatically populate through a sequence and attribute rule, but I don't know how to make the rule take into account the values already in the table.
Using NextSequenceValue, the rule will add an ID that is unique to the new sequence that I created, but it is not unique from the other records that already have IDs. This is an old dataset with loads of different IDs that don't necessarily follow a predictable pattern, otherwise I would just choose my sequence start appropriately (some IDs are in the 100s, some in the 1000s, some even 100,000s, etc.).
I basically want to perform a check where the rule assesses if the ID is unique and if it's not, it adds 1 or something until it is unique.
I tried using a sequence but it doesn't take into account already existing IDs so they aren't truly unique.
I am trying to make my power app have the functionality where only the user using the app can read their own items and edit their own created items.
Getting error Cannot change item-level permissions because this list or document library contains a column that enforces unique values.
Is there a way to fix this? I need some columns to be unique records to identify each unique user.
I'm afraid there is no solution to this unless you disable the unique value of those columns.
It seems like while submitting some column contains duplicate value. Check each unique enforced column value have unique value.
So for example we have field 1 up to 10. I want to index all the field in Azure Search, so you can filter, search on those filters.
My Question is, is there a way to just exclude the fields that are NULL from a specific ID, so not store them in Azure search? See example underneath.
The data itself is initially stored in Azure Cosmos Database.
In Azure Cosmos DB it would like this:
Id 1
field 1: a
field 2: b
field 5: c
field 6: d
field 8: e
Id 2
field 3: a
field 2: b
field 5: c
field 9: d
field 10: e
However in Azure Search Index, it looks like this:
Id 1
field 1:a
field 2:b
field 3:NULL
field 4:NULL
field 5:c
field 6:d
field 7:NULL
field 8:e
field 9:NULL
field 10:NULL
Id 2
field 1:NULL
field 2:b
field 3:a
field 4:NULL
field 5:c
field 6:NULL
field 7:NULL
field 8:NULL
field 9:d
field 10:e
The shortest answer to your question is "no", but it's a little deeper than that.
When you add documents to an Azure Cognitive Search index, the values of each field are stored in a data structure called an inverted index. This stores a dictionary of terms found in the field, and each entry contains a list of document IDs containing that term. It is somewhat similar to a column-oriented database in that regard. The null value that you see in document JSON is never actually stored in the inverted index. This can make it expensive to test whether a field is null, since the query needs to look for all document IDs not contained in the inverted index, but it is perfectly efficient in terms of storage (because it doesn't consume any).
This article has a few simplified examples of how inverted indexes work, although it's about a different topic than your question.
Your broader concern about having many fields defined in your index is a valid one. There is a tradeoff between schema flexibility and resource utilization as you increase the number of fields in your index. However, this is due to the bookkeeping overhead required for each field, not the "number of nulls in the field" (which doesn't really mean anything since nulls aren't stored).
From your question, it sounds like you're trying to model different "entity types" in the same index, resulting in a sparse index where some subset of the documents have one subset of fields defined, while another subset of documents have different fields defined. This is a scenario that we want to better support in the service. One promising future direction could be supporting multi-index query, so each subset of your schema could have its own index with its own distinct (but perhaps overlapping) set of fields. This is not on our immediate roadmap, but it's something we want to investigate further. Please vote on this User Voice item to help us prioritize.
As far as not saving the null values, AFAIK it is not possible. An index in Cognitive Search has a pre-defined schema (much like a relational database table) and based on an attribute's data type an attribute's value will be initialized with a default value (null for most of the data types).
If your concern is storage, it's not a problem since it's an inverted index.
If you have an issue with the complexity of the JSON data returned, you could implement your own intermediate service that just hides all NULL values from the JSON. So, your application queries your own query service which in turn queries the actual Azure service. Just passing along all parameters as-is. The only difference is that your service removes both the key/value from the JSON to make the responses easier to manage.
The response from search would then appear to be identical to your Cosmos record.
Is there an easy way to overwrite a row that contains a unique index, rather than just failing?
Or do I need to do an update and/or a delete then add.
It would be nice to have a setting when trying to add a row that would violate a unique index constraint it would replace the exist row that matches that the unique index.
My db is defined on Azure using a Core (SQL) API. Any thoughts?
Use UpsertItemAsync(). This will work.