I have a 500 x 500 2D array of floats. I wish to search in the vertical and horizontal directions from the middle of the array for the first zero element in both directions. The output should be 4 indices for the first zero element in the North, South, East and West directions. Is there a way to parallelize this search operation on CUDA.
(This answer assumes that you are not searching entire quadrants, but only the straight lines in each direction)
1. In case the array is in CPU memory
In fact, you have a search space of just 1,000 elements. The overhead of copying the data, launching the kernel and waiting for the result is such that it is not worth your trouble.
Do it on the CPU. One of your axes already has the data nicely laid out, consecutively; probably best to work on that axis first. The other axis will be a bitch in terms of memory access, but that's life. You could go multi-threaded here, but I'm not sure it's worth your trouble for so little work. If you did, each thread would wait on its own element.
As far as the algorithm - since your data isn't sorted, it's basically a linear search (up to vectorization). If you've gone multi-threaded - perhaps use a shared variable which a thread occasionally polls to see if an "closer-to-the-center" thread has found a zero yet; and when a thread finds a zero, it updates that variable to let other threads know to stop working.
2. In case the array is in GPU global memory
Now you get lots of (CUDA) 'threads'. So, it makes less sense to use an atomic variable, or polling etc.
We treat each of the four directions separately (although it doesn't have to be 4 separate kernels).
As #RobertCrovella notes, you can treat this problem as a parallel reduction, with each thread assigned an input element: Initially, each thread holds a value of infinity (if its corresponding element is non-zero), or its distance from the center if its corresponding array value is 0. Now, the reduction operator is "minimum".
This is not entirely optimal, because when warp or block results are collected (as part of a parallel reduction), this problem allows for short-circuiting when the lowest non-infinity value is located. You can read up how parallel reduction is implemented - but I really wouldn't bother, because you have a very small amount of computational work here.
Note: It is also possible that your array is in GPU array memory. In that case you would get better locality in both dimensions
It's not really clear how you define "first zero element in the North, South, East and West directions" but I could imagine a rectangular data set broken into 4 quadrants along the diagonals.
We could label the top region the "north region" and we could label the other regions similarly.
with that assumption, In the worst case you have to check every element of the array.
Therefore one possible approach is a parallel reduction.
You would then do a parallel reduction on each region, such that the distance from the center (using the standard distance formula) is minimized, considering the zero elements in the region.
If you are actually only interested in the elements associated with the vertical axis and horizontal axis that pass through the center of the image, then another approach may be better.
Even in that case, I think a parallel reduction would be a typical approach, two for each axis, considering only the zero elements on the axis half.
I am currently wondering if there is a common algorithm to check whether a set of plane polygones, not nescessarily triangles, contruct a watertight polyhedra. Each polygon has an oriantation (normal vector). A simple solution would just be to say yes or no. A more advanced version would be to point out the edges, where the polyhedron is "open". I am not really interesed on how to close to polyhedra.
I would like to point out, that my "holes" are not nescessarily small, e.g., one face of a cube might be missing. Thus, the "undersampling correction" algorithms dont seem to be the correct approach. Furthermore, I am talking of about 100 - 1000, not 1000000 polygons, so computation time should not really be a problem.
Any hints or tips?
kind regards,
I believe you can use a simple topological test -- count the number of times each edge appears in the full list of polygons.
If the set of polygons define the surface of a closed volume, each edge should have count>=2, indicating that each edge is shared by (at least) two adjacent polygons. If the surface is manifold count==2 exactly.
Edges with count==1 indicate open regions of the surface.
The above answer does not cover many cases. A more correct (but not necessarily complete: I wouldn't know) algorithm is to ensure that every edge of every polygon (or of the mesh/polyhedron) has an even number of faces connected to it. Consider the following mesh:
The segment (line) between the closest vertex and the one below is attached to 3 faces (one one of the outer triangle and two of the inner triangle), which is greater than two faces. However this is clearly not closed.
Say i have this very common DP problem ( Dynamic programming) -
Given a cost matrix cost[][] and a position (m, n) in cost[][], write a function that returns cost of minimum cost path to reach (m, n) from (0, 0). Each cell of the matrix represents a cost to traverse through that cell. Total cost of a path to reach (m, n) is sum of all the costs on that path (including both source and destination). You can only traverse down, right and diagonally lower cells from a given cell, i.e., from a given cell (i, j), cells (i+1, j), (i, j+1) and (i+1, j+1) can be traversed. You may assume that all costs are positive integers.
PS: answer to this - 8
Now, After solving this question.. Following Question ran through my mind.
