How to mock multiple urls in request mock - python-3.x

I have a method which is calling two different end points and validating there response.
def foo_bar:
status_1 =
"http://myapi/test/status1", {},
status_2 =
"http://myapi/test/status2", {},
# and check the responses ...
I want to mock the both the url in pytest like this:
def foo_test:
with requests_mock.Mocker() as m1:'http://myapi/test/status1',
headers={'x-api-key': my_api_key})'http://myapi/test/status2',
headers={'x-api-key': my_api_key})
It always throws the error
**NO mock address: http://myapi/test/status2**
seems like its only mocking first url.
So is there any way to mock more than one url in one method?

Yes there is. From the docs: "There is a special symbol at requests_mock.ANY which acts as the wildcard to match anything. It can be used as a replace for the method and/or the URL."
import requests_mock
with requests_mock.Mocker() as rm:, text='resp')
I am not sure if this is the best way but it works for me. You can assert afterwards which URLs were called with:
urls = [r._request.url, for r in rm._adapter.request_history]

I think you have something else going on, it's very normal to mock out a single path like this at a time so that you can return different values from different paths simply. Your example works for me:
import requests
import requests_mock
with requests_mock.Mocker() as m1:
my_api_key = 'key''http://myapi/test/status1',
headers={'x-api-key': my_api_key})'http://myapi/test/status2',
headers={'x-api-key': my_api_key})
headers = {'a': 'b'}
status_1 ="http://myapi/test/status1", {}, headers=headers)
status_2 ="http://myapi/test/status2", {}, headers=headers)
assert status_1.status_code == 200
assert status_2.status_code == 200

Yes, there is a way!
You need to use additional_matcher callback (see docs) and requests_mock.ANY as URL.
Your example (with context manager)
import requests
import requests_mock
headers = {'key': 'val', 'another': 'header'}
def my_matcher(request):
url = request.url
mocked_urls = [
return url in mocked_urls # True or False
# as Context manager
with requests_mock.Mocker() as m1:
requests_mock.ANY, # Mock any URL before matching
additional_matcher=my_matcher, # Mock only matched
r ='http://myapi/test/status1')
print(f"{r.text} | {r.headers}")
r ='http://myapi/test/status2')
print(f"{r.text} | {r.headers}")
# r = requests.get('http://myapi/test/status3').text # 'NoMockAddress' exception
Adaptation for pytest
Note: import requests_mock library with alias (because requests_mock is a fixture in pytest tests)
See example for pytest framework, GET method and your URLs:
import requests
import requests_mock as req_mock
def my_matcher(request):
url = request.url
mocked_urls = [
return url in mocked_urls # True or False
def test_mocking_several_urls(requests_mock): # 'requests_mock' is fixture here
req_mock.ANY, # Mock any URL before matching
additional_matcher=my_matcher, # Mock only matched
text="Some fake response for all matched URLs",
... Do your requests ...
# GET URL#1 -> response "Some fake response for all matched URLs"
# GET URL#2 -> response "Some fake response for all matched URLs"
# GET URL#N -> Raised exception 'NoMockAddress'


Why is django test client throwing away my extra headers

I'm trying to test a view that makes use of some headers. In my test code I have something like this:
headers = {'X-Github-Event': 'pull_request'}
body = {useful stuff}
url = reverse(my_view)
I've tried making requests to my view using all possible combinations of the following clients and post calls:
client = Client(extra=headers)
client = APIClient(headers=headers)
client = APIClient(extra=headers)
response =, data=body, format="json", headers=headers)
response =, data=body, format="json", extra=headers)
My view effectively looks like this:
#api_view(["POST", "GET"])
def github_webhook(request):
My X-Github-Event header is never printed out by my view when it is called from my test code.
If I run runserver and send a request to that endpoint then the headers work perfectlty fine. It's just the test code that is broken.
What am I missing here? How can I set the headers for my tests?
I think that the following snippet will help you:
import json
from django.test import TestCase
from rest_framework.test import APIClient
class FooTestCase(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
cls.client = APIClient(ACCEPT='application/json')
def test_foo(self):
headers = {"ACCEPT": "application/json", 'HTTP_X_GITHUB_EVENT': 'pull_request'}
url = reverse(my_view)
payload = json.dumps(body)
response =, data=payload, content_type='application/json', **headers)

How to assert a monkey patch was called in pytest?

