When building a Rust binary with lto=true, is there a way to limit the crates the linker examines? - rust

The program I have ends up using over 110 crates in its build. However, the core performance gains (where 80+%) of the benefit is, resides in only a few 'crates'. Ya, I took the time to drill down through crates that used crates. Consequently, I'd like the linker to use lto options for only those 5-6 crates, rather that looking at all +110. Does anyone know if this is possible? And, if it is, how do I direct the linker to do it? Yes, the difference is just build-time, but its only going to get worse as I add more crates.


An easy way to see all (sub)dependencies of a Rust crate (online)?

On crates.io we can easily see the direct dependencies of a crate by just clicking on the Dependencies tab. Is there a way to also easily see the sub-dependencies of a crate? Perhaps in a tree-like view, similar to what cargo tree would display. Or at least the number of all (sub)dependencies.
I think that can be helpful, for example, when we need to decide which crate to use among alternatives. By having an indicator of the total number of (sub)dependencies, we would have a better idea on how "heavy" a library actually is. I think that can be especially useful for a language like Rust where the build speed seems to heavily depend on the number of dependencies.

What does Rust's lack of incremental compilation mean, exactly?

This question was asked before Rust officially supported incremental compilation. Rust 1.24.0 and later enable incremental compilation by default for development (debug) builds.
I'm an outsider trying to see if Rust is appropriate for my projects.
I've read that Rust lacks incremental compilation (beta features notwithstanding).
Is this similar to having everything be implemented in the headers in C++ (like in much of Boost)?
If the above is correct, does this limit Rust to rather small projects with small dependencies? (If, say, Qt or KDE were header-only libraries, then programs using them would be extremely painful to develop, since you'd effectively recompile Qt/KDE every time you want to compile your own code.)
In C and C++, a compilation unit is usually a source file and all the header files it transitively includes. An application or library is usually comprised of multiple compilation units that are linked together. An application or library can additionally be linked with other libraries. This means that changing a source file requires recompiling that source file only and then relinking, changing an external library only requires relinking, but changing a header file (whether it's part of the project or external; the compiler can't tell the difference) requires recompiling all source files that use it and then relinking.
In Rust, the crate is the compilation unit. (A crate can be an application or a library.) Rust doesn't use header files; instead, the equivalent information is stored as metadata in the compiled crates (which is faster to parse, and has the same effect as precompiled headers in C/C++). A crate can additionally be linked with other crates. This means that changing any of the source files for a crate requires recompiling the whole crate, and changing a crate requires recompiling all crates that depend on it (currently, this means recompiling from source, even if the API happens to not have changed).
To answer your questions, no, Rust doesn't recompile all dependencies every time you recompile your project; quite the opposite in fact.
Incremental compilation in Rust is about reusing the work done in previous compilations of a crate to speed up compilation times. For example, if you change a module and it doesn't affect the other modules, the compiler would be able to reuse the data that was generated when the other modules were compiled last time. The lack of incremental compilation is usually only a problem with large or complex crates (e.g. those who make heavy use of macros).

How to inspect Haskell bytecode

I am trying to figure out a bug (a serious performance downgrade). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to figure out why by going back many different versions of my code.
I am suspecting it could be some modifications to libraries that I've updated, not to mention in the meanwhile I've updated to GHC 7.6 from 7.4 (and if anybody knows if some laziness behavior has changed I would greatly appreciate it!).
I have an older executable of this code that does not have this bug and thus I wonder if there are any tools to tell me the library versions I was linking to from before? Like if it can figure out the symbols, etc.
GHC creates executables, which are notoriously hard to understand... On my Linux box I can view the assembly code by typing in
objdump -d <executable filename>
but I get back over 100K lines of code from just a simple "Hello, World!" program written in Haskell.
If you happen to have the GHC .hi files, you can get some information about the executable by typing in
ghc --show-iface <hi filename>
This won't give you the assembly code, but you can get some extra information that may prove useful.
As I mentioned in the comment above, on Linux you can use "ldd" to see what C-system libraries you used in the compile, but that is also probably less than useful.
You can try to use a disassembler, but those are generally written to disassemble to C, not anything higher level and certainly not Haskell. That being said, GHC compiles to C as an intermediary (at least it used to; has that changed?), so you might be able to learn something.
Personally I often find view system calls in action much more interesting than viewing pure assembly. On my Linux box, I can view all system calls by running using strace (use Wireshark for the network traffic equivalent):
strace <program executable>
This also will generate a lot of data, so it might only be useful if you know of some specific place where direct real world communication (i.e., changes to a file on the hard disk drive) goes wrong.
In all honesty, you are probably better off just debugging the problem from source, although, depending on the actual problem, some of these techniques may help you pinpoint something.
Most of these tools have Mac and Windows equivalents.
Since much has changed in the last 9 years, and apparently this is still the first result a search engine gives on this question (like for me, again), an updated answer is in order:
First of all, yes, while Haskell does not specify a bytecode format, bytecode is also just a kind of machine code, for a virtual machine. So for the rest of the answer I will treat them as the same thing. The “Core“ as well as the LLVM intermediate language, or even WASM could be considered equivalent too.
Secondly, if your old binary is statically linked, then of course, no matter the format your program is in, no symbols will be available to check out. Because that is what linking does. Even with bytecode, and even with just classic static #include in simple languages. So your old binary will be no good, no matter what. And given the optimisations compilers do, a classic decompiler will very likely never be able to figure out what optimised bits used to be partially what libraries. Especially with stream fusion and such “magic”.
Third, you can do the things you asked with a modern Haskell program. But you need to have your binaries compiled with -dynamic and -rdynamic, So not only the C-calling-convention libraries (e.g. .so), and the Haskell libraries, but also the runtime itself is dynamically loaded. That way you end up with a very small binary, consisting of only your actual code, dynamic linking instructions, and the exact data about what libraries and runtime were used to build it. And since the runtime is compiler-dependent, you will know the compiler too. So it would give you everything you need, but only if you compiled it right. (I recommend using such dynamic linking by default in any case as it saves memory.)
The last factor that one might forget, is that even the exact same compiler version might behave vastly differently, depending on what IT was compiled with. (E.g. if somebody put a backdoor in the very first version of GHC, and all GHCs after that were compiled with that first GHC, and nobody ever checked, then that backdoor could still be in the code today, with no traces in any source or libraries whatsoever. … Or for a less extreme case, that version of GHC your old binary was built with might have been compiled with different architecture options, leading to it putting more optimised instructions into the binaries it compiles for unless told to cross-compile.)
Finally, of course, you can profile even compiled binaries, by profiling their system calls. This will give you clues about which part of the code acted differently and how. (E.g. if you notice that your new binary floods the system with some slow system calls where the old one just used a single fast one. A classic OpenGL example would be using fast display lists versus slow direct calls to draw triangles. Or using a different sorting algorithm, or having switched to a different kind of data structure that fits your work load badly and thrashes a lot of memory.)

Linux static linking is dead?

