GitLab, manual job with dependency - gitlab

My pipeline has 3 stages: Test, Prepare and Publish.
Test, is executed for any commit on any branch
Prepare, is executed on develop and master
Publish, reuse artifacts from Prepare and is executed on develop* and master
I have added on manual stage "Manual publish" to manually publish any successful commit from anything else than develop and master. However that stage require the artifacts from Prepare. I have used needs to run Prepare but that one is executed after Test either if we don't trigger the "Manual publish", this is a waste of time and resources.
Can we attach/import/merge an existing job in another one ?
I have tried to import the Prepare job in Manual publish but without success:
<<: *prepare-docker
<<: *build-and-publish
when: manual
Each job should be executed on different runner; prepare-artifact is executed inside a Docker runner while build-and-publish require a Shell runner.

The solution is to make the first job manual and the next one "needing" it.
I have added a Manual Prepare job triggered manually and the Publish job is configured to needs the Manual Prepare. So that he is executed only once the Manual Prepare is done.
# ...
<<: *prepare-docker
when: manual
<<: *build-and-publish


How to run Job when Pipeline was triggered manually

I setup jobs to run only when pushing/merging to branch "dev", but I also want it so I'm able to run them if I trigger that pipeline manually. Something like this:
stage: test
<this step should be run always>
stage: build
- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "dev"
- if: <also run if the pipeline was run manually, but skip if it was triggered by something else>
This job is defined in a child "trigger" pipeline. This is how the parent looks like:
- template: 'Workflows/MergeRequest-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml'
- triggers
stage: triggers
include: microservice_a/.gitlab-ci.microservice_a.yml
strategy: depend
- changes:
- microservice_a/*
The effect I want to achieve is:
Run test in all cases
Run build in the child pipeline only when pushing/merging to "dev"
Also run the build job when the pipeline is run maually
Do not run the build job on any other cases (like a MR)
The rules examples showcase:
script: echo "Hello, Rules!"
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
when: manual
allow_failure: true
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'
The when:manual should be enough in your case: it does require that a job doesn’t run unless a user starts it.
Bonus question: This job is defined in a child "trigger" pipeline
Then it is related to gitlab-org/gitlab issue 201938, which is supposed to be fixed with GitLab 13.5 (Oct. 2020), but that only allow manual actions for parent-child pipeline (illustrated by this thread)
Double-check the environment variables as set in your child job
If true, that would indicate a job part of a manual triggered job.
While issue 22448 ("$CI_JOB_MANUAL should be set in all dependent jobs") points to this option not working, it includes a workaround.

GitLab CI - running a task automatically only on scheduled pipelines

I need a task that I can either manually execute or is run automatically on nightly schedule. I found this solution:
- changes:
- scheduled
when: always
- when: manual
The problem with the solution is that when a new pipeline is created and the task isn't run the pipeline is stuck in blocked state until I run it manually.
To avoid this I found a suggested workaround to add:
allow_failure: true
But this again brings a problem that if the task fails on nigtly run then the pipeline doesent fail and I don't get e-mail notifications.
Is there a way to solve this?
You can set allow_failure conditionally using rules:. So, instead of setting the allow_faulure: key on the job, set it in any rule that causes the job to be 'manual'.
- changes:
- scheduled
when: always
- when: manual
allow_failure: true
Also, based on your description it would probably be best to use a rule like so:
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"
when: always
allow_failure: false
- when: manual
allow_failure: true
Another alternative to prevent your pipeline being blocked by this job would be to have it run in the .post stage and use needs: [] to have it run immediately. That way, it'll never cause other jobs to wait on it.
needs: []
stage: .post
# ...
There might be a better solution, but another workaround could be to have two separate jobs with the rules in and template out everything else. For example:
.build_template: &build_template
image: ubuntu:18.04
- echo "hello world"
<<: *build_template
when: manual
- schedules
<<: *build_template
- schedules

How to make gitlab run jobs in sequential order?

