If Either can be either Left or Right but not both, then why does it correspond to OR instead of XOR in Curry-Howard correspondence? - haskell

When I asked this question, one of the answers, now deleted, was suggesting that the type Either corresponds to XOR, rather than OR, in the Curry-Howard correspondence, because it cannot be Left and Right at the same time.
Where is the truth?

If you have a value of type P and a value of type Q (that is, you have both a proof of P and a proof of Q), then you are still able to provide a value of type Either P Q.
x :: P
y :: Q
z :: Either P Q
z = Left x -- Another possible proof would be `Right y`
While Either does not have a specific case that explicitly represents this situation (unlike These), it does not do anything to exclude it (as in exclusive OR).
This third case where both have proofs is a bit different than the other two cases where only one has a proof, which reflects the fact that "not excluding" something is a bit different than "including" something in intuitionistic logic, since Either does not provide a particular witness for this fact. However Either is not an XOR in the way that XOR would typically work since, as I said, it does not exclude the case where both parts have proofs. What Daniel Wagner proposes in this answer, on the other hand, is much closer to an XOR.
Either is kind of like an exclusive OR in terms of what its possible witnesses are. On the other hand, it is like an inclusive OR when you consider whether or not you can actually create a witness in four possible scenarios: having a proof of P and a refutation of Q, having a proof of Q and a refutation of P, having a proof of both or having a refutation of both.[1] While you can construct a value of type Either P Q when you have a proof of both P and Q (similar to an inclusive OR), you cannot distinguish this situation from the situation where only P has a proof or only Q has a proof using only a value of type Either P Q (kind of similar to an exclusive OR). Daniel Wagner's solution, on the other hand, is similar to exclusive OR on both construction and deconstruction.
It is also worth mentioning that These more explicitly represents the possibility of both having proofs. These is similar to inclusive OR on both construction and deconstruction. However, it's also worth noting that there is nothing preventing you from using an "incorrect" constructor when you have a proof of both P and Q. You could extend These to be even more representative of an inclusive OR in this regard with a bit of additional complexity:
data IOR a b
= OnlyFirst a (Not b)
| OnlySecond (Not a) b
| Both a b
type Not a = a -> Void
The potential "wrong constructor" issue of These (and the lack of a "both" witness in Either) doesn't really matter if you are only interested in a proof irrelevant logical system (meaning that there is no way to distinguish between any two proofs of the same proposition), but it might matter in cases where you want more computational relevance in the logic.[2]
In the practical situation of writing computer programs that are actually meant to be executed, computational relevance is often extremely important. Even though 0 and 23 are both proofs that the Int type is inhabited, we certainly like to distinguish between the two values in programs, in general!
Regarding "construction" and "destruction"
Essentially, I just mean "creating values of a type" by construction and "pattern matching" by destruction (sometimes people use the words "introduction" and "elimination" here, particularly in the context of logic).
In the case of Daniel Wagner's solutions:
Construction: When you construct a value of type Xor A B, you must provide a proof of exactly one of A or B and a refutation of the other one. This is similar to exclusive or. It is not possible to construct a value of this unless you have a refutation of either A or B and a proof of the other one. A particularly significant fact is that you cannot construct a value of this type if you have a proof of both A and B and you don't have a refutation of either of them (unlike inclusive OR).
Destruction: When you pattern match on a value of type Xor A B, you always have a proof of one of the types and a refutation of the other. It will never give you a proof of both of them. This follows from its definition.
In the case of IOR:
Construction: When you create a value of type IOR A B, you must do exactly one of the following: (1) provide only a proof of A and a refutation of B, (2) provide a proof of B and a refutation of B, (3) provide a proof of both A and B. This is like inclusive OR. These three possibilities correspond exactly to each of the three constructors of IOR, with no overlap. Note that, unlike the situation with These, you cannot use the "incorrect constructor" in the case where you have a proof of both A and B: the only way to make a value of type IOR A B in this case is to use Both (since you would otherwise need to provide a refutation of either A or B).
Destruction: Since the three possible situations where you have a proof of at least one of A and B are exactly represented by IOR, with a separate constructor for each (and no overlap between the constructors), you will always know exactly which of A and B are true and which is false (if applicable) by pattern matching on it.
Pattern matching on IOR
Pattern matching on IOR works exactly like pattern matching on any other algebraic datatype. Here is an example:
x :: IOR Char Int
x = Both 'c' 3
y :: IOR Char Void
y = OnlyFirst 'a' (\v -> v)
f :: Not p -> IOR p Int
f np = OnlySecond np 7
z :: IOR Void Int
z = f notVoid
g :: IOR p Int -> Int
g w =
case w of
OnlyFirst p q -> -1
OnlySecond p q -> q
Both p q -> q
-- We can show that the proposition represented by "Void" is indeed false:
notVoid :: Not Void
notVoid = \v -> v
Then a sample GHCi session, with the above code loaded:
ghci> g x
ghci> g z
[1]This gets a bit more complex when you consider that some statements are undecidable and therefore you cannot construct a proof or a refutation for them.
