How to peek recently sent messages into Service bus queue? - azure

I am sending messages from my custom application to servicebus. And recently I have added some messages for testing purposes. But later I realized that I have picked the wrong Queue. Now I don't want the Test messages to be in this queue. Is there any possible way to delete those recently added test messages from my queue?

As mentioned by Pedro in his comment you can use service bus explorer: to peek and delete the message from the queue. Alternatively, you can call the service bus REST API or write your own code to consume that message.

As an alternative you can use Service Bus Cloud Explorer which runs in the browser with logged-in user Azure account by default and have a delete and a purge functionality.
Keep in mind that it will take time to clear up queues or subscriptions. More messages it needs to delete; the more time it would take.


How to manually send message to service bus dead letter queue in Azure Function?

The Azure Service Bus Queue triggered function would perform a default policy for sending message into the dead letter queue if message is poisoned. However, is there anyway that we could manually send the message to dead letter queue? There are couple of times that we wouldn't want Azure Function to perform its default policy due to some kind of internal or business exception, we would like to bind additional information to our message and manually send it to our Azure Service Bus Deadletter Queue.
In a previous version where it's using BrokeredMessage object, there is a method called
BrokeredMessage msg;
However, in the most recent Functino 2.X, where it's using the Message object, that doesn't have this method somehow...
With Functions 2.0 you use the .NET Standard Service Bus client. Message no longer has operations such as dead-lettering. Instead, you need to add an additional parameter of MessageReceiver type to be able to use DeadletterAsync() method it provides. You can find an example of how to use message receiver in my post.
From my understanding there is no straight forward way but the following steps could help:
Go to the queues overview in the Azure portal and enable dead-lettering on message expiration on your subscription/queue.
Set TimeToLive on your message to say few seconds. (I did while creating a test queue, in the creation it is simple)
Push the message to your subscription.
Within few seconds you will have all your messages in dead-letter queue.
//(Provided no app is reading from the subscription during those seconds)

How to configure Azure Service Bus Queues to push messages to clients without polling?

I am new to Azure Service Bus and I found that I need to continuously poll for Queue messages in order to receive them. However, I want the Queue to push the message to some sort of listener on the client-side of things without it having to poll for messages.
I have read that polling is optional in Azure Service Bus but I couldn't find how to receive messages without it.
Please help if you can. Thank you
I have read that polling is optional in Azure Service Bus but I couldn't find how to receive messages without it.
Polling is optional if you start receiving on demand. Otherwise, it's not optional and long-polling will take place.
I want the Queue to push the message to some sort of listener on the client-side of things without it having to poll for messages.
There's a way to achieve exactly that using Event Grid integration with Azure Service Bus. Service Bus will emit an event to notify about messages awaiting processing and no active listeners. That way your application/system reacts and doesn't have to poll.
Note that the key scenario for this feature is low volume of messages that do not need to have a receiver that polls for messages continuously.
It should be possible. Take a look on the following to get an idea on how it could be done:
Get started with Service Bus topics
Get started with Service Bus queues
Hope it helps!

Azure Queue - how to implement

First service adds messages to queue if user does not exist in DB, second service gets message from queue and create user. Possible situation, when first service adds 2 messages for create users before second gets it. How to resolve it? As I understand, no way to review queue...
I use Azure Storage queues
Azure Queue message doesn't support peek-lock to be processed. Once it is read, it becomes invisible. You need to look into Azure Service Bus as it allows you to control message one by one and in order if required.

Azure web job, service bus trigger not triggered for old messages available in the queue

I have implemented the azure web job to consume messages from azure service bus. Service bus trigger works fine for new messages arrived to service bus but its not picking up the messages that were already available on the service bus before service start. Is there any configuration to get existing messages to the web job?
Due to some reason, some messages got abandon. What are the best ways to reprocess these messages.
If you get messsage and can't complete or abandon it 10 times(default), the message will go dead queue.
You can get dead queue like this.
_messagingFactory.CreateQueueClient(QueueClient.FormatDeadLetterPath(QueueDescription.Path), ReceiveMode.PeekLock);

How to implement MSMQ Receive as like Azure Queue?

We are migrating application from Azure to On Prem which has Queue option and decided to implement MSMQ as like Azure Queue but some of the options are not exactly available in MSMQ queue.
AddMessage & Peekmessage in Azure Queue and Send & Peek in MSMQ are Same
GetMessage in Azure Queue is used to get the next queue message and we can set the visibility time to avoid others to process the same queue.
Receive in MSMQ to get the latest message and at the same time it automatically deleted from the queue.
DeleteMessage in Azure Queue, everything is fine after fetching the message from queue then we have to delete the message using DeletMessage but we don't have this option available in MSMQ.
Updatemessage in Azure Queue is used to update the message but we dont have this option in MSMQ.
Please help me, How to implement the GetMessage as like we are using in Azure Queue.
I don't think that there's an easy way to do that.
To delete and get message, you just need to dequeue it and proccess it.
You can do that using method ReceiveById:
