Execute agrep within script | grep terminal output [duplicate] - linux

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Assign output to variable in Bash [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Can I execute a grep in my script below?
echo 5
echo 4
result='çat output.txt | grep flag'
echo $result
The scipt gets used like
./script | ./program > output.txt
The script is used as input for the program, and the output of the program gets put into output, which I want to be able to grep for instantly. At the moment, it seems to finish without doing the grep command

I have the impression you are using single quotes while it should be backtics. Luckily there is something easier to use
result=$(cat output.txt | grep "flag")
The $(some_command) is used for getting the results of some_command.


Tee and Grep, filtering and appending the output of a script several times [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I send the stdout of one process to multiple processes using (preferably unnamed) pipes in Unix (or Windows)?
(6 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a script that output logs every 30 minutes, this logs are appended to a file that store all logs, then I filter the logs that contains 'Maas" string and store those logs to another file.
(script output) | tee -a alldata.log | grep 'Maas' >> filterMaas.log
What I need to do is to add more filters to output to several files, the following line doesnt work, the file filterCCSA.log is empty.
(script output) | tee -a alldata.log | grep 'Maas' >> filterMaas.log | grep 'CCSA' >> filterCCSA.log
Any idea how can make this work?
You could do something like that:
(script output) | tee >(grep 'Maas' >> filterMaas.log) >(grep 'CCSA' >> filterCCSA.log) >> alldata.log

Get specific output from grep [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to get the second column from command output?
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to get a specific output using grep but I am unable to do so.
Here is my grep command :
crictl inspect 47aaecb541688accf37840108cc0d19b39b84f8337740edf2ca7e5e81a24328e | grep "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"
The output of the above command is "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "kube-system",
I even tried
crictl inspect 47aaecb541688accf37840108cc0d19b39b84f8337740edf2ca7e5e81a24328e | grep -Po '(?<="io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": ").*' but the output i got is kube-system",
I just want the value i.e just kube-system
How do I modify my grep command.
Thanks for the help
Using grep
We need to make just one small change to the grep -P command. Your command was:
$ echo '"io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "kube-system",' | grep -Po '(?<="io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": ").*'
We just need to replace .* (which matches everything to the end of the line) with [^"]* with matches everything up to but not including the first ":
$ echo '"io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "kube-system",' | grep -Po '(?<="io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": ")[^"]*'
Or, using your crictl command:
crictl inspect 47aaecb541688accf37840108cc0d19b39b84f8337740edf2ca7e5e81a24328e | grep -Po '(?<="io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": ")[^"]*'
Using sed
$ echo '"io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "kube-system",' | sed -n '/"io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"/{s/.*": "//; s/".*//p}'
How it works:
-n tells sed not to print unless we explicitly ask it to.
/"io.kubernetes.pod.namespace"/{...} selects only those lines that contain "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace" and performs the commands in braces on them.
s/.*": "// removes everything from the beginning of the line to the last occurrence of ": ".
s/".*//p removes everything from the first remaining " to the end of the line and prints the result.

grepping output of ps, exclude the word grep [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
More elegant "ps aux | grep -v grep"
(9 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm using ps to find the pid of a process created to execute the command "sleep 1234 &"
I grep the result to match only "sleep 1234".
ps -A -f | grep "sleep 1234"
however, this matches also the command "grep sleep 1234" itself, returning two lines instead of one. How do I write a pattern for grep to exclude the word 'grep' itself?
This is a pretty common problem and the easiest solution is to just surround a character in the grep'ed pattern with square brackets:
ps -A -f | grep "[s]leep 1234"
This will now match sleep 1234, but not [s]leep 1234 (because of the literal ] between s and l), and the grep line no longer matches.
The reason that the grep is in the process list is that pipelines are executed from right to left, so the grep is actually executed prior to the ps.

what is "|" in Ubuntu or Linux in general [duplicate]

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What does "|" mean in a terminal command line? [closed]
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
example :
diskFreeSpace="$(df | grep -v -E 'Filesystem|udev|tmpfs|Home|/dev/sr1|/dev/sr0' | awk '{ print $5-1+1}')"
and hope if you understand what is this command u help me
the symbol is called a "pipe".
The command df | grep is "piping" (redirecting) the standard output of the df command into the standard input of the grep command. In this example the grep command filters the output of the df command. Then the awk commands is for display/format purposes.
Inside the regular expression it is specific to the grep syntax since it is surrounded by quotes it is only considered as an argument passed to grep

How can I print intermediate results from a pipeline to the screen? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I gzip standard in to a file and also print standard in to standard out?
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm trying to count the lines from a command and I'd also like to see the lines as they go by. My initial thought was to use the tee command:
complicated_command | tee - | wc -l
But that simply doubles the line count using GNU tee or copies output to a file named - on Solaris.
complicated_command | tee /dev/tty | wc -l
But keep in mind that if you put it in a script and redirect the output, it won't do what you expect.
The solution is to tee to the console directly as opposed to STDOUT:
complicated_command | tee $tty | wc -l