[2]Homotopy type theory would be one example of a proof relevant system, but this is reaching the limit of my knowledge as of now.

The confusion stems from the Boolean truth-table exposition of logic. In particular, when both arguments are True, OR is True, whereas XOR is False. Logically it means that to prove OR it's enough to provide the proof of one of the arguments; but it's okay if the other one is True as well--we just don't care.
In Curry-Howard interpretation, if somebody gives you an element of Either a b, and you were able to extract the value of a from it, you still know nothing about b. It could be inhabited or not.
On the other hand, to prove XOR, you not only need the proof of one argument, you must also provide the proof of the falsehood of the other argument.
So, with Curry-Howard interpretation, if somebody gives you an element of Xor a b and you were able to extract the value of a from it, you would conclude that b is uninhabited (that is, isomorphic to Void). Conversely, if you were able to extract the value of b, then you'd know that a was uninhabited.
The proof of falsehood of a is a function a->Void. Such a function would be able to produce a value of Void, given a value of a, which is clearly impossible. So there can be no values of a. (There is only one function that returns Void, and that's the identity on Void.)

Perhaps try replacing “proof” in the Curry-Howard isomorphism with “evidence”.
Below I will use italics for propositions and proofs (which I will also call evidence), the mathematical side of the isomorphism, and I will use code for types and values.
The question is: suppose I know the type for [values corresponding to] evidence that P is true (I will call this type P), and I know the type for evidence that Q is true (I call this type Q), then what is the type for evidence of the proposition R = P OR Q?
Well there are two ways to prove R: we can prove P, or we can prove Q. We could prove both but that would be more work than necessary.
Now ask what the type should be? It is the type for things which are either evidence of P or evidence of Q. I.e. values which are either things of type P or things of type Q. The type Either P Q contains precisely those values.
What if you have evidence of P AND Q? Well this is just a value of type (P, Q), and we can write a simple function:
f :: (p,q) -> Either p q
f (a,b) = Left a
And this gives us a way to prove P OR Q if we can prove P AND Q. Therefore Either cannot correspond to xor.
What is the type for P XOR Q?
At this point I will say that negations are a bit annoying in this sort of constructive logic.
Let’s convert the question to things we understand, and a simpler thing we don’t:
Ask now: what is the type for evidence of NOT P?
I don’t have an intuitive explanation for why this is the simplest type but if NOT P were true then evidence of P being true would be a contradiction, which we say as proving FALSE, the unprovable thing (aka BOTTOM or BOT). That is, NOT P may be written in simpler terms as: P IMPLIES FALSE. The type for FALSE is called Void (in haskell). It is a type which no values inhabit because there are no proofs of it. Therefore if you could construct a value of that type you would have problems. IMPLIES corresponds to functions and so the type corresponding to NOT P is P -> Void.
We put this with what we know and get the following equivalence in the language of propositions:
The type is then:
type Xor p q = Either (p, q -> Void) (p -> Void, q)


How are tail-position contexts GHC join points paper formed?

Compiling without Continuations describes a way to extend ANF System F with join points. GHC itself has join points in Core (an intermediate representation) rather than exposing join points directly in the surface language (Haskell). Out of curiosity, I started trying to write a language that simply extends System F with join points. That is, the join points are user facing. However, there's something about the typing rules in the paper that I don't understand. Here are the parts that I do understand:
There are two environments, one for ordinary values/functions and one that only has join points.
The rational for ∆ being ε in several of the rules. In the expression let x:σ = u in ..., u cannot reference any join points (VBIND) because it join points cannot return to arbitrary locations.
The strange typing rule for JBIND. The paper does a good job explaining this.
Here's what I don't get. The paper introduces a notation that I will call the "overhead arrow", but the paper itself does not explicitly give it a name or mention it. Visually, it looks like a arrow pointing to the right, and it goes above an expression. Roughly, this seems to indicate a "tail context" (the paper does use this term). In the paper, these overhead arrows can be applied to terms, types, data constructors, and even environments. They can be nested as well. Here's the main difficulty I'm having. There are several rules with premises that include type environments under an overhead arrow. JUMP, CASE, RVBIND, and RJBIND all include premises with such a type environment (Figure 2 in the paper). However, none of the typing rules have a conclusion where the type environment is under an overhead arrow. So, I cannot see how JUMP, CASE, etc. can ever be used since the premises cannot be derived by any of the other rules.
That's the question, but if anyone has any supplementary material that provides more context are the overhead arrow convention or if anyone is aware an implementation of the System-F-with-join-points type system (other than in GHC's IR), that would be helpful too.
In this paper, x⃗ means “A sequence of x, separated by appropriate delimiters”.
A few examples:
If x is a variable, λx⃗. e is an abbreviation for λx1. λx2. … λxn e. In other words, many nested 1-argument lambdas, or a many-argument lambda.
If σ and τ are types, σ⃗ → τ is an abbreviation for σ1 → σ2 → … → σn → τ. In other words, a function type with many parameter types.
If a is a type variable and σ is a type, ∀a⃗. σ is an abbreviation for ∀a1. ∀a2. … ∀an. σ. In other words, many nested polymorphic functions, or a polymorphic function with many type parameters.