Consider the following:
class MockResponse:
status_code = 200
def json():
return {'key': 'value'}
# where api_session is a fixture
def test_api_session_get(monkeypatch, api_session) -> None:
def mock_get(*args, **kwargs):
return MockResponse()
monkeypatch.setattr(requests.Session, 'get', mock_get)
response = api_session.get('endpoint/') # My wrapper around requests.Session
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.json() == {'key': 'value'}
'user-agent': 'blah',
How can I assert that the get I am patching gets called with '/endpoint' and headers? When I run the test now I get the following failure message:
FAILED test/utility/ - AttributeError: 'MonkeyPatch' object has no attribute 'assert_called_with'
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks to all those of who reply in advance.
Going to add another response that uses monkeypatch rather than "you can't use monkeypatch"
Since python has closures, here is my poor man's way of doing such things with monkeypatch:
patch_called = False
def _fake_delete(keyname):
nonlocal patch_called
patch_called = True
assert ...
monkeypatch.setattr("mymodule._delete", _fake_delete)
res = client.delete(f"/.../{delmeid}"). # this is a flask client
assert res.status_code == 200
assert patch_called
In your case, since we are doing similar things with patching an HTTP servers method handler, you could do something like (not saying this is pretty):
param_called = None
def _fake_delete(param):
nonlocal param_called
patch_called = param
assert ...
monkeypatch.setattr("mymodule._delete", _fake_delete)
res = client.delete(f"/.../{delmeid}")
assert res.status_code == 200
assert param_called == "whatever this should be"
You need a Mock object to call assert_called_with - monkeypatch does not provide that out of the box. You can use unittest.mock.patch with side_effect instead to achieve this:
from unittest import mock
import requests
def test_api_session_get(mocked, api_session) -> None:
def mock_get(*args, **kwargs):
return MockResponse()
mocked.side_effect = mock_get
response = api_session.get('endpoint/')
'user-agent': 'blah',
Using side_effect is needed to still get a mock object (mocked in this case, of type MagickMock), instead of just setting your own object in patch, otherwise you won't be able to use the assert_called_... methods.

python django Mock SAML Response from onelogin.saml.auth library using python3-saml

I have implemented for our django back-end application (SP) possibility to login via SAML, as IDP im using Keycloak. It works fine, but I want to write tests to be sure that all logic is being executed correctly. For this I want to generate a post request with SAML as body and mock (unittest.mock.patch) the real request. But i stuck.
Here is my django view, which accepts get and post requests when I try to login via SAML:
class SamlLoginView(View):
def prepare_django_request(request):
if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' in request.META:
server_port = 443
server_port = request.META.get('SERVER_PORT')
result = {
'https': 'on' if request.is_secure() else 'off',
'http_host': request.META['HTTP_HOST'],
'script_name': request.META['PATH_INFO'],
'server_port': server_port,
'get_data': request.GET.copy(),
'post_data': request.POST.copy(),
return result
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
req = SamlLoginView.prepare_django_request(self.request)
auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, settings.SAML_IDP_SETTINGS)
return_url = self.request.GET.get('next') or settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL
return HttpResponseRedirect(auth.login(return_to=return_url))
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
req = SamlLoginView.prepare_django_request(self.request)
auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, settings.SAML_IDP_SETTINGS)
errors = auth.get_errors()
if not errors:
if auth.is_authenticated():"Login", extra={'action': 'login',
'userid': auth.get_nameid()})
user = authenticate(request=self.request,
login(self.request, user)
return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
raise PermissionDenied()
return HttpResponseBadRequest("Error when processing SAML Response: %s" % (', '.join(errors)))
In my tests, I wanted to directly call the post method, in which there will be a saml inside:
class TestSamlLogin(TestCase):
def test_saml_auth(self, prepare):
client = APIClient()
url = reverse_lazy("miri_auth:samllogin")
saml_resp='<xml with saml response>'
resp =, data=saml_resp)
but obviously it shows that request.POST is empty.
I then decided to make a mock for the prepare_django_request function, and manually insert the saml:
def mocked_prepare_request(request):
post_query_dict = QueryDict(mutable=True)
post_data = {
'SAMLResponse': saml_xml,
'RelayState': '/accounts/profile/'
result = {
'https': 'on',
'http_host': '<http-host>',
'script_name': '/api/auth/samllogin/',
'server_port': '443',
'get_data': {},
'post_data': post_query_dict,
return result
class TestSamlLogin(TestCase):
#patch('miri_auth.views.SamlLoginView.prepare_django_request', side_effect=mocked_prepare_request)
def test_saml_auth(self, prepare):
client = APIClient()
url = reverse_lazy("miri_auth:samllogin")
saml_resp='<xml with saml response>'
resp =, data=saml_resp)
and depending on how I pass the saml_xml it throws different errors, if i define it as string:
with open(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_PATH, 'saml.xml')) as f:
saml_xml = " ".join([x.strip() for x in f])
it returns: lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Start tag expected, '<' not found, line 1, column 1, although I checked the output from saml_xml in the xml validator and it says that the xml is valid.
When i try to parse the file into xml in advance, i get another error later,
libraries with which I tried to parse:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
from lxml import etree
tree = etree.parse(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_PATH, 'saml.xml'))
it returns:
TypeError: argument should be a bytes-like object or ASCII string, not '_ElementTree'
Debugging these errors didn't lead me to any solution.
If anyone has any thoughts on how this can be implemented (Mocking response with SAML), or where I made a mistake, I would be glad to hear.
Thank in advance
I realized that the SAML Response must be encoded:
with open(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_PATH, 'saml.xml')) as f:
saml_xml = " ".join([x.strip() for x in f])
base64_saml = base64.b64encode(saml_xml.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii')
post_data = {'SAMLResponse': base64_saml, 'RelayState': '/accounts/profile/'}
url = reverse_lazy("miri_auth:samllogin")
request =, post_data)
but now i am getting the following errors:
func=xmlSecOpenSSLEvpDigestVerify:file=digests.c:line=280:obj=sha256:subj=unknown:error=12:invalid data:data and digest do not match

