Custom Header Layout - Spartacus Storefront - flexbox

Has anyone solved or knows how to solve the following situation given the implementation of the header in Spartacus?
I would like to show in the header, a layout on the right of two level blocks, and on the left of a single level block.
Objective Header Layout
I can't think of how to do it since I can't see how to wrap certain slots, given the Spartacus implementation for the header.
Given the implementation of the header in Spartacus, inside the StorefrontComponent I cannot replace it using the ConfigModule.withConfig ({...}, as CmsConfig)
I understand and already tried that I can replace the header, implementing an Outlet (cxOutletRef = "header"), but this makes it impossible to edit it through SmartEdit, which is not acceptable to me.
Any suggestion? Or possible solution?
As a last option it occurs to me that I can create a component type from the back, and map it from Angular using "ConfigModule.withConfig ({...}, as CmsConfig)" implementing the "conflicting two-level" block from scratch or even the entire header.
Thank you !
////// CORRECTION 09/23/20 //////
Outlets do not prevent editing via SmartEdit. It's necessary to indicate the Slot to which the component corresponds, this is easy to implement using the PageSlotComponent.
✔ Example:
<ng-template cxOutletRef="cx-header">
[cxFocus]="{ disableMouseFocus: true }"
[]="isExpanded$ | async"
<cx-page-slot position="MiniCart"></cx-page-slot>
<cx-page-slot position="BottomHeaderSlot"> </cx-page-slot>
In this way, SmartEdit does allow you to edit the MiniCart component, within its corresponding slot.
🚫 Wrong way:
<ng-template cxOutletRef="cx-header">
[cxFocus]="{ disableMouseFocus: true }"
[]="isExpanded$ | async"
<cx-page-slot position="BottomHeaderSlot"> </cx-page-slot>

you can indeed solve this with a custom layout configuration and additional CSS, but it's not necessary. I give you a few options to consider:
Option 1: Change the generated DOM
You can either provide a custom layout config as #pwavg suggests, or even introducing a custom storefront component.
If you introduce a custom layout config, you're limited by the sections we use in the storefront component. If you insist on custom sections (ie. an element that wraps the searchbox, login, mincart and nav), you need to introduce a custom storefront component. The disadvantage here is that you'll deviating away from standard Spartacus component, which might result in missing features in the future.
Option 2: Pure CSS
A pure CSS solution is the easiest. You do not need to change any actual DOM, but apply some custom CSS rules to the standard DOM. Grid system is indeed designed for this. It's a bit complex to start with, but would do the job.
You can actually achieve this with flexbox as well, but you'd need to move the logo slot out of the flexbox flow.
Here's an actual quick and dirty code snippet to demonstrate changing by a few CSS rules only. It comes with a few assumptions/limitations, but for most cases it might be fine.
header {
cx-page-slot.SiteLogo {
// we absolute position the logo, so it flows outside the flexbox system. this requires
// an hard-coded top position, that might be fine, but I don't know the details.
position: absolute;
top: 60px;
cx-page-slot.SearchBox {
// align searchbox to the left, not sure if that's required, but looks better
margin: 14px auto 14px 150px;
cx-page-slot.NavigationBar {
margin-left: 150px;
overflow: hidden;
// manipulate a very high logo to demonstrate this works
cx-page-slot.SiteLogo img {
height: 100px;
Result (sorry for the logo ;) )
Option 3: cx-header Outlet
I would say you should be able to use outlets as well, as this will get you closer to option 1 (changing the actual DOM). I can't think of a reason why it would not work in SmartEdit - but happy to learn if it is the case. I'd recommend in this case to use the cx-header outletRef, so you would replace the entire header.

I am not super experienced with Spartacus so this might not be the correct way. Just trying to think with you on this.
I think you can just extend you layoutconfig and style the slots with CSSGrid. So for example you layout could be something like this:
layoutSlots: {
header: {
lg: {
slots: [
slots: ... (for mobile view)
And create a custom css grid for the positions of the slot.
If you want to have more markup control you could use cxOutletRef to replace the header with something like:
<ng-template cxOutletRef="cx-header">
<div class="header-top">
<cx-page-layout section="headerTop"></cx-page-layout>
<div class="header-bottom">
<cx-page-layout section="headerBottom"></cx-page-layout>
And then divide the slots between headerTop and headerBottom in you config.


CSS variables not working in dialog::backdrop

I'm trying to change the background color of a dialog element's backdrop using a custom CSS property but it won't take. Is this a bug in Chrome or is there a reason for this?
:root {
--color-backdrop: red;
dialog::backdrop {
background: var(--color-backdrop);
<p>This is a dialog. My backdrop should be red.</p>
The spec states the following about ::backdrop pseudo-element:
It does not inherit from any element and is not inherited from. No restrictions are made on what properties apply to this pseudo-element either.
And to quote Xindorn Quan, a member of WHATWG, regarding CSS Custom Properties:
CSS variables are propagated via inheritance into descendants, so if a pseudo-element doesn't inherit from anything, CSS variables which are not defined for the pseudo-element directly would have no effect on the pseudo-element.
Finally, this is one solution for this kind of problem:
::backdrop {
--color-backdrop: red;
dialog::backdrop {
background: var(--color-backdrop);
<dialog><p>This is a dialog. My backdrop should be red.</p></dialog>
It seems to be useful for multiple modals with ::backdrop, as a way of organizing their "root", so to speak.

