Render small LaTeX-Snippets on GTK GUI using Rust - rust

I am developing a Rust program which has a GTK3 GUI using the given rust-gtk-binding.
The program should be cross-platform (at least Linux and Windows).
The GUI should be able to show custom plaintexts and small LaTeX-snippets to allow the use math environments (small means sizes of one formula as an element to display).
Therefore, I need a way to convert LaTeX-code into something which can be displayed by the GUI.
Ideas and their problems
I can see two approaches displaying LaTeX:
Compile the LaTeX-source into pdf and then into some image type. It should be possible to use Ghostscript to get the image. But I do not know how to generate the pdf in a way which is lightweight (does not include rather large packages like miktex) and cross-platform. This option could also be overkill as there is no need to dynamically download special packages, a good math support would be sufficient. The positive side is that rendering an image in GTK should be easy.
Use KaTeX which should be sufficient for math environments. I was able to install matching crates and generate HTML source from some formulas. But here it becomes difficult to render the result as GTK has no native way for displaying HTML. As it would be difficult to integrate a HTML-engine into the GUI it would be optimal to find a tool which is able to render HTML to an image type which then can be displayed.
Now I have two ways both using an intermediate step where for common LaTeX the first step is difficult and for KaTeX the second step displays a problem. For both approaches' difficult steps I could not find any feasible solution.
Are there any libraries or similar I could not find or are there any different approaches?
It would be perfectly sufficient to be able to render a single formula, I just want to avoid such massive and difficult overkills like using a complete LaTeX compiler or half a browser to render HTML.

After searching and evaluating many more approaches I got a solution which is kind of good while also having some major drawbacks:
First of all, I use TinyTex as LaTeX environment. I did not restrict the use of LaTeX to e.g. math environments. TinyTex offers support for major platforms while being lightweight and portable. Additional LaTeX packages have to be installed manually which allows me to decide which ones are being shipped with my application.
The negative side is that while TinyTex is lightweight for a LaTeX environment it still is rather big for its purpose here (about 250MB).
I installed the required packages to use \documentclass[preview]{standalone} to get an already cropped pdf.
Afterwards I use Ghostscript to get a png-image for the generated pdf. I did not use language bindings and instead just went std::process::Command.
The following lines should be sufficient to convert test.tex into test.png with the portable TinyTex installation and Ghostscripts gswin64c.exe present in subfolders of the project's directory under Windows: (As TinyTex and Ghostscript also exist for other OS the given example can easily be changed to work on other systems)
use std::process::Command;
fn main() {
let output = Command::new("TinyTex\\bin\\win32\\pdflatex.exe")
.expect("Some error message 1");
println!("{}", String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap());
let output = Command::new("gs\\gswin64c.exe")
.expect("Some error message 2");
println!("{}", String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap());
Of course this is no particulary good and useful code at this stage but it shows how to proceed with the given problem and I wanted to leave it here in case anyone with a similar problems finds this post.


Sublime 3 - Highlight variable in Perl/PHP string

I am turning to use Sublime3 instead of Notepad++. I have some concern when working with Perl/PHP or any kind of languages that use dollar sign for declare variable.
Here is an example, in Notepad ++:
As can be seen, "HELO $name" was displayed with different colors.
By that way, we can easily recognize there is a variable in the string.
In Sublime 3 , it looked like this:
So you can see there are no different between text and variable. It would caused confusion in some case.
May I know is there are any solution for this ?
Thank you and best regards.
This is self-promoting, but it will actually solve the problem
You may want to check out my Neon Color Scheme, available via Package Control. Its goal is to make as many languages as possible look as good as possible, and has hundreds of selectors that are specific for many different syntaxes, including Perl and PHP. Specifically, both languages support highlighting for string interpolation. Here is your code using Sublime's Perl syntax from dev build 3118, which should be very similar to the latest public build, which you should be using if you're not registered yet:
And here is the equivalent code in PHP:
Please note that these images were taken using a work-in-progress version of Neon, which I'm planning on releasing in the next day or so. The current version should look the same, as I don't think I've edited any of these scopes, but if not just let me know and I'll point you to the dev version.

How do I change LaTeX to MathML using MathJax in Node.js?

I'm trying to render math equations from user input server side using MathJax in Node.js. I'm using a separate library (mathjs) to turn the input into LaTeX, but after spending an hour looking at the MathJax docs I'm no closer to turning the LaTeX into MathML.
I'm assuming I'd be using the mathjax package on NPM, and then use the MathJax.InputJax and MathJax.OutputJax classes to do the processing, but I've got no idea how to put everything together.
(In case anyone is wondering, I'm using a CSS file to polyfill MathML, rather than load MathJax in the browser and cause a delay while the processing happens.)
You want to use MathJax-node for this. It is set up to run MathJax server-side. There are a number of example command-line tools in the bin directory. You could also hook up a web service to handle the conversion. Tim Arnold made one available as mathjax-server on

How to Crop Geotiff without GDAL using GUI based tool?

