Camera Control via RS-422 Serial Port - python-3.x

I am currently doing research and writing a simple program in controlling a camera through the serial port, RS-422 to be more specific. I got the camera control protocol documentation from the manufacturer. I've been reading and testing for a few days now but unfortunately, I haven't managed to make it work. I used Python (3.7) to speed up the testing. Below is my sample code:
import serial
ser_port = serial.Serial(
sccp_cmd_null = [0x00]
sccp_cmd = [0xE7, 0x40, 0x11, 0x43, 0x00, 0x00] # Chroma Key "GREEN"
if ser_port.isOpen():
# Try sending a break code first
print("Sending Break Code: ", serial.to_bytes(sccp_cmd_null))
print("Failed Sending Break Code!")
# Try Sending The Commands
print("Sending Commands: ", serial.to_bytes(sccp_cmd))
print("Failed Sending Commands!")
Please note that this is my first time writing code that deals with Serial Ports.
Thank you in advanced for those who can provide help ^_^


Program gets stuck on reading serial communication of arduino via Pyserial

m trying to create a tool that help to simulate key press
but at part of this code mentioned below, the program gets stuck and its not proceeding
ser = serial.Serial(ACM)
ser.baudrate = 115200
ser.timeout = None
p = ser.readline()
pr = p.decode("utf-8")
" ser.readline() is not reading the output of serial com /dev/ttyACM*
The PySerial documentation is unmistakable:
Be careful when using readline(). Do specify a timeout when opening
the serial port otherwise it could block forever if no newline
character is received.
You define: ser.timeout = None so what exactly do you expect your program to do, but block forever if you don't receive a newline?
Either make sure the sent lines are terminated or use a reasonable timeout.

I'm trying to read sensor data through serial communication but when I try to read it just kept on runnin in python but it doesn't display any value

I have light detector sensors connected to a data acquisition box and it is connected to my laptop via RS232 usb cable. I have stabilized serial communication to that port in python. But when I try to read the data it just keeps on running and it doesn't display any value. I have tried this same think in MATALB and it works properly, so I know that port and sensors are working fine. I am just not able to read the data in python. I have three ways(shown below in python code) but nothing works. Please help me.
Here is my python code:
import serial
from serial import Serial
s = serial.Serial('COM3') # open serial port
# Set the serial port to desired COM
s = serial.Serial(port = 'COM3', bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS, parity = serial.PARITY_NONE, baudrate = 9600, stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE)
# Read the data(method 1)
while 1:
while (s.inWaiting() > 0):
inc = s.readline().strip()
# Read the data(method 2)
data = str( = 1))
# Read all the data(method 3)
while i <10:
b = s.readlines(100) # reading all the lines
in matlab it gave values with a space but in same line
That indicates there are no newline characters sent by the device.
I've never used your device or the Python serial module. But from the docs, this is what I would do:
from time import sleep
while s.is_open():
n = s.in_waiting()
if n == 0:
print "no data"
inc =
catch serial.SerialException as oops:
catch serial.SerialTimeoutException as oops:
print("serial port closed")
This gives you feedback for each condition: port open/closed, data ready/not, and the data, if any. From there you can figure out what to do.
The documentation says inWaiting is deprecated, so I used in_waiting.
I wouldn't be surprised if the problem lies in configuring the serial port in the first place. Serial ports are tricky like that.

Can't Send Command to BLE Device Philips Hue Bulb (Connection Drops)

