noob horribly stuck on what is most likely an easy question - python-3.x

Trying to create a password generator
Cannot get if statement to work correctly, or know if this is really the right way to approach the problem. I need it to divide each letters number representation by 3 and return a # if it is a whole number.
password = input("password: ")
password = password.lower()
output = []
for character in password:
number = ord(character) - 96
x = output
if x / 3:
print ("#")
print (output)
I get this error:
TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "int") to list

I don't know what you are trying to do with the divisible by 3. To get you started, here's an example code. See if this helps you get started in the right direction.
password = input('enter password :').lower()
output = []
for c in password:
num = ord(c) - 96
all_div_by_3 = True
for i in output:
if i%3 != 0: #checks if remainder of i/3 is zero. if zero, then divisible, else not divisible.
all_div_by_3 = False
if all_div_by_3: #is same as if all_div_by_3 == True:
print ('all divisible by 3')
print ('all characters are not divisible by 3')
The output from this are as follows:
enter password :cliff
all divisible by 3
enter password :rock
all characters are not divisible by 3

After much reading and research through here it became apparent I needed to use the if, elif, and else functions. below is the completed project.
password = input("password: ")
password = password.lower()
output = []
for character in password:
number = ord(character) - 96
for i in output:
if(i% 3 == 0) :
print('#', end ="")
elif(i% 5 == 0) :
print('%', end ="")
print(chr(i+98), end="")


Want to get input on same line for variables at different places in Python3. See the below code and text for clarification

I want to take input of how many inputs the user is going to give next and collect those inputs in a single line. For eg. if user enters '3' next he has to give 3 inputs like '4' '5' '6' on the same line.
N = int(input())
result = 0
randomlist = []
for number in range(N):
K = int(input())
for number2 in range(K):
a = int(input())
if number2 != K - 1:#Ignore these on below
result += a - 1
result += a
result = 0
for num in range(N):
b = randomlist[num]
Now I want the input for K and a (also looped inputs of a) to be on the same line. I have enclosed the whole code for the program here. Please give me a solution on how to get input in the same line with a space in between instead of hitting enter and giving inputs
Based on what I read from your question, you are trying to request input from the user and the desired format of the input is a series of numbers (both integers and floats) separated by spaces.
I see a couple of ways to accomplish this:
Use a single input statement to request the series of numbers including the count,
Just ask the user for a list of numbers separated by spaces and infer the count.
To perform these operations you can do one of the following:
#Request User to provide a count followed by the numbers
def getInputwithCount():
# Return a list Numbers entered by User
while True:
resp = input("Enter a count followed by a series of numbers: ").split(' ')
if len(resp) != int(resp[0]) + 1:
print("Your Input is incorrect, try again")
rslt = []
for v in resp[1:]:
return rslt
or for the simpler solution just ask for the numbers as follows:
def getInput():
# Return the list of numbers entered by the user
resp = input("Enter a series of numbers: ").split(' ')
rslt = []
for v in resp:
return rslt

Just started python and working through Automate The Boring Stuff with Python. Any recommendations on cleaning my code?

New here at stackoverflow. I'm learning python right now and picked up the book Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. Need some recommendations or tips on how to clean up my code. Here is one of the small projects from the book:
Write a function named collatz() that has one parameter named number. If number is even, then collatz() should print number // 2 and return this value. If number is odd, then collatz() should print and return 3 * number + 1. Then write a program that lets the user type in an integer and that keeps calling collatz() on that number until the function returns the value 1.
The output of this program could look something like this:
Enter number:
Here's the code I came up with. Any recommendations on cleaning up the code or is this good enough? Thank you all!
def collatz(number):
if number % 2 == 0: # Even numbers
print(number // 2)
return number // 2
elif number % 2 == 1: # Odd numbers
result = 3 * number + 1
return result
while True: # Made a loop until a number is entered
n = input("Enter a random number: ")
while n != 1:
n = collatz(int(n))
except ValueError:
print("Enter numbers only.")
Use else in the place of elif , it will give same reasult.
Optimized for readability and usage, not on performance.
def collatz(number):
return number // 2 if number % 2 == 0 else 3 * number + 1
while True: # Made a loop until a number is entered
n = input("Enter a random number: ")
while n != 1: n = collatz(int(n))
except ValueError: print("Enter numbers only.")

