Mongoose: Update of array inside another nested array element not working as expected - node.js

Here is my mongo schema:
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af2fc5f23667adf3bbaf2"),
"score": 2.5,
"questions": [{
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af30d5f23667adf3bbaf5"),
"desc": "some text",
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf8"),
"desc": "some text",
"options": [{
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf9"),
"name": "some name",
"desc": "description 1"
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbafa"),
"name": "some name",
"desc": "description 2"
I've to update the name and desc of the option having id as 5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf9 which is in the one of the array elements of the question attribute having id as 5f8af30d5f23667adf3bbaf5 which is again part of the data having id as 5f8af2fc5f23667adf3bbaf2
Tried the following query which is getting executed successfully but not updating the option:
_id : ObjectId("5f8af2fc5f23667adf3bbaf2"),
"questions._id": ObjectId("5f8af30d5f23667adf3bbaf5"),
"questions.options._id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf9"),
}, {
$set: {
"questions.$[q].options.$[o].order": data.order,
"questions.$[q].options.$[o].definition": data.definition,
"questions.$[q].options.$[o].type": data.type,
arrayFilters: [{ "q._id": ObjectId(qid) }, { "o._id": ObjectId(oid) }]
Is tihs possible to do in a single mongoose findOneAndUpdate method?

Your query is correct, I have just hardcoded object id values in array filter and it is updating the documents. I have updated name and desc as u said. Do try this out. One more thing in mongoose u have to specify the object id as "mongoose.Types.ObjectId".
Therefore in your case it would be like "q._id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf8").
And one more thing is that you are using findAndUpdate, try using update only depending on your mongoose version
Here is mongoplayground:
_id: ObjectId("5f8af2fc5f23667adf3bbaf2"),
"questions._id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf8"),
"questions.options._id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf9")
$set: {
"questions.$[q].options.$[o].name": "anotherName",
"questions.$[q].options.$[o].desc": "anotherDesc"
arrayFilters: [
"q._id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf8")
"o._id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf9")
Output :
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af2fc5f23667adf3bbaf2"),
"questions": [
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af30d5f23667adf3bbaf5"),
"desc": "some text"
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf8"),
"desc": "some text",
"options": [
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbaf9"),
"desc": "anotherDesc",
"name": "anotherName"
"_id": ObjectId("5f8af3115f23667adf3bbafa"),
"desc": "description 2",
"name": "some name"
"score": 2.5


MongoDB Aggregation - How to condition for $set

I am unwinding a lookup joined by { preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } option to include documents whose sizes field is null, missing, or an empty array. But in my case, I need to join nested lookup and the output result is not as I expected.
Specifically, I am being to set a new buyer field by the $set operator from lookup but if this lookup is null or empty array it will return [ { } ] and I don't want that. How can I replace [ { } ] with empty array?
The result I got:
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"buyers": [
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000003"),
"buyer": {
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000004"),
"display_name": "Phineas",
"user_id": "123"
"post_id": 1,
"user_id": "123"
"content": "content book 1",
"title": "title book 1"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000002"),
"buyers": [
"content": "content book 3",
"title": "title book 3"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000001"),
"buyers": [
"content": "content book 2",
"title": "title book 2"
The result that I expected:
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"buyers": [
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000003"),
"buyer": {
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000004"),
"display_name": "Phineas",
"user_id": "123"
"post_id": 1,
"user_id": "123"
"content": "content book 1",
"title": "title book 1"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000002"),
"buyers": [],
"content": "content book 3",
"title": "title book 3"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000001"),
"buyers": [],
"content": "content book 2",
"title": "title book 2"
Now you can see my code in the Mongo playground link:
Comparing your actual output and MongoDB Playground link, I believe that you miss out the $unset stage.
$unset: "buyers.buyers"
While after the $unset stage, you can add $set stage to update the buyers field by filtering the document which is not empty document via $filter.
$set: {
buyers: {
$filter: {
input: "$buyers",
cond: {
$ne: [
Demo # Mongo Playground

Update a value in array of objects MongoDb

"name": "user2",
"avatar": 1,
"email": "",
"categories": [
"cname": "Category 1",
"list": [
"status": "pending",
"name": "List Item 1"
"status": "pending",
"name": "List Item 2"
I want to update "categories.list.status" = "pending" to "completed". How can I do it? I tried using positional operator($) but it is giving error too many positional operator.
If you are using Mongoose (as your tags suggest), you can just update the value in the document object and then save it
document.list[0].status = "completed";;
I tried this. It worked.
document.updateOne({_id: id}, {
$set: {
"categories.$[].list.$[ele].status" : status
arrayFilters: [{"" : name}]

How to find data based on sub-field name in MongoDB using Mongoose?