In Figure 1 of the paper, the syntax of a jump expression is defined as:
e, u, v ⩴ … | jump j ϕ⃗ e⃗ τ
If this declaration were translated into a Haskell data type, it might look like this:
data Term
-- | A jump expression has a label that it jumps to, a list of type argument
-- applications, a list of term argument applications, and the return type
-- of the overall `jump`-expression.
= Jump LabelVar [Type] [Term] Type
| ... -- Other syntactic forms.
That is, a data constructor that takes a label variable j, a sequence of type arguments ϕ⃗, a sequence of term arguments e⃗, and a return type τ.
“Zipping” things together:
Sometimes, multiple uses of the overhead arrow place an implicit constraint that their sequences have the same length. One place that this occurs is with substitutions.
{ϕ/⃗a} means “replace a1 with ϕ1, replace a2 with ϕ2, …, replace an with ϕn”, implicitly asserting that both a⃗ and ϕ⃗ have the same length, n.
Worked example: the JUMP rule:
The JUMP rule is interesting because it provides several uses of sequencing, and even a sequence of premises. Here’s the rule again:
(j : ∀a⃗. σ⃗ → ∀r. r) ∈ Δ
(Γ; ε ⊢⃗ u : σ {ϕ/⃗a})
Γ; Δ ⊢ jump j ϕ⃗ u⃗ τ : τ
The first premise should be fairly straightforward, now: lookup j in the label context Δ, and check that the type of j starts with a bunch of ∀s, followed by a bunch of function types, ending with a ∀r. r.
The second “premise” is actually a sequence of premises. What is it looping over? So far, the sequences we have in scope are ϕ⃗, σ⃗, a⃗, and u⃗.
ϕ⃗ and a⃗ are used in a nested sequence, so probably not those two.
On the other hand, u⃗ and σ⃗ seem quite plausible if you consider what they mean.
σ⃗ is the list of argument types expected by the label j, and u⃗ is the list of argument terms provided to the label j, and it makes sense that you might want to iterate over argument types and argument terms together.
So this “premise” actually means something like this:
for each pair of σ and u:
Γ; ε ⊢ u : σ {ϕ/⃗a}
Pseudo-Haskell implementation
Finally, here’s a somewhat-complete code sample illustrating what this typing rule might look like in an actual implementation. x⃗ is implemented as a list of x values, and some monad M is used to signal failure when a premise is not satisfied.
data LabelVar
data Type
= ...
data Term
= Jump LabelVar [Type] [Term] Type
| ...
typecheck :: TermContext -> LabelContext -> Term -> M Type
typecheck gamma delta (Jump j phis us tau) = do
-- Look up `j` in the label context. If it's not there, throw an error.
typeOfJ <- lookupLabel j delta
-- Check that the type of `j` has the right shape: a bunch of `foralls`,
-- followed by a bunch of function types, ending with `forall r.r`. If it
-- has the correct shape, split it into a list of `a`s, a list of `\sigma`s
-- and the return type, `forall r.r`.
(as, sigmas, ret) <- splitLabelType typeOfJ
-- exactZip is a helper function that "zips" two sequences together.
-- If the sequences have the same length, it produces a list of pairs of
-- corresponding elements. If not, it raises an error.
for each (u, sigma) in exactZip (us, sigmas):
-- Type-check the argument `u` in a context without any tail calls,
-- and assert that its type has the correct form.
sigma' <- typecheck gamma emptyLabelContext u
-- let subst = { \sequence{\phi / a} }
subst <- exactZip as phis
assert (applySubst subst sigma == sigma')
-- After all the premises have been satisfied, the type of the `jump`
-- expression is just its return type.
return tau
-- Other syntactic forms
typecheck gamma delta u = ...
-- Auxiliary definitions
type M = ...
instance Monad M
lookupLabel :: LabelVar -> LabelContext -> M Type
splitLabelType :: Type -> M ([TypeVar], [Type], Type)
exactZip :: [a] -> [b] -> M [(a, b)]
applySubst :: [(TypeVar, Type)] -> Type -> Type
As far as I know SPJ’s style for notation, and this does align with what I see in the paper, it simply means “0 or more”. E.g. you can replace \overarrow{a} with a_1, …, a_n, n >= 0.
It may be “1 or more” in some cases, but it shouldn’t be hard to figure one which one of the two.

How to think about the lack of laws

I am a mathematician who works a lot with category theory, and I've been using Haskell for a while to perform certain computations etc., but I am definitely not a programmer. I really love Haskell and want to become much more fluent in it, and the type system is something that I find especially great to have in place when writing programs.
However, I've recently been trying to implement category theoretic things, and am running into problems concerning the fact that you seemingly can't have class method laws in Haskell. In case my terminology here is wrong, what I mean is that I can write
class Monoid c where
id :: c -> c
m :: c -> c -> c
but I can't write some law along the lines of
m (m x y) z == m x $ m y z
From what I gather, this is due to the lack of dependent types in Haskell, but I'm not sure how exactly this is the case (having now read a bit about dependent types). It also seems that the convention is just to include laws like this in comments and hope that you don't accidentally cook up some instance that doesn't satisfy them.
