Which MongoDB scaling strategy (Sharding, Replication) is suitable for concurrent connections? - node.js

Consider scenario that
I have multiple devclouds (remote workplace for developers), they are all virtual machines running on the same bare-metal server.
In the past, they used their own MongoDB containers running on Docker. So that number of MongoDB containers can add up to over 50 instances across devclouds.
The problem becomes apparent that while 50 instances is running at the same time, but only 5 people actually perform read/write operations against their own instances. So other 45 running instances waste the server's resources.
Should I use only one MongoDB cluster by combining a set of MongoDB instances ,for everyone so that they can connect to 1 endpoint only (via internal network) to avoid wasting resources.
I am considering the sharding strategy, but the problem is there are chances that if one node taken down (one VM shut down), is that ok for availability (redundancy)?
I am pretty new to sharding and replication, looking forward to know your solutions. Thank you

If each developer expects to have full control over their database deployment, you can't combine the deployments. Otherwise one developer can delete all data in the deployment, etc.
If each developer expects to have access to one database, you can deploy a single replica set serving all developers and assign one database per developer (via authentication).
Sharding in MongoDB sense (a sharded cluster) is not really going to help in this scenario since an application generally uses all of the shards. You can of course "shard manually" by setting up multiple replica sets.


Is implementing elastic search service on same server as node server with auto scaling is a good idea?

Trying to deploy a project on t3 large server with auto scaling.
I have my elastic search service deployed on same system as node and react projects.(Not using AWS elastic search)
Will it be facing issues in future and i need to segregate elastic search service to some other server?
It's always nice to have a separate dedicated server for running the Elasticsearch server but as you are using AWS some of the things which you can do to minimize the issues:
Elasticsearch is a stateful application contrast to your node and react app unless you are storing the state there as well which is not a good idea and due to stateless nature of the applications, autoscaling is very useful as you can on-demand based on the CPU, memory or other metrics scale up or down the instances.
But in case of Elasticsearch or other stateful applications, it becomes tricky as when you scale up or down the instance, shards get relocated if they are not reachable within a threshold which can lead to unbalanced Elasticsearech cluster.
Now in order to minimize these issues:
Make sure you can storing Elasticsearch indices on the network-attached disk so that there is no data loss when autoscaling brings a new instance and new instance again should use earlier network attaches EBS(where your data is stored).
Make sure you don't create a new Elasticsearch process when you scale up or down the instances according to your autoscaling policy and the Elasticsearch process should be fixed and scale up/down with some manual intervention.
If you have to scale up the Elasticsearch cluster then make sure you disable shard allocation to avoid the issues mentioned earlier.
These are some known issues which you might face and there could be even more based on your configuration and while writing the answer itself I felt, it so easy to just have a dedicated instance for Elasticsearch to avoid these weird issues.
I would add to other answers following:
Elasticsearch performs best if it has enough RAM to keep indexes in entirety in RAM. If the Elasticsearch is competing with Node/Application for RAM it will affect it's performance.
From maintenance/performance perspective you should consider having at least 3-node cluster. Even if that means you have smaller machines. If AWS is upgrading infrastructure and you have 1 machine, when than 0.05% unavailability hits your search is down. If you need to do maintenance on the node or do upgrades having multiple machines will help with availability.
Depending on your use of Elasticsearch and how often you update/delete items in the indexes, and how fast your indexes will grow, adding more machines/nodes to the cluster will help with growth.
There are probably many more things to consider, but that totally depends on your application, budget, SLAs etc.

Deploying Node + MongoDB API on AWS or GCP

I am working on a Node + MongoDB API and the API is deployed on a VM on Google Cloud Platform. Currently, the data is stored in a MongoDB instance running on the VM.
Is running a local MongoDB instance for production a good practice? And how does various cloud services providing MongoDB compare with each other? And what are some good practices to ensure the API is scalable? Also can deploying API to Kubernetes as a container offer better results as compared to VMs?
Having both server and database running in the same VM instance would always be a bad idea for a service that you want to scale. Let's think what happen if your instance could not handle the number of traffic being sent into anymore?
At first you might just do the vertical scale adding more CPU and RAM to the currently running instance and yes, that would be fine for some period of time. But it is actually more like a temporary life-extending plan since at some point, your instance will not be able to do the vertical scale anymore. And here come the horizontal scale...
New instance has to be created to handle the increasing number of traffic and how would you design the new instance for that?
The best practice is to have an instance that looks exactly the same as the first one. So the server is needed to be designed as a stateless one. In this case, your instance will be able to scale for at any number of machine.
That's why you should not have the API front end and database running in the same instance. It could not be scaled.
So how's about the database? It is quite straightforward. Just simply place it in the another VM instance! If database is still be able to handle the request, you can just share the database server among the server instances. But if there is a bottleneck on the database side, you can scale your mongoDB separately with cluster or so.
If you don't have time, you can consider using the ready-to-use service like Heroku Add-On, for example, mongolab, to managing the MongoDB instance for you.

