Twig equivalent of lcfirst - twig

I'm not able to find a equivalent of lcfirst php function in Twig, my need is to lower only the first letter of a word ?
If such function doesn't exist, what is the best way to do it ?

As discussed in this issue on Github, you could use:
{{ foo[:1]|lower ~ foo[1:] }}
See this working example.

Just add the function into twig by chaining it with a filter, e.g.
$twig->addFilter(new \Twig\TwigFilter('lcfirst', 'lcfirst'));
Then use it inside any twig template like
{{ string | lcfirst }}

You can use a capitalize filter:
{{ 'my first car'|capitalize }}
{# outputs 'My first car' #}


Variables concatenation

After about an year of using Smarty i wanted to try Twig.
I am facing a problem concatenating a string and a variable to build dynamically the titles of the page when i switch the language.
In Smarty, the controller passes to the template the variables:
$title_it and $title_en
For the title of the page i do <title>{$title_{$lang}}</title> (where $lang is a global variable) and i can switch the values of the variables when i change the language.
I am not able to replicate this behaviour in Twig.
I tried the following methods without having success:
{{ title_ ~ {{ lang }} }} (I think Twig sees the variable "title_" doesn't exists.
'title_'~{{ lang }} (This prints 'title_it' and not it's content)
Is there a way to keep this logic and continuing to use this approach or do i have to handle the titles of the pages differenly?
Thanks a lot,
The _context variable holds all variables in the current context, so you can do:
{{ _context['title_' ~ lang]|default }}
This is basically the same as using the attribute function:
{{ attribute(_context, 'title_' ~ lang)|default }}
I would personally use the former as it's more concise and in my opinion clearer.
The default filter is needed when the environment option strict_variables is set to true (the default value is false, but I prefer to set it to true to avoid accidental problems caused by e.g. typos), otherwise you'll get a Twig_Error_Runtime exception if the variable doesn't exist. For example, if you have variables title_en and title_it but try to output the variable title_de (which doesn't exist), you get that exception with the message Key "title_de" for array with keys "title_en, title_it, lang" does not exist.
A more verbose way to check the existence of a variable is to use the defined test:
{% if _context['title_' ~ lang] is defined %} ... {% endif %}
With the default filter you can also provide a default value:
{{ _context['title_' ~ lang]|default('Default title') }}
If you omit the default value (i.e. you do |default instead of |default('some value')), the default value will be an empty string.
See TwigFiddle
I think here the solutions which can fix your problems.
Controller code:
return $this->render('myTwig.html.twig', array(
'title_en'=>'English Title',
'title_it'=>'Italian Title'
Twig Code:
{% set myVar='title_'~lang %}
{{ attribute(_context, myVar) }}
This will display "English Title" on your page.
Here _context variable is a magic variable in twig where you can find all parameters which you passed from your controller to this twig.
it displays the value from passed parameters key to value.
Hope this will solve your problems.
I would change the controller to pre-calculate the language dependent value for title before passing it to the twig template. If you are unable (unwilling) to do that, then ...
<title>{% if lang == 'it' %}{{ title_it }}{% else %}{{ title_en }}{% endif %}</title>

Drupal8 Twig - convert string to integer

I just started using twig in drupal8. I'm trying to calculate the difference between two numerical drupal8 variables using views.
field_goals_for: 24
field_goals_against: 3
field_goals_difference: should return 21 but returns 1
I tried already something like this (with and without number_formats):
{% set diff = field_goals_for|number_format - field_goals_against|number_format %}
{{ diff }}
I assume the problem is that the two variables are strings instead of int.
There is a way to convert them to int and return the correct result using twig? If not do you have any alternative solution to suggest?
I tried to SUM and also MULTIPLE the two values:
{{ field_goals_for }} = 24
{{ field_goals_against }} = 3
{{ field_goals_for - field_goals_against }} = 0
{{ field_goals_for + field_goals_against }} = 2
{{ field_goals_for * field_goals_against }} = 1
Why are they considered equal to 1 instead of their real value?
EDIT 2: I found the problem. The value that has been to used is field_goals_for__value instead of field_goals_for. Unfortunately I can't find a way to used both of them in the same text field.
stripping off tags was what did the trick for me!
{% set diff = field_goals_for|striptags - field_goals_against|striptags %}
{{ diff }}
try that
{{ diff["#markup"]|number_format(2,',') }}
It works for me.
I had a similar issue - I had to add '#markup' to get it to work.
The number_format filter formats numbers. You can control the number of decimal places, decimal point, and thousands separator using the additional arguments.
As example:
{% set diff = field_goals_for - field_goals_against %}
{{ diff|number_format(2,',') }}
Will print:
Check here a working example.
Hope this help
The number_format filter was added in Twig 1.5
please check your twig version
(sorry this was initially a comment but since I can't comment yet, I wrote an answer)
{{ diff.__toString|number_format(2,',') }}

concat string and variable in twig

I have this in my template
{{ ad.title_de }}
Now I'm incorporating multiple languages, so 'title_de' has to change
I also have a variable 'tld' which is one of de, en , fr
So I'd like to have something like
{% if tld == 'fr' %}
{{ ad.title_fr }}
Any ideas?
Try using the attribute function.
attribute(ad, 'content_'~tld) should work.
Try with this:
{{ ad["title_" ~ tld] }}

Twig - using variable

I want to achive this is twig:
{{ form_widget(form.orderItems.0.enabled) }}
{{ form_widget(form.orderItems.1.enabled) }}
{{ form_widget(form.orderItems.2.enabled) }}
but the number to be a variable.
I tried this:
{% set index = 0 %}
{{ form_widget(form.orderItems.index.enabled) }}
Error: Method "index" for object "Symfony\Component\Form\FormView" does not exist
and this:
{{ form_widget(form.orderItems.{{index}}.enabled) }}
Error: Expected name or number
and this:
{{ form_widget(form.orderItems.~index~.enabled) }}
Error: Expected name or number
It is possible to achieve this :(
Some digging suggests you use the 'attribute' function - see Accessing array values using array key from Twig.
I suppose that would be something like
form_widget(attribute(form.orderItems, index).enabled)
Unfortunately I can't easily test that at the moment, but it should get you on the right track.
I am solving the same problem now and getting "expected name or number error" when I want to access variable dynamically.
I can not find simple answer, how to dynamically replace some part of variable in twig.
But It works without first dot as was first comment here.
{{ form[othervariable value].vars.label }}
and NOT
{{ form.[value].name }}

Twig - Trim exact string only

I want to trim a string using twig. The documentation for trim is located here.
{{ 'I like Twig!'|trim('!') }}
{# outputs 'I like Twig' #}
The above example trims exclamation marks from the string.
Consider the following:
{{ 'ROLE_USER'|trim('ROLE_') }}
One would think this would trim ROLE_ and return USER. That's not how it works:
{# outputs 'US' #}
This is because the letters E and R are also in ROLE_, hence they are also removed.
How can I circumvent this, perhaps with a regular expression, or replacing only exactly the string I want?
What about the replace filter?
{{ 'ROLE_USER'|replace({'ROLE_': ''}) }}