How should I change my approach to Haskell to deal with this problem? Is there a nice mathematical/type-theoretic solution (for example, require the existence of an associator that is an isomorphism (though then the question is, how do we encode isomorphisms without a law?)); is there some 'hack' (using extensions such as DataKinds); should I be drastic and switch to using something like Idris instead; or is the best response to just change the way I think about using Haskell (i.e. accept that these laws can't be implemented in a Haskelly way)?
(bonus) How exactly does the lack of laws come from not supporting dependent types?
You want to require that:
m (m x y) z = m x (m y z) -- (1)
But to require this you need a way to check it. So you, or your compiler (or proof assistant), need to construct a proof of this. And the question is, what type is a proof of (1)?
One could imagine some Proof type but then maybe you could just construct a proof that 0 = 0 instead of a proof of (1) and both would have type Proof. So you’d need a more general type. I can’t decide how to break up the rest of the question so I’ll go for a super brief explanation of the Curry-Howard isomorphism followed by an explanation of how to prove two things are equal and then how dependent types are relevant.
The Curry-Howard isomorphism says that propositions are isomorphic to types and proofs are isomorphic to programs: a type corresponds to a proposition and a proof of that proposition corresponds to a program constructing a value inhabiting that type. Ignoring how many propositions might be expressed as types, an example would be that the type A * B (written (A, B) in Haskell) corresponds to the proposition “A and B,” while the type A + B (written Either A B in Haskell) corresponds to the proposition “A or B.” Finally the type A -> B corresponds to “A implies B,” as a proof of this is a program which takes evidence of A and gives you evidence of B. One should note that there isn’t a way to express not A but one could imagine adding a type Not A with builtins of type Either a (Not a) for the law of the excluded middle as well as Not (Not a) -> a, and a * Not a -> Void (where Void is a type which cannot be inhabited and therefore corresponds to false), but then one can’t really run these programs to get constructivist proofs.
Now we will ignore some realities of Haskell and imagine that there aren’t ways round these rules (in particular undefined :: a says everything is true, and unsafeCoerce :: a -> b says that anything implies anything else, or just other functions that don’t return where their existence does not imply the corresponding proof).
So we know how to combine propositions but what might a proposition be? Well one could be to say that two types are equal. In Haskell this corresponds to the GADT
data Eq a b where Refl :: Eq c c
Where this constructor corresponds to the reflexive property of equality.
[side note: if you’re still interested so far, you may be interested to look up Voevodsky’s univalent foundations, depending on how much the idea of “Homotopy type theory” interests you]
So can we prove something now? How about the transitive property of equality:
trans :: Eq a b -> Eq b c -> Eq a c
trans x y =
case x of
Refl -> -- by this match being successful, the compiler now knows that a = b
case y of
Refl -> -- and now b = c and so the compiler knows a = c
Refl -- the compiler knows that this is of type Eq d d, and as it knows a = c, this typechecks as Eq a c
This feels like one hasn’t really proven anything (especially as this mainly relies on the compiler knowing the transitive and symmetric properties), but one gets a similar feeling when proving simple things in logic as well.
So now how might you prove the original proposition (1)? Well let’s imagine we want a type c to be a monoid then we should also prove that $\forall x,y,z:c, m (m x y) z = m x (m y z).$ So we need a way to express m (m x y) z as a type. Strictly speaking this isn’t dependent types (this can be done with DataKinds to promote values and type families instead of functions). But you do need dependent types to have types depend on values. Specifically if you have a type Nat of natural numbers and a type family Vec :: Nat -> * (* is the kind (read type) of all types) of fixed length vectors, you could define a dependently typed function mkVec :: (n::Nat) -> Vec n. Observe how the type of the output depends on the value of the input.
So your law needs to have functions promoted to type level (skipping the questions about how one defines type equality and value equality), as well as dependent types (made up syntax):
class Monoid c where
e :: c
(*) :: c -> c -> c
idl :: (x::c) -> Eq x (e * x)
idr :: (x::c) -> Eq x (x * e)
assoc :: (x::c) -> (y::c) -> (z::c) -> Eq ((x * y) * z) (x * (y * z))
Observe how types tend to become large with dependent types and proofs. In a language missing typeclasses one could put such values into a record.
Final note on the theory of dependent types and how these correspond to the curry Howard isomorphism.
Dependent types can be considered an answer to the question: what types correspond to the propositions $\forall x\in S\quad P(x)$ and $\exists y\in T\quad Q(y)?$
The answer is that you create new ways to make types: the dependent product and the dependent sum (coproduct). The dependent product expresses “for all values $x$ of type $S,$ there is a value of type $P(x).$” A normal product would be a dependent product with $S=2,$ a type inhabited by two values. A dependent product might be written (x:T) -> P x. A dependent sum says “some value $y$ of type $T$, paired with a value of type $Q(y).$” this might be written (y:T) * Q y.