How to hide a component without unmounting it?

I've got a list component that I would like to keep in the DOM whenever it's not needed so that the scroll position is not lost.
I've tried setting the style to {display: 'none'} but this unmounts the component. I've also tried setting { flex: 0.0001 } which kind of works but it feels like a hack (which they might optimise to "0" later on) and it creates layout glitches when the component is shown/hidden.
Any idea what would be the proper way to do this?
I have found that in recent React Native the approach with:
{ display: 'none' }
Do the works fine for me, my Tab component switches layouts without unmounting it's contents.
Tested on: RN 0.58.1, iPhone X 12.1.
If I understand correctly, you want the component to stay mounted but not take up any space or render anything? What if you just pass a hide property to the component which will just return an empty view in the render if it's true.
Try this:
<div style={{visibility: this.state.hidden ? 'hidden' : 'visible'}}>

How can I efficiently overwrite CSS with a content script?

My problem is that I want to overwrite a style of a site. Thing is, there is a way to do this, using the !important sentence, as seen in this example.
However, there are thousands of CSS instructions in my file, is there a more quick/efficient way to do this, i.e. not putting !important on each and every single line?
The approach I've found easiest and most effective is to wrap whatever html template you're injecting in a div with a very specific id.
<div id="my-specific-id">
// Your injected HTML template or section of the website you want to change
Once you've done this, reset all of the CSS that might affect that section.
#my-specific-id {
// A comprehensive CSS reset
// The rest of your CSS will override the reset above
Here is one such reset:
Note that you probably won't need everything from the CSS Reset, so remove what isn't relevant to take some load off the browser. I can't imagine that you really want to reset figcaption, for example.
As someone writing an extension, you should care a lot about whether or not your extension ruins the user experience on websites you inject scripts into.
The approach I've outlined will guarantee that only the sections of the website that you specifically care about are changed.
You can do this with your own templates (say you wanted to add a weather widget to every page without using an iframe) or with specific parts of the page. You could, for example, wrap all <p> elements in a highly specific id that you define.
Here's an example using Sass from a recent project I've been working on...
#specific-id-css-ultimate-reset {
html, button, input, div, p, img, form {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
font-size: 100%;
vertical-align: baseline;
background: transparent;
#import "modules/all";
#import "components/all";
#import "popups/all";
<div id="my-superspecific-html-template-wrapper">
Maybe it will be faster for you to include all styles from the original CSS that you don't wish to override in your injected stylesheet? If so, you can then remove the original stylesheet from page using content script/code injection or blocking the browser request for CSS file.
You can also write a small script that does some regex magic and adds !important to every line of given CSS file.

CSS auto height and sticky footer

I'm trying to wrap my head around CSS positioning guidelines. I'm trying to figure out how to make a sticky footer but have it stop being sticky when the main content area can no longer be condensed. An example of what I'm talking about can be found here Can someone explain to me why the footer stops being sticky and particularly what CSS properties cause this to occur? For me, as I look at the CSS it looks like the footer should just stay sticky to the bottom of the browser window always, but this isn't the case here. Why?
Thanks for the help.
Give this one a try. (link no longer valid)
It is similar to Ryan's one but, from memory, I think I've had better luck with this (although both are very similar).
You have to declare the footer outside of the wrapper and give some height for footer and margin-top should -(footer-height)px
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="footer">
# wrapper {
#footer {
margin:-25px 0px 0px 0px;
Here's a brief summary of a layout I use fairly consistently as a basis for projects that require a sticky footer. Not sure where I initially got all the code from but it was pieced together over quite a while.
You should be able to see from the fiddle that you require a '#container' element which will wrap the whole of the page. this gives you 100% height (note the hacks for ie present in the css), and allows and child elements of this 'container' element to derive a height, or position relative to it.
Pitfalls of this method are:
You need to provide some padding/margin at the bottom of the '#main'
element so that the footer is displaced further than it naturally
would, so need to know at least a broad range of what your footer
height should be.
IE doesn't seem (<=IE8 not tested 9) to recognize browser resize
events if you only resize the bottom edge of the browser, so in
that particular case the stickiness would fail, until a horizontal
resize was also presented as an event.
if you want a fixed width to the layout you should place this
constraint not on the '#container' element, but on the '#page'
element, and perhaps introduce extra elements beneath '#footer' to
provide any width constraints there.
Good Luck!

Layout based on Page - OrchardCMS

I have encountered an issue when using Orchard that I am sure there should be a fairly simple fix / solution for, but I have yet to find it.
I am trying to establish a specific width content area for my home page (580px), and a larger width for content pages (800px).
Layout.cshtml Snippet:
<div id='content'>
width: 580px;
Currently - the Content div wraps all of my content regardless of the page (either Home Page or Content). I am wondering if it is possible to use a different div to wrap the content based on the Page, as shown:
Layout.cshtml Idea:
#if(Model.Page != "Home")
<div id='fullcontent'>
<div id='content'>
I'm unsure if the above suggested method is possible (or I am unsure how to check for the current Page) - but any other suggestions would be appreciated.
You can use the Designer Tools module (built-in all recent Orchard versions) and enable the URL alternates feature. You'll then be able to create a layout-url-homepage.cshtml alternate for your layout.
You can use the Layout Selector Module to assign a custom layout to any content item.
You could use the Vandelay.Classy module to add custom tags to the page that represents your homepage, although it does add a lot of fields to the Page content editor.
