Running scheduled non-periodic AWS Lambda functions with custom event arguments - node.js

Here is my use case:
I have a scheduler lamdba and a executor lambda.
In the scheduler lambda, I receive a list of (time, message) tuples indicating that, at time I would like to invoke the executor lambda with event message.
Here is what I have tried
In the scheduler lambda, first clear all triggers from the executor lambda. Then create a EventBridge scheduled event for each (time, message) tuple. This has a few drawbacks...
It's quite difficult to remove all triggers from a lambda, as the Lambda API doesn't let you do that (I believe I have to do it through the EventBridge API with proper tagging)
Adding and removing ~100 triggers every day seems uneconomical and is not the intended use case of event bridge
Running a dedicated EC2 instance to call the lambda function
I'm cheap and I don't want to pay for an instance that will lay idle for ~99.9% of the time.
Not serverless
Is there a serverless way of trigger a lambda in a non-periodic fashion?

A bit of a departure, but could you use dynamodb with a ttl? The scheduler could simply write to the table with the message, and format the ttl column to expire at the time you're adding to the tuple.
You could subscribe the executor lambda to the DynamoDb events, and only respond to events that are removed, and if you use New and old images you can retrieve the message from the old image (otherwise I believe it's empty when the item is deleted).


AWS Send SNS message from lambda at a specified time

I have a lambda function lambda1 that gets triggered by an API call and computes the parameters for another job downstream that will be handled by a different function lambda2.
The resources required to complete the downstream job are not available immediately and will become available at some future time datetime1 which is also calculated by lambda1.
How do I make lambda1 schedule a message in an SNS topic that will be sent out at datetime1 instead of going out immediately? The message sent out at the correct time will then trigger lambda2 which will find all the resources in place and execute correctly.
Is there a better way of doing this instead of SNS?
Both lambda1 and lambda2 are written in Python 3.8
You would be better off using the AWS Step Functions. Step functions are generally used for orchestrating jobs with multiple Lambda functions involved and they support the wait state that you need to run a job at a specific time.
Basically, you will create multiple states. One of the states will be wait state where you will input the wait condition (timestamp at which it will stop waiting). This is what you will send from Lambda1. The next state would be task state which will be your Lambda2.

Combine SQS messages that arrive within milliseconds of each other

I am faced with a situation that I am not quite sure how to solve. Basically my system receives data from a third-party source via API gateway, publishes this data to an SNS topic which triggers a lambda function. Based on the message parameters, the lambda function pushes the message to one of three different SQS queues. These queues trigger one of three lambda functions which perform one of three possible actions - create, update or delete items in that order in another third-party system through their API endpoints.
The usual flow would be to first create an entity on the destination system and then each subsequent action should be to update/delete this entity. The problem is, sometimes I receive data for the same entity from the source within milliseconds, thus my system is unable to create the entity on the destination due to the fact that their API requires at least 300-400ms to do so. So when my system tries to update the entity, it's not existing yet, thus my system creates it. But since I have a create action in the process of executing, it creates a duplicate entry on my destination.
So my question is, what is the best practice to consolidate messages for the same entity that arrive within less than a second of each other?
My Thoughts so far:
I am thinking of using redis to consolidate messages that are for the same entity before pushing them to the SNS topic, but I was hoping there would be a more straight-forward approach as I don't want to introduce another layer of logic.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
The best option would be to use an Amazon SQS FIFO queue, with each message using a Message Group ID that is set to the unique ID of the item that is being created.
In a FIFO queue, SQS will ensure that messages are processed in-order, and will only allow one message per Message Group ID to be received at a time. Thus, any subsequent messages for the same Message Group ID will wait until an existing message has been fully processed.
If this is not acceptable, then AWS Lambda now supports batch windows of up to 5 minutes for functions with Amazon SQS as an event source:
AWS Lambda now allows customers using Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) as an event source to define a wait period, called MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds, to allow messages to accumulate in their SQS queue before invoking a Lambda function. In addition to Batch Size, this is a second option to send records in batches, to reduce the number of Lambda invokes. This option is ideal for workloads that are not time-sensitive, and can choose to wait to optimize cost.
Previously, Lambda functions polling from an SQS queue would send messages in batches of up to 10 before invoking the function. Now, customers can also define a time window that Lambda should wait to poll messages from their SQS queue before invoking their function. Lambda will wait for up to 300 seconds to poll messages from the SQS queue. When a batch window is defined, Lambda will also allow customers to define a batch size of up to 10,000 messages.
To get started, when creating a new Lambda function or updating an existing function with SQS as an event source, customers can set the MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds field to any value between 0 and 300 seconds on the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, AWS SAM or AWS SDK for Lambda. This feature is available in all AWS Regions where AWS Lambda and Amazon SQS are available, and requires no additional charge to use.
the lambda function pushes the message to one of three different SQS queues
So when my system tries to update the entity, it's not existing yet, thus my system creates it. But since I have a create action in the process of executing, it creates a duplicate entry on my destination
By using multiple queue you created yourself a thread race and now you are trying to patch it.
Based on the provided information and context - as already answered - a single fifo queue with context id could be more appropriate (do you really need 3 queues?)
If latency is critical, then a streaming could be a solution as well.
As you described your issue, I think you don't need to combine the messages (indeed you could use Redis, AWS Kinesis Analytics, DynamoDB..), but rather not to create the issue at thecfirst place
having a single fifo queue
having an idempotent and thread-safe backend service able handling concurrent updates (transactions, atomic updates,..)
As well if you can create "duplicate" entries, it means the unique indexes are not enforced. They exist exactly for that reason.
You did not specify the backend service (RDBMS, DynamoDB, MongoDB, other?) each has an option to handle the problem somehow.