One can think of these as a generalisation of arbitrarily indexed (co)products from Set to general categories, where one might sensibly write e.g. $\prod_\Lambda X(\lambda),$ and sometimes such notation is used in type theory.

Correct terminology for continuations

I've been poking around continuations recently, and I got confused about the correct terminology. Here Gabriel Gonzalez says:
A Haskell continuation has the following type:
newtype Cont r a = Cont { runCont :: (a -> r) -> r }
i.e. the whole (a -> r) -> r thing is the continuation (sans the wrapping)
The wikipedia article seems to support this idea by saying
a continuation is an abstract representation of the control state
of a computer program.
However, here the authors say that
Continuations are functions that represent "the remaining computation to do."
but that would only be the (a->r) part of the Cont type. And this is in line to what Eugene Ching says here:
a computation (a function) that requires a continuation function in order
to fully evaluate.
We’re going to be seeing this kind of function a lot, hence, we’ll give it
a more intuitive name. Let’s call them waiting functions.
I've seen another tutorial (Brian Beckman and Erik Meijer) where they call the whole thing (the waiting function) the observable and the function which is required for it to complete the observer.
What is the the continuation, the (a->r)->r thingy or just the (a->r) thing (sans the wrapping)?
Is the wording observable/observer about correct?
Are the citations above really contradictory, is there a common truth?
What is the the continuation, the (a->r)->r thingy or just the (a->r) thing (sans the wrapping)?
I would say that the a -> r bit is the continuation and the (a -> r) -> r is "in continuation passing style" or "is the type of the continuation monad.
I am going to go off on a long digression on the history of continuations which is not really relivant to the question...so be warned.
It is my belief that the first published paper on continuations was "Continuations: A Mathematical Semantics for Handling Full Jumps" by Strachey and Wadsworth (although the concept was already folklore). The idea of that paper is I think a pretty important one. Early semantics for imperative programs attempted to model commands as state transformer functions. For example, consider the simple imperative language given by the following BNF
Command := set <Expression> to <Expression>
| skip
| <Command> ; <Command>
Expression := !<Expression>
| <Number>
| <Expression> + <Expression>
here we use a expressions as pointers. The simplest denotational function interprets the state as functions from natural numbers to natural numbers:
S = N -> N
We can interpret expressions as functions from state to the natural numbers
E[[e : Expression]] : S -> N
and commands as state transducers.
C[[c : Command]] : S -> S
This denotational semantics can be spelled out rather simply:
E[[n : Number]](s) = n
E[[a + b]](s) = E[[a]](s) + E[[b]](s)
E[[!e]](s) = s(E[[e]](s))
C[[skip]](s) = s
C[[set a to b]](s) = \n -> if n = E[[a]](s) then E[[b]](s) else s(n)
C[[c_1;c_2]](s) = (C[[c_2] . C[[c_1]])(s)
As simple program in this language might look like
set 0 to 1;
set 1 to (!0) + 1
which would be interpreted as function that turns a state function s into a new function that is just like s except it maps 0 to 1 and 1 to 2.
This was all well and good, but how do you handle branching? Well, if you think about it alot you can probably come up with a way to handle if and loops that go an exact number of times...but what about general while loops?
Strachey and Wadsworth's showed us how to do it. First of all, they pointed out that these "State transducer functions" were pretty important and so decided to call them "command continuations" or just "continuations."
C = S -> S
From this they defined a new semantics, which we will provisionally define this way
C'[[c : Command]] : C -> C
C'[[c]](cont) = cont . C[[c]]
What is going on here? Well, observe that
C'[[c_1]](C[[c_2]]) = C[[c_1 ; c_2]]
and further
C'[[c_1]](C'[[c_2]](cont) = C'[[c_1 ; c_2]](cont)
Instead of doing it this way, we can inline the definition
C'[[skip]](cont) = cont
C'[[set a to b]](cont) = cont . \s -> \n -> if n = E[[a]](s) then E[[b]](s) else s(n)
C'[[c_1 ; c_2]](cont) = C'[[c_1]](C'[[c_2]](cont)
What has this bought us? Well, a way to interpret while, thats what!
Command := ... | while <Expression> do <Command> end
C'[[while e do c end]](cont) =
let loop = \s -> if E[[e]](s) = 0 then C'[[c]](loop)(s) else cont(s)
in loop
or, using a fixpoint combinator
C'[[while e do c end]](cont)
= Y (\f -> \s -> if E[[e]](s) = 0 then C'[[c]](f)(s) else cont(s))
Anyways...that is history and not particularly important...except in so far as it showed how to interpret programs mathematically, and set the language of "continuation."
Also, the approach to denotational semantics of "1. define a new semantic function in terms of the old 2. inline 3. profit" works surprisingly often. For example, it is often useful to have your semantic domain form a lattice (think, abstract interpretation). How do you get that? Well, one option is to take the powerset of the domain, and inject into this by interpreting your functions as singletons. If you inline this powerset construction you get something that can either model non-determinism or, in the case of abstract interpretation, various amounts of information about a program other than exact certainty as to what it does.
