Botkit Slackbot responds with 401 error every time - node.js

I'm trying to create a very simple Slack bot using botkit and Google App Engine, but for some reason I keep getting 401 errors any time I message the bot. The weird thing is that the Slack Event Subscription URL (the one ending in /api/messages) validates correctly, and I get a 200 response in GAE logs and validation within Slack.
But whenever I actually message the bot it always gets a 401 error with no message explaining the error at all. I've tried various combinations of the code below, and have now stripped it down to the bare minimum as found here. Aside from dependencies and a code to decrypt credentials (which I've verified is working as expected), this is my full code at the moment:
async function botInit () {
const credentialsRaw = await getCredentials();
const credentials = JSON.parse(credentialsRaw);
const adapter = new SlackAdapter(credentials);
const controller = new Botkit({
adapter: adapter
controller.on('message', async(bot, message) => {
await bot.reply(message, 'I heard a message!');
I have also tried this for the messaging function:
controller.ready(() => {
controller.hears(['hello', 'hi'], ['message', 'direct_message'],
async (bot, message) => {
await bot.reply(message, 'Meow. :smile_cat:')
and this for setting up the controller:
const controller = new Botkit({
webhook_uri: '/api/messages',
adapter: adapter
And everything gives back the same exact 401 error, despite all of them working with the Event Subscription URL verification on Slack.

I had same issue but figured out the problem.
I had been using Client Secret as clientSigningSecret
But I should use Signing Secret !


Posting message to slack get TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CHAR]: Invalid character in header content ["User-Agent"]

I have a working slack app running as an Azure Function using NodeJS. It is posting payloads fine to my channel. I would also like the Function to post a message to the channel via As far as I can see I have set everything up correctly but whenever I attempt to post the message I get an error:
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CHAR]: Invalid character in header content ["User-Agent"]
The code to post the message is:
const { WebClient, LogLevel } = require("#slack/web-api");
const client = new WebClient(process.env['BOT_USER_OAUTH_TOKEN'], {
// LogLevel can be imported and used to make debugging simpler
logLevel: LogLevel.DEBUG
const channelId = "C0319MTLHB8";
try {
// Call the chat.postMessage method using the WebClient
const result = await{
channel: channelId,
text: "Hello world"
} catch (error) {
context.res = {
// status: 200, /* Defaults to 200 */
body: "error: " + error
and this piece of code sits within module.exports.
I guess something doesn't like the contents of BOT_USER_OAUTH_TOKEN but this is a direct copy of the xoxb bot user oauth token. And is of the form:
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?
Thank you I'm Joe Too for your valuable discussed resolution. Posting as an answer to help other community members:
You missed an open bracket in const result = await
Glad #JimBurke, that you have solved yourself by correcting the syntax/transcription.
Isn't it Node.js 16 LTS?
I had a similar problem, But I made Node.js 14 LTS and it worked

Trouble Connecting to Google Cloud IoT via MQTT with Node.js

I'm trying to create a MQTT client that'll connect to the Google Cloud IoT Core, but for some reason, it won't connect at all. Here's what I have so far
mqtt = require("mqtt")
fs = require("fs")
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const projectId = "my-project"
const deviceId = "my-device"
const registryId = "my-degistry"
const region = "us-central1"
const algorithm = "RS256"
const privateKeyFile = "./rsa_private.pem"
const mqttBridgeHostname = ""
const mqttBridgePort = 8883
const messageType = "events"
//The mqttClientId is a unique string that identifies a particular device.
//For Google Cloud IoT Core, it must be the format below
const mqttClientId = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${region}/registries/${registryId}/devices/${deviceId}`
const mqttTopic = `/devices/${deviceId}/${messageType}`;
const createJwt = (projectId, privateKeyFile, algorithm) => {
// Create a JWT to authenticate this device. The device will be disconnected
// after the token expires, and will have to reconnect with a new token. The
// audience field should always be set to the GCP project id.
const token = {
iat: parseInt( / 1000),
exp: parseInt( / 1000) + 20 * 60, // 20 minutes
aud: projectId,
const privateKey = fs.readFileSync(privateKeyFile);
return jwt.sign(token, privateKey, {algorithm: algorithm});
//Username field is ignored in Cloud IoT Core, but it must be set to something
//Password field sends a JWT (javascript web token) to authorize the device
//mqtts protocol causes library to connecti using SSL, which is required for IoT Core
const connectionArgs = {
host: mqttBridgeHostname,
port: mqttBridgePort,
clientId: mqttClientId,
username: "unused",
password: createJwt(projectId, privateKeyFile, algorithm),
protocol: "mqtts",
secureProtocol: "TLSv1_2_method"
const client = mqtt.connect(connectionArgs)
client.on("connect", (connected)=>{
console.log("Attempting to connect")
if (!connected) {
console.log("Client failed to connect")
} else {
console.log("Client is connected!")
client.on("error", err => {
setTimeout(( ()=> {
console.log('Terminating process')
return process.kill(;
}), 1000);
client.on("packetsend", (payload) => {
console.log("Payload has been sent")
return process.kill(
client.on("packetreceive", packet => {
//return process.kill(
client.on("reconnect", ()=>{
console.log("Attempting a reconnect")
//return process.kill(
client.on("close", ()=>{
console.log("A disconnect occurred")
// return process.kill(
client.on("offline", () => {
console.log("Client is offline")
//return process.kill(
I'm not getting any errors when I try to connect to the server. In other words, everything seems to be authenticating properly and I get no error messages, but the client never connects to the Cloud and instead repeatedly tries to reconnect in an endless cycle (which is why I included code to kill the script). I tried going through the Google Cloud troubleshooting page but nothing there really seemed to help. I don't get any sort of errors messages or helpful tidbits of information when using the Cloud SDK like the guide suggested.
I've opened up the port 8883 through my firewall just in case that was the issue but it doesn't appear to be.
I based this code off some of Google's guides and based on this guide here. I have a registry, project, and device all set up with a proper RSA key.
So I'm not really sure how to proceed! If there's any additional information that would help, please let me know.
Thank you.
I realized that when I was creating the project and registry on the Google Console, I actually mistyped the name I was intending (I thought it was "testmqtt" but it was actually "tesmqtt").
So if you're having an issue similar to this, I'd suggest trying the follwing:
Make sure your you've spelled everything right. Make sure the project title is correct, the registry title, etc. It sounds dumb but these types of mistakes happen, so it doesn't hurt to check them first. Otherwise you'll overthink things like I did.
Check out this this page for troubleshooting. There's two parts of this troubleshooting page that might really help you. The first is trying to see if you can actually connect to the cloud at all. You can test if you're able to make a connection by issuing a command like openssl s_client -connect on the command line. You'll need to have openssl downloaded in order to issue that command, however. You can see the page I just linked for more details about testing your connection. The second thing you can do is check to see if you have authentication by running a gcloud command using Google's sdk. The troubleshooting page I linked also has more details in this regard.
This quickstart guide is also particularly helpful. It might be confusing to navigate at first but understanding it will be your best bet.
Google's github repository also has some good examples of how to make an mqtt connection to the cloud IoT core.
DavidC in the comments below helped me find some of these helpful links, so credit should go to him.
Apart from the links I provided in the comment section and as additional to what you have found out, some users use the Project Number instead of the Project ID which leads to a similar concern which you have encountered. It really pays to double check everything in your configuration as you troubleshoot.
If you need to have a refresher about the authentication, you may also refer to this link.

