Set value of Fluent React TagPicker? - fluentui-react

How does have Fluent React's TagPicker component ( render existing tags. I've tried passing in with input and value props, with no luck. E.g.:
<TagPicker value={[{"key": "a", name: "A Tag"}]}/>

Needed to use defaultSelectedItems, e.g.:
<TagPicker defaultSelectedItems={[{"key": "a", name: "A Tag"}]}/>


Enum attribute in lit/lit-element

We are trying to build a component with a property variant that should only be set to "primary" or "secondary" (enum). Currently, we are just declaring the attribute as a String, but we were wondering if there is a better way for handling enums? For example, should we validate somehow that the current value is part of the enum? Should we throw an error if not?
I asked this question on Slack and the answers I got lean towards declaring the property as String and use hasChanged() to display a warning in the console if the property value is invalid.
Standard HTML elements accept any string as attribute values and don't throw exceptions, so web components should probably behave the same way.
This all sounds reasonable to me.
If you're using TypeScript I'd recommend just using strings. You can use export type MyEnum = 'primary' | 'secondary' to declare it and then use #property() fooBar: MyEnum to get build time checking. You can use #ts-check to do this in plain JS with #type MyEnum too.
This works well if the enums are for component options or that map to server-side enums that will get validated again.
However, if you want to validate user input into enums or loop through them a lot this is less good. As the JS runs it has no visibility of the type. You need an object dictionary, something like:
const MyEnum = Object.freeze({
primary: 'primary',
secondary: 'secondary'
// Enforce type in TS
const value: keyof MyEnum;
// Validate
const validated = MyEnum[input.toLower()];
// Loop
for(const enumVal of Object.keys(MyEnum)) ...
// Or Convert to a different value type
const MyEnum = Object.freeze({
primary: 1,
secondary: 2
These are somewhat idiosyncratic. Again, if you're using TypeScript it has an enum keyword that compiles to something like this and I'd use that rather than rolling your own. Strings are the better option unless you need to validate, loop or convert the values.

Groovy YamlBuilder field case

I'm trying to generate a cloudformation template with groovy YamlBuilder, that's why case matters here. The issue is that by default YamlBuilder converts pascal-case fields to camel-case.
Please see the example (runnable via groovyConsole):
import groovy.yaml.YamlBuilder
class Person {
String Name = 'Mickey Mouse'
YamlBuilder builder = new YamlBuilder()
builder {
Node new Person()
The code above returns "Name" field in lower case:
name: "Mickey Mouse"
I need:
Name: "Mickey Mouse"
I've tried plenty of options but haven't found how can I tell YamlBuilder to keep "Name" field case. Or maybe I can use some annotations over the field?

NestJS - Validating body conditionally, based on one property

I'm trying to find a nice way to validate a body using DTO (using the brilliant class-validator and class-transformer libraries). It works really well, even for nested structures but in my case I'd like to have the body property based on some conditions.
Example that will probably help to understand:
Let's imagine my body should always have selectedCategory.
Based on that field, the content could either be from category 1, which contains prop1 OR from category 2, which contains prop2.
I do not want to allow a null for both of them, I really want to have to either have prop1 defined or prop2 based on the selectedCategory.
I think that I could use a pipe, but then how can I specify the correct DTO to use?
I've built a "base" class with all the common properties and few other classes that inherit from it.
I could instantiate the pipe manually based on the property selectedCategory, that'd be ideal but I have no clue what to pass as a second argument of the pipe (metadata).
Thanks for your help.
Have you tried using groups?
Instead of having multiple DTOs, you just create one DTO. Every property is assigned to one or multiple groups:
#Min(12, {groups: ['registration', 'update']})
age: number;
#Length(2, 20, {groups: ['registration']})
name: string;
You can then conditionally pass the groups to class transformer / validator:
export class ConditionalValidationPipe implements PipeTransform {
async transform(entity: any, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) {
// Dynamically determine the groups
const groups = [];
if (entity.selectedCategory === 1) {
// Transform to class with groups
const entityClass = plainToClass(EntityDto, entity, { groups })
// Validate with groups
const errors = await validate(entityClass, { groups });
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw this.createError(errors);
return entityClass;
Have you tried the ValidateIf statement?
You can have multiple validations for props1 or props2 and apply them if selectedCategory is "category 1" or "category 2" accordingly.

Jade/Pug - appending to a class name

Hello I have a unique id in an object and I want to append it to a class name. I am trying to do something like the following but it isn't working:
res.render('./edu/school_dashboard_elementary', { attendanceAnalytics:attendanceChart });
I suppose I could create a class name in my route and send it as a variable with something like:
var className = '.googleChartContainer-attendanceChart.uid}';
res.render('./edu/school_dashboard_elementary', { attendanceAnalytics:attendanceChart, attendanceClassName:className });
and then in the jade file:
#{attendanceClassName} //- output is .googleChartContainer-someUid?
I was wondering if there was a way to get the first approach to work correctly, or if there is another preferred way.
You have two choices. You can do it the JavaScript way with a string, like:
div(id=attendanceAnalytics.uid, class='googleChartContainer-' + attendanceAnalytics.uid)
or you create an JavaScript object containing keys and values to use them with the typical jade attribute div&attribute(object), like this:
- var attr = {"id": attendanceAnalytics.uid, "class": 'googleChartContainer-' + attendanceAnalytics.uid}
Take a look into the JadeLang Docs, chapter attributes.

have a grok filter create nested fields as a result

I have a drupal watchdog syslog file that I want to parse into essentially two nested fields, the syslog part and the message part so that I get this result
syslogpart: {
timestamp: "",
host: "",
parsedfield1: "",
parsedfield2: "",
I tried making a custom pattern that looks like this:
DRUPALSYSLOG (%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:date} %{SYSLOGHOST:logsource} %{WORD:program}: %{URL:domain}\|%{EPOCH:epoch}\|%{WORD:instigator}\|%{IP:ip}\|%{URL:referrer}\|%{URL:request}\|(?<user_id>\d+)\|\|)
and then run match => ['message', '%{DRUPALSYSLOG:drupal}'}
but I don't get a nested response, I get a textblock drupal: "ALL THE MATCHING FIELDS IN ONE STRING" and then all the matches separately as well but not nested under drupal but rather on the same level.
Actually, you can do something like that in your pattern config
It will create the json object like
program: "..."
Yes, this is expected. I don't think there's a way to produce nested fields with grok. I suspect you'll have to use the mutate filter to move them into place.
mutate {
rename => {
"date" => "[drupal][date]"
"instigator" => "[drupal][instigator]"
If you have a lot of fields it might be more convenient to use a ruby filter. This is especially true if you prefix Drupal fields with e.g. "drupal." – then you'd write a filter to move all fields with that prefix into a subfield with the same name.