Various other work followed. Here I skip over many greats such as the lambda papers... But, perhaps the most notable was Griffin's landmark paper "A Formulae-as-Types Notion of Control" which showed a connection between continuation passing style and classical logic. Here the connection between "continuation" and "Evaluation context" is emphasized
That is, E represents the rest of the computation that remains to be done after N is evaluated. The context E is called the continuation (or control context) of N at this point in the evalu- ation sequence. The notation of evaluation contexts allows, as we shall see below, a concise specification of the operational semantics of operators that ma- nipulate continuations (indeed, this was its intended use [3, 2, 4, 1]).
making clear that the "continuation" is "just the a -> r bit"
This all looks at things from the point of view of semantics and sees continuations as functions. The thing is, continuations as functions give you more power than you get with something like scheme's callCC. So, another perspective on continuations is that they are variables in the program which internalize the call stack. Parigot had the idea to make continuation variables a seperate syntactic category leading to the elegant lambda-mu calculus in "λμ-Calculus: An algorithmic interpretation of classical natural deduction."
Is the wording observable/observer about correct?
I think it is in so far as it is what Eric Mejier uses. It is non standard terminology in academic PLs.
Are the citations above really contradictory, is there a common truth?
Let us look at the citations again
a continuation is an abstract representation of the control state of a computer program.
In my interpretation (which I think is pretty standard) a continuation models what a program should do next. I think wikipedia is consistent with this.
A Haskell continuation has the following type:
This is a bit odd. But, note that later in the post Gabriel uses language which is more standard and supports my use of language.
That means that if we have a function with two continuations:
(a1 -> r) -> ((a2 -> r) -> r)
Fueled by reading about continuations via Andrzej Filinski's Declarative Continuations and Categorical Duality I adopt the following terminology and understanding.
A continuation on values of a is a "black hole which accepts values of a". You can see it as a black box with one operation—you feed it a value a and then the world ends. Locally at least.
Now let's assume we're in Haskell and I demand that you construct for me a function forall r . (a -> r) -> r. Let's say, for now, that a ~ Int and it'll look like
f :: forall r . (Int -> r) -> r
f cont = _
where the type hole has a context like
r :: Type
cont :: Int -> r
_ :: r
Clearly, the only way we can comply with these demands is to pass an Int into the cont function and return it after which no further computation can happen. This models the idea of "feed an Int to the continuation and then the world ends".
So, I would call the function (a -> r) the continuation so long as it's in a context with a fixed-but-unknown r and a demand to return that r. For instance, the following is not so much of a continuation
forall r . (a -> r) -> (r, a)
as we're clearly allowed to pass back out more information from our failing universe than the continuation alone allows.
On "Observable"
I'm personally not a fan of the "observer"/"observable" terminology. In that terminology we might write
newtype Observable a = O { observe :: forall r . (a -> r) -> r }
so that we have observe :: Observable a -> (a -> r) -> r which ensures that exactly one a will be passed to an "observer" a -> r "observing" it. This gives a very operational view to the type above while Cont or even the scarily named Yoneda Identity explains much more declaratively what the type actually is.
I think the point is to somehow hide the complexity of Cont behind metaphor to make it less scary for "the average programmer", but that just adds an extra layer of metaphor for behavior to leak out of. Cont and Yoneda Identity explain exactly what the type is without dressing it up.
I suggest to recall the call convention for C on x86 platforms, because of its use of the stack and registers to pass the arguments around. This will turn out very useful to understand the abstraction.
Suppose, function f calls function g and passes 0 to it. This will look like so:
mov eax, 0
call g -- now eax is the first argument,
-- and the stack has the address of return point, f'
g: -- here goes g that uses eax to compute the return value
mov eax,1 -- which by calling convention is placed in eax
ret -- get the return point, f', off the stack, and jump there
f': ...
You see, placing the return point f' on the stack is the same as passing a function pointer as one of the arguments, and then the return is the same as calling the given function and pass it a value. So from g's point of view the return point to f looks like function of one argument, f' :: a -> r. As you understand, the state of the stack completely captures the state of the computation f was performing, and which needed a from g in order to proceed.
At the same time, at the point g is called it looks like a function that accepts a function of one argument (we place the pointer of that function on the stack), which will eventually compute the value of type r that the code from f': onwards was meant to compute, so the type becomes g :: (a->r)->r.
Since f' is given a value of type a from "somewhere", f' can be seen as the observer of g - which is, conversely, the observable.
This is only intended to give a basic idea and tie somehow to the world you probably already know. The magic of continuations permits to do more tricks than just convert "plain" computation into computation with continuations.
When we refer to a continuation, we mean the part that let us continue calculating a result.
An operation in the Continuation Monad is analogous to a function that is incomplete and so it is waiting on another function to complete it. Although, the Continuation Monad is itself a valid construct that can be used to complete another Continuation Monad, that is what the binding operator (>>=) for the Cont Monad does.
When writing code that involves callCC or Call with Current Continuation, you are passing the current Cont Monad into another Cont Monad so that the second one can make use of it. For example, it might prematurely end execution by calling the first Cont Monad, and from there the cycle can either repeat or diverge into a different Continuation Monad.