Mastermind Python Using "ABCDEF"

Mastermind Game using "ABCEF"I dont know how to check whether it is partial correct. I have to use red to mean correct letter and position. I use white to mean correct letter.
import random
def play_one_round():
print (N_code)
guess=input("Enter your guess as 4 letters e.g. XXXX:")
count_guess= 1
while N_code != guess and count_guess < 10:
guess=input("Enter your guess as 4 letters e.g. XXXX:")
count_guess=count_guess + 1
print("This is your",count_guess, "guess")
if guess==N_code:
print('r') #Here I have if the code and guess are equal print r, which mean its the right letters in the right order.
def check(N_code,guess):
result=['r' if c1==c2 else c2 for c1,c2 in zip(guess, N_code)]
for index, char in enumerate(guess):
if result[index] !='r':
if char in result:
def Master_m():
print("Welcome to Mastermind!\n")
print("Start by Choosing four letters")
answer=input("Play Again? ")
if answer[0]=='y':
I wrote this ages ago but it will do the trick
import random
import itertools
def start():
""" this function is used to initialise the users interaction with the game
Primarily this functions allows the user to see the rules of the game or play the game"""
print ('Mastermind, what would you like to do now?\n')
print ('Type 1 for rules')
print ('Type 2 to play')
path = input('Type your selection 1 or 2: ')
if path == '1':
print ('Great lets look at the rules')
elif path == '2':
print('Great lets play some Mastermind!\n')
print('that was not a valid response there is only one hidden option that is not a 1 or a 2')
def rules():
"""This just prints out the rules to the user."""
print ('The rules are as follows:\n')
print ('1)Mastermind will craft you a 4 digit number that will contain all unique numbers from 1-9, there is no 0s.\n')
print ('2)You will have 12 attempts to guess the correct number.\n')
print ('3)Whites represent a correct number that is not in the correct order\n')
print ('4)Reds represent a correct number in the correct order.\n')
print ('5)If you enter a single number or the same number during a guess it will consume 1 of your 12 guesses.\n')
print ('6)to WIN you must guess the 4 numbers in the correct order.\n')
print ('7)If you run out of guesses the game will end and you lose.\n')
print ('8)if you make a guess that has letters or more than 4 digits you will lose a turn.')
def makeRandomWhenGameStarts():
"""A random 4 digit number is required this is created as its own
variable that can be passed in at the start of the game, this allows the user
to guess multiple times against the one number."""
#generate a 4 digit number
num = random.sample(range(1,9), 4)
#roll is the random 4 digit number as an int supplied to the other functions
roll = int(''.join(map(str,num)))
return roll
def begingame():
"""This is the main game function. primarily using the while loop, the makeRandomWhenGameStarts variable is
passed in anbd then an exception handling text input is used to ask the user for their guees """
print ('please select 4 numbers')
#bring in the random generated number for the user to guess.
roll = makeRandomWhenGameStarts()
whiteResults = []
redResults = []
collectScore = []
guessNo = 0
#setup the while loop to end eventually with 12 guesses finishing on the 0th guess.
guesses = 12
while (guesses > 0 ):
guessNo = guessNo + 1
#choice = int(2468) #int(input("4 digit number"))
choice = int(input("Please try a 4 digit number: "))
if not (1000 <= choice <= 9999):
raise ValueError()
except ValueError:
print('That was not a valid number, you lost a turn anyway!')
print ( "Your choice is", choice)
#Use for loops to transform the random number and player guess into lists
SliceChoice = [int(x) for x in str(choice)]
ranRoll = [int(x) for x in str(roll)]
#Take the individual digits and assign them a variable as an identifier of what order they exist in.
d1Guess = SliceChoice[0:1]
d2Guess = SliceChoice[1:2]
d3Guess = SliceChoice[2:3]
d4Guess = SliceChoice[3:4]
#combine the sliced elements into a list
playGuess = (d1Guess+d2Guess+d3Guess+d4Guess)
#Set reds and whites to zero for while loop turns
nRed = 0
nWhite = 0
#For debugging use these print statements to compare the guess from the random roll
# print(playGuess, 'player guess')
# print(ranRoll,'random roll')
#Use for loops to count the white pegs and red pegs
nWhitePegs = len([i for i in playGuess if i in ranRoll])
nRedPegs = sum([1 if i==j else 0 for i, j in zip(playGuess,ranRoll)])
print ('Oh Mastermind that was a good try! ')
#Take the results of redpegs and package as turnResultsRed
TurnResultsRed = (nRedPegs)
#Take the results of whitepegs and remove duplication (-RedPegs) package as TurnResultsWhite
TurnResultsWhite = ( nWhitePegs - nRedPegs) #nWhite-nRed
#Create a unified list with the first element being the guess number
# using guessNo as an index and storing the players choice and results to feedback at the end
totalResults = ( guessNo,choice , TurnResultsWhite ,TurnResultsRed)
# collectScore = collectScore + totalResults for each turn build a list of results for the 12 guesses
#End the while loop if the player has success with 4 reds
if nRed == (4):
print('Congratulations you are a Mastermind!')
#Return the results of the guess to the user
print ('You got:',TurnResultsWhite,'Whites and',TurnResultsRed,'Red\n')
#remove 1 value from guesses so the guess counter "counts down"
guesses = guesses -1
print ('You have', guesses, "guesses left!")
#First action outside the while loop tell the player the answer and advise them Game Over
print('Game Over!')
print('The answer was', roll)
#At the end of the game give the player back their results as a list
for x in collectScore:
print ('Guess',x[0],'was',x[1],':','you got', x[2],'Red','and', x[3],'Whites')
if __name__ == '__main__':
When you are stuck, decompose into smaller chunks and test those. Focusing on check, you can check whether a guess letter exactly matches the code via its index and whether its in the code at all with in. Here is a self-contained example. Notice that I've pulled out everything except the problem at hand.
If this works for you, I suggest writing a self-contained example of your next problem, test it, and if you are still stuck, post that as a new question.
def check(N_code, guess):
print('code', N_code, 'guess', guess)
result = []
# enumerate gives you each letter and its index from 0
for index, letter in enumerate(guess):
if N_code[index] == letter:
# right letter in right position
vote = 'red'
elif letter in N_code:
# well, at least the letter is in the code
vote = 'white'
# not even close
vote = 'black'
# add partial result
result.append('{} {}'.format(letter, vote))
# combine and print
print(', '.join(result))
check('ABCD', 'ABCD')
check('DEFA', 'ABCD')

