Docusign consent issue with 2nd user, is duplicate of 1st working - docusignapi

Running into a bit of an odd issue. I assume it may be a setting somewhere?
Using the API integration for embedded forms. We have two brands, so I've made two users with the same roles. Their job is to be the sender for any embedded form for their respective brand. Their roles are both set as sender from the user settings tab.
Each user is in 2 groups, developers and their respective brand. Simply being part of developers will allow them to be assigned as the sender of any API templates. It's worth noting, these two users are identical to one another in setup, only difference being support email.
Using user 1, there are no issues, and everything works as intended. Using user 2 however, I get the error "consent required" when trying to get a JWT token?
I've gone through all and any settings I could find, but nothing seems to do what I need. Both users belong to the organization, so I'm simple confused.
Any help and direction is much appreciated.

The answer was I needed to claim the #brand URL the 2nd user was under, which had not been claimed via the application admin interface.

Consent is per user, you would need the second user to log in and navigate to the URL For consent.
If you are using the developer/sandbox/demo environment (not production) the URL you would want to set looks like this:<your IK>&redirect_uri=<some URL you defined for the IK>
Remember to define the redirect_uri in the Apps and Keys page in the settings page where you created the Integraiton Key and you should be good.


How to link logged users to their data, retrieve and update them in MySQL table

This is the my web-app "User Settings" page.
I have simplified it to a minimum to better highlight the problem.
To authenticate users I use Auth0, I wanted to use the sub claim user_id to identify the users inside my MySQL database for update and retrieve user's info. Unfortunately the user_id is different for each provider, for example, if the same user with the same e-mail logs-in via Auth0 he gets a user_id if he does it via google he gets another one.
I thought about using email to link logged user to his info.
The problem is in my API. Before the change it was "localhost: 8080 / api / users /: id"
each time it created a new id and in any case it was impossible to recover the data of the single user. Now that I have replaced "id" with "email" my API has also changed in "localhost: 8080 / api / users /:".
In a few words, the request url on the client side has also changed.
I would like to make sure that the GET and PUT requests are made based on the e-mail of the logged user without going to modify the whole back-end.
Sounds like something is wrong with how you authenticate users. If you have multiple ways to authenticate a user, those methods need to be in a one to many relation with the user. For example each user has a list of auth-methods, and whenever an authentication is made you check your table of authentication methods and find the one user it maps to.
Im not sure if you are doing this yourself or if the framework you are using is handling that, but it sounds like you need to change the model to allow many Auth methods for a single account.
Also you could use email, but that is also an "old" way of uniquely identifying users almost every single person has multiple active email accounts nowadays, so you should also have a one-to-many relation for users to emails. What if the user has different email accounts for their Facebook and Google accounts?
See account linking here:
It is dangerous to trust that the external providers are truthful about what email belongs to who. What if I open a new account using someone else's email on one of the providers? Then I can log into that users account in your application, which is a pretty big security risk.

How to use DocuSign on behalf of a single user, but with dynamic redirection post signing ceremony?

My use case is thus:
I will have access to a single DocuSign account which would belong to Acme Inc. (I am currently using a sandbox account).
Acme Inc. has many branches, each with it's own employees with different documents that they must sign depending on which branch they work in.
From my internal application, the Admins of the branches will upload documents and set the emails addresses that the documents must be sent to.
The employees will complete the signing ceremony after following the link in the mail that they will receive.
MAIN ISSUE - Once the signing ceremony is complete, I require the employee to be redirected to a certain page of the internal application where they must complete some additional steps.
What I have so far:
I ran the example provided here. The issue with this is the permission request. I do not want an access prompt, rather, I want this done in the Admin Panel itself so that requests to the DocuSign API from my Server Application contain a valid token or receive a new one in case the existing one has expired. I saw from here that the JWT Grant system fit my use case, and I ran that using consent from a single user, however, I am stuck trying to figure out how to redirect the signer (employee) to the page I want with some parameters in the redirection URI. This can be as simple as the one provided (state=123) in the (eg-01) Embedded Signing example provided with the Auth Grant sample.
I apologize for not having any code snippet to show as I have not integrated anything into my internal application as of yet, I am merely running the code from the GitHub examples. Please let me know if I need to provide any additional information in order to facilitate your understanding of my requirements.
Any help provided would be much appreciated!
I think your main issue is the authentication type you are using.
You used the example showing Auth Code Grant, which does require users to log in.
You could instead use JWT (JSON Web Token) which does not require that (only once, and that can be done by you).
The code for making APIs and redirecting after signing ceremony etc. is the same. All you have to do is change the code that was used to obtain the access token (and also you need some configuration changes).
You can find nodeJS example of JWT here -
If you want to read more about JWT -

Deployd: How to implement dpd-passport and securely authenticate

Let me start by saying I really like Deployd. I want to use it in production, but I want to incorporate OAuth and social logins, so I installed the dpd-passport module. It works great, except for two little (big) problems:
When a user signs in via an OAuth provider (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Github) a new user record is created...but if the same user clears their cookies or uses a different browser to log in, a new user record is created.
If I do something clever (read: hacky) and assign users with social logins an ID based on the socialAccount and socialAccountId (something unique but constant for each social account), someone could use the standard method of user creation to spoof a user by making a POST request to the /users endpoint if they knew that user's socialAccount and socialAccountId.
My question is: How can I A) prevent #1 from occurring, or B) disable the standard method of user creation without also preventing OAuth user creation?
Has anyone ever successfully used Deployd and dpd-passport in production? If so, I want to speak with you...
Thanks in advance!
First of all, I think you haven't added the custom fields per the docs.
I hadn't either, and observed the new user feature (because it couldn't lookup the response from the auth service to find the user from before). Adding these fields fixed it.
Also, there is a google group here:!forum/deployd-users
Hope that helps.

