Inno Setup - Animate Message Boxes as they are opened and closed - inno-setup

Is there any way to add some opening and closing animation to message boxes of inno setup?
Here is a link which explains some similar thing in Delphi:
How to implement it inside inno setup?


Inno Setup - How to fill a button with an image in Inno Setup?

Base on this question:
How to create an image button in Inno Setup?
How to fill the entire button with the image in Inno Setup? At the same time use different images on one button such as for, mouse click, mouse hover, disabled and normal view?

Access the properties of check box control on Inno Setup "finish" page

In my Inno Setup project, I have some file in the [Run] section with flag postinstall, so Inno Setup creates a check box for this file in "finished" page. And now my question is, how to access properties of this check box (like Left, Right, Name,...) in Code section? I want to add some other component under this check box on run time.
The checkboxes on the "finished" page are not individual controls.
All checkboxes are just items in WizardForm.RunList of type TNewCheckListBox.
For similar a question, see Custom TLabel not displaying on FinishedPage in Inno Setup.

How to add a BrandingText using Inno Setup [duplicate]

How to add text to Inno Setup bevel line above buttons?
From the Inno Setup help:
The special-purpose BeveledLabel message can be used to specify a line
of text that is shown in the lower left corner of the wizard window
and uninstaller window. The following is an example:
BeveledLabel=Inno Setup

Pop dialog background form color [duplicate]

Is it possible to change inner background color for modal and browse directory windows in Inno Setup? In my case I want it should be white.
UPD: Same behaviour is on the inner pages of Inner Setup, but I've fixed it by setting WizardForm.InnerPage.Color := clWhite;
I'm using VclStylesInno for styling my installer with custom style spreadsheat.
You cannot change the color of these in Inno Setup itself, except by a custom build of Inno Setup or some addon DLL (see below).
All you can do is to re-implement these dialogs from the scratch:
For the "browse" dialog: Handle the WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.OnClick and use CreateCustomForm and TFolderTreeView to implement the browse dialog. Download Inno Setup code and copy the existing implementation from SelFolderForm.pas.
For an example of handling WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.OnClick, see
How to display localized Program Files name (display name) during installation?
For the "cancel" dialog: Implement the CancelButtonClick event function. Make sure you set Confirm to False to get rid of the default prompt. And implement your own. Again, use the CreateCustomForm.
It's a lot of work for a small gain. I'd not do it.
Instead, you can use VCL Styles for Inno Setup (DLL) to style Inno Setup windows (including all modal dialogs).
As turned out, the reason was in the "Colors" option in Bitmap Designer, which I use to modify my installer style. This option makes some additional styling for controls:

Modifying the color scheme for an Inno Setup Installer

I've been playing around with Inno Setup 5.3.6; trying to customize the installers colors. Mainly the banner that appears at the head of the installer. But as of yet i have no luck finding a way of doing this easily.
After reading through the documentation I found the BackColor, BackColor2, BackColorDirection and BackSolid parameter. But giving them different values has as of yet not given me any visual change whatsoever.
Quick example of what I'm trying to do
AppName=My Program
AppVerName=My Program version 1.4
DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program
DefaultGroupName=My Program
What I'm wondering is, does anyone know what colors BackColor and BackColor2 actually modifies? And if there is no simple way of changing the colors; is there any way to modify the upper banners color gradient programmatically using the [Code] segment?
The four parameters are described in the Cosmetic section of the documentation of the [Setup] section in the Inno Setup help. They do what you would expect, but not for the gradient in the upper area of the setup wizard, but for the background window that was customary a few years ago. This is considered legacy, but can be enabled by setting
(the default value is no). You can try this to see it in action, but IMO you shouldn't enable this for your installations unless you want them to look rather dated.
As for the top area of the wizard: It is not meant to have a gradient. If you use a tool like Spy++ to check the window hierarchy of the wizard, or open the Wizard.dfm.txt text file from the Inno Setup sources, you will find that there is a window of the class TPanel with the colour set to the default window colour (clWindow if you know Delphi, or the result of calling GetSysColor() with the COLOR_WINDOW constant). This is a solid colour, which you can change easily by adding this to your [Code] section:
procedure InitializeWizard();
WizardForm.MainPanel.Color := clYellow;
I don't think it is possible with the current Inno Setup versions to draw a gradient on this panel, because the panel itself has no canvas to draw on, and the TPaintBox class which could maybe be created in the right place and be used to draw the gradient isn't available (see list of classes in the "Support Classes Reference" section of the documentation).
this is an old question, but someone might stumble here like i did. The most elegant way to change the inno setup color schemes is by using a 3rd party tool called ISSkin