Indicating a WhatsApp message is received, via the Twilio API, in NodeJS?

We are creating a service that will receive WhatsApp messages via the Twilio service. This works, but our issue is that we can't work out how to tell the sender that our server has 'read' the message. The messages always appear as being 'delivered' and never 'read', even after responding to the message. We have looked in the documentation, but can't seem to see how to do this.
Our server is written in NodeJS and is using Express for HTTP side.
Below is an equivalent of the code we are using (not a running example):
import { twiml } from 'twilio';
const { MessagingResponse } = twiml;
async receiveMessage(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
const message = req.body;
// Send back an empty response, we will process asynchronously
const immediateResponse = new MessagingResponse();
res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/xml');
// TODO indicate message as read
// Do what ever logic is needed for given message
const replyMessage = await processMessage(message);
const messageToTwilio = {
body: replyMessage,
from: message.To,
to: message.From
const twilioResponse = await this.client.messages.create(messageToTwilio);
// Record value of twilioResponse in DB
Can anyone suggest what in the API I should be using for this?
I contacted Twilio on this issue and it turns out this is not currently possible. While they consider this a useful functionality, it is not currently a priority for implementation.
Note, It is possible to get the delivery status of outgoing messages, via the status webhook, but it is not possible to indicate to the remote party that the incoming message was 'read'.

Slack bot ALWAYS gives missing_scope error

I'm new to Slack bots so I went through their documentation and followed some tutorials on the internet but nothing seems to help. I'm trying to add a simple bot to a workspace I've just created, all I want is to make the bot post a message once it starts. Here is my code:
const SlackBot = require('slackbots');
const bots = async () => {
const bot = await new SlackBot({
token: botToken,
name: 'orderbot'
console.log('adding event listener...');
await bot.on('start', () => {
console.log('posting message...');
bot.postMessage('general', 'Feeling hungry?');
And in the OAuth & Permissions page, I've added ALL permissions to the token's scopes. Running the bot, here is my output:
adding event listener...
throw e;
Error: missing_scope
at /home/mohammed/OrderBot/node_modules/slackbots/index.js:46:33
So apparently, the error is coming from the .on listener which is quite confusing and I can't understand why this is happening. What exactly am I missing?
It seems like the module slackbots which I was using is not working properly (at least for me). I solved this issue by using #slack/web-api instead.

How to handle server side error during authentication in react-native

So I was making an app and in that app I have say login with facebook
For login, I am using expo-web-browser
Here is my relevant code,
loginWithFacebook = async () => {
const redirectUrl = await Linking.getInitialURL()
const authUrl = config.backendUrl + '/auth/facebook'
Linking.addEventListener('url', this.handleRedirect)
try {
const authResult = await WebBrowser.openAuthSessionAsync(authUrl, redirectUrl)
Linking.removeEventListener('url', this.handleRedirect)
} catch (err) {
console.warn('ERROR:', err)
While this works, my problem is on error handling, I am using passport Js on the backend (NodeJS). On successful authentication, I am re-directing to my deep link url
return res.redirect(myapplink://)
and currently, on error (say there is an sql connection error), I am throwing a 500 internal error
return res.status(error.status).send(error.message)
Since typically auth related events are done using href and not using ajaxy request, How would you typically handle the error in this situation? I think the answer for the app and web should be identical but if not can you please suggest the way I can handle error in the app and web.