I need to crop Geotiff files without using command line GDAL. I am looking for a GUI based Geotiff or related file editor. I need to freely select any area to crop. I need to preserve lat long information so I can merge multiple Geotiff files. I would not mind converting Geotiff files to some other format and then crop and convert to Geotiff.
You need a desktop GIS. Qgis: will do it along with a zillion other mappy things, or there's gvSIG, OpenJUMP, uDIG and others, see or search. Did I mention these are all free and open source?
Another idea is to use R, the statistics package. It can read in Geotiffs, plot them, allow selection from the graphics window, subsetting, and saving, but it is a programming language so a bit of typing is necessary. The process would be something like this:
r = raster("myraster.tiff")
bounds = locator(2) # you then click corners for cropping
c = crop(r,bounds) # might be 'extract' or 'mask' or something...
Excuse the vagueness.
For those who may be interested, we have started to work on an open source GUI utility, Rasterix, using GDAL and the Qt framework.
It can perform some of the tasks already implemented in several GDAL command line utilities for raster processing, but using a friendly graphical user interface.
The complete source code and the pre-built binaries for Windows, Linux and macOS are hosted on github at
We will add more features in the future, but should you be interested in something in particular, please let us know using github's issues.

make swf from fla without ever opening it

is it possible to change text and images in a fla file without ever opening it up and then making the swf via command line? I want to make a flash template and save the fla. Then be able to update my text and image name and convert it to swf. I have one template but tons of different text options and background images. It would be nice to be able to copy the master.fla twenty times and just change the source code (will do this from command line) and then convert to swf (via command line).
Any help would be appreciated.
With CS5, you can do half of what you're asking today, by using the XFL file format instead of FLA. Instead of a binary blob, you get an editable XML file and a tree of separate asset files: PNGs, AS3 files, etc. You can then modify the XML or AS3 files programmatically to get your variants.
(A CS5 FLA file is really just a zipped up version of the XFL, but there's no advantage to using that instead of an XFL. In CS4 and previous, FLA was a proprietary binary format.)
The missing piece is an XFL compiler. Adobe currently provides no such thing, and the third party market hasn't yet produced one.
You could use a systems automation tool to drive the Flash Professional environment through the compilation steps. On OS X, for example, either Automator or AppleScript should be able to do what you want. It'll just have more overhead than the command line compiler you were hoping for.
I agree with Jason, there are a lot of alternatives to what you suggest. Keeping content out of the SWF is good practice actually. This is a good way to avoid large files!
Depending on what you 're looking to achieve, there are a lot of solutions available. XML is an option, JSON another.
If you're looking to build a template, any of the above would seem appropriate.
It sounds like you're working from the Flash IDE, as Jason suggests you may want to have a look at another IDE, such as FlashDevelop, FDT or FlashBuilder as they make coding with AS3 a lot easier.

beamer includegraphics with screenshots

I'm using the LaTeX-Beamer class for making presentations. Every once in a while I need to include screenshots. Those graphics are pixel-based, of course. I use includegraphics like this:
\includegraphics[width= \paperwidth]{img/analyzer.png}
or usually something like this:
\includegraphics[width= 0.8\linewidth]{img/analyzer.png}
This leads to pretty bad readibility of the contained text, so I'm asking for your best practices: How would you include screenshots containing text considering, that I will do the output PDF with pdflatex?
EDIT: I suppose I'm looking for something like an 1:1 presetation of the image within beamer. However, [scale = 1.0] doesn't achieve what I'm looking for.
Your best bet is to scale the image outside of Latex for inclusion, and include it in 1:1 ratio. The scaling done by graphics packages in Latex isn't going to be anywhere near as good as possible from other tools. Latex (Tex) has limited floating-point arithmetic capabilities, whereas an external tool can use sophisticated algorithms to get the scaling better.
Another option is to use only a part of the screenshot, the one you want to concentrate on.
Edit: If you can change the font size before taking the screenshot, that's another option—just increase the font size for the screenshots.
Of course, you can combine the two methods.
I have done exactly what you do and e.g defined
\includegraphics[height=7.8cm,transparent]{#1}}} % 7.8in
which worked with whatever style I was using at the time. The files included with this macro were all PNGs created with one the usual Linux screen capture tools.
Edit: You may have to play with the size (height and width) of your input files. It came out rather nice for me (and this was from a presentation in 2006).
How about scaling it as follows:
This works for me.
Have you tried to convert the image to .eps or .pdf file and use this file in LaTeX?
Maybe try also latex, dvips and ps2pdf.
Problem might be in used viewer, in Linux I use Document viewer or ePDFViewer and output is much worse than in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, which I use in Windows...