SharePoint FBA: Membership email vs. "People and Groups" email

I have a WSS 3.0 site with FBA and a custom user management web part. To track user email address, I have been using the Email property of the MembershipUser object. I just realized today that if you go into People and Groups and look at the email address for a user, the email address is blank, and can be edited there independent of the MembershipUser value. It seems that the alerts system uses the email address that is stored in People and Groups.
I have not gotten into recoding yet because I want to make sure I'm not missing anything first. I assume I could switch from MembershipUser.Email and story my information in SPUser.Email instead. But I seem to remember that on a different project I used MembershipUser.Email with no problems and the alerts went out fine (although that was MOSS).
So I guess I have two questions:
Is there a way to tell People and Groups or the Alerts system to use MembershipUser.Email?
Is it best practice to use SPUser.Email for email storage, rather than MembershipUser.Email?
This post goes in-depth in getting SharePoint to sync the user profiles in your FBA store by naming all properties sharepoint should know about in the web.config and create those properties in your ProfileProvider. Not sure if it is what you are looking for exactly though. FBA user profile mapping does not work as clean as AD user profile mapping does out of the box.
Also, check out the User Profile Import Tool on CodePlex. It's for MOSS but might provide some pointers.

Viewing a MOSS 2007 page as another user would see it - without logging in as that user

In Moss 2007 you have the ability to set the target audience for each individual web part within a page. Is there a way to preview how the page will look to another user without logging in as that user? What I am looking for is a way for someone with full control/design permissions on a site to be able to preview how the site will be displayed to another user. Any suggestions?
I have a few test accounts that our IS department uses to preview pages, however we do not allow non-IS departamental staff to use those accounts. Those staff members only have access to their one account. So, if a user makes changes the target audience on a web part on one of their pages, right now they have no way to preview how the page will look to someone else other than asking someone else to login & watching over their shoulder. I can't give out the account information for the test accounts, nor can I create new test accounts.
Edit: I have the ability to preview. The problem is that other users with full control of a site can't preview the page. Here's a scenarios: In my school division each school has a site. The principal has full control of his school's site. On the landing page, he wants all the school announcements to be visible. However, some should only be visible to teaching staff, while others need to be visible to the students. He uses audience targetting but cannot preview to see at a glance that the targetting is correct. A lot of the users are not computer savy so things need to be as simple as possible. Also, that was just one scenario, there are other scenarios that are not divided by school. There are many users with full control of a site with different requirements - so it's not feasible to create test accounts for all scenarios.
First I don't think it is possible to have a preview feature if you are using NT security. Maybe it is something you can do with forms authentication but I never used it.
On that subject. I think when you are developing new features or integrating stuff on a MOSS/WSS server you need a little flexibility.
With what I see you have to following things you can do. It is surely more cost effective than developing a custom solution. I assume you are using NT Security.
User accounts : Ask your domain administrator to have dedicated user accounts to play with.
Virtual Machines : Ask to have some virual machines to be able to play with that server combined with tests accounts
Sandboxed environment : Ask your IT dept to create a sandboxed MOSS environment to have to possibility to replicate your actual MOSS environment and create custom user scenarios.
Edit: After re-reading the question I released that you want the users to be able to preview a page. I think you will need to look into writing a preview control that uses Impersonation to load the page. Not sure how feasible this is, but surely someone has created a preview feature. Sounds like a pretty common scenario to me.
Old Answer:
Could you not fire up a non MS browser such as Firefox, which will prompt for the username and password.
You can then just clear the session cookies to be prompted to log in as someone else.
This is the technique I used for an ASP.Net site that used authentication against the domain in a similar manner to SharePoint.
Alternatively, you can create a control/webpart that hooks into the audiences for the site and displays the audience membership to the user (maybe from the GetMembership call). This does not preview the site, but it will give your editors a heads up on who is in each audience. Something that will help them get the audiences correct.
We have made a similar webpart for security group membership.
I think there are two approaches you can take:
Do make use of test accounts to preview the pages. You can ease the "pain" to log in as another user by making use of the RUNAS command ( So it's possible to just create a shortcut on the desktop that opens a browser making use of another account's credentials. Only that browser instance will work with the test account.
Make a copy (or more copies) of the page that you want to preview, store it in a secured site (so it's only accessible for the principal for example), and tweak the Audience Targetting properties of the web parts on that page/pages.
For previewing target audiences only, the only way to do it is to create a target audience that runs based on a properties in the SSP User Profile Properties.
You can then have a control that allows the editor to change the value stored thier profile, re-compile the profiles and voila (for some description of voila) the user will have change thier audience targetting values to something else.
This would need quite a bit of coding and some thought put into the rules for the audience targetting.
At the end of the day, the most cost effective way is to push back to your infrastructure guys for an account solution that will allow you to have an "reader" account people can use for this function.
