Bash script stuck after e2e tests run - node.js

I'm running my e2e tests with Nightwatch.js. I want them to run with a bash script (with the end result of them running in CI).
I am pretty new to bash and here is what i have so far:
# exit on errors
set -e
export NODE_ENV=development
npm install
NODE_ENV=e2e grunt build
echo "...Starting Node App"
#start app in the background
NODE_ENV=e2e node server.js &
#save node app process id
#wait a bit
sleep 10
echo "...Running Frontend Tests"
NODE_ENV=e2e npm run nightwatch
echo "...Tests Finished... Killing Node App"
kill -9 $NODE_PROC
echo "...Node App Killed"
the problem is that the script gets stuck after running all the tests (line: NODE_ENV=e2e npm run nightwatch)
the only output i'm getting are the logs and the usual tests output. The script gets stuck no matter if the tests pass, fail, or some do and some don't.
I've tried adding exit 0 at the end which didn't work (makes sense, since it doesn't execute to that point).
Also, changing set -e to set -ex didn't change the output.
what am i missing here?

So i was looking in the wrong place, the script is completely fine, the issue was that i did not close the connection to the DB inside the tests.
Not sure why that caused the issue, but it fixed it


How to auto start node server after creating VS Code Development Container?

I am using VS Code's feature to create development containers for my services. Using the following layout, I've defined a single service (for now). I'd like to automatically run my node project after the container is configured to listen for http requests but haven't found the best way to do so.
My Project Directory
package.json (etc)
Now in my docker-compose.yaml, I've defined the following structure:
version: '3'
image: node:14
command: /bin/sh -c "while sleep 1000; do :; done"
- 4001:4001
restart: always
- ./:/workspace:cached
Note how I need to have /bin/sh -c "while sleep 1000; do :; done" as the service command, which is required according to VS Code docs so that the service doesn't close?
Within my .devcontainer.json:
"name": "My Project",
"dockerComposeFile": [
"service": "project-name",
"shutdownAction": "none",
"postCreateCommand": "npm install",
"postStartCommand": "npm run dev" // this causes the project to hang while configuring?
"workspaceFolder": "/workspace/project-name"
I've added a postCreateCommand to install dependencies, but I also need to run npm run dev to have my server listen for requests. However, if I add this command in the postStartCommand, the project does build and run, but it technically hangs on Configuring Dev Server (with a spinner at the bottom of VS Code) since this starts my server and the script doesn't "exit", so I feel like there should be a better way to trigger the server to run after the container is set up?
In other cases, you may want to start up a process and leave it running. This can be accomplished by using nohup and putting the process into the background using &. For example:
"postStartCommand": "nohup bash -c 'your-command-here &'"
I just tried it, and it works for me - it removes the spinning "Configuring Dev Container" that I also saw. However, it does mean the process is running in the background so your logs will not be surfaced to the devcontainer terminal. I got used to watching my ng serve logs in that terminal to know when compilation was done, but now I can't see them. Undecided if I'll switch back to the old way. Having the Configuring Dev Container spinning constantly was annoying but otherwise did not obstruct anything that I could see.

Capistrano 3 How to write correctly a local task?

In my nodjs/a,gular2 project, I am trying to run locally the build-sot process as a local task, before deploying it , but I cannot get it right , how can I set it :
task :build_production_aot do
run_locally do
set :local_app_path, Dir.pwd
set :local_client_path, "#{fetch(:local_app_path)}/client"
sh 'npm run build:prod-aot'
thanks for feedback
succeeded in running the following task , but is there any better way to write it ?
task :build_production_aot do
run_locally do
local_client_path = Dir.pwd + "/client"
puts "--> Running build: '#{local_client_path}', please wait ..."
execute "cd #{local_client_path} && npm run build:prod-aot"
Even if it runs locally with such modified script, I guess it's better to build the production dist directly on the remote server

Stopping nodejs process start by npm?

I am in the process of creating some scripts to deploy my node.js based application, via continuous integration and I am having trouble seeing the right way to stop the node process.
I start the application via a script:
scripts_dir=`dirname $0`
cd "${scripts_dir}/"..
npm start &
echo $! >
And then I was hoping to stop it via:
scripts_dir=`dirname $0`
cd "${scripts_dir}/"..
echo killing pid `cat`
kill -9 `cat`
The issue I am finding is that npm is no longer running at this point, so the pid isn't useful to stop the process tree. The only workaround I can think of at this point is to skip npm completely for launch and simply call node directly?
Can anyone suggest an appropriate way to deal with this? Is foregoing npm for launching a good approach, in this context?
Forever can do the process management stuff for you.
forever start app.js
forever stop app.js
Try to avoid relying on npm start outside of development, it just adds an additional layer between you and node.
just use supervisor example conf is like
SOURCE_FOLDER is the folder for your project
you can check the post here