Spawning hundreds of Lambda processes but waiting for them all to finish

I'm currently using AWS Step Functions in a "queue watcher" setup.
I have an initial Lambda that spawns hundreds of ID's that are added to an SQS queue, which is then consumed by a "Worker" Lambda. When the "Worker" lambda has consumed the queue I need to run a "Logout" Lambda to expire a ticket.
The problem I'm having is sometimes the logout happens before the queue is empty.
Is there a better solution to this? I've looked into callbacks but it doesn't seem usable in this scenario? Passing the payload through Step Functions instead of SQS isn't possible either due to payload limits.
Step Function:
Flow Chart of Lambdas:

Is it possible for multiple AWS Lambdas to service a single HTTP request?

On AWS, is it possible to have one HTTP request execute a Lambda, which in turn triggers a cascade of Lambdas running in serial, where the final Lambda returns the result to the user?
I know one way to achieve this is for the initial Lambda to "stay running" and orchestrate the other Lambdas, but I'd be paying for that orchestration Lambda to effectively do nothing most of the time, i.e. paying for the time it's waiting on the others. If it were non-lambda code, that would be like blocking (and paying for) an entire thread while the other threads do their work.
Unless AWS stops the billing clock while async Lambdas are "sleeping"/waiting on network IO?
Unfortunately as you've found only a single Lambda function can be invoked, this becomes an orchestrator.
This is not ideal but will have to be the case if you want to use multiple Lambda functions as you're serving a HTTP request, you can either use the Lambda to call a number of Lambda or instead create a Step Function which can can orchestrate the individual steps. You would still need the Lambda to start this, and then poll the status of it before returning the results.

Schedule a task to run at some point in the future (architecture)

So we have a Python flask app running making use of Celery and AWS SQS for our async task needs.
One tricky problem that we've been facing recently is creating a task to run in x days, or in 3 hours for example. We've had several needs for something like this.
For now we create events in the database with timestamps that store the time that they should be triggered. Then, we make use of celery beat to run a scheduled task every second to check if there are any events to process (based on the trigger timestamp) and then process them. However, this is querying the database every second for events which we feel could be bettered somehow.
We looked into using the eta parameter in celery ( that lets you schedule a task to run in x amount of time. However it seems to be bad practice to have large etas and also AWS SQS has a visibility timeout of about two hours and so anything more than this time would cause a conflict.
I'm scratching my head right now. On the one had this works, and pretty decent in that things have been separated out with SNS, SQS etc. to ensure scaling-tolerance. However, it just doesn't feel write to query the database every second for events to process. Surely there's an easier way or a service provided by Google/AWS to schedule some event (pub/sub) to occur at some time in the future (x hours, minutes etc.)
Any ideas?
Have you taken a look at AWS Step Functions, specifically Wait State? You might be able to put together a couple of lambda functions with the first one returning a timestamp or the number of seconds to wait to the Wait State and the last one adding the message to SQS after the Wait returns.
Amazon's scheduling solution is the use of CloudWatch to trigger events. Those events can be placing a message in an SQS/SNS endpoint, triggering an ECS task, running a Lambda, etc. A lot of folks use the trick of executing a Lambda that then does something else to trigger something in your system. For example, you could trigger a Lambda that pushes a job onto Redis for a Celery worker to pick up.
When creating a Cloudwatch rule, you can specify either a "Rate" (I.e., every 5 minutes), or an arbitrary time in CRON syntax.
So my suggestion for your use case would be to drop a cloudwatch rule that runs at the time your job needs to kick off (or a minute before, depending on how time sensitive you are). That rule would then interact with your application to kick off your job. You'll only pay for the resources when CloudWatch triggers.
Have you looked into Amazon Simple Notification Service? It sounds like it would serve your needs...
From that page:
Amazon SNS is a fully managed pub/sub messaging service that makes it easy to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. With SNS, you can use topics to decouple message publishers from subscribers, fan-out messages to multiple recipients at once, and eliminate polling in your applications. SNS supports a variety of subscription types, allowing you to push messages directly to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues, AWS Lambda functions, and HTTP endpoints. AWS services, such as Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudWatch, can publish messages to your SNS topics to trigger event-driven computing and workflows. SNS works with SQS to provide a powerful messaging solution for building cloud applications that are fault tolerant and easy to scale.
You could start the job with apply_async, and then use a countdown, like:
xxx.apply_async(..., countdown=TTT)
It is not guaranteed that the job starts exactly at that time, depending on how busy the queue is, but that does not seem to be an issue in your use case.
