libsodium.dll runtimes folder was not found - nuget-package

I'm using libsodium package to implement password hashing.
After installing the nuget package the entries are created in package.config and project file as below:
<Reference Include="Sodium, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
The following Error occur after the build:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Could not copy the file "C:\Projects\GIT\EP2\ep2-api.git\Applications\AMS\packages\runtimes\win-x86\native\libsodium.dll" because it was not found. Ace.Ams.Web
In order to fix the above error I'm manually adding the below configuration settings in csproj file but still it's not working, and then I tried to manually copy the "runtimes" folder from the libsodium package path to above path and it's working in my local build but my bamboo auto build fails.
<None Include="runtimes\win7-x86\native\**\*">
<None Include="runtimes\win7-x64\native\**\*">
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' != 'net461'">
<None Include="runtimes\osx-x64\native\**\*">
<None Include="runtimes\linux-x64\native\**\*">


Why am I getting duplicate errors in my obj/Release/net6.0 folder after building and deploying Azure function in VS Code

My Azure function works, I can debug it, and deploy it no problem. But when I deploy it and it gets built into the release folder I see errors in the obj -> Release/net6.0 folder.
FYI - I deploy by using the Azure extension and in the Azure workspace panel I click on deploy, then choose my resource group and it runs on it's own and deploys no problem.
I'm wondering if it has something to do with the name I gave my project
"Functions" ?
I'll post what I see below.
Here is my .csproj file for the Azure function project
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions" Version="4.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="6.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" Version="6.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions" Version="1.1.0" />
<None Update="host.json">
<None Update="local.settings.json">
<ProjectReference Include="..\Core\Core.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\Infrastructure\Infrastructure.csproj" />
I was having a similar/related problem a week ago (if you ask me to recall it, I'd need to go through heaps of my screenshots). I was able to deploy my Azure function via GitHub but it wouldn't work and I made satisfactory progress by changing (in the Azure Portal) the value of Configuration | Function Runtime Settings | Runtime Version to the value: ~4. However, just today, the portal is warning me to go back to the value: ~3. So, it is just something you might want to try and be prepared to undo.
On a loosely related topic, yesterday I started having problems with deployment again (via GitHub CI/CD). Today, in the Activity Log under a "Sync Web Apps Function Triggers" entry I saw the error: "Encountered an error (BadGateway) from host runtime". A few minutes later it was cleared (and it said it had run for 13 minutes). Now, I'd been in the portal about 15 minutes, so that might have fixed today's issue -- I figured the job was still in the queue and today it was able to pick it up and work it through. By visiting the function in the portal, it must have helped initialize it somehow. Still working on this one. I'll try resetting the Runtime Version value back to the suggested value ~3.
Good luck with your issue. Cheers, Henk.
I have tried replicating your setup (e.g. "Functions" name) on a Mac with Visual Studio details bellow, without any issues however. If you've used any preview version of VS or even Azure Function Extensions, then I suggest you re-create a new project and import your artifacts.
My setup is the following:
Release ID: 1703001972
Git revision: 8eb3c1bb0f14a8e54ee7c227c7047c46cff6ee8c. Build date: 2022-07-12 19:09:28+00
Build branch: release-17.3
Running on .NET 6.0.5 (64-bit)
Operating System: Mac OS X 12.4.0
Darwin 21.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.5.0

ASP .NET Core : Directory.EnumerateFiles and IIS hosting

When I publish my ASP .NET Core (v.2.2) web application on a IIS-server it throws an exception on this line:
Directory.EnumerateFiles(_environment.ContentRootPath + #"/Pages/API")
The exception:
An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Release\MySite\Pages\API'.
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException at
path, Boolean ignoreNotFound)
When I look inside the published folder there is no API folder, but should it not be inside of my website dll? Or can I not use relative or absolute paths to find files in my web project when I publish it on ISS?
Note: The pages in folder API have Build Action : content, and the code works without problem in development (with IIS-express).
For core, it will precompile views while publishing into Project.Views.dll. For Directory.EnumerateFiles, it only lists the real exist files in the disk.
For a solution, try to modify your project.csproj to add <MvcRazorCompileOnPublish>false</MvcRazorCompileOnPublish>.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Design" Version="2.2.0" PrivateAssets="All" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design" Version="2.2.0" />

