Excel: Nesting two Nested IF statements inside one IF statement depending on Dropdown Box - excel

I have 2 Nested IF Statements..
which work as required in two separate columns. What I would like is to Nest them again so that depending on the choice made from a Data Validation dropbox (Choice 1 or Choice 2, in the following) it either displays the date calculated from the first Choice, or from the second. This is what I have, but I can't get it to work. I think I need an OR in there, but I don't know where, as there are so many IFs already.
If it was just one column of dates I can use this..
=IF($I$2="Choice 1",$E4, IF($I$2="Choice 2",$F4,""))
with a couple of helper columns, but I could have as many as 10, which would require 20 helper columns on a spreadsheet that's already 70 odd columns wide, which I'd rather avoid if possible. I've done this on a test worksheet, rather than mess about with the original for now.
EDIT Additional information as requested. (Edited to generic terms as it's a work item)
I have these columns
and using the following dropdown..
would like the date in "Choice 1 OR 2 Increase" to update depending on the selection of either "Choice 1" or Choice 2" information chosen from either of the two sets of Category dropdowns..
This formula takes the information from the first date dropdown and correctly calculates the new date..
with Category 1 - 4, in that order, being the four date sections of this formula.
This formula takes the information from the second date dropdown and correctly calculates the new date..
with Category 5-7, in that order being the three date sections of this formula.
Both formulas work correctly when used independently of each other to populate individual columns, and a third column can be used to get the date required (using the dates already provided separately in two "helper" columns) using the following formula..
=IF($I$2="Choice1",$E3, IF($I$2="Choice2",$F3,""))
What I would like is to be able to combine the actions of both of the above formulas somehow, so that by using the Choice 1/Choice 2 dropdown (Pic 2), it calculates the date depending on the choice in that dropdown box, and also the other two dropdown boxes (Pics 3 + 4) and populates the "Choice 1 OR 2 Increase" column (Pic 1)
If I was only using this one example, I'd just use the helper columns but there will be several, and the sheet is around 70 columns wide already. Combining (at least the actions of) these two formulas into one, will save a lot of extra columns.
I hope that's the information you require..

I would set things up differently, and use a different formula.
Since your Categories and Choices do not overlap, I would combine all the categories into a single table.
Since both Years and Months can have a varying number of days, I'd suggest using EDATE for the additions.
I also used a Named Range for the Choice dropdown,
and a Table for the Category table.
Doing that, you can use this formula (assuming your data table is in A1:Cn)
=EDATE(C2,VLOOKUP(INDEX($A2:$B$5,1,MATCH(Choice,$A$1:$B$1,0)),Category,2,FALSE)*12 + VLOOKUP(INDEX($A2:$B$5,1,MATCH(Choice,$A$1:$B$1,0)),Category,3,FALSE))
The formula
MATCH decides which column of category choice to use
VLOOKUP to return the appropriate years and months
EDATE(Date, years*12 + months)
If you prefer to use your method of adding datevalues, you can apply the same methodology:
Note that the two methods can give different results depending on the day of the month, and whether the end month has the same number of days as the start month.
31 January 2020 + 1 month --> 29 Feb 2020 vs 02 Mar 2020
31 January 2020 + 3 month --> 30 Apr 2020 vs 01 May 2020


In Excel: How to built a graph with time as X, names as Y with multiples series?

