Regarding terraform script behaviour - azure

I am using Terraform scripts to create azure services, I am having some doubts regarding Terraform,
1) If I have one environment let say dev in azure having some azure resources how can I copy all the resources to new environment lest say prod using terraform script.
2)what are the impact of re-run the terraform file with additional azure resources, what it will do.
3)What if I want to create an app service with the same name from Terraform script that already present in the azure will it update the resource or do nothing after terraform execution completed.
Please feel free to answer the question, it will be great help.

To answer your questions:
You could create a new workspace with terraform workspace new and copy all configuration files (.tf) to the new environment, then run terraform init, plan, apply.
The terraform will compare the content in your current state file with your configuration file, then update the new attributes or creating new resources other than re-creating the existing resources.
You could run terraform import to import existing infrastructure into Terraform. For referencing existing resources in the portal, you can use data sources.


Is Terraform Destroying Manually created resources?

I have created some resources in Azure using Terraform such as VNETS, VMs, NSGs etc. Let's assume if I create another VM in the same VNET which was created by Terraform, I want to know if I rerun the Terraform script, will the manually created VM gets destroyed since the manually created VM is not in the state file?
No, Terraform does not interfere with resources that are created outside of terraform. It only manages resources that are included in its state file.
However, if you make manual changes to resources that you created through terraform(for example VNET in your case), terraform would reset them to what is declared in terraform code on the next run/execution.

What is the behaviour Terraform Plan?

Learning Terraform, and in one of the tutorials for terraform with azure a requirement was to log in with the az client. Now my understanding is that this was to create a Service Princlple.
I was trying this with Github actions and my assumption was that the properties obtained for the Service Principle. When I tried running terraform plan everything worked out fine.
However, when I tried to do terraform apply it failed until I explicitly did an az login step in the github workflow job.
What am I missing here? Does terraform plan only compare the new configuration file against the state file, not the actual account? Or does it verify the state against the resource-group/subscription in Azure?
I was a little confused with the documentation on terraform plan

how to delete a terraform state file when the azure resources are removed using terraform?

We are building a temp review app in terraform. Currently when review app is finished with the resources are destroyed with terraform using terraform apply -destroy. What i need to do is also remove the terraform state file for this infrastructure from the azure container. Could I use terraform -destroy to also remove the state file and how can i do this?
One of the workaround you can follow,
When we are using terraform destroy that time our resource detailed also removed from terraform.tfstate by removing from portal itself.
So to remove any particular resource from .tfstate you can try something like below;
First would suggest you to after destroy the file list the state file you have then remove those.
This below command is used to get the available instances which are in state file.
terraform state list
After listing those try with below which will remove from .tfstate file as mentioned by #Ansuman Bal i have also tried and it works fine .
terraform state rm "azurerm_resource_group.example"
NOTE:- This aforementioned cmdlts will remove the instance/resources from .tfstate file only not from portal. Only terraform destroy can do that.
For more information please refer this SO THREAD| Terraform - Removing a resource from local state file.

Switching Terraform cloud workspaces in GitHub Actions/Terraform CLI

We're in the middle of working on a small proof of concept project which will deploy infrastructure to Azure using Terraform. Our Terraform source is held in GitHub and we've using Terraform cloud as the backend to store our state, secrets etc.
Within Terraform cloud we've created two workspaces, one for the staging environment and one for the production environment.
So far we've used the guide on the Terraform docs to develop a GitHub action which triggers on a push to the main branch and deploys our infrastructure to the staging environment. This all works great and we can see our state held in Terraform cloud.
The next hurdle is to promote our changes into the production environment.
Unfortunately we've hit a brick wall trying to figure out how to dynamically change the Terraform cloud workspace within the GitHub action so it's operating on production and not staging. I've spent most of the day looking into this with little joy.
For reference the Terraform backend is currently configured as follows:
terraform {
backend "remote" {
organization = "terraform-organisation-name"
workspaces {
name = "staging-workspace-name"
The action itself does an init and then and apply.
Obviously with the workspace name hardcoded this will only work on staging. Ultimately the questions comes down to how to parameterise or dynamically change the Terraform cloud workspace from the command line?
I feel I'm missing something fundamental and any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Import terraform workspaces from S3 remote state

I am using terraform to deploy to multiple AWS accounts and each account with its own set of environments. I'm using terraform workspaces and s3 remote state. When I switch between these accounts my terraform workspace list is empty now for one of the accounts. Is there a way to sync the state of workspace from the s3 remote state?
Please advise.
I have tried to create the workspace but when I run terraform plan it does create all the resources even though they exists already in the remote state.
I managed to fix it using the following:
I created the new namespaces manually using terraform workspace command
terraform workspace new dev
Created and switched to workspace "dev"!
You're now on a new, empty workspace. Workspaces isolate their state,
so if you run "terraform plan" Terraform will not see any existing state
for this configuration.
I went to S3 where I have the remote state and now under the environment dev I have duplicate states.
I copied the state from the old folder key and added to the new folder key (using copy/paste) in S3 console window
IN dynamo db lock state I have duplicate id of LockID for my environment with different digests. I had to copy the Digest of the old entry and replace the digest for the new entry. After that when I run terraform plan everything went smoothly and I had to repeat the same process for all the environments.
I hope this helps anyone else having the same use case.