DevOps: Build Solution task not copying Web.config file

In our DevOps build pipeline, the Build Solution task is properly transforming the "web.base.config" file to "web.config" file, however the artifact file contains only the "web.base.config" and not "web.config".
Our visual studio project file / config file setup looks like this:
<Content Include="Web.Base.config" />
<None Include="Web.Debug.config">
<None Include="Web.Dev.config">
<None Include="Web.QA.config">
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" Condition="'$(PublishProfileName)' == '' And '$(WebPublishProfileFile)' == ''">
<TransformXml Source="Web.Base.config" Transform="Web.$(Configuration).config" Destination="Web.config" />
The msbuild arguments for the Build Solution task look like this:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:DesktopBuildPackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\" /p:DeployIisAppPath="Default Web Site"
In the build log file, I can see the transformation taking place successfully.
2019-01-31T21:13:32.1186618Z BeforeBuild:
2019-01-31T21:13:32.1186784Z Transforming Source File: Web.Base.config
2019-01-31T21:13:32.2198256Z Applying Transform File: Web.Dev.config
2019-01-31T21:13:32.4750975Z Output File: Web.config
2019-01-31T21:13:32.5213915Z Transformation succeeded
What do I need to do to get the transformed "Web.config" file to the artifact staging folder?
The issue is resolved - the Web.config file itself had to be part of the CSPROJ file, which it wasn't. Once I added it to the project file, I saw it published/pushed to the web site. I added it to the proj file like this:
<Content Include="Web.config" />
<Content Include="Web.Base.config" />
<None Include="Web.Debug.config">

Azure web role deploy does not copy non-project files

We are trying to deploy an AngularJs website to azure that is build with gulp. So we develop in a source application and gulp copies the files to the dist project. The dist project is a Azure cloud source Web Role. The "compiled" files are inside of the project folder, though for some reason they are not copied.
We turned on the option Properties -> Package/Publich Web -> All files in this project folder
After deploying I only see the packes.config, web.config and bin folder. Is there anything we need to do to get the rest of the files deployed?
Yep, gulp generated files are not actually part of the project (included in the xx.csproj file) which is why "All files..." does not work. We accomplish this by adding some custom targets for build to the project file - our gulp files are in a folder called "dist".
Unload Project >> Edit... then include something like:
<Target Name="CustomCollectFiles">
<_DistFiles Include="dist\**\*" />
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="%(_DistFiles.Identity)">
<_SrcFiles Include="src\**\*" />
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="%(_SrcFiles.Identity)">
<Target Name="AfterBuild" DependsOnTargets="CustomCollectFiles">
<Copy SourceFiles="#(_DistFiles)" DestinationFolder="dist" />

CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMsdeployDependsOn hook works on local but not when built in TFS

With reference to this article by SamStephens and this by Sayed, I have managed to include additional dependent files during packaging when built LOCALLY using Visual Studio 2012.
The issue starts when I built the codes in TFS. Looking through the logs, it looks like the CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMsdeployDependsOn is not hooked on.
CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMsdeployDependsOn =
CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackageDependsOn =
So I have a Deployment.csproj with a CreatePackage.targets file and in this target file, it would build the web application project. The following is the snippet of the file which I combine what I learned from both the articles stated earlier.
<!-- Create Web Deploy package for local build. -->
<Target Name="WebPackage" Condition="'$(TfsBuild)' == ''">
<!-- MSBuild the project. -->
<MSBuild Projects="..\webapplication.csproj"
<AssemblySource Condition="'$(TfsBuild)' == ''">$(SolutionDir)\ProjectA\bin\$(Configuration)\ProjectA.dll</AssemblySource>
<AssemblySource Condition="'$(TfsBuild)' == 'true'">$(OutputDirectory)ProjectA.dll</AssemblySource>
<Target Name="DefineAssemblies">
<FilesToInclude Include="$(AssemblySource)">
</FilesToInclude >
<Target Name="CustomCollectFiles">
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="#(FilesToInclude )">
So the question is: Why is this working nicely locally in VS2012 and not in the TFS build?
I've been stuck in this for two days now so I would really appreciate any help.