Say i have 1000*1000 matrix. and O(n^2) will take some time (<1sec on intel i5 for sure).
but can i minimize it further. say starting 6-8 threads using this algorithm and then synchronizing them back to get the answer at last ? will it be fast or even logically possible to get answer or i should throw this thought away
Generally speaking, on such small problems (as you say < 1sec), parallel computing is less efficient than sequential due to protocol overhead (thread starting and synchronizing). Another problem might be, that you increase the cache miss rate because you're choosing the data you want to operate on "randomly" (not linearly) from the input. However, when it comes to larger problems, say matrices with 10 times as many entries, it sure is worth a thought (or two).
This is a possible solution. Given a 16x16 Matrix, we cut it into 4 equal squares. For each of those squares, one thread is responsible. The number in each little square indicates, after how many time units the result in that square can be calculated.
So, the total time is 33 units (whatever a unit is). Compared to the sequential solution with 64 units, it is just half of it. You can convince yourself that the runtime for any 2^k x 2^k Matrix is 2^(2k - 1) + 1.
However, this is only the first idea that came up to my mind. I hope that there is a (much) faster parallel solution in the world outside.
What's more, for the reasons I mentionned at the beginning of my answer, for all practical purposes, you would not achieve a speedup of 2 with my solution.
I'd start with algorithmic improvements. There's no need to test N2 solutions.
One key is the direction from which you entered a square. If you entered it by moving downward, there's no need to check the square to the right. Likewise, if you entered it by moving right, there's no need to check the path downward from there. The destination of a right-angle turn can always be reached via a diagonal move, leaving out one square and its positive weight/cost.
As far as threading goes, I can see (at least) a couple of ways of splitting things up. One would be to simply queue up requests from when you enter a square. I.e., instead of (for example) testing another square, it queues up requests to test its two or three exits. N threads process those requests, which generate more requests, continuing until all of them reach the end point.
This has the obvious disadvantage that you're likely to continue traversing some routes after serial code could abandon them because they're already longer than the shortest route you've round so far.
Another possibility would be to start two threads, one traversing forward, the other backward. In each, you find the shortest route to any given point along the diagonal, then you're left with a purely linear scan through those candidates to find the shortest sum.
So I'm working on simulating a large number of n-dimensional particles, and I need to know the distance between every pair of points. Allowing for some error, and given the distance isn't relevant at all if exceeds some threshold, are there any good ways to accomplish this? I'm pretty sure if I want dist(A,C) and already know dist(A,B) and dist(B,C) I can bound it by [dist(A,B)-dist(B,C) , dist(A,B)+dist(B,C)], and then store the results in a sorted array, but I'd like to not reinvent the wheel if there's something better.
I don't think the number of dimensions should greatly affect the logic, but maybe for some solutions it will. Thanks in advance.
If the problem was simply about calculating the distances between all pairs, then it would be a O(n^2) problem without any chance for a better solution. However, you are saying that if the distance is greater than some threshold D, then you are not interested in it. This opens the opportunities for a better algorithm.
For example, in 2D case you can use the sweep-line technique. Sort your points lexicographically, first by y then by x. Then sweep the plane with a stripe of width D, bottom to top. As that stripe moves across the plane new points will enter the stripe through its top edge and exit it through its bottom edge. Active points (i.e. points currently inside the stripe) should be kept in some incrementally modifiable linear data structure sorted by their x coordinate.
Now, every time a new point enters the stripe, you have to check the currently active points to the left and to the right no farther than D (measured along the x axis). That's all.
The purpose of this algorithm (as it is typically the case with sweep-line approach) is to push the practical complexity away from O(n^2) and towards O(m), where m is the number of interactions we are actually interested in. Of course, the worst case performance will be O(n^2).
The above applies to 2-dimensional case. For n-dimensional case I'd say you'll be better off with a different technique. Some sort of space partitioning should work well here, i.e. to exploit the fact that if the distance between partitions is known to be greater than D, then there's no reason to consider the specific points in these partitions against each other.
If the distance beyond a certain threshold is not relevant, and this threshold is not too large, there are common techniques to make this more efficient: limit the search for neighbouring points using space-partitioning data structures. Possible options are:
Trees: quadtrees(2d), kd-trees.
Binning with spatial hashing.