How do I determine the number of Node Types, Number of nodes and VM size in Service Fabric cluster for a relatively simple but high throughput API?

I have an Asp.Net core 2.0 Wen API that has a relatively simple logic (simple select on a SQL Azure DB, return about 1000-2000 records. No joins, aggregates, functions etc.). I have only 1 GET API. which is called from an angular SPA. Both are deployed in service fabric as as stateless services, hosted in Kestrel as self hosting exes.
considering the number of users and how often they refresh, I've determined there will be around 15000 requests per minute. in other words 250 req/sec.
I'm trying to understand the different settings when creating my Service Fabric cluster.
I want to know:
How many Node Types? (I've determined as Front-End, and Back-End)
How many nodes per node type?
What is the VM size I need to select?
I have ready the azure documentation on cluster capacity planning. while I understand the concepts, I don't have a frame of reference to determine the actual values i need to provide to the above questions.
In most places where you read about the planning of a cluster they will suggest that this subject is part science and part art, because there is no easy answer to this question. It's hard to answer it because it depends a lot on the complexity of your application, without knowing the internals on how it works we can only guess a solution.
Based on your questions the best guidance I can give you is, Measure first, Measure again, Measure... Plan later. Your application might be memory intensive, network intensive, CPU, Disk and son on, the only way to find the best configuration is when you understand it.
To understand your application before you make any decision on SF structure, you could simply deploy a simple cluster with multiple node types containing one node of each VM size and measure your application behavior on each of them, and then you would add more nodes and span multiple instances of your service on these nodes and see which configuration is a best fit for each service.
1.How many Node Types?
I like to map node types as 1:1 to roles on your application, but is not a law, it will depend how much resource each service will consume, if the service consume enough resource to make a single VM(node) busy (Memory, CPU, Disk, IO), this is a good candidate to have it's own node type, in other cases there are services that are light-weight that would be a waste of resources provisioning an entire VM(node) just for it, an example is scheduled jobs, backups, and so on, In this case you could provision a set of machines that could be shared for these services, one important thing you have to keep in mind when you share a node-type with multiple service is that they will compete for resources(memory, CPU, network, disk) and the performance measures you took for each service in isolation might not be the same anymore, so they would require more resources, the option is test them together.
Another point is the number of replicas, having a single instance of your service is not reliable, so you would have to create replicas of it(the right number I describe on next answer), in this case you end up with a service load split in to multiple nodes, making this node-type under utilized, is where you would consider joining services on same node-type.
2.How many nodes per node type?
As stated before, it will depend on your service resource consumption, but a very basic rule is a minimum of 3 per node type.
Why 3?
Because 3 is the lowest number where you could have a rolling update and guarantee a quorum of 51% of nodes\service\instances running.
1 Node: If you have a service running 1 instance in a node-type of 1 node, when you deploy a new version of your service, you would have to bring down this instance before the new comes up, so you would not have any instance to serve the load while upgrading.
2 Nodes: Similar to 1 node, but in this case you keep only 1 node running, in case of failure, you wouldn't have a failover to handle the load until the new instance come up, it will worse if you are running a stateful service, because you will have only one copy of your data during the upgrade and in case of failure you might loose data.
3 Nodes: During a update you still have 2 nodes available, when the one being updated get back, the next one is put down and you still have 2 nodes running, in case of failure of one node, the other node can support the load until a new node is deployed.
3 nodes does not mean the your cluster will be highly reliable, it means the chances of failure and data loss will be lower, you might be unlucky a loose 2 nodes at same time. As suggested in the docs, in production is better to always keep the number of nodes as 5 or more, and plan to have a quorum of 51% nodes\services available. In this case I would recommend 5, 7 or 9 nodes in cases you really need higher uptime 99.9999...%
3.What is the VM size I need to select?
As said before, only measurements will give this answer.
These recommendations does not take into account the planning for primary node types, it is recommended to have at least 5 nodes on primary Node Types, it is where SF system services are placed, they are responsible to manage the
cluster, so they must be highly reliable, otherwise you risk losing control of your cluster. If you plan to share these nodes with your application services, keep in mind that your services might impact them, so you have to always monitor them to check for any impact it might cause.

