How does kernel know how many cores there are - linux

I am wondering how is Linux kernel made aware of all available cores on the system? For the purposes of scheduler I'd assume kernel has to know how many cores there are, who provides kernel info about all the cores on the system?

Who provides kernel info about all the cores on the system?
It depends on which system.
For 80x86 PCs, the firmware constructs table/s (ACPI tables now) which provide a list of CPUs, and the kernel parses those tables.
For small embedded systems (with no firmware), the number of CPUs might be compile-time constant or provided by the boot loader somehow (e.g. "flattened device tree").


Using loopback for synchronous IPC when using NUMA architecture

(For a Linux platform) Is it feasible (from a performance point of view) to try to communicate (in a synchronous way) via loopback interface between processes on different NUMA nodes?
What about if the processes reside on the same NUMA node?
I know it's possible to memory bind a process and/or set CPU affinity to a node (using libnuma). I don't know if this true also for the network interface.
Later edit. If loopback interface is just a memory buffer used by kernel, is there a way to be sure that buffer is on the same NUMA node in order for two processes to communicate without the cross node overhead?
Network interfaces don't reside on a node; they're a device - virtual or real - shared across the whole machine. The loopback interface is just a memory buffer somewhere or other, and some kernel code. The code that runs to support that device is likely bouncing round the CPU cores, just like any other thread in the system.
You talk of NUMA nodes, and tagged the question with Linux. Linux doens't run on pure NUMA architectures, it runs on SMP architectures. Modern CPUs from, say, Intel, AMD, ARM all synthesise an SMP hardware environment using separate cores, varying degrees of cache / memory interface unification, and high speed serial links between cores or CPUs. Effectively it's not possible for the operating system or software running on top to see the underlying NUMA architecture; it thinks it's running on a classical SMP architecture.
Intel / AMD / everyone else have done this because, back in the day, successful multiple CPU machines really were SMP; they had multiple CPUs all sharing the same memory bus, and had equal access to the RAM at the other end of the bus. Software got written to take advantage of that (Linux, Windows, etc).
Then the CPU manufacturers realised that SMP architectures suck so far as speed improvements are concerned. AMD blinked first, and ditched SMP in favour of Hypertransport, and were successful. Intel persisted with pure SMP for longer, but soon gave up too and started using QPI between CPUs.
But to give the old software (Linux, Windows, etc) backward compatibility, the CPU designers had to create a synthetic SMP hardware environment on top of Hypertransport and QPI. In principal they might have, at that point in time, decided that SMP was dead and delivered us pure NUMA architectures. But that would likely have been commercial suicide; it would have taken coorindation of the entire hardware and software industries to agree to go that way, but by then it was already far too late to rewrite everything from scratch.
Thinks like network sockets (including via the loopback interface), pipes, serial ports are not synchronous. They're stream carriers, and the sender and receiver are not synchronised by the act of transferring data. That is, the sender can write() data and think that that has completed, but the data is in reality still stuck in some network buffer somewhere and hasn't yet made it into the read() that the destination process will have to call to receive the data.
What Linux will do with processes and threads is endeavour to run them all at once, up to the limit of the number of CPU cores in the machine. By and large that will result in your processes running simultaneously on separate cores. I think Linux will also use knowledge of which physical CPU's memory holds the bulk of a process's data, and will try to run the process on that CPU; memory latency will be a tiny bit better that way.
If your processes try to communicate via socket, pipe or similar, it results in data being copied out of one process's memory space into a memory buffer controlled by the kernel (that's what write() is doing under the hood), and then being copied out of that into the receiving process's memory space (that's what read() does). Where that intermediate kernel buffer actually is doesn't really matter because the transactions taking place at the microelectronic level (below the SMP level) are pretty much the same regardless. Memory allocations and processes can be bound to specific CPU cores, but you can't influence whereabouts the kernel puts its memory buffers through which the exchanged data must pass.
Regarding memory and process core affinity - it's really, really hard to do this to any measurable benefit. The OSes are so good nowadays at understanding the behaviour of CPUs that it's almost always best to simply let the OS run your processes and cores whereever it chooses. Companies like Intel make large code contributions to the Linux project, specifically to ensure that Linux does this as well as possible on the latest and greatest chips.
Additions in the light of engaging comments!
By "pure NUMA" I really mean systems where one CPU core cannot directly address memory physically attached to another CPU core. Such systems include Transputers, and even the Cell processor found in the Sony PS3. These aren't SMP, there's nothing in the silicon that unifies the separate memories into a single address space, so the question of cache coherency doesn't come into it.
With Transputer systems the only way to access memory attached to another transputer was to have the application software send the data over via a serial link; what made it CSP was that the sending application would finish sending until the receiving application had read the last byte.
For the Cell processor, there were 8 maths cores each with 256kbyte of RAM. That was the only RAM the maths cores could address. To use them the application had to move data and code into that 256k of RAM, tell the core to run, and then move the results out (possibly back out to RAM, or onto another maths core).
There are some supercomputers today that aren't disimilar to this. The K machine (Riken, Kobe in Japan) has an awful lot of cores, a very complex on-chip interconnect fabric, and OpenMPI is used by applications to move data around between nodes; nodes cannot directly address memory on other nodes.
The point is that on the PS3 it was up to application software to decide what data was in what memory and when, whereas modern x86 implementations from Intel and AMD make all data in all memories (no matter if they're shared via an L3 cache or are remote at the other end of a hypertransport or QPI link) accessible from any cores (that's what SMP means afterall).
The all out performance of code written on the Cell process was truly astounding for the Watts and transistor count. Trouble was in a world where programemrs are trained in writing for SMP environments, it takes a brain transplant to get to grips with one that isn't.
Newer languages like Rust and Go have reintroduced the concept of communicating sequential processes, which is all one had with Transputers back in the 1980s, early 1990s. CSP is almost ideal for multicore systems as the hardware does not need to implement an SMP environment. In principle this saves an awful lot of silicon.
CSP implemented on top of today's cache coherent SMP chips in languages like C generally involves a thread writing data into a bufffer, and that being copied into a buffer belonging to another thread (Rust can do it a little differently because Rust knows about memory ownership, and so can transfer ownership instead of copying memory. I'm not familiar with Go - maybe it can do the same).
Looked at at the microelectronic level, copying data from one buffer to another is not really any different to what happens if the data is shared by 2 cores instead of copied (especially in AMD's hypertransport CPUs where each has its own memory system). To share data, the remote core has to use hypertransport to request data from another core's memory, and more traffic to maintain cache coherency. That's about the same amount of hypertransport traffic as if the data where copied from one core to the other, but then there's no subsequent cache coherency traffic.