In fact, -static gcc flag on Linux doesn't work now. Let me cite from the GNU libc FAQ:
2.22. Even statically linked programs need some shared libraries
which is not acceptable for me. What
can I do?
{AJ} NSS (for details just type `info
libc "Name Service Switch"') won't
work properly without shared
libraries. NSS allows using different
services (e.g. NIS, files, db, hesiod)
by just changing one configuration
file (/etc/nsswitch.conf) without
relinking any programs. The only
disadvantage is that now static
libraries need to access shared
libraries. This is handled
transparently by the GNU C library.
A solution is to configure glibc with
--enable-static-nss. In this case you can create a static binary that will
use only the services dns and files
(change /etc/nsswitch.conf for this).
You need to link explicitly against
all these services. For example:
gcc -static test-netdb.c -o test-netdb \
-Wl,--start-group -lc -lnss_files -lnss_dns -lresolv -Wl,--end-group
The problem with this approach is
that you've got to link every static
program that uses NSS routines with
all those libraries.
{UD} In fact, one cannot say anymore that a libc compiled with this option
is using NSS. There is no switch
anymore. Therefore it is highly
recommended not to use
--enable-static-nss since this makes the behaviour of the programs on the
system inconsistent.
Concerning that fact is there any reasonable way now to create a full-functioning static build on Linux or static linking is completely dead on Linux? I mean static build which:
Behaves exactly the same way as
dynamic build do (static-nss with
inconsistent behaviour is evil!);
Works on reasonable variations of glibc environment and Linux versions;
I think this is very annoying, and I think it is arrogant to call a feature "useless" because it has problems dealing with certain use cases. The biggest problem with the glibc approach is that it hard-codes paths to system libraries (gconv as well as nss), and thus it breaks when people try to run a static binary on a Linux distribution different from the one it was built for.
Anyway, you can work around the gconv issue by setting GCONV_PATH to point to the appropriate location, this allowed me to take binaries built on Ubuntu and run them on Red Hat.
Static linking is back on the rise!
Linus Torvalds is in support of static linking, and expressed concern about the amount of static linking in Linux distributions (see also this discussion).
Many (most?) Go programming language executables are statically linked.
The increased portability and backward compatibility is one reason for them being popular.
Other programming languages have similar efforts to make static linking really easy, for example:
Haskell (I am working on this effort)
Zig (see here for details)
Configurable Linux distributions / package sets like NixOS / nixpkgs make it possible to link a large fraction of their packages statically (for example, its pkgsStatic package set can provide all kinds of statically linked executables).
Static linking can result in better unused-code elimination at link time, making executables smaller.
libcs like musl make static linking easy and correct.
Some big software industry leaders agree on this. For example Google is writing new libc targeted at static linking ("support static non-PIE and static-PIE linking", "we do not intend to invest in at this point [in] dynamic loading and linking support").
Concerning that fact is there any reasonable way now to create a full-functioning static build on Linux or static linking is completely dead on Linux?
I do not know where to find the historic references, but yes, static linking is dead on GNU systems. (I believe it died during the transition from libc4/libc5 to libc6/glibc 2.x.)
The feature was deemed useless in light of:
Security vulnerabilities. Application which was statically linked doesn't even support upgrade of libc. If app was linked on system containing a lib vulnerability then it is going to be perpetuated within the statically linked executable.
Code bloat. If many statically linked applications are ran on the same system, standard libraries wouldn't be reused, since every application contains inside its own copy of everything. (Try du -sh /usr/lib to understand the extent of the problem.)
Try digging LKML and glibc mail list archives from 10-15 years ago. I'm pretty sure long ago I have seen something related on LKML.
Static linking doesn't seem to get much love in the Linux world. Here's my take.
People who do not see the appeal of static linking typically work in the realm of the kernel and lower-level operating system. Many *nix library developers have spent a lifetime dealing with the inevitable issues of trying to link a hundred ever-changing libraries together, a task they do every day. Take a look at autotools if you ever want to know the backflips they are comfortable performing.
But everyone else should not be expected to spend most of their time on this. Static linking will take you a long way towards being buffered from library churn. The developer can upgrade her software's dependencies according to the software's schedule, rather than being forced to do it the moment new library versions appear. This is important for user-facing applications with complex user interfaces that need to control the flux of the many lower-level libraries upon which they inevitably depend. And that's why I will always be a fan of static linking. If you can statically link cross-compiled portable C and C++ code, you have pretty much made the world your oyster, as you can more quickly deliver complex software to a wide range of the world's ever-growing devices.
There's lots to disagree with there, from other perspectives, and it's nice that open source software allows for them all.
Just because you have to dynamically link to the NSS service doesn't mean you can't statically link to any other library. All that FAQ is saying is that even "statically" linked programs have some dynamically-linked libraries. It's not saying that static linking is "impossible" or that it "doesn't work".
Adding on other answers:
Due to the reasons said in the other answers, it's not recommended for most of Linux distributions, but there are actually distributions that are made specifically to run statically linked binaries:
From stali description:
static linux is based on a hand selected collection of the best tools
for each task and each tool being statically linked (including some X
clients such as st, surf, dwm, dmenu),
It also targets binary size reduction through the avoidance of glibc
and other bloated GNU libraries where possible (early experiments show
that statically linked binaries are usually smaller than their
dynamically linked glibc counterparts!!!). Note, this is pretty much
contrary to what Ulrich Drepper reckons about static linking.
Due to the side-benefit that statically linked binaries start faster,
the distribution also targets performance gains.
Statically linking also helps to for dependency reduction.
You can read more about it in this question about static vs dynamic linking.