There is a sub-field called 'name' in MongoDB Collection (User):
"teacher": {
"name": "Alex",
"email": ""
"waiter": {
"name": "Feliks",
"email": ""
"pilot": [
"name": "Sam",
"email": ""
"name": "alice",
"email": ""
"teacher": {
"name": "max",
"email": ""
"waiter": {
"name": "Sam",
"email": ""
"pilot": [
"name": "richard",
"email": ""
"name": "alice",
"email": ""
How can I find data based on the field 'name'. For example, when I'm looking for 'Sam', it should return me the all documents since 'Sam' is in "waiter" and "pilot" in first and second documents respectively.
I cannot do something like:
User.find({"": "Sam", "": "Sam", "": "Sam" })
This will return me nothing as it is an AND logic. What I need is an OR logic.
You can use the $or operator.
So the query should look like this:
User.find({ $or: [
{ "": "Sam" },
{ "": "Sam" },
{ "": "Sam" }
Read here for me details.

mongodb aggregate on array of objects

I'm trying to group my participants array in to such a way that for a single participant I should get all the meeting under that participant in an array.
"_id": "5fc73e7131e6a20f6c492178",
"participants": [
"_id": "5fc74bc5e7c54d0ea8f133ca",
"rsvp": "Yes",
"name": "Participant 1",
"email": ""
"_id": "5fc74e1254b8d337b4ae36d2",
"rsvp": "Not Answered",
"name": "Participant 2",
"email": ""
"title": "Meeting 1",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T18:30:00.000Z",
"endTime": "2020-11-03T18:30:00.000Z"
"_id": "5fc73f1cdfc45d3ca0c84654",
"participants": [
"_id": "5fc74bc5e7c54d0ea8f133ca",
"rsvp": "Yes",
"name": "Participant 2",
"email": ""
"title": "Meeting 2",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T18:30:00.000Z",
"endTime": "2020-11-03T18:30:00.000Z"
my expected result should be like
"participant": {
"_id": "5fc74bc5e7c54d0ea8f133ca",
"rsvp": "Yes",
"name": "Participant 1",
"email": ""
meetings: [{meeting1, meeting2, ...and so on}]
"participant": {
"_id": "5fc74bc5e7c54d0ea8f133ca",
"rsvp": "Yes",
"name": "Participant 2",
"email": ""
meetings: [{meeting2, meeting3, ...and so on}]
I'm kinda stuck for hours to figure it out. I tried the approach by using $group and $unwind but I was getting participants as an array consisting of a single participant(object). and on that I was unable to run $match to match according to the participant's email because participants field was an array.
I tried this
const docs = await Meeting.aggregate([
{ $unwind: '$participants' },
$lookup: {
from: 'participants',
localField: 'participants',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'participants'
{ $match },
{ $group: { _id: "$participants", meetings: { $push: "$$ROOT" } } },
but this is not matching the expected result which I want it to be.
You can unwind to deconstruct the array and use group to get your desired output
"$unwind": "$participants"
$group: {
_id: "$participants._id",
participants: {
$first: "$participants"
meetings: {
"$addToSet": "$title"
Working Mongo playground

Using Mongoose JS to get array of pointer values for document, and expand return

What I am trying to do is the following.
I have objects that could live in multiple documents, and although I am not sure if this is best practice, I am using their ObjectId as pointers.
Document A
"_id": {
"$oid": "51a02dade4b02780aeee5ab7"
"title": "My Document A",
"artifacts": [
Document B
"_id": {
"$oid": "51a02dade4b02780aeee5ab7"
"title": "My Document A",
"artifacts": [
The individual artifact looks something like. If this artifact changes then there is no need to update the documents that it lives in:
"_id": {
"$oid": "51a81d8ee4b084336fea2d33"
"title": "Artifact A",
"media": {
"player": "video",
"source": ""
What I'd like to do, is get an expanded list of all the artifacts shown in either doc A or doc B in an array something like:
"_id": {
"$oid": "51a81d8ee4b084336fea2d33"
"title": "Artifact A",
"media": {
"player": "video",
"source": ""
"_id": {
"$oid": "123455e4b084336fea2d33"
"title": "Artifact B",
"media": {
"player": "video",
"source": ""
The way I have done it in the past is by POSTing from client a list of Ids and then using
{_id: { $in: userQuestArray} }
but if i am constantly posting back to node from the client it seems a bit inefficient. Especially if the array I am posting is hundreds of items long.
Mongoose provide you a feature population which exactly does the same thing you are looking for In your case what you need to do is
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, Schema = mongoose.Schema
var tempSchema = Schema({
title : String,
artifacts : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Artifacts' }]
var artifactsSchema = Schema({
title : String,
media : { player: String, source: String, }
var tempModel = mongoose.model('Temp', tempSchema);
var artifactsModel = mongoose.model('Artifacts', artifactsSchema);
Now whenever artifacts documents gets created you need to push that in respective temp dcoument artifacts array as shown in mongoose documentation. You can retrive it like that
.exec(function (err, results) {
if (err)
//results contains data in form shown below
"_id": {
"$oid": "51a02dade4b02780aeee5ab7"
"title": "My Document A",
"artifacts": [{
"_id": {
"$oid": "51a81d8ee4b084336fea2d33"
"title": "Artifact A",
"media": {
"player": "video",
"source": ""
"_id": {
"$oid": "123455e4b084336fea2d33"
"title": "Artifact B",
"media": {
"player": "video",
"source": ""