Get cookie using aiohttp

I am trying to get cookies from the browser using aiohttp. From the docs and googling I have only found articles about setting cookies in aiohttp.
In flask I would get the cookies as simply as
cookie = request.cookies.get('name_of_cookie')
# do something with cookie
Is there a simple way to fetch the cookie from browser using aiohttp?
Is there a simple way to fetch the cookie from the browser using aiohttp?
Not sure about whether this is simple but there is a way:
import asyncio
import aiohttp
async def main():
urls = [
for url in urls:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(cookie_jar=aiohttp.CookieJar()) as s:
async with s.get(url) as r:
print('JSON', await r.json())
cookies = s.cookie_jar.filter_cookies('')
for key, cookie in cookies.items():
print('Key: "%s", Value: "%s"' % (cookie.key, cookie.value))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
The program generates the following output:
JSON: {'cookies': {'test': 'ok'}}
Key: "test", Value: "ok"
Example adapted from +
Now if you want to do a request using a previously set cookie:
import asyncio
import aiohttp
url = ''
# Filtering for the cookie, saving it into a varibale
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(cookie_jar=aiohttp.CookieJar()) as s:
cookies = s.cookie_jar.filter_cookies('')
for key, cookie in cookies.items():
if key == 'test':
cookie_value = cookie.value
# Using the cookie value to do anything you want:
# e.g. sending a weird request containing the cookie in the header instead.
headers = {"Authorization": "Basic f'{cookie_value}'"}
async with s.get(url, headers=headers) as r:
print(await r.json())
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
For testing urls containing a host part made up by an IP address use aiohttp.ClientSession(cookie_jar=aiohttp.CookieJar(unsafe=True)), according to
Yes, the cookies are stored in request.cookies as a dict, just like in flask, so request.cookies.get('name_of_cookie') works the same.
In the examples section of the aiohttp repository there is a file, that shows how to retrieve, set, and delete a cookie. Here's the section from that script that reads the cookies and returns it to the template as a preformatted string:
from pprint import pformat
from aiohttp import web
tmpl = '''\
async def root(request):
resp = web.Response(content_type='text/html')
resp.text = tmpl.format(pformat(request.cookies))
return resp
You can get the cookie value, domain, path etc, without having to loop thru all cookies.
gives you all the cookies in a defaultdict with the domains as keys and their respective cookies as values. aiohttp uses SimpleCookie
So, to get the value of a cookie
for domain, path:
more info can be found here:

How to capture API failure while using oauthlib.oauth2 fetch_token

The Python3 fetch_token method in this library does not check the response status before consuming the response. If the API call it makes fails, then the response will be invalid and the script crashes. Is there something I can set so that an exception will be raised on a non-success response before the library can read the response?
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient
from oauthlib.oauth2 import OAuth2Error
AUTH_TOKEN_URL = "" # For testing
AUTH = HTTPBasicAuth("anID", "aSecret")
CLIENT = BackendApplicationClient(client_id="anID")
SCOPES = "retailer.orders.write"
class MyApp:
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize ... and obtain initial auth token for request"""
self.client = OAuth2Session(client=CLIENT)
"Content-Type": "application/json"
def __authenticate(self):
"""Obtain auth token."""
server_errors = 0
# This needs more work. fetch_token is not raising errors but failing
# instead.
while True:
self.token = self.client.fetch_token(
token_url=AUTH_TOKEN_URL, auth=AUTH, scope=SCOPES
except (OAuth2Error, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as e:
server_errors = MyApp.__process_retry(
server_errors, e, None, MAX_API_RETRIES
def __process_retry(errors, exception, resp, max_retries):
# Log and process retries
# ...
return errors + 1
MyApp() # Try it out
You can add a "compliance hook" that will be passed the Response object from requests before the library attempts to parse it, like so:
def raise_on_error(response):
return response
self.client.register_compliance_hook('access_token_response', raise_on_error)
Depending on exactly when you may get errors, you might want to do this with 'refresh_token_response' and/or 'protected_request' as well. See the docstring for the register_compliance_hook method for more info.
