How can I fix Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 X64 Minimum Runtime error during installing Redistributable packages (VC_redist.x64.exe, VC_redist.x86.exe)? - visual-c++

During installation I get "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" and prompt to specify some path to vc_runtimeMinimum_x64.msi. After providing some path to required file I get error states that this file doesn't match required version Minimum Runtime 14.14.26405.

I finally found the solution reading this question: Install vcredist_x64 with VS2017 installer project
I realized that specific VC_Redist.x64.exe files could be downloaded by links like, where 26405.00 is exactly the version I was required to fix. Note, that you need version from error text after clicking OK, not from window title.
And the last point is that this exe must be executed from cmd with argument /repair to help me with this issue. Regular execution by double click made no effect.

I found the solution elsewhere. It said to
Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed
download troubleshooter button on the link.
Run it - choose option - have problem with installing - it lists programs - choose the missing / problematic visual c++ runtimes in the list
it will run and get fixed.
Repeat for each visual c++ you having problems with. I ran the program multiple times.

I have to thank this comment section for helping me with this problem, since I have not been able to work more efficently with my school, since I din't know what and if a single file somewhere deep down in the computer had to be deleted for this program to work.


Can't use Color Picker Extension in VS Code. [processBridge]: Error: Cannot get NPM

Windows 10 Home 21H2
CPU Intel i7-8700k
Motherboard ASUS Prime Z370-P II
Visual Studio Code v1.65.2
Node v16.14.2.
npm v8.5.0
The Problem:
When I run Pick Color ...
This happens
How I got here:
I installed node (and npm) as part of a course, from the official website, to use a TypeScript compiler.
In the process Chocolatey and something about Python was also installed. I think I remember seeing some errors in the script, but I'm very new to all of this. Despite that, both are in paths, as shown later.
Also had to use PowerShell and run
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
I checked the installation
Node version
Now this is what happens when I try to use the Color Picker extension. First, the installation guide says
PATH is ok, as shown in the following pictures.
Node Version Manager? Don't remember using that.
Command Pallete, ext install, "Color Picker" not on the list.
User Variables Path and
System Path
VS Code:
Trying ext install in the command pallete
I'm very sorry for this last screenshots in spanish.
Lastly I found this old issue on GitHub but I couldn't solve my problem with it:
(Gonna leave link in the comments as I can't go beyond 8 links in my post.)
Do you need this extension? Probably something buggy that will cause you problems with every upgrade. You already have a similar and cleaner solution as a VSCode default:
Just hover over a color and the little square icon next to it in a CSS or SASS/SCSS file, and you'll see the picker pop up. For changing from RGB(A) to HEX and other types, just click the header where you see rgba(84, ...) in the screenshot.

Missing Tool References

My version of VBA seems to be missing quite a few Tool References. Therefore I tried adding a library I know exists (scrrun.dll) through the "Browse" tab although it only results in the following error:
I would appreciate any kind of help regarding how to get access to more tool references.
A reinstall may help, but these references may be pointing to a folder from a different version of windows (*\System32 vs *\SysWow64 may be the issue)
What changed from the system it originally ran on? Search the C: drive for SCRRUN.DLL and if the path has changed, switch that via browsing for the real path. I've never seen that file missing before, but I think it's part of Windows.
On a rare occasion, you may have to re-register the components (again some of these are included Windows components). Check out this reference

Extend Visual Studio functionality for Installshield ISPROJ Project type

InstallShield must be the crappiest "industry standard" application in existence, for reasons too numerous to enumerate here. However, one of those deficiencies is something I'd like to be able to fix, and with my first foray into writing an extension for Visual Studio (currently using 2015 version).
InstallShield has created a .isproj type, to allow integration with Visual Studio. This allows a developer to create an installer that references the output of a project as the files to include in the installer (rather than having to manually select individual files to include). This works well enough as long as the .isproj is being built in Visual Studio, and in a solution that references the project for which you need the output.
However, I also have an automated build for my installer projects, that we run on a build server using MSBuild. When attempting to build this way, we were getting completely opaque error messages indicating that the project output references above couldn't be resolved.
As with all InstallShield errors, Googling for answers turned up nothing except for multitudes of other people having the same problem. So I decided to dig into the plain text of the .isproj to see what I could find.
As it turns out, the .isproj type is a just a regular MSBuild script, and it even has lines commented out that explain options that can be added to the project; one of those things that can be added is an ItemGroup containing ProjectReference nodes. Manually adding the nodes helped solve the problem. Command-line build now works.
However, I am dissatisfied with a) having to manually type this stuff in, b) having no visual representation of what projects are being referenced, and c) not finding out about a problem until the build fails. So, I would like to be able to extend Visual Studio to help me with this. Here's what I'd like to do:
1) Add a "References" node to the project in Solution Explorer that acts like the References node for any normal .csproj.
2) Restrict the available References to other projects in the the current solution.
3) Visually represent a project with missing references (e.g. by underlining the project name with a colored squiggly, as with errors/warnings), and potentially failing the build if missing (depending on whether I want to treat it as an error or a warning; TBD).
To these ends, I've downloaded MPF for Projects - Visual Studio 2013, which provides an SDK for creating a new project type.
However, before digging too deeply, I need to know if it's even possible to EXTEND an existing project type, as described above, as I obviously don't have InstallShield source code. Also, any links or guidance as to a starting point for doing so would be greatly appreciated.