The part that is the continuation is different from which perspective you use. In my personal opinion, the best way to describe a continuation is in relation to another construct.
So if we return to our example of two Cont Monads interacting, from the perspective of the first Monad the continuation is the (a -> r) -> r (because that is the unwrapped type of the first Monad) and from the perspective of the second Monad the continuation is the (a -> r) (because that is the unwrapped type of the first monad when a is substituted for (a -> r)).

forall as an intersection over those sets

I have been reading the existential section on Wikibooks and this is what is stated there:
Firstly, forall really does mean 'for all'. One way of thinking about
types is as sets of values with that type, for example, Bool is the
set {True, False, ⊥} (remember that bottom, ⊥, is a member of every
type!), Integer is the set of integers (and bottom), String is the set
of all possible strings (and bottom), and so on. forall serves as an
intersection over those sets. For example, forall a. a is the intersection over all types, which must be {⊥}, that is, the type (i.e. set) whose only value (i.e. element) is bottom.
How does forall serve as an intersection over those sets ?
forall in formal logic means that it can be any value from the universe of discourse. How does in Haskell it gets translated to intersection ?
Haskell's forall-s can be viewed as restricted dependent function types, which I think is the conceptually most enlightening approach and also most amenable to set-theoretic or logical interpretations.
In a dependent language one can bind the values of arguments in function types, and mention those values in the return types.
-- Idris
id : (a : Type) -> (a -> a)
id _ x = x
-- Can also leave arguments implicit (to be inferred)
id : a -> a
id x = x
-- Generally, an Idris function type has the form "(x : A) -> F x"
-- where A is a type (or kind/sort, or any level really) and F is
-- a function of type "A -> Type"
-- Haskell
id :: forall (a : *). (a -> a)
id x = x
The crucial difference is that Haskell can only bind types, lifted kinds, and type constructors, using forall, while dependent languages can bind anything.
In the literature dependent functions are called dependent products. Why call them that, when they are, well, functions? It turns out that we can implement Haskell's algebraic product types using only dependent functions.
Generally, any function a -> b can be viewed as a lookup function for some product, where the keys have type a and the elements have type b. Bool -> Int can be interpreted as a pair of Int-s. This interpretation is not very interesting for non-dependent functions, since all the product fields must be of the same type. With dependent functions, our pair can be properly polymorphic:
Pair : Type -> Type -> Type
Pair a b = (index : Bool) -> (if index then a else b)
fst : Pair a b -> a
fst pair = pair True
snd : Pair a b -> b
snd pair = pair False
setFst : c -> Pair a b -> Pair c b
setFst c pair = \index -> if index then c else pair False
setSnd : c -> Pair a b -> Pair a c
setSnd c pair = \index -> if index then pair True else c
We have recovered all the essential functionality of pairs here. Also, using Pair we can build up products of arbitrary arity.
So, how does is tie in to the interpretation of forall-s? Well, we can interpret ordinary products and build up some intuition for them, and then try to transfer that to forall-s.
So, let's look a bit first at the algebra of ordinary products. Algebraic types are called algebraic because we can determine the number of their values by algebra. Link to detailed explanation. If A has |A| number of values and B has |B| number of values, then Pair A B has |A| * |B| number of possible values. With sum types we sum the number of inhabitants. Since A -> B can be viewed as a product with |A| fields, all having type B, the number of the inhabitants of A -> B is |A| number of |B|-s multiplied together, which equals |B|^|A|. Hence the name "exponential type" that is sometimes used to denote functions. When the function is dependent, we fall back to the "product over some number of different types" interpretation, since the exponential formula no longer fits.
Armed with this understanding, we can interpret forall (a :: *). t as a product type with indices of type * and fields having type t, where a might be mentioned inside t, and thus the field types may vary depending on the choice of a. We can look up the fields by making Haskell infer some particular type for the forall, effectively applying the function to the type argument.
Note that this product has as many fields as many values of indices there are, which is pretty much infinite here, considering the potential number of Haskell types.
You have to view types in either negative or positive context—i.e. either in the process of construction or the process of use (have/receive and this is all probably best understood in Game Semantics, but I am not familiar with them).
If I "give you" a type forall a . a then you know I must have constructed it somehow. The only way for a particular constructed value to have the type forall a . a is that it could be a stand-in "for all" types in the universe of discourse—which is, of course, the intersection of their functionality. In sane languages no such value exists (Void), but in Haskell we have bottom.
bottom :: forall a . a
bottom = let a = a in a
On the other hand, if I somehow magically have a value of forall a . a and I attempt to use it then we get the opposite effect—I can treat it as anything in the union of all types in the universe of discourse (which is what you were looking for) and thus I have
absurd :: (forall a . a) -> b
absurd a = a
How does forall serve as an intersection over those sets ?
Here you may benefit from starting to read a bit about the Curry-Howard correspondence. To make a long story short, you can think of a type as a logical proposition, language expressions as proofs of their types, and values as normal form proofs (proofs that cannot be simplified any further). So for example, "Hello world!" :: String would be read as ""Hello world!" is a proof of the proposition String."
