How to share the server code to electron app? - node.js

I am developing a postman like application with some added features. For the frontend, I am using Angular 10, and for the backend, I am using node with fastify.js and for the database, I am using MongoDB via Atlassian MongoDB hosting.
Right now, I have set-up the electron app and using the same frontend code. It's working fine if I use the API(I have hosted my node server on ec2). I want to run this app without an internet connection. for that, I set up the node server in electron. The node server is working fine if I run it in the main electron process.
My electron application setup:
I am running a node server in the electron app on port 5000.
when electron app starts it will start the server.
To make sure everything is working fine I used a postman to access the node server running from the electron process.
In postman, if I am hitting on http://localhost:5000/ while the electron app is running I am getting a response from the node server running in the electron.
If I use localhost:5000 as the base URL and hit the API from frontend in electron it's working and I am getting a response. I checked the electron console network tab, Request is going to the http://localhost:5000/.
Now I want this app to run without the Internet. neDB is the most suggested DB for electron and it provides the same query syntax as MongoDB. Also, I found out library mongoose-nedb. Using that library I can use mongoose with neDB. So, If I use that library I don't need to change my node code and can use mongoose with neDB instead of MongoDB. So, I set-up my app with neDB and mongoose-neDB. for testing, I again use the postman as well as electron frontend. But now I am not getting any response.
I tried LinvoDB as well. same result.
Is this happening because I am using neDB outside the electron browser context?
Can you suggest some solution so that I don't need to rewrite the node server in the electron app?
Is this approach proper? any suggestion?
I am using this boilerplate for the electron app: (I am putting my node code in root and importing it in main.ts)


Websocket not working in React.Js production build

I created a react App which talks to a node back-end. Everything works fine in development mode. The connection between the front-end and back-end is made through websocket.
Most interesting thing is, that after doing yarn build to create the production build of the app, all the pages work fine. The only thing is that, the page that integrates connection with the back-end is returning error when I inspected it in the browser. I am using Apache Server to run the build version of the app on localhost.
I am using Apache server since python server throws errors on page refresh.
Below is the screenshot. As you can see, node server command, return the expected response from the backend app. The structure of the app is also shown; revealing the relationship between the front-end (smartschool and smartresult) and back-end (smartapi). Only the smartresult makes the request to back-end. How do I resolve this connection problem? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Establish connection from apache angular app to rest api node js

I deployed an angular app hosted in apache server into an VPS. And I got an URL
like this :
In same VPS is running pm2 with a REST api developed in nodejs using express (CORS are
Route for these are like:,
Problem is, when angularApp tries to consume the REST api, the URLs are =>,
I also tried to do the same in nginx but it not worked too.
Works fine in: Running static angular files in express. Running angular in dev mode
only consuming rest api.
Any idea for solving this? ty

How to run Node js in React Native App after generating the Apk?

I am currently using Express and Node js as my backend for my react native app. Right now i need to run my node js server if i want my react app to access the backend and my REST API. I wanted to know how can i run node js in my react app after i extract the apk file. How will others be able to use my app on their networks. How to run the node js server remotely.
Sounds like you misunderstand a few concepts:
You don't run the api server from the client. The server must already be running if you want to access it from the client
If you want others to use this api with their clients, you should be running your api server in a public env (instead, or along with your dev env) so it will be accessible to clients from around the world

Connecting frontend (react) to backend (node) using codesandbox

I am using react, graphql and node. Currently, my react codes are on codesandbox, whilst my server codes are on my local computer. How do i link up my frontend with my backend in this case? Do i need to deploy my server codes onto heroku or digital ocean before i can link them? I like to be able to test them first before deploying my codes
I am also thinking of migrating my backend codes to codesandbox. In this case, am i still able to link my frontend and backend codes in order to test them out before deploying to the hosting provider servers?
Charlie is correct. I actually build my react frontend on codesandbox and connected to my node graphql backend on codesandbox too. Both must be running for that to work. Must enable cors too for both to connect. As im using apollo server 2, can pass a cors: true to the apollo server constructor.

How to make a ember app talk to an express api in production with Nqinx

Im working in and Ember App that use a API build with Express js, for development i just run my express api and then run ember server --proxy http://localhost:8000
for example i could be whatever port, so now i have to deploy that to a production environment that im working on, i planing to use nginx, but what i do not know and can't fine is that once a build my ember app for PROD and make nginx serve this files, how do i do to make the ember app knows where to talk to the api.
You specify the host property for your application adapter (which you will need to generate):