hubot-slack "Cannot find module" - from upstart only

I'm following a tutorial on PluralSight regarding vagrant and hubot slack setup.
The only difference is that I'm using hubot-slack.
If I start the hubot by invoking hubot script from terminal - everything works fine - the bot connects and responds to commands.
Unfortunately, when the hubot is started as a service from by the upstart - I get this logged into /var/log/upstart/myhubot.log `Cannot load adapter slack - Error: Cannot find module 'hubot-slack'
my /bin/hubot file looks like this (this works just fine when executed from cli):
set -e
npm install
export PATH="node_modules:node_modules/.bin:node_modules/hubot/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
exec node_modules/.bin/hubot --name "hubot" --adapter slack "$#"
my .conf file that's executed as a service looks like this (can't find module):
description "My hubot"
author "Me"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
setuid vagrant
env HOME="/home/vagrant"
chdir /vagrant/my-awesome-hubot
console log
export PATH="node_modules:node_modules/.bin:node_modules/hubot/node_modules/.bin:/usr/bin/coffee:/usr/bin/node:$PATH"
echo "DEBUG: `set`" >> /tmp/myhubot.log
exec node_modules/.bin/hubot --name "hubot" --adapter slack
end script
Keep in mind that the slack token is excluded from these scripts.
Debug reveals that chdir does the correct thing and the pwd is exactly the same as when I execute the script manually.
I've tried removing entire nodejs project and generating with yeoman from scratch and also tried installing hubot-slack both globaly and localy but to no avail.
In case of a .conf file - there is no npm install but in the file - I am cd-ing (as a vagrant user) to the root directory, doing npm install - and only then, service restart. I am also making sure to clean up everything before another round of testing before I do - vagrant provision
cp /vagrant/upstart/myhubot.conf /etc/init/myhubot.conf
sudo -u vagrant -i sh -c 'cd /vagrant/my-awesome-hubot; npm install'
service myhubot restart
Do you have any suggestions.
I've just spent the day working through the same issue as this unanswered question so thought I would update with my solution.
The current hubot generated app is started with the cli with command HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-YOUR-TOKEN-HERE ./bin/hubot --adapter slack whilst in the folder where hubot was generated. Therefore the utilises the default bin/hubot script.
Your conf file needs to pick this up therefore should run the following:
description "My hubot"
author "Me"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
chdir /vagrant/my-awesome-hubot
export PATH="node_modules:node_modules/.bin:node_modules/hubot/node_modules/.bin:/usr/bin/coffee:/usr/bin/node:$PATH"
HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-YOUR-TOKEN-HERE ./bin/hubot --adapter slack --name "hubot" >> /tmp/myhubot.log
end script

How can I run mocha tests remotely on IntelliJ IDEA 13 (or WebStorm)?

IntelliJ IDEA 13 has really excellent support for Mocha tests through the Node.js plugin:
The problem is, while I edit code on my local machine, I have a VM (vagrant) in which I run and test the code, so it's as production-like as possible.
I wrote a small bash script to run my tests remotely on this VM whenever I invoke "Run" from within IntelliJ, and the results pop up in the console well enough, however I'd love to use the excellent interface that appears whenever the Mocha test runner is invoked.
Any ideas?
Update: There's a much better way to do this now. See
Here's how I did it. This is specific to connecting back to vagrant, but can be tweaked for any remote server to which you have key-based SSH privileges.
Somewhere on your remote machine, or even within your codebase, store the NodeJS plugin's mocha reporter (6 .js files at the time of this writing). These are found in NodeJS/js/mocha under your main IntelliJ config folder, which on OSX is ~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdea13. Know the absolute path to where you put them.
Edit your 'Run Configurations'
Add a new one using 'Mocha'
Set 'Node interpreter' to the full path to your ssh executable. On my machine, it's /usr/bin/ssh.
Set the 'Node options' to this behemoth, tweaking as necessary for your own configuration:
-i /Users/USERNAME/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key vagrant#MACHINE_IP "cd /vagrant; node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --recursive --timeout 2000 --ui bdd --reporter /vagrant/tools/mocha_intellij/mochaIntellijReporter.js test" #
REMEMBER! The # at the end is IMPORTANT, as it will cancel out everything else the Mocha run config adds to this command. Also, remember to use an absolute path everywhere that I have one.
Set 'Working directory', 'Mocha package', and 'Test directory' to exactly what they should be if you were running mocha tests locally. These will not impact the test execution, but this interface WILL check to make sure these are valid paths.
Name it, save, and run!
Fully integrated, remote testing bliss.
1) In Webstorm, create a "Remote Debug" configuration, using port 5858.
2) Make sure that port is open on your server or VM.
3) On the remote server, execute Mocha with the --debug-brk option: mocha test --debug-brk
4) Back in Webstorm, start the remote-debug you created in Step 1, and and execution should pause on set breakpoints.