How to create a shared object that is statically linked with pthreads and libstdc++ on Linux/gcc?

How to create a shared object that is statically linked with pthreads and libstdc++ on Linux/gcc?
Before I go to answering your question as it was described, I will note that it is not exactly clear what you are trying to achieve in the end, and there is probably a better solution to your problem.
That said - there are two main problems with trying to do what you described:
One is, that you will need to decompose libpthread and libstdc++ to the object files they are made with. This is because ELF binaries (used on Linux) have two levels of "run time" library loading - even when an executable is statically linked, the loader has to load the statically linked libraries within the binary on execution, and map the right memory addresses. This is done before the shared linkage of libraries that are dynamically loaded (shared objects) and mapped to shared memory. Thus, a shared object cannot be statically linked with such libraries, as at the time the object is loaded, all static linked libraries were loaded already. This is one difference between linking with a static library and a plain object file - a static library is not merely glued like any object file into the executable, but still contains separate tables which are referred to on loading. (I believe that this is in contrast to the much simpler static libraries in MS-DOS and classic Windows, .LIB files, but there may be more to those than I remember).
Of course you do not actually have to decompose libpthread and libstdc++, you can just use the object files generated when building them. Collecting them may be a bit difficult though (look for the objects referred to by the final Makefile rule of those libraries). And you would have to use ld directly and not gcc/g++ to link, to avoid linking with the dynamic versions as well.
The second problem is consequential. If you do the above, you will sure have such a shared object / dynamic library as you asked to build. However, it will not be very useful, as once you try to link a regular executable that uses those libpthread/libstdc++ (the latter being any C++ program) with this shared object, it will fail with symbol conflicts - the symbols of the static libpthread/libstdc++ objects you linked your shared object against will clash with the symbols from the standard libpthread/libstdc++ used by that executable, no matter if it is dynamically or statically linked with the standard libraries.
You could of course then try to either hide all symbols in the static objects from libstdc++/libpthread used by your shared library, make them private in some way, or rename them automatically on linkage so that there will be no conflict. However, even if you get that to work, you will find some undesireable results in runtime, since both libstdc++/libpthread keep quite a bit of state in global variables and structures, which you would now have duplicate and each unaware of the other. This will lead to inconsistencies between these global data and the underlying operating system state such as file descriptors and memory bounds (and perhaps some values from the standard C library such as errno for libstdc++, and signal handlers and timers for libpthread.
To avoid over-broad interpretation, I will add a remark: at times there can be sensible grounds for wanting to statically link against even such basic libraries as libstdc++ and even libc, and even though it is becoming a bit more difficult with recent systems and versions of those libraries (due to a bit of coupling with the loader and special linker tricks used), it is definitely possible - I did it a few times, and know of other cases in which it is still done. However, in that case you need to link a whole executable statically. Static linkage with standard libraries combined with dynamic linkage with other objects is not normally feasible.
Edit: One issue which I forgot to mention but is important to take into account is C++ specific. C++ was unfortunately not designed to work well with the classic model of object linkage and loading (used on Unix and other systems). This makes shared libraries in C++ not really portable as they should be, because a lot of things such as type information and templates are not cleanly separated between objects (often being taken, together with a lot of actual library code at compile time from the headers). libstdc++ for that reason is tightly coupled with GCC, and code compiled with one version of g++ will in general only work with the libstdc++ from with this (or a very similar) version of g++. As you will surely notice if you ever try to build a program with GCC 4 with any non-trivial library on your system that was built with GCC 3, this is not just libstdc++. If your reason for wanting to do that is trying to ensure that your shared object is always linked with the specific versions of libstdc++ and libpthread that it was built against, this would not help because a program that uses a different/incompatible libstdc++ would also be built with an incompatible C++ compiler or version of g++, and would thus fail to link with your shared object anyway, aside from the actual libstdc++ conflicts.