I have a gitlab-ci.yml file like the following:
- test
- job1
- job2
stage: test
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
stage: job1
stage: job2
According to the documentation HERE (or at least how I understood it), the first stage/job is only run when I create a merge request.
This is true, but the next stage (job1) is run in parallel when the first job (test) has been started. As far as I understand the stages which are defined in the order test -> job1 -> job2) always run in sequence.
So what am I doing wrong? Why do job test and job1 run in parallel, and not in sequence as expected?
After a lot of trial-end-errors and reading and rereading parts of the really unclear and confusing documentation I might have found a solution.
First, the stage you only want to run on a merge request (or which you do not want to run if you schedule a trigger or start the pipeline manually), you need to change that stage as follows:
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"
when: never
- when: on_success
stage: test
- 'echo "Running Test"'
Here, you define a rule that checks if the variable CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE is either web or schedule. If the variable is web this means a manual pipeline trigger (i.e. you pressed manually on Run pipeline, which is not explained in the documentation), or if the pipeline is triggered by a schedule (not tested, but I assume that is what schedule means).
So if the pipeline is triggered by a scheduled event or manually, never tells gitlab to not execute that stage. The when: on_success is like an else statement, which tells gitlab to run that stage in any other case.
However, that is not the complete story. Because when you use git to make changes to the code and push it to gitlab via git push, you have two triggers in gitlab! A trigger merge_request_event and a trigger push. That means, the pipeline is started twice!
To avoid the pipeline started twice you need to use the workflow key, which helps to define if the pipeline (=workflow) is run or not. (The term workflow seems to mean pipeline). Here is the code to be put into the gitlab-ci.yml file:
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
when: never
- when: always
This construct suppresses the pipeline to be run when the trigger is merge_request_event. In that case, the additional pipeline is not run. In all other cases (when the trigger is e.g. push), the pipeline is run.
So here is the complete gitlab-ci.yaml code:
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
when: never
- when: always
- test
- stage1
- stage2
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"
when: never
- when: on_success
stage: test
- 'echo "Running Test"'
stage: stage1
- 'echo "Running stage 1"'
stage: stage2
- 'echo "Running stage 2"'
If you make a git push then one pipeline is run with the stages test, my_stage1 and my_stage2, and when you start the pipeline manually or if it is triggered by a schedule, one pipeline is started with the stages my_stage1 and my_stage2.
As to why this is so complicated and confusing, I have not the slightest idea.

Gitlab CI can trigger other project pipeline stage?

I have an A project and an E2E project. I want to deploy A project trigger E2E pipeline run test but I just want the trigger test stage. we don't need trigger E2E to build deploy ...etc
stage: test
project: project/E2E
branch: master
strategy: depend
stage: test
I have tried to use the stage in config. but got error unknown keys: stage
have any suggestions?
In your E2E project, the one that receives the trigger, you can tell a job to only run when the pipeline source is a trigger using the rules syntax:
stage: build
when: never
- if: "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == 'master' && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'trigger'
when: always
- ./ # this is just an example, you'd run whatever you normally would here
The first when statement, when: never sets the default for the job. By default, this job will never run. Then using the rule syntax, we set a condition that will allow the job to run. If the CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME variable (the branch or tag name) is master AND the CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE variable (whatever kicked off this pipeline) is a trigger, then we run this job.
You can read about the when keyword here:, and you can read the rules documentation here:

Make a stage happen in gitlab-ci if one of two other stages completed

I have a pipeline that runs automatically when code is pushed to gitlab. There's a terraform apply step that I want to be able to run manually in one case (resources destroyed/recreated) and automatically in another (resources simply added or destroyed.) I almost got this with a manual step but can't see how to get the pipeline to be automatic in the safe case. The manual terraform apply step would not be the last in the pipeline.
Is it possible to say 'do step C if step A completed or step B completed'? Kind of branch the pipeline? Or could I do it with two pipelines, and failure in one triggers the other?
Current partial test code (gitlab CI yaml) here:
# stop with a warning if resources will be created and destroyed
stage: check
- ./
allow_failure: true
# Apply changes manually, whether there is a warning or not
stage: deploy
name: production
- ./
- plan
when: manual
allow_failure: false
- master
stage: log
name: production
- ./
when: always
- master