Also, since the distance from point A to point B is the same as distance from point B to point A, this distance should only be computed once. Thus, you should use the following loop:
for point i from 0 to n-1:
for point j from i+1 to n:
distance(point i, point j)
Combining these two techniques is very common for n-body simulation for example, where you have particles affect each other if they are close enough. Here are some fun examples of that in 2d: http://forum.openframeworks.cc/index.php?topic=2860.0
Here's a explanation of binning (and hashing): http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~bindel/class/cs5220-f11/notes/spatial.pdf
Given an input of 2D points, I would like to segment them in lines. So if you draw a zig-zag style line, each of the segments should be recognized as a line. Usually, I would use OpenCV's
cvHoughLines or a similar approach (PCA with an outlier remover), but in this case the program is not allowed to make "false-positive" errors. If the user draws a line and it's not recognized - it's ok, but if the user draws a curcle and it comes out as a square - it's not ok. So I have an upper bound on the error - but if it's a long line and some of the points have a greater distance from the approximated line, it's ok again. Summed up:
-line detection
-no false positives
-bounded, dynamically adjusting error
Oh, and the points are drawn in sequence, just like hand drawing.
At least it does not have to be fast. It's for a sketching tool. Anyone has an idea?
This has the same difficulty as voice and gesture recognition. In other words, you can never be 100% sure that you've found all the corners/junctions, and among those you've found you can never be 100% sure they are correct. The reason you can't be absolutely sure is because of ambiguity. The user might have made a single stroke, intending to create two lines that meet at a right angle. But if they did it quickly, the 'corner' might have been quite round, so it wouldn't be detected.
So you will never be able to avoid false positives. The best you can do is mitigate them by exploring several possible segmentations, and using contextual information to decide which is the most likely.
There are lots of papers on sketch segmentation every year. This seems like a very basic thing to solve, but it is still an open topic. The one I use is out of Texas A&M, called MergeCF. It is nicely summarized in this paper: http://srlweb.cs.tamu.edu/srlng_media/content/objects/object-1246390659-1e1d2af6b25a2ba175670f9cb2e989fe/mergeCF-sbim09-fin.pdf.
Basically, you find the areas that have high curvature (higher than some fraction of the mean curvature) and slow speed (so you need timestamps). Combining curvature and speed improves the initial fit quite a lot. That will give you clusters of points, which you reduce to a single point in some way (e.g. the one closest to the middle of the cluster, or the one with the highest curvature, etc.). This is an 'over fit' of the stroke, however. The next stage of the algorithm is to iteratively pick the smallest segment, and see what would happen if it is merged with one of its neighboring segments. If merging doesn't increase the overall error too much, you remove the point separating the two segments. Rinse, repeat, until you're done.
It has been a while since I've looked at the new segmenters, but I don't think there have been any breakthroughs.
In my implementation I use curvature median rather than mean in my initial threshold, which seems to give me better results. My heavily modified implementation is here, which is definitely not a self-contained thing, but it might give you some insight. http://code.google.com/p/pen-ui/source/browse/trunk/thesis-code/src/org/six11/sf/CornerFinder.java
This question is a little involved. I wrote an algorithm for breaking up a simple polygon into convex subpolygons, but now I'm having trouble proving that it's not optimal (i.e. minimal number of convex polygons using Steiner points (added vertices)). My prof is adamant that it can't be done with a greedy algorithm such as this one, but I can't think of a counterexample.
So, if anyone can prove my algorithm is suboptimal (or optimal), I would appreciate it.
The easiest way to explain my algorithm with pictures (these are from an older suboptimal version)
What my algorithm does, is extends the line segments around the point i across until it hits a point on the opposite edge.
If there is no vertex within this range, it creates a new one (the red point) and connects to that:
If there is one or more vertices in the range, it connects to the closest one. This usually produces a decomposition with the fewest number of convex polygons:
However, in some cases it can fail -- in the following figure, if it happens to connect the middle green line first, this will create an extra unneeded polygon. To this I propose double checking all the edges (diagonals) we've added, and check that they are all still necessary. If not, remove it:
In some cases, however, this is not enough. See this figure:
Replacing a-b and c-d with a-c would yield a better solution. In this scenario though, there's no edges to remove so this poses a problem. In this case I suggest an order of preference: when deciding which vertex to connect a reflex vertex to, it should choose the vertex with the highest priority:
lowest) closest vertex
med) closest reflex vertex
highest) closest reflex that is also in range when working backwards (hard to explain) --
In this figure, we can see that the reflex vertex 9 chose to connect to 12 (because it was closest), when it would have been better to connect to 5. Both vertices 5 and 12 are in the range as defined by the extended line segments 10-9 and 8-9, but vertex 5 should be given preference because 9 is within the range given by 4-5 and 6-5, but NOT in the range given by 13-12 and 11-12. i.e., the edge 9-12 elimates the reflex vertex at 9, but does NOT eliminate the reflex vertex at 12, but it CAN eliminate the reflex vertex at 5, so 5 should be given preference.