chef how to overwrite attribtues in json file

I'm trying to run the same recipe twice with different attributes.
Is there a way to specify it in the run list?
"run-list": "recipe[test], recipe[test]"
and the first one should have flag=false while second one should execute with flag=true.
No, that's not possible. You have to implement such logic in your recipe and e.g iterate over an array.
I answered a similar question previously:
The short version is, you need to modify your thinking. If you need to install software and configure it, you might do better to think about breaking it apart into two pieces.
Longer answer: have you taken a look at any of the cookbooks on the opscode community site? Many patterns recur and work that others have published could certainly be useful... Especially as you appear to be just starting out with chef.
I've also tried using resources:
define :installx, :cmd=>'good', :upgrade=>true do'cmd = #{params[:cmd]}')
if params[:upgrade]'upgrading...')
installx resource
installx "name" do
cmd "install 1"
upgrade true
and it errors out: "ERROR: Cannot find a resource for define"
This is pretty much right out of the official documentation. If anyone know what's causing this, please let me know.
Some of the Chef cookbook are written very well in my opinion such as the visualstudio cookbook from
I do have a case when I need to run this recipe twice. I have to install Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 on a machine to compile different source code. These versions of Visual Studio have the exact same silent install process by point to an XML file so it was easy to make it work for 2012 and 2013.
I was able to create a Chef role file to override the attributes of the visualstudio cookbook to point my private Visual Studio 2012 ISO. That was easy. Then I created another Chef role file for installing 2013 to point to a separate Visual Studio 2013 ISO. Since Chef doesn't run the recipe twice it ends up only installing Visual Studio 2013. :(
It would suck if I have to make two local copies of the "visualstudio" cookbook.

Error getting to Test Window in VS 2012 RC

I have been using the customer preview of Visual Studio 2012 up until day before yesterday when the Release Candidate became available. After I installed the Release Candidate, I can't get to the Test Window (Test / Windows / Test Explorer).
I get the following lengthy error which I've copied manually here. (Since this is my first question, I couldn't post the picture, and the screen would not allow me to copy the text to the clipboard. Hopefully there are no typos.)
The composition produced a single composition error. The root cause is provided below. Review the CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information.
1) Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: testPlatform
Resulting in: An exception occurred while trying to create an instance of type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.ReqeustConfigurationFactory'.
Resulting in: Cannot activate part
Element: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.ReqeustConfigurationFactory -->
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.ReqeustConfigurationFactory --> CachedAssemblyCatalog
Resulting in: Cannot get export
(ContractName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.RequestConfigurationFactory")' from part
(ContractName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.RequestConfigurationFactory") --> CachedAssemblyCatalog
The error occurs regardless of whether I have opened a solution or not. A second attempt to open the window yields "Cannot create the tool window." After restarting Visual Studio, and attempting to get to the Test Window, I get the long message again.
At the time I upgraded Visual Studio to the Release Candidate, I had installed:
ReSharper (Beta)
Code Contracts -- the last thing I had installed before upgrading Visual Studio. I cannot guarantee that the test window was working after I installed this.
I have searched the web for key phrases out of the error message, but found no help.
I have also:
Repaired Visual Studio (which solved a problem I was having getting to the Extension Manager, but not the Test Window problem)
Uninstalled Visual Studio and reinstalled it
Uninstalled each of the Extensions/packages listed above (NUnit, SpecFlow, ReSharper, Code Contracts). Uninstalling didn't seem to help, so I have re-installed all of them,
one at a time. I've also confirmed that I can run tests in the ReSharper test window.
Deleted the currentsettings.vssettings file from C:\Users\\Documents\Visual Studio 11\Settings, hoping it contained the problem and would be recreated correctly. I got a message that "The IDE will use your most recent settings for this session". I don't know where to find those...
Reset settings from the Import and Export Settings option.
None of these actions has helped.
It looks to me like a config file somewhere is missing an element for testPlatform, but I have no idea where that would be (or in what format, or what Options page entry would set it.)
Any help would GREATLY be appreciated.
I didn't figure out exactly what was causing the error, but I did get it fixed. Here's what finally worked
I installed all VS 2012 one more time, plus the extensions, then looked for bits that might have been left behind by the uninstall. I found and deleted the following before reinstalling:
C:\Users\<my id>\Documents\Visual Studio
C:\Users\<my id>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio
C:\Users\<my id>\AppData\Local\Microsoft
Upon re-installing Visual Studio 2012 RC, the original problem was resolved. Re-installing the extensions also worked successfully.