I am looking for a way to make a specific graph in Excel and I can't find a solution in Excel or on the web.
I have data about an online training with people completing parts of a course at a certain time:
Part 1
23/03/2022 10:38
Part 2
23/03/2022 12:07
Part 3
23/03/2022 16:55
Part 1
11/03/2022 15:14
Part 2
22/03/2022 12:08
Part 3
28/03/2022 16:06
Part 4
30/03/2022 14:55
Part 5
18/04/2022 08:13
Part 1
11/04/2022 15:25
Part 2
20/04/2022 13:50
I would like to have a specific graph of this data:
On the vertical axis: one row for each user' name: Name-A, Name-B and Name-C.
On the horizontal axis: continuous time (say, in days) From the minimum time in the table (or less) to the maximum (or more)
Series of plots for the data: Each part of the course (from Part 1 to Part 5 here) would be a series of dots of a specific color, placed on the right row (for a learner's name) above the corresponding time on the horizontal axis.
Do you have any idea on how it could be achieved?
All the best, R.S.
Edit: The table does not appear as in the preview so i try to add a screenshot:
Screenshot of the table
So one way to visualise this as mentioned in the comments is to create a separate series for each person and show passing each part of the course as a vertical step:
It's based very loosely on this but I've set each day in the date range as the x-coordinates and used a lookup to transform the data in H2
pulled down and across to give
The data for the graph has dates spanning the times in the raw data for its x-coordinates (column G). I generated it manually but could have used Sequence in Excel 365.
There are three columns of y-values, H to J, generating a separate series for each person. The three lines are initially spaced out by 10 units based on the column number. In the formula above, the raw data is filtered by the person's name so the headers in columns H, I or J match the names in column A in the raw data. Xlookup is used with 'next smallest' match so where the date in column G is greater or equal to the date/time in column C it will return the corresponding course from column B. Because column C actually contains date/times, I have added almost 24 hours when matching the date in column G to make sure that a match is found if the day is the same, regardless of time. In a case like Name-A, where three courses are completed in the same day, this will automatically select the last one (Part 3). Then I take the right-hand character of the course name (which is a digit in the sample data) and add it to the relative column number multiplied by 10. If there is no match, Xlookup returns zero so you just get the initial value for each series (10, 20 or 30), otherwise the result will be an increase by one unit each time a course is passed. If you couldn't assume the last character of the course name was a digit, you would need a lookup to assign a number to each course name.
The data is then plotted on a scatter graph with points joined by straight lines. I had to adjust the x-axis manually to make the range correct and the labelling clearer.
This could be done without Excel 365, probably using Aggregate to get the highest row number with a condition on the name and date.
I could have achieved the same result much more easily using Countifs to find how many courses had been passed by a certain person by a certain date:
This wouldn't have needed Excel 365. If you needed to give different courses different weightings, you could do this with a sumproduct and a lookup, also fairly straightforward.

Excel formula to split an amount per year depending on expenditure days within a date range

I am in the process of building a formula to split a total cost (in column J) based on start and end expenditure periods that can vary from 2021 to 2031. Based on the days between the expenditure period dates (column M), I managed to work out to split the cost using the formulas below up to 2023 but it is not consistent and at times incorrect.
In cell P5 I have the following formula. For year 2021, I seem to get the correct split result.
In cell Q5, I have the following formula. For year 2022, I seem to get the correct spit as well
However, I don't get the right result in cell Q6 which has the same formula but different dates
Cell R6 shouldn't return any result because it is out of date range. This is where things get mixed up.
Note that from column AR to BC, it is all year end dates from 2020 to 2031 as shown below.
Is there a better way to tackle this sort of formula as I seem to get dragged into a long and unreliable way of doing this.
Here single function(♣) that will create a series of pro-rata multipliers (of appropriate length) for any given start/end date:
EDIT: see end of soln for extended version per OP comment to original soln...
It may appear somewhat unwieldy in length, but it is far more robust (and concise) compared to the combination of steps/series you have created. What's more, it returns the precise answer RE: pro-rata payments and is guarenteed to never over/under-run RE: total payment (by design).
Comprises 3 distinct parts (some of which are similar in pattern/formation):
1] First part - create a series (array) of years spanning start-end dates:
Thanks to the lovely Spill functionality the new Office 365 variant Excel boasts, you never have to worry about how many years are required -- so long as you have the space to the right of this workbook (would be unusual otherwise - assuming you start in column O and clear any content to the right of this, you'd need an end date beyond the year 2557 (26th century) to run out of columns! ☺
2] Second part is merely a replica of the firs series, albeit shifted to the right 'once' (so starts with the 2nd element in the 1st series):
3] Third part - you have the basic ingredients from parts 1 and 2 to complete the required task easily: simply deduct series 2 from 1 (giving days between successive dates in series 1 - i.e. days for each year between start and end dates), divide by total days (to yield pro-rata multipliers), and then multiply these by the total £amount and voila - you have your series!
♣ Caveat(s) - assuming you have Office 365 compatible version of Excel (which is quite common nowadays)
Given above, the following extends this to align monetary results (1st table, o11:w21) within respective calendar period columns (spanning the entire period in question).
This soln:
Determines header row based upon the number of columns & corresponding calender periods (financial yrs commencing 1/1) as an array function (i.e. dynamic range)
Utilises a modified version of the eq. provided for dates arrage (refer: "First Part", original soln)
Comment - same caveats as before - i.e. Office 365 etc.
Screenshot(s)/here refers:
DATES (HEADER) - Y10 (array)
Comment - enter once within single cell Y10 - i.e. as an array function with Spill to right
ALIGNED/SHIFTED FINANCIALS - Y11:Y21 (each cell in col is an array)
Comment - enter this as an array fn. (#SPILL! to the right) in each cell within column Y (can drag this function down Y11:Y21 as required)