It is possible that the edge 5-12 will still exist with this modified version, but it can be removed during post-processing.
Are there any cases I've missed?
Pseudo-code (requested by John Feminella) -- this is missing the bits under Figures 3 and 5
assume vertices in `poly` are given in CCW order
let 'good reflex' (better term??) mean that if poly[i] is being compared with poly[j], then poly[i] is in the range given by the rays poly[j-1], poly[j] and poly[j+1], poly[j]
for each vertex poly[i]
if poly[i] is reflex
find the closest point of intersection given by the ray starting at poly[i-1] and extending in the direction of poly[i] (call this lower bound)
repeat for the ray given by poly[i+1], poly[i] (call this upper bound)
if there are no vertices along boundary of the polygon in the range given by the upper and lower bounds
create a new vertex exactly half way between the lower and upper bound points (lower and upper will lie on the same edge)
connect poly[i] to this new point
iterate along the vertices in the range given by the lower and upper bounds, for each vertex poly[j]
if poly[j] is a 'good reflex'
if no other good reflexes have been found
save it (overwrite any other vertex found)
if it is closer then the other good reflexes vertices, save it
if no good reflexes have been found and it is closer than the other vertices found, save it
connect poly[i] to the best candidate
repeat entire algorithm for both halves of the polygon that was just split
// no reflex vertices found, then `poly` is convex
save poly
Turns out there is one more case I didn't anticipate: [Figure 5]
My algorithm will attempt to connect vertex 1 to 4, unless I add another check to make sure it can. So I propose stuffing everything "in the range" onto a priority queue using the priority scheme I mentioned above, then take the highest priority one, check if it can connect, if not, pop it off and use the next. I think this makes my algorithm O(r n log n) if I optimize it right.
I've put together a website that loosely describes my findings. I tend to move stuff around, so get it while it's hot.
I believe the regular five pointed star (e.g. with alternating points having collinear segments) is the counterexample you seek.
Edit in response to comments
In light of my revised understanding, a revised answer: try an acute five pointed star (e.g. one with arms sufficiently narrow that only the three points comprising the arm opposite the reflex point you are working on are within the range considered "good reflex points"). At least working through it on paper it appears to give more than the optimal. However, a final reading of your code has me wondering: what do you mean by "closest" (i.e. closest to what)?
Even though my answer was accepted, it isn't the counter example we initially thought. As #Mark points out in the comments, it goes from four to five at exactly the same time as the optimal does.
Flip-flop, flip flop
On further reflection, I think I was right after all. The optimal bound of four can be retained in a acute star by simply assuring that one pair of arms have collinear edges. But the algorithm finds five, even with the patch up.
I get this:
removing dead ImageShack link
When the optimal is this:
removing dead ImageShack link
I think your algorithm cannot be optimal because it makes no use of any measure of optimality. You use other metrics like 'closest' vertices, and checking for 'necessary' diagonals.
To drive a wedge between yours and an optimal algorithm, we need to exploit that gap by looking for shapes with close vertices which would decompose badly. For example (ignore the lines, I found this on the intertubenet):
concave polygon which forms a G or U shape http://avocado-cad.wiki.sourceforge.net/space/showimage/2007-03-19_-_convexize.png
You have no protection against the centre-most point being connected across the concave 'gap', which is external to the polygon.
Your algorithm is also quite complex, and may be overdoing it - just like complex code, you may find bugs in it because complex code makes complex assumptions.
Consider a more extensive initial stage to break the shape into more, simpler shapes - like triangles - and then an iterative or genetic algorithm to recombine them. You will need a stage like this to combine any unnecessary divisions between your convex polys anyway, and by then you may have limited your possible decompositions to only sub-optimal solutions.
At a guess something like:
decompose into triangles
non-deterministically generate a number of recombinations
calculate a quality metric (number of polys)
select the best x% of the recombinations
partially decompose each using triangles, and generate a new set of recombinations
repeat from 4 until some measure of convergence is reached
but vertex 5 should be given preference because 9 is within the range given by 4-5 and 6-5
What would you do if 4-5 and 6-5 were even more convex so that 9 didn't lie within their range? Then by your rules the proper thing to do would be to connect 9 to 12 because 12 is the closest reflex vertex, which would be suboptimal.
Found it :( They're actually quite obvious.
*dead imageshack img*
A four leaf clover will not be optimal if Steiner points are allowed... the red vertices could have been connected.
*dead imageshack img*
It won't even be optimal without Steiner points... 5 could be connected to 14, removing the need for 3-14, 3-12 AND 5-12. This could have been two polygons better! Ouch!