Where is debug view hierarchy button in Xcode 12 - xcode12

I saw the same question here: Xcode - can't find Debug View Hierarchy button . But it doesn't work in Xcode 12. This button looks like carved. And I can't find this option in editor.
How open debug view hierarchy in Xcode 12?
My xcode:
I expected:

It also could happen if you did not enable Debug executable option on Scheme edition window. A shortcut for open this is: ⌘ ⇧ ,

Are you sure you are running the project? It's still there (Xcode 12.0.1):


Android Studio isn't showing the xml editor [duplicate]

How can I enable the text/design Tab on the a src/main/res/layout folder on the activity_main.xml file that was created automatically during create new project? If i do right click and create xml file on the said folder, the design/text tab exist. Any suggestion? Thanks.
No Text/Design Tab on the Bottom Part of the Android Studio
Creating a new XML in the Res/Layout Folder, the design/text tab is now present.
Any help? this is super weird guys...
In Android Studio 3.6 use these three buttons (Code | Split | Design), on top right, to switch between views.
I had the same problem, restarting the IDE did make that tab appear again.
On Android Studio 3.6.1
Top Right corner under the main toolbar you have three different icons (Code, Split, Design).
View -> Tool windows -> Preview .
Output view:
use the three buttons (Code|Split|Design)on top right hand side to switch between views.
I also had this problem after upgrading to 1.5. None of the above suggestions worked for me. I noticed that the default relative layout xml has changed with a third xmlns line and an app behavior line. I opened an older project and copied the old relative layout header to replace the new. Instantly the preview function was restored.
You can also Move between Design / Text tabs in layout’s view with simple shortcut:
(Mac) : control + shift + ← / →
(Windows / Linux): alt + shift + ← / →
On the top right corner of the activity_main.xml file view, there are 3 icons representing "Code", "Split" and "Design". Click on the leftmost icon of the three ("Code") for the text tab.
In the android Studio window, at the left side there are two options available(Project and Resource Manager). Go to resource and there you will see an ADD Module option, click on that. After this you will see your text and design option will get enabled, you can go to your work area by Project Name->app ->src ->main->res ->layout.
Yes, Even I had the same problem. For the first time... I think It wont show, restarting the IDE did make that tab appear again.
I had this problem too, I deleted all the preference files, such as the AndroidStudioPreview folder & com.google.android.studio.plist, then restarted android studio, it worked.
You do not need to restart an IDE. All you need is to close an xml file that does not get a tab and reopen it within an editor. It is a little bug.
Navigate to activity_main.xml tab then Design and Text tab appears.
It doesn't appear in MainActivity.java tab.
You do not need to restart IDE.
If text/design tab is missing in new android studio, this can solve by two methods.
You have re-install android studio. And don't forget to delete android studio related all files from temp and local.
Or you can re-install SDK (software development kit) according to your device.

Decompile button (kotlin to java) in Android Studio is disappeared?

I'm trying to decompile kotlin code to java.
This question describes how to do it
I have to see something like this:
But in fact i see next one.
As you can see I do NOT have a "Decompile" button
Android Studio 3.5
Can anybody help me please?
make sure you have this plugin enabled, should work after
Go to Extensions and look for "Java Bytecode Decompiler".
Install it and do a complete restart to the Android Studio. Don't just close and open the project, restart the whole program.
Then, when the Android Studio will pop open again, click on "Search Everywhere" (by clicking shift twice), look for "Java Bytecode Decompiler", and make sure it's turned into ON.
That's it. Now the button should be visible.

How to show Android Studio's Messages Window?

When I build a project and there are errors, the Messages window that shows all the errors does not always show. I have to build the project (i.e. Ctrl + F9 ) twice or more in order to see the window.
When the window is not shown, View > Tool > Messages Alt + 0 is grayed out as shown by the following screenshot. How can I show the window when there are build errors?
I am running the latest Android Studio on Windows 8.
[Edit] 2018-04-02
Android Studio 3.1 seems to have this window removed, many people may come here because of missing the Messages Window due to a different reason, and yuval's answer may be the right one in this case.
I got here after upgrading to Android Studio 3.1, in which they removed the Messages window, replacing it with the Build window. After some poking around, I found this button on the left side of the Build window:
Clicking this button toggles the view between the new "Build" view and the old "Messages" view.
UPDATE: per suggestions in the comments, since this doesn't really answer the asked question, I opened it up as its own question: Where is the Messages Window in Android Studio 3.1
UPDATE 2: In Android Studio 3.3 the button now looks like this:
UPDATE 3: In Android Studio 3.6 the button is gone. Instead, the build window is permanently split between text output and visual output. If you can't find the text output, it might be fully collapsed, so look on the top right of the build window for something like this:
And try to drag it left to reveal the build window, like this:
It was a bit different in my case. I just closed the Message Tool Window with this red cross on the left and then this window completely disappeared and would not show again even after several rebuilds, View > Tool > Messages Alt+0 was also grayed out. The only thing that helped to bring the Window back is to break the build, so it would be some compiler errors. After that the window has reappeared showing those errors. Now the window is still there, does not vanish. Hope this helps somebody.
Just to have the whole picture. Go to the Build and then on the left side of the window you will find your Messages icon.
Build -> Make Project
(Ctrl+F9 or ⇧⌘F9)
Can't find the button #yuval provided, but here it is to toggle to show it

I can't see any menu in my new installed VS2012 on Win7 x64

I just get a very strange issue about my new installed VS 2012.
As you see in the screen shots it was OK to see the menu under 'File' option in my VS 2010 but at the same place of VS 2012 I couldn't see the popup menu after click the 'File' option.
However, I could trigger the function in the menu by shortcut keys such as 'X' to exit and double 'Enter' to create a new project.
Besides this I also can't see any the context menu in the IDE by pressing right mouse button.
I have tried to re-install VS 2010 and 2012 times and times but the issue is never fixed.
Do you have any idea about this? Thanks.

Which short-cut is used to bring up this interface of ReSharper?

While I am watching the demo with the following link
I saw this screenshot
I would like to know how to bring up this interface within resharper 5.0?
That is CTRL + TAB. Its a visual studio shortcut for the IDE Navigator. It is just showing open files and a preview of the content in them.
You can even modify some of the aspects of this window. Check this.