So now think of forall a. a as a proposition. Intuitively, think of this as a second-order quantified statement over a propositional variable: "For all statements a, a." It's basically asserting all propositions. This means that if x is a proof of forall a. a, then for any proposition P, x is also a proof of P. So, since the proofs of forall a. a are the proofs that prove any propositions, then it must follow that the proofs of forall a. a must be the same as what you'd get if you mapped each proposition to the set of its proofs and took their intersection. And the only normal-form proof (i.e. "value") that is common to all those sets is bottom.
Another informal way to look at it is that universal quantification is like an infinite conjunction (∀x.P(x) is like P(c0) ∧ P(c1) ∧ ...). Conjunction, seen from a model-theoretical view, is set intersection; the set of evaluation environments where A ∧ B is true is the intersection of the environments where A is true and the ones where B is true.

Is Milner let polymorphism a rank 2 feature?

let a = b in c can be thought as a syntactic sugar for (\a -> c) b, but in a typed setting in general it's not the case. For example, in the Milner calculus let a = \x -> x in (a True, a 1) is typable, but seemingly equivalent (\a -> (a True, a 1)) (\x -> x) is not.
However, the latter is typable in System F with a rank 2 type for the first lambda.
My questions are:
Is let polymorphism a rank 2 feature that sneaked secretly in the otherwise rank 1 world of Milner calculus?
The purpose of having of separate let construct seems to specify which types should be generalized by type checker, and which are not. Does it serve any other purposes? Are there any reasons to extend more powerful systems e.g. System F with separate let which is not sugar? Are there any papers on the rationale behind the design of the Milner calculus which no longer seems obvious to me?
Is there the most general type for \a -> (a True, a 1) in System F?
Are there type systems closed under beta expansion? I.e. if P is typable and M N = P then M is typable?
Some clarifications:
By equivalence I mean equivalence modulo type annotations. Is 'System F a la Church' the correct term for that?
I know that in general the principal typing property doesn't hold in F, but a principal type could exist for my particular term.
By let I mean the non-recursive flavour of let. Extension of system F with recursive let is obviously useful as it allows for non-termination.
W.r.t. to the four questions asked:
A key insight in this matter is that rather than just typing a
lambda-abstraction with a potentially polymorphic argument type, we
are typing a (sugared) abstraction that is (1) applied exactly once
and, moreover, that is (2) applied to a statically known argument.
That is, we can first subject the "argument" (i.e. the definiens of
the local definition) to type reconstruction to find its
(polymorphic) type; then assign the found type to the "parameter"
(the definiendum); and then, finally, type the body in the extended
type context.
Note that that is considerably more easy than general rank-2 type
Note that, strictly speaking, let .. = .. in .. is only syntactic sugar in System F if you demand that the definiendum carries a type annotation: let .. : .. = .. in .. .
Here are two solutions for T in (\a :: T -> (a True, a 1)) in System F: forall b. (forall a. a -> b) -> (b, b) and forall c d. (forall a b. a -> b) -> (c, d). Note that neither one of them is more general than the other. In general, System F does not admit principal types.
I suppose this holds for the simply typed lambda-calculus?
Types are not preserved under beta-expansion in any calculus that can express the concept of "dead code". You can probably figure out how to write something similar to this in any usable language:
if True then something typable else utter nonsense
For example, let M = (\x y -> x) (something typable) and N = (utter nonsense) and P = (something typable), so that M N = P, and P is typable, but M N isn't.
...rereading your question, I see that you only demand that M be typable, but that seems like a very strange meaning to give to "preserved under beta-expansion" to me. Anyway, I don't see why some argument like the above couldn't apply: simply let M have some untypable dead code in it.
You could type (\a -> (a True, a 1)) (\x -> x) if instead of generalizing only let expressions, you generalized all lambda abstractions. Having done so, one also needs to instantiate type schemas at every use point, not simply at the point where the binder which refers to them is actually used. I'm don't think there's any problem with this actually, outside of the fact that its vastly less efficient. I recall some discussion of this in TAPL, in fact, making similar points.
I recall many years ago seeing in a book about lambda calculus (possibly Barendregt) a type system preserved by beta expansion. It had no quantification, but it had disjunction to express that a term needed to be of more than one type simultaneously, as well as a special type omega which every term inhabited. As I recall, the latter avoids Daniel Wagner's dead code objection. While every expression was well-typed, restricting the position of omega in the type allowed you to charactize which expressions had (weak?) head normal forms.
Also if I recall correctly, fully normal form expressions had principal types, which did not contain omega.
For example the principal type of \f x -> f (f x) (the Church numeral 2) would be something like ((A -> B) /\ (B -> C)) -> A -> C
Not able to answer all your very specialized questions, but no, its not a rank 2 feature. As you write, it's just that let definitions are being quantified which yields a fully polymorphic rank-1 type unless the definition depends on some monomorphic value ina nouter scope.
Please also note that Haskell let is known as let rec in other languages and allows definition of mutually recursive functions and values. This is something you would not want to code manually with lambda-expressions and Y-combinators.