How can you compare frequency of letters between two words in python?

I'm trying to create a word guessing game, after each guess the computer should return the frequency of letters in the right place, however it is this part that I have been unable to manage to get working. Can anyone help me?
import random
def guess(secret,testWord):
return (len([(x, y) for x, y in zip(secret, testWord) if x==y]))
Guesses = 0
print('Welcome to the Word Guessing Game \n\nYou have 4 chances to guess the word \n\nGood Luck!')
words = words.split('\n')
WordToGuess = random.choice(words)
GameOn = True
frequencies = []
while GameOn:
currentguess = input('\nPlease Enter Your Word to Guess from the list given').upper()
Guesses += 1
correctLength = guess(WordToGuess,currentguess)
if correctLength == len(WordToGuess):
print('Congragulations, You Won!')
GameOn = False
print(correctLength, '/', len(WordToGuess), 'correct')
if Guesses >= 4:
GameOn = False
print('Sorry you have lost the game. \nThe word was ' + WordToGuess)
In your guess function, you are printing the value, not returning it. Later, however, you try to assign something to correctLength. Just replace print by return, and your code should work.
Update to answer question in comments:
I think a very easy possibility (without a lot of changes to your code posted in the comment) would be to add an else clause, such that in case that the input is empty, you return directly to the start of the loop.
while GameOn:
currentguess = input('\nPlease Enter Your Word to Guess from the list given').upper()
if len(currentguess) <=0:
print('Sorry you must enter a guess')
correctLength = guess(WordToGuess,currentguess)
if correctLength == len(WordToGuess):
GameOn = False
elif Guesses <= 0:
GameOn = False
Guesses = Guesses -1

python code - Wants code to accept certain numbers

coins = input("enter x number of numbers separrated by comma's")
while True:
if coins == 10, 20, 50, 100,:
answer = sum(map(int,coins))
print (answer)
print ('coins not accepted try again')
Want the program to only accept numbers 10 20 50 and 100 (if numbers valid must add them together otherwise reject numbers) this code rejects all numbers
coins = input("enter x number of numbers separated by commas")
whitelist = set('10 20 50 100'.split())
while True:
if all(coin in whitelist for coin in coins.split(',')):
answer = sum(map(int,coins))
print (answer)
print ('coins not accepted try again')
From the in-comment conversation with #adsmith, it seems that OP wants a filter. To that end, this might work better:
coins = input("enter x number of numbers separated by commas")
whitelist = set('10 20 50 100'.split())
answer = sum(int(coin) for coin in coins.split(',') if coin in whitelist)
print answer
You can try sanitizing your input as it's entered instead of cycling through afterwards. Maybe this:
coins = list()
whitelist = {"10","20","50","100"}
print("Enter any number of coins (10,20,50,100), or anything else to exit")
while True:
in_ = input(">> ")
if in_ in whitelist: coins.append(int(in_))
else: break
# coins is now a list of all valid input, terminated with the first invalid input
answer = sum(coins)