How to execute an application using a specific core or cores?

I'm writing an application that needs to be executed on a specific core of a processor.
For Example:
If we have 4 cores and i want to execute code on 2nd core only. I need help how to do this.
I'm writing an application that needs to be executed on a specific core of a processor.
This is extremely improbable on most platforms (since most multi-core processors are homogeneous). You really need to explain, motivate and justify such an usual requirement.
You can't do that in general. And if you could do that, how exactly you should proceed is operating system specific, and platform specific. Most multi-core processors are homogeneous (all the cores are the same), some are not.
On Linux/x86-64, the kernel scheduler sees all cores as the same, and will move a task (e.g. a thread of a multi-threaded process) from one core to another at arbitrary moments. Since scheduling is preemptive.
On some processors, moving periodically (e.g dozen of times per second) a task from one core to another is actually recommended (and done automagically by the kernel, or the firmware - e.g. SMM) to avoid overheating of that core. Read about dark silicon.
Some unusual hardware (e.g. ARM big.LITTLE) have two sets of different cores (e.g. 2 high-end ARM cores with 2 low-end ones, all sharing the same memory). If your platform is such, please state that in your question, and ask how to achieve processor affinity on your specific platform. Very likely your OS has appropriate system calls for that purpose.
Some high-end motherboards are multi-sockets. In such case, a RAM module is closer to one socket (in timing) than to another. You then care about non-uniform memory access.
So read more about processor affinity and non-uniform memory access. Most OSes have some support for both. On Linux, see pthread_setaffinity_np(3), sched_setaffinity(2), numa(7) etc...
To learn more about OSes, read Operating Systems: Three Easy pieces.
Notice that by pinning some thread to a some fixed core, you might lower the performance of your program. Since processor affinity is rarely useful.
The programmer can prescribe his/her own affinities (hard affinities) but
Rule of thumb: use the default scheduler unless a good reason not to.
here is a C/C++ function to assign a thread to a certain core
Kernel scheduler API
#include <sched.h>
int sched_setaffinity(pid_t pid, unsigned int len, unsigned long * mask);
sets the current affinity mask of process 'pid' to *mask
'len' is the system word size: sizeof(unsigned int long)
To query affinity of a running process:
[~]$ taskset -p 3935
pid 3945's current affinity mask: f

