How do I install gitversion on Mac? - semantic-versioning

The gitversion documentation is hard to find the answer to this simple question. How do I install this software on mac os?

The answer is buried on the page
If you don't have homebrew installed, you'll need to get that first. If you already have it, run brew install gitversion


Hugo version not updating to latest

I am trying to work with the Hugo static site generator.
Problem: Hugo is saying it is updated to the latest version but it is not.
$ hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.40.1 linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2018-04-25T17:16:11Z
But the latest version is now v0.70.0
Windows Subsystem for Linux via the terminal in Visual Studio Code v1.45.0
Any help would be much appreciated thank you all.
If you're using a Debian-based system, e.g. Ubuntu, you can download the appropriate .deb from and install it with, for example:
sudo dpkg --install ./hugo_extended_0.70.0_Linux-64bit.deb
I wrote about this in footnote 10 in my Hugo Tutorial.
If you've installed it via the apt package manager, you might be out of luck there, because the official repositories might not be up to date with the latest version of Hugo.
To update the repositories and install the latest available version of hugo, try doing
sudo apt update
sudo apt install hugo
However, I see it's only getting version 0.6x.
If you want to use it on Windows, you could try installing it via Chocolatey or Scoop. Both seem to have version 0.70.x in their repositories, but you'd need to install them first, because they're not Windows out-of-the-box software. Not sure if and how it would work if you use it in the WSL, though.
Otherwise, there's always the good'ol download the binary and save it.
The Ubuntu package manager "apt" does not contain the latest version of Hugo right now. It needs to be updated by the repo owner or similar.
I solved my problem by following a binary install guide here

Install old version of firefox

I want to install Firefox 24.2.0 in Scientific Linux environment. I have tried firefox-24.5.0-1.mga4.x86_64.rpm, but it did not work.
What is the correct linux command for that?
Scientific Linux uses yum to install packages. It can download these for you, but if you already have the correct Firefox downloaded you can do:
yum install firefox-24.5.0-1.mga4.x86_64.rpm
You can use man yum for more details or browse the man page online.
I found this command "yum downgrade firefox" useful to downgrade firefox version in Scientific Linux environment.

how to install plasma-nm in elementary OS

I want to install plasma-nm software in Elementary OS, which is not available in Software center. When I searched for .deb package, its asking for many dependencies. There are over a dozens of dependencies to install before install plasma-nm, downloading them individually and installing is very difficult.
is there any software or command which can download and install all dependencies for me?
sudo apt-get install plasma-nm is not helping. Also plasma-nm is not available in synaptic package manager.
Please help
After trying a lot, The problem was Elementary OS. Plasma-nm needs network-manager 0.9.8 or greater.
Need to install ubuntu 13.04 or greater for this. There is no support for elementary os regarding this (even though elementary is based on ubuntu, but an older version).
Good luck!
Please consider changing the name of the question to something like:
Installing plasma-nm in elementary OS

Path to Node.js Installation in Ubuntu

I am new to Ubuntu (linux).
I installed node.js for a project.
Recently I am getting this error on npm install.
Error: "pre" versions of node cannot be installed, use the --nodedir flag instead
I found a stack link below as
Node pre error
Under the solution it asks for the directory where node.js is installed and currently i am clueless where the nodejs is installed.
Please help me on how can I locate the directory where node.js is installed.
Quick explanation
You have a version with -pre. Get rid of it and put the latest stable version from
You can use which to locate a command. For your case, type which nodejs.
EDIT: The answer from your link is referring to the path of node source code, not the nodejs binary.
On Ubuntu, most software can be installed from the built-in repositories. This updates it for you (even if it's sometimes a bit outdated).
To install the stable version the Ubuntu way, install the nodejs-legacy package (after uninstalling your version):
sudo apt install nodejs-legacy
To use the latest, refer to (my answer), or (bit more involved, more the Ubuntu way).

Is it possible to install Cucumber on Debian Squeeze?

I am trying to find out if Cucumber can be install on Debian Squeeze. If so, I also need installation instructions including any pitfalls.
Check out this SO question for lots of helpful links for installing Ruby and Ruby Gems on Debian Squeeze.
Once you've done that, you can use the official installation guide to install Cucumber on top.