If you wonder "why wasn't this done simpler?", a general rumination worth pondering: For C++ to work nicely with dynamic/shared libraries (meaning compatibility across compilers, and the ability to replace a dynamic library with another version with a compatible interface without rebuilding everything that uses it), not just compiler standartization is needed, but at the level of the operating system's loader, the structure and interface of object and library files and the work of the linker would need to be significantly extended beyond the relatively simple Unix classics used on common operating systems (Microsoft Windows, Mach based systems and NeXTStep relatives such as Mac OS, VMS relatives and some mainframe systems also included) for natively built code today. The linker and dynamic loader would need to be aware of such things as templates and typing, having to some extent functionality of a small compiler to actually adapt the library's code to the type given to it - and (personal subjective observation here) it seems that higher-level intermediate intermediate code (together with higher-level languages and just-in-time compilation) is catching ground faster and likely to be standardized sooner than such extensions to the native object formats and linkers.
You mentioned in a separate comment that you are trying to port a C++ library to an embedded device. (I am adding a new answer here instead of editing my original answer here because I think other StackOverflow users interested in this original question may still be interested in that answer in its context)
Obviously, depending on how stripped down your embedded system is (I have not much embedded Linux experience, so I am not sure what is most likely), you may of course be able to just install the shared libstdc++ on it and dynamically link everything as you would do otherwise.
If dynamically linking with libstdc++ would not be good for you or not work on your system (there are so many different levels of embedded systems that one cannot know), and you need to link against a static libstdc++, then as I said, your only real option is static linking the executable using the library with it and libstdc++. You mentioned porting a library to the embedded device, but if this is for the purpose of using it in some code you write or build on the device and you do not mind a static libstdc++, then linking everything statically (aside from perhaps libc) is probably OK.
If the size of libstdc++ is a problem, and you find that your library is actually only using a small part of its interfaces, then I would nonetheless suggest first trying to determine the actual space you would save by linking against only the parts you need. It may be significant or not, I never looked that deep into libstdc++ and I suspect that it has a lot of internal dependencies, so while you surely do not need some of the interfaces, you may or may not still depend on a big part of its internals - I do not know and did not try, but it may surprise you. You can get an idea by just linking a binary using the library against a static build of it and libstdc++ (not forgetting to strip the binary, of course), and comparing the size of the resulting executable that with the total size of a (stripped) executable dynamically linked together with the full (stripped) shared objects of the library and libstdc++.
If you find that the size difference is significant, but do not want to statically link everything, you try to reduce the size of libstdc++ by rebuilding it without some parts you know that you do not need (there are configure-time options for some parts of it, and you can also try to remove some independent objects at the final creation of libstdc++.so. There are some tools to optimize the size of libraries - search the web (I recall one from a company named MontaVista but do not see it on their web site now, there are some others too).
Other than the straightforward above, some ideas and suggestions to think of:
You mentioned that you use uClibc, which I never fiddled with myself (my experience with embedded programming is a lot more primitive, mostly involving assembly programming for the embedded processor and cross-compiling with minimal embedded libraries). I assume you checked this, and I know that uClibc is intended to be a lightweight but rather full standard C library, but do not forget that C++ code is hardly independent on the C library, and g++ and libstdc++ depend on quite some delicate things (I remember problems with libc on some proprietary Unix versions), so I would not just assume that g++ or the GNU libstdc++ actually works with uClibc without trying - I don't recall seeing it mentioned in the uClibc pages.
Also, if this is an embedded system, think of its performance, compute power, overall complexity, and timing/simplicity/solidity requirements. Take into consideration the complexity involved, and think whether using C++ and threads is appropriate in your embedded system, and if nothing else in the system uses those, whether it is worth introducing for that library. It may be, not knowing the library or system I cannot tell (again, embedded systems being such a wide range nowadays).
And in this case also, just a quick link I stumbled upon looking for uClibc -- if you are working on an embedded system, using uClibc, and want to use C++ code on it -- take a look at uClibc++. I do not know how much of the standard C++ stuff you need and it already supports, and it seems to be an ongoing project, so not clear if it is in a state good enough for you already, but assuming that your work is also under development still, it might be a good alternative to GCC's libstdc++ for your embedded work.
I think this guy explains quite well why that wouldn't make sense. C++ code that uses your shared object but a different libstdc++ would link alright, but wouldn't work.