Difference between user-space driver and kernel driver [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Userspace vs kernel space driver
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have been reading "Linux Device Drivers" by Jonathan Corbet. I have some questions that I want to know:
What are the main differences between a user-space driver and a kernel driver?
What are the limitations of both of them?
Why user-space drivers are commonly used and preferred nowadays over kernel drivers?
What are the main differences between a user-space driver and a kernel driver?
User space drivers run in user space. Kernel drivers run in kernel space.
What are the limitations of both of them?
The kernel driver can do anything the kernel can, so you could say it has no limitations. But kernel drivers are much harder to "prove correct" and debug. It's all-to-easy to introduce race conditions, or use a kernel function in the wrong context or with the wrong locking. Things will appear to work for a while, but cause problems (including crashing the whole system) down the road. Drivers must also be wary when reading all user input (both from the device and from userspace) because invalid data can sometimes cause crashes.
A user-space driver usually needs a small shim in the kernel to do it's bidding. Usually, that 'shim' provides a simpler API. For example, the FUSE layer lets people write file systems in any language. They can be mounted, read/written, then unmounted. The shim must also protect the kernel against all invalid input.
User-space drivers have lots of limitations. For example, the kernel reserves some memory for use during emergencies, but that is not available for users-space. During memory pressure, the kernel will kill random user-space programs, but never kill kernel threads. User-space programs may be swapped out, which could lead to your device being unavailable for several seconds. (Kernel code can not be swapped out.) Running code in user-space requires several context switches. These waste a "lot" of CPU time. If your device is a 300 baud modem, nobody will notice. But if it's a gigabit Ethernet card, and every packet has to go to your userspace driver before it gets to the real user, the system will have major bottlenecks.
User space programs are also "harder" to use because you have to install that user-space software, which often has many library dependencies. Kernel modules "just work".
Why user-space drivers are commonly used and preferred nowadays over kernel drivers?
The question is "Does this complexity really need to be in the kernel?"
I used to work for a company that made USB dongles that talked a particular protocol. We could have written a full kernel driver, but instead just wrote our program on top of libUSB.
The advantages: The program was portable between Linux, Mac, Win. No worrying about our code vs the GPL.
The disadvantages: If the device needed to data to the PC and get a response quickly, there is no guarantee that would happen. For example, if we needed a real-time control loop on the PC, it would be harder to have bounded response times. (Maybe not entirely impossible on Linux.)
If there is a way to do it in userspace, I would try that first. Only if there are significant performance bottlenecks, or significant complexity in keeping it in userspace would you move it. Even then, consider the "shim" approach, and/or the "emulator" approach (where your kernel module makes your device look like a serial port or a block device.)
On the other hand, if there are already several kernel modules similar to what you want, then start there.

why kernel needs virtual addressing?