Get sum of cells containing "Vacation" except when related date matches certain day & month

oversimplified i have two columns: Date and Text; I want to check my current amount of vacation days based on the first date in row 2, so i came up with the following formula:
="Available vacation days: "&YEARFRAC(A2;TODAY())*12*(25/12)
I calculate the fraction of the year based on the first date and todays date, multiply it by 12 to get months and multiply it again by the total amount of vacation days in my contract per month. Now i got another formula to collect me all cells in column B containing "Vacation", pretty straight forward:
Now the interesting part - i got the formula who gives me a boolean if a datetime matches the 24th or 31st of december:
I want to count vacation days happening on a 24th or 31st of december as a half-vacation day (0.5), and otherwise fully (as a 1). Then i want to combine my first statement with this result and subtract the used vacation days. I read about VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP but am unsure if this fits this purpose. I want to avoid having an extra column with my boolean returns and rather have this one cell giving me all the information combined.
Without introducing another column, and using DAY and MONTH
It's nearly impossible, and just unnecessarily so...
Please reconsider this, what will happen if you want to add 4th of July as a holiday?
Your formula =AND(OR(DAY(A53)=24;DAY(A53)=31);MONTH(A53)=12) only works for 1 row at a time. So, we can't ever use it with a list, because you will get the whole list as a result every single time. You can't divide them into smaller lists and join them together, there is no such functionality without VBA.
In the future, do not set arbitrary constraints like "no additional columns", you can hide them if you don't like them. And if you don't need them, remove unnecessary rows like non-vacation rows. They are irrelevant, so why not separate the two.
Just to prove my point, here's the solution you wanted:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B9;"Vacation") - (COUNT(IFERROR(FILTER(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12);DAY(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12))=31);0))+(COUNT(IFERROR(FILTER(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12);DAY(FILTER(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation");MONTH(FILTER(A2:A9;B2:B9="Vacation"))=12))=24);0))))*0,5
It works, but it's a pain to read, use and maintain.
A2:A9 refers to the dates column
B2:B9 refers to the text column
So in the future, the last thing you want to do is set arbitrary constraints. Furthermore, why use functions like MONTH and DAY when we can just read the text? That way you could even create a table of holidays to search for instead. That will be no fun task with this setup. (Oh, and if it's because of the year, just strip it away from the text when you want to know only the month and day.
Best of luck!

Duplicate in Excel

I am having an issue with excel formula which I am unable to write. I have 2 columns Interest rate and Maturity. Through pivot I get the data year wise. Problem is that when there are multiple values for same year, pivot should keep value as blank and I also need to add a formula that checks if interest rate for particular year remains same like in below case of 2021. If that stands true then I need to populate value. If you provide me a code for VBA or formula then it will be a big help !!!
Int Rate Maturity
2.14% 2020
4.08% 2023
3.82% 2024
3.19% 2026
3.93% 2027
2.11% 2021
2.11% 2021
2.79% 2019
2.99% 2023
This is how I solved it:
Start with a simple COUNTIF to count whether a year is duplicate or not.
Then create a (hidden) column that concatenates the year and its interest rate by using CONCAT.
Now perform the same COUNTIF on the column containing the concatenated data. By testing this column, you are testing the uniqueness of a combination "year-interest rate".
Use a simple IF. If the number you obtained in (1) is equal to the number obtained in (3) it means the year/interest rate combination is valid. If the numbers are not equal, it means there are at least 2 conflicting entries.

Spotfire: Select data from column based on criteria

I have a data table in Spotfire which contains two columns I'm interested in: Time (31/01/2015 for example), and Value (integer).
I want the most recent date (e.g. December 2015) to be set as the current time. Then I want to select Value based on previous 1 month, 3 months, 6 months etc. So if I want all the values for past 6 months it should Sum(Values) for Dec.2015, November.2015, October.2015, September.2015, August.2015 and return that.
So far I've only been able to accomplish this by manually performing the task in Excel before I insert it into Spotfire so is there any way to create a calculated column for each of the periods I want? (Past month, 3 months etc.)
There's likely a number of ways to solve this, but I'm going to give one suggestion and we'll see how it fits your specific case.
You can add a calculated column for each timespan you are interested in, defined like this:
Sum(if (DateAdd('month', 3, [Time]) >= Max([Time]), [Value], null))
This example would get you a column with all the values that have occured in the past 3 months, replace the number 3 in there to modify to the timespans you are interested in. A full sum of the calculated column would get you the total for that timespan.
Might be nicer to use a boolean column instead of duplicating the value column. Then your calculated columns would be defined as:
DateAdd('month', 3, [Time]) >= Max([Time])
When calculating totals you would then use an if statement using the calculated column, like this:
where [3Months] is a boolean column.