Server architecture for a scalable web application

we're planing to deploy a web-application with Amazon OpsWork and I just wanted to check with you, if our architecture might have any design flaws.
We've 4 components:
A load balanacer (Amazon preferably)
Express based on Node.js
Here's a communication diagram of our components:
At the front is a load balancer which distributes http requests to multiple web servers.
The web server is stateless and therefore can be cloned each time the load requires it. All web server instances are equal. Session information is saved in the MongoDB.
In the "backend" we're planing to use the build-in cluster functionalities from MongoDB and ElasticSearch. Therefore each web server instance only connects to a single MongoDB and ElasticSearch master instance. MongoDB and ElasticSearch are then scaling accordingly. Furthermore the the ElasticSearch master speaks to the MongoDB master to retrieve data for building the index.
How we see it, the most challenging task to setup such a system, is to configure OpsWorks with the MongoDB and ElasticSearch cluster.
Many thanks in advance!
if our architecture might have any design flaws.
Well, keep in mind that we can't tell much from a generic diagram. But here are some notes:
1) MongoDB isn't as easy to scale as other databases such as DynamoDB, Riak or Cassandra. For example, if you ever exceed the capacity of a single master (no matter how many slaves you have, all writes go to the single master), you'll have to shard. But switching to sharding is very disruptive and very tedious to set up.
If you don't expect to exceed the write capacity of one node, then you'll be fine on MongoDB.
2) What will you do for async tasks such as sending emails, creating long reports, etc?
It's possible to do these things in the request loop, and that's probably a fine way to get started. But as you have more boxes, the chances of failure go up. When a box dies, all the async tasks go away and nobody will know what they were. You also can have problems where one box gets heavily loaded with async tasks (using too much CPU or memory), and the problem will get worse and worse as it gets more tasks and completes them more slowly.
Also, a front-end like ELB will have a 60-second limit, which can cause problems if some of your requests could take longer. (Spin them off into async jobs with polling or something.)
3) ELB doesn't support web sockets. Consider that if you think you might want websockets down the road.
There's no such thing as a master in elastic search. You have master copies of shards and replicas of shards but they are basically moved around through your cluster by elastic search. Nodes might be master for one shard and a replica for another. So, you could simply put a load balancer in front of it.
However, you can specialize nodes to be data nodes or routing nodes as explained here: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/modules/node/
The routing nodes effectively become load balancers. You could have a few of those (redundancy) and distribute load between those. Alternatively, you could run a dedicated router node on each web server. Basically routing nodes are pretty light and you save a bit of bandwidth/latency since your web server talks to localhost and from there it is all elastic search internal cluster traffic.
I'd recommend to replace MongoDB with Amazon Dynamo DB (it has node.js SDK).

spikes in traffic

I have a bare bones setup on Amazon, and wanted to know which is the better approach coming out of the gate on a new site, where we anticipate a spike of traffic occasionally (from tech press) before we gradually build up 'real' membership traffic to a reasonable level.
I currently am toying with two starter options:
1) Do I have 1 node app (micro ec2) pointing to a redis-server AND mongod (EC2 server) (which mounts one combined 10G EBS).
2) do I have 1 node app (micro ec2) running redis-server and mongod locally (but with 2 10G EBS mounts, 1 for redis and 1 for mongo).
If traffic went crazy (tech press etc), which is easiest/fastest to scale to handle the spike in traffic. I anticipate equal read writes for mongo and redis btw, and I have no caching (other than that provided by cloudfront assets like images and some css)
I can't speak to Redis, but for MongoDB you'll want to be sure that you run on an instance with sufficient RAM to hold your "working set" of data in memory. "Working set" means, roughly, the full set of data that your application accesses frequently -- for instance, consider Twitter -- the working set of Twitter data is the most recent set of status updates across all users, as this is what is shown on web pages and what Twitter provides via its APIs. For your application, the definition of working set may differ.
Mongo uses memory-mapped files for data access, which means that its performance is great when there is enough memory to hold the data you are accessing frequently, and can degrade when there is not. If you expect your data set to grow beyond about 2.5 gigabytes, you will also want to ensure that you are on a 64-bit instance -- on 32-bit instances, Mongo is limited to around 2.5 gigabytes of data, due to the limited memory address space available on such a platform. For more on MongoDB on EC2, see the Mongo docs on EC2 deployment on the wiki.
I would also caution against using EC2 Micro instances in your production environment. The nature of Micros is that they have "burstable" but very limited CPU resources. If you get a spike of traffic due to tech press, it's likely that your application would be limited by EC2 to a very low amount of available CPU, which will cause performance to suffer. You can mitigate this to a certain extent with load balancing and many Micro instances, but it may be more cost-effective and less complex to simply use Large instances for both Mongo/Redis and your application servers.
You may want to have a look at this question, since IMO, the answer also applies to your situation:
Benefits of deploying multiple instances for serving/data/cache
I would never put mongod and redis-server on the same box. MongoDB is meant to swap due to its usage of memory mapped files, and will generate swapping activity if the data cannot fit in RAM. Redis does not use data structures which are compatible with swapping (like MongoDB does with btrees), and will become unresponsive if its memory is swapped out. Currently, there is no easy way to lock Redis in memory.
So I would put Redis and the app server on the same box, and isolate MongoDB on its own box.
Depending on the size of the data you want to store in Redis, I would pick a large or a small EC2 instance. Redis works well in 32 bits, but memory is limited. For MongoDB, a 64 bits box is almost mandatory. In any case, I would avoid micro instances like the plague.