In Linux each process has its virtual address space (e.g. 4 GB in case of 32 bit system, wherein 3GB is reserved for process and 1 GB for kernel). This virtual addressing mechanism helps isolating the address space of each process. This is understandable in case of process since there are many processes. But since we have 1 kernel only so why do we need virtual addressing for kernel?
The reason the kernel is "virtual" is not to deal with paging as such, it is becuase the processor can only run in one mode at a time. So once you turn on paged memory mapping (Bit 31 in CR0 on x86), the processor is expecting ALL memory accesses to go through the page-mapping mechanism. So, since we do want to access the kernel even after we have enabled paging (virtual memory), it needs to exist somewhere in the virtual space.
The "reserving" of memory is more about "easy way to determine if an address is kernel or user-space" than anything else. It would be perfectly possible to put a little bit of kernel at address 12345-34121, another bit of kernel at 101900-102400 and some other bit of kernel at 40000000-40001000. But it would make life difficult for every aspect of the kernel and userspace - there would be gaps/holes to deal with [there already are such holes/gapes, but having more wouldn't exactly help things]. By setting a fixed limit for "userspace is from here to here, kernel is from end of userspace to X", it makes life much easier in that respect. We can just say kernel = 0; if (address > max_userspace) kernel=1; in some code.
Of course, the kerneln only takes up as much PHYSICAL memory as it will actually use - so the common thinking that "it's a waste to take up a whole gigabyte for the kernel" is wrong - the kernel itself is a few (a dozen or so for a very "big" kernel) megabytes. The modules loaded can easily add up to several more megabytes, and graphics drivers from ATI and nVidia easily another few megabytes just for the kernel moduel for that itself. The kernel also uses some bits of memory to store "kernel data", such as tasks, queues, semaphores, files and other "stuff" the kernel has to deal with. A few megabytes is used for this as well.
Virtual Memory Management is that feature of Linux which enables Multi-tasking in system without any limitation on no. of task or amount of memory used by each task. The Linux Memory Manager Subsystem (along with MMU hardware) facilitates VMM support, where memory or mem-mapped device are accessed through virtual addresses. Within Linux everything, both kernel and user components, works with virtual address except when dealing with real hardware. That's when the Memory Manager takes its place, does virtual-to-physical address translation and points to physical mem/dev location.
A process is an abstract entity, defined by kernel to which system resources are allocated in order to execute a program. In Linux Process Management the kernel is an integrated part of a process memory map. A process has two main regions, like two faces of one coin:
User Space view - contains user program sections (Code, Data, Stack, Heap, etc...) used by process
Kernel Space view - contains kernel data structures that maintain information (PID. States, FD, Resource Usage, etc...) about the process
Every process in Linux system has a unique and separate User Space Region. This feature of Linux VMM isolates each process program sections from one and other. But all processes in the system shares the common Kernel Space Region. When a process needs service from the kernel it must execute the kernel code in this region, or in other words kernel is performing on behalf of user process request.

Disabling Multithreading during runtime

I am wondering if Intel's processor provides instructions in their instruction set
to turn on and off the multithreading or hyperthreading capability? Basically, I wanna
know if an Operating System can control these feature via instructions somehow?
Thank you so much
Most operating systems have a facility for changing a process' CPU affinity, thereby restricting it to a single physical or virtual core. But multithreading is a program architecture, not a CPU facility.
I think that what you are trying to ask is, "Is there a way to prevent the OS from utilizing hyperthreading and/or multiple cores?"
The answer is, definitely. This isn't governed by a single instruction, and indeed it's not like you can just write a device driver that would automagically disable all of that hardware. Most of this depends on how the kernel configures the interrupt controllers at boot time.
When a machine is first started, there is a designated processor that is used for bootstrapping. It is the responsibility of the OS to configure the multiprocessor hardware accordingly. On PC platforms this would involve reading information about the multiprocessor configuration from in-memory tables provided by the boot firmware. This data would likely conform to either the ACPI or the Intel multiprocessor specifications. The kernel then uses that date to configure the APIC hardware accordingly.
Multithreading and multitasking are not special instructions or modes in the CPU. They're just fancy ways people who write operating systems use interrupts. There is a hardware timer, basically a counter being incremented by a clocking signal, that triggers an interrupt when it overflows. The exact interrupt is platform specific. In the olden days this timer is actually a separate chip/circuit on the motherboard that is simply attached to one of the CPU's interrupt pin. Modern CPUs have this timer built in. So, to turn off multithreading and multitasking the OS can simply disable the interrupt signal.
Alternatively, since it's the OS's job to actually schedule processes/threads, the OS can simply decide to ignore all threads and not run them.
Hyperthreading is a different thing. It sort of allows the OS to see a second virtual CPU that it can execute code on. Never had to deal with the thing directly so I'm not sure how to turn it off (or even if it is possible).
There is no x86 instruction that disables HyperThreading or additional cores. But, there is BIOS settings that can turn off these features. Because it can be set in BIOS, it requires rebooting, and generally it's beyond OS control. There is Windows booting option that limits the number of active core, but HyperThreading can be turn on/off only by BIOS. Current Intel's HyperThreading implementation doesn't allow dynamic turn on and off (and it won't be easily implemented in a near time).
I have assumed 'multithreading' in your question as 'hardware multithreading' which is technically identical to HyperThreading. However, if you really intended software-level multithreading (i.e., multitasking), then it's totally different question. It is (almost) impossible for modern operating systems since they are by default supports multitasking. And, this question actually doesn't make sense. It can make sense if you want to run MS-DOS (as real mode of x86, where a single task can be done).
p.s. Please note that 'multithreading' can be either hardware or software. Also I agree all others' answers such as processor/thread affinity.
