I'm trying to use the result of a pipe into a "var" and then use it on a echo like this way:
ls -al --time-style=+%D |
grep `date +%D` |
wc -l |
echo "the number is %var"
The idea is to print "the number is 3" (because ls -al --time-style=+%D | date +%D | wc -l is 3)
How can I do it?
One way, using command substitution:
$ var=$(ls -al --time-style=+%D | grep `date +%D` | wc -l)
$ echo "the number is $var"
the number is 3
I am using below command to find a most recent file with name "candump"
ls *.log | grep "candump" | tail -n 1
The output is "candump-2018-04-19_131908.log"
I want to store the output filename to a variable in my shell script. I am using the below commands:
logfile = `ls *.log | grep "candump" | tail -n 1`
logfile = $(ls *.log | grep "candump" | tail -n 1)
However, both times I am getting the same error, "logfile: command not found". Am I doing something wrong? Any help is appreciated.
You have to stick the variable name and its value (no space before and after the =).
Try :
logfile=$(ls *.log | grep "candump" | tail -n 1)
This is working for me.
my_command='ls | grep server.js | wc -l';
my_data=$(eval "$my_command");
echo "value in echo is:" $my_data;
if [ $my_data == "1" ]; then
echo "value is equal to 1";
echo "value is not equal to 1";
The sample should look if another instance of itself is already running. I do not like a pid-file solution.
Why is n=2 if I start in the console and n=3 if I let cron do it?
count ()
ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -v tail | grep $0 | wc -l
echo "`date` n=$n" >> /root/test.log
I have a file and I am processing it line by line and producing another file with the result. I want to monitor the percentage of completion. In my case, it is just the number of lines in the new file divide by the number of lines from the input file. A simple example would be:
$ cat infile
$ cat infile | process.sh >> outfile &
Now, if I run my command, I should get 0.33 if process.sh completed the first line.
Any suggestions?
You can use pv for progress (in debian/ubuntu inside package pv):
pv -l -s `wc -l file.txt` file.txt | process.sh
This will use number of lines for progress.
Or you can use just the number of bytes:
pv file.txt | process.sh
The above commands will show you the percentage of completion and ETA.
You can use bc:
echo "scale=2; $(cat outfile | wc -l) / $(cat infile | wc -l) * 100" | bc
In addition, combine this with watch for updated progress:
watch -d "echo \"scale=2; \$(cat outfile | wc -l) / \$(cat infile | wc -l) * 100\" | bc"
TOTAL_LINES=`wc -l infile`
LINES=`wc -l outfile`
PERCENT=`echo "scale=2;${LINES}/${TOTAL_LINES}" | bc | sed -e 's_^\.__'`
echo "${PERCENT} % Complete"
scale=2 means you get two significant digits.
This is a code that shows my all user names.
-q user | grep -A 0 -B 2 -e uid:\ 5'[0-9][0-9]' | grep ^name | cut -d " " -f2-
For example, the output is like...
Then, I hope that I want to check a length of all user names.
Like this output...
11 //usernameone
5 //hello
6 //whoami
How can I get a length of pipeline code?
Given some command cmd that produces the list of users, you can do this pretty easily with xargs:
$ cat x
$ cat x | xargs -L 1 sh -c 'printf "%s //%s\n" "$(echo -n "$1" | wc -c)" "$1"' '{}'
11 //usernameone
5 //hello
6 //whoami
To get a piped command might not be possible, so here's a one liner that uses a split and a while loop to accomplish this:
-q user | grep -A 0 -B 2 -e uid:\ 5'[0-9][0-9]' | grep ^name | cut -d " " -f2-|tr " " "\n"|while read user; do echo $(echo $user|wc -c) '//'$user;done|tr "\n" " ";echo
This should give you an output in the desired format. I used user as a file hence the cat
i=0;for token in $(cat user); do echo -n "${#token} //$token";echo;i=$((i+1));done;echo;
I am trying to get the max version number from a directory where i have several versions of one program
for example if output of ls is
I am getting the max version number with the following -
ls somedir | grep some_prefix | cut -d '_' -f2 | sort -t '.' -k1 -r | head -n 1
Now if at the same time i want to check it with the version number which i already have in the system, whats the best way to do it...
in bash i got this working (if 2.5 is the current version)
(ls somedir | grep some_prefix | cut -d '_' -f2; echo 2.5) | sort -t '.' -k1 -r | head -n 1
is there any other correct way to do it?
EDIT: In the above example some_prefix is something02.
EDIT: Actual Problem here is
(ls smthing; echo more) | sort
is it the best way to merge output of two commands/program for piping into third.
I have found the solution. The best way it seems is using process substitution.
cat <(ls smthing) <(echo more) | sort
for my version example
cat <(ls somedir | grep some_prefix | cut -d '_' -f2) <(echo 2.5) | sort -t '.' -k1 -r | head -n 1
for the benefit of future readers, I recommend - please drop the lure of one-liner and use glob as chepner suggested.
Almost similar question is asked on superuser.
more info about process substitution.
Is the following code more suitable to what you're looking for:
highest_version=$(ls something* | sort -V | tail -1 | sed "s/something02_\|\.sh//g")
current_version=$(echo $0 | sed "s/something02_\|\.sh//g")
if [ $current_version > $highest_version ]; then
echo "Uh oh! Looks like we need to update!";
You can try something like this :
#! /bin/bash
lastversion() { # prefix
local prefix="$1" a=0 b=0 c=0 r f vmax=0
for f in "$prefix"* ; do
test -f "$f" || continue
read a b c r <<< $(echo "${f#$prefix} 0 0 0" | tr -C '[0-9]' ' ')
if ((v>vmax)); then vmax=$v; fi
echo $vmax
lastversion "something02"
It will print: 30102