I am trying to turn my bluetooth Hue bulb on/off and change brightness using my Raspberry Pi 4B. The bulb is on, and I have successfully connected to it using bluez. When I try to run 'char-write-req 0x0027 01' to turn it on, I get this message:
GLib-WARNING **: 22:53:34.807: Invalid file descriptor
I can see that the connection is successful, but whenever I try to write a value to it, I just get this message and it disconnects. Running bluetoothctl 5.50. I have seen the patch conversation here: But I am not sure it applies and I also wouldn't even know how to apply it. Can someone please help me!
EDIT I ditched the gatttool and am using bluetoothctl to connect to the bulb and menu gatt to send commands to it.
I figured out that the characteristic for toggling the light on and off is 932c32bd-0002-47a2-835a-a8d455b859dd (For my Philips Hue A19). After connecting to the bulb, I was able to select this attribute and use 'write 01' to turn it on and 'write 00' to turn it off.
The brightness characteristic is 932c32bd-0002-47a2-835a-a8d455b859dd. When I read, it outputs 'fe', which is HEX for 254. This is the highest brightness setting, which it was already set to. I can use 'write ' where value ranges from 1-254 to change the brightness.
Using acquire-write in bluetoothctl is typically not the correct command. read and write are what you want.
After starting starting bluetoothctl I would expect the series of commands to be:
connect <Address of bulb>
menu gatt
select-attribute 932c32bd-0002-47a2-835a-a8d455b859dd
write 1
write 0
If you wanted to script this, then below is a Python3 script that I would expect to turn the bulb on then off.
from time import sleep
from pydbus import SystemBus
BLUEZ_SERVICE = 'org.bluez'
BLUEZ_DEV_IFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'
BLUEZ_CHR_IFACE = 'org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1'
class Central:
def __init__(self, address):
self.bus = SystemBus()
self.mngr = self.bus.get(BLUEZ_SERVICE, '/')
self.dev_path = self._from_device_address(address)
self.device = self.bus.get(BLUEZ_SERVICE, self.dev_path)
self.chars = {}
def _from_device_address(self, addr):
"""Look up D-Bus object path from device address"""
mng_objs = self.mngr.GetManagedObjects()
for path in mng_objs:
dev_addr = mng_objs[path].get(BLUEZ_DEV_IFACE, {}).get('Address', '')
if addr.casefold() == dev_addr.casefold():
return path
def _get_device_chars(self):
mng_objs = self.mngr.GetManagedObjects()
for path in mng_objs:
chr_uuid = mng_objs[path].get(BLUEZ_CHR_IFACE, {}).get('UUID')
if path.startswith(self.dev_path) and chr_uuid:
self.chars[chr_uuid] = self.bus.get(BLUEZ_SERVICE, path)
def connect(self):
Connect to device.
Wait for GATT services to be resolved before returning
while not self.device.ServicesResolved:
def disconnect(self):
"""Disconnect from device"""
def char_write(self, uuid, value):
"""Write value to given GATT characteristic UUID"""
if uuid.casefold() in self.chars:
self.chars[uuid.casefold()].WriteValue(value, {})
raise KeyError(f'UUID {uuid} not found')
def char_read(self, uuid):
"""Read value of given GATT characteristic UUID"""
if uuid.casefold() in self.chars:
return self.chars[uuid.casefold()].ReadValue({})
raise KeyError(f'UUID {uuid} not found')
device_address = '11:22:33:44:55:66'
light_state = '932c32bd-0002-47a2-835a-a8d455b859dd'
dev = Central(device_address )
dev.char_write(light_state , [1])
dev.char_write(light_state , [0])
print(dev.char_read(light_state ))
As I don't have a bulb the above is untested. But should be a good outline of what is required.
It worked for me after I reset the Bulb with the bluetooth app to factory settings.
The bulb appears to be able to be paired/bonded to a single device only. If other devices try to communicate with the bulb, the connection is lost, as #ukBaz mentioned in his comment.

Reading data from a Bluetooth device low energy rfcomm python3

Faced a problem. There is a bluetooth device with low power consumption. BLE. The goal is to send a command to the device and get the data back.
For example: command - 0x** 0x** 0x**, where first 0x** - code command, second 0x - data lenght. Response mast be - 0x** 0x** 0x**. I can not send a command to the device. The device works by RFCOMM. Actually the code that is available, but it does not give a result - it says that the device is off.
from bluetooth import *
import socket
class Work:
def __init__(self):
self.rfcon = BluetoothSocket(RFCOMM)
# self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.server = '**:**:**:**:**:**'
self.port = 1 = '0x01 0x00 0x00'
def scan_device(self):
connection = self.rfcon.connect((self.server, self.port))
print('con ===>>> ', connection)
senddata = self.rfcon.send(
print('senddata ====>>>> ', senddata)
data = self.rfcon.recv(256)
if not data:
print("no data!!!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Work()
I made it through another library - the code:
from bluepy.btle import *
class Work:
def __init__(self):
self.initialize = Peripheral()
def scan_devices(self):
scanner = Scanner()
devices = scanner.scan(10.0)
for dev in devices:
print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi))
for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData():
print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value))
def connect_to_device(self):
print('start con')
connection = self.initialize.connect('**:**:**:**:**:**', 'public')
print('initialize complite')
return connection
def check_device_status(self):
print('test ====>>> ', self.initialize.getCharacteristics())
cmd = '0x01 0x00 0x00 0x20 0x00'.encode('UTF-8')
status_device = self.initialize.readCharacteristic(cmd)
print('Device status => ', status_device)
def diconnect(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Work()
It gives a connection but does not send a command and does not return a value since this library does not know what RFCOMM is. Perhaps someone faced this problem in the python and knows how to solve it?
RFCOMM is a protocol of Bluetooth Classic, BLE does not support it. It is impossible to use RFCOMM for communicating with a BLE device.
You should read an introduction to BLE, it will give you a basic understanding of BLE.
Anything further will be guessing, it depends on how the BLE device is configured.
If you are using your own device that you can configure, one possibility is to create a characteristic that supports Write and Indicate. You can indicate (to be notified when the characteristic value changes and what is the new value) and write the command. The response will be received via an indication.
For most practical purposes the answer that RFCOMM is only available in Bluetooth "Classic" is true: most Bluetooth LE devices don't support RFCOMM. However, in principle the Bluetooth Core Spec describes how a channel for RFCOMM can be opened between two LE devices using LE credit-based control flow with an L2CAP_LE_CREDIT_BASED_CONNECTION_REQ command (introduced in Core Spec v4.1 Vol 3 Part A Chapter 4.22 and the Assigned Numbers document).

Reading serial port with pymodbus3

I'm working on a serial port using pymodbus3.
When I run the following code the output is 'None'. Whereas I can get response from the device when test for the serial port with modpoll.
How can I fix this issue?
from pymodbus3.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as mbc
def PortTest(self):
client = mbc(method="rtu", port="/dev/ttyUSB0", stopbits=1, bytesize=8, parity='N', baudrate=9600)
coil = client.read_coils(0, 1)
except OSError as err:
raise EnvironmentError(err)
pymodbus3 has a bug. Uninstall it and replace it with the python 3 branch of pymodbus 1.2.0. Go to github and download it.
