Host multiple test reports with gitlab pages - gitlab

We have a test suite in our gitlab pipeline which produces Allure test reports. To make these results available after the test, we currently publish the results to artifacts and have an allure serve running which makes them available over a subdomain, based on the branch name.
We would like to host the test results with gitlab pages for each branch. However we can only ever host one version of a page through gitlab pages at one time. This is a problem since we want to host the test results for each branch, not only for the last executed branch. It seems like this is currently not possible without hacks.
I also found this 3 year old gitlab issue about the topic which indicates this is coming in some version of gitlab in the future.
Is there a better way to do this? Or is our best bet currently to wait until this becomes available in gitlab?

If you want to show a test report summary for each pipeline build, you can use GitLab's "Unit test reports" feature. It is slightly different to GitLab Pages, but it's easier to use, because you don't have to configure and host web pages yourself.
You only need to specify the paths to the XML files of the test results, something like this:
stage: test
- gradle test
when: always
junit: build/test-results/test/**/TEST-*.xml
It will show the summary on GitLab's web page of the pipeline build results, like this:
Source and guidance:
and one HTML file that you can view directly online when GitLab Pages is enabled > (opens in a new tab). Select artifacts in internal and private projects can only > be previewed when GitLab Pages access control is enabled.
This sound to me like you just need GitLab pages enabled and then can browser HTML files from the artifacts repository.
(correct me if a m wrong)

"You can enable Pages access control on your project if your administrator has enabled the access control feature on your GitLab instance. When enabled, only members of your project (at least Guest) can access your website"


Serve static html pages with Gitlab Pages for each tagged version of a project

I have a code project hosted on a custom gitlab instance. This project is part of a subgroup. We'd like to host static html content, generated by doxygen and similar tools, using Gitlab Pages. Trivial examples work very well, so I believe it's safe to conclude that the general gitlab + gitlab pages setup is fine.
Now I'd like to publish dedicated html pages for each tagged software version. This is due to us using git tags to mark releases, and for each release the related code documentation shall be persistently available.
Here's my .gitlab-ci.yml file trying to accomplish this:
image: alpine:latest
stage: deploy
- mkdir public
# Provide a sample "html" page instead of running doxygen
- echo $CI_PAGES_URL > public/index.html
- public
# Desperate attempt:
- tags
As a result of a gitlab runner executing this script the page is published, but under the "main" project pages URL, not under a dedicated URL related to the tag name / "commit ref slug". The deployment environment is created, too, and I can click "View deployment" (see gitlab deploy environment showing the "View deployment" button), but when doing so I get a 404 error.
I'd appreciate any hints on how to accomplish the described goal.
PS: This might sound related to Deploying GitLab pages for different branches, but I think it is not. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

How to write automated test for Gitlab CI/CD configuration?

I have notified the complexity of my configuration for Gitlab CI/CD grows fairly fast. Normally, in a either a programming language or infrastructure code I could write automated test for the code.
Is it possible to write automated test for the gitlab-ci.yml file itself?
Does it exist any library or testing framework for it?
Ideally I would like to setup the different environments variables, execute the gitlab-ci.yml file, and do assertions on the output.
I am not aware of any tool currently to really test behaviour. But i ended up with two approaches:
1. testing in smaller chunks aka unit testing my building blocks.
I extracted my builds into smaller chunks which i can include, and test seperately. This works fine for script blocks etc. but is not really sufficient for rule blocks - but offers great value, eg i use the templates for some steps as verification for the generated docker image, which will be used by those steps.
2. verification via gitlab-ci-local is a tool which allows you to test it locally, and which allows you to provide environment variables. There are some minor issues with branch name resolution in pr pipelines but besides that it works great. I use it to test gitlab ci files in GitHub Actions.
I hope that this helps somehow
Gitlab have a linter for gitlab-ci.yaml
To access the CI Lint tool, navigate to CI/CD > Pipelines or CI/CD > Jobs in your project and click CI lint.

What does the "Next" flag indicate on GitLab top bar?

This morning when I logged into GitLab I noticed this "Next" flag on the top bar:
It appears whether I am logged in or not. What does "Next" indicate?
A Google search turns up nothing. It doesn't appear in any GitLab screen shots I am able to find either.
This is the canary version of Gitlab you are being served, you can find out more here:
You can swap the version of Gitlab you see here:
The reasoning behind providing the Canary versions to users either at random or by those who have opt-ed in:
GitLab makes use of a 'Canary' stage. Production Canary is a series of
servers running GitLab code in production environment. The Canary
stage contains code functional elements like web, container registry
and git servers while sharing data elements such as sidekiq, database,
and file storage with production. This allows UX code and most
application logic code to be consumed by smaller subset of users under
real world scenarios before being made available to all users on

How to change pipeline badge name

As the standard pipeline badge from GitLab looks like this
you can tell pretty well that those are not really distinguishable.
Is there a way to change the pipeline text manually or programmatically to something else for each badge?
Btw, the badges were added with those links
Additional facts:
The pipeline runs locally on my computer
My repo is private
I know it is a bit of an old post, but I was looking for the same and found that it is available now since GitLab 13.1.
The text for a badge can be customized to differentiate between multiple coverage jobs that run in the same pipeline. Customize the badge text and width by adding the key_text=custom_text and key_width=custom_key_width parameters to the URL:
The example is for the Coverage badge but this also works for Pipelines, so in your case:
(Found this via
There are multiple ways how you can achieve custom pipeline badges in GitLab.
One way could be to use which provide a way to generate dynamic badges for your Gitlab repository via a jsonfile.But if your repository is private (only accessible from internal network) then you will get an inaccessible message in your badges.
Otherwise, if your build uses python Docker images or any other python installation with dependencies, you can simply install the anybadge package and generate svg badges to be used in the project from the artifacts directly.
It would be good in future that GitLab offers us more cleaner way to customize the badges, but for now I think those are the workaround solutions.

Is there a way to add coverage report to gitlab?

I understand that gitlab has support to Jenkins CI, but what I need is a lot less than that.
I have a Rails application and get the coverage from the tests using simplecov. It generates HTML output in a directory by running a rake task. I would like to see the current coverage through gitlab. Is there a simple way to integrate this report with gitlab?
I fear there is still no easy way to integrate code coverage reports but Gitlab now supports (since Version 8.0 integrated) build jobs for your code. Unfortunately you have to implement your solution by writing a custom .gitlab-ci.yml to run your coverage tests. For viewing the reports, you can specify the generated "artifacts" or publish them on gitlab pages.
For more information, see here:
Additionally you can parse a text output to display a short code coverage report:
(Enable builds and output test coverage)
Go to "Project Settings" -> Builds
Add to "Test coverage parsing" a regular expression (examples below, simplecov included)
See Publish Code Coverage Report with GitLab Pages
The short answer: Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this.
The longer answer:
GitLab not yet has a Jenkins support.
What you basically need is a service like GitLab CI or Jenkins CI, which starts simplecov and posts the output back to GitLab. Unfortunately GitLab does not offer such a functionality yet.
But I know other organizations which do have a Jenkins service for GitLab which automatically comment git pushes with the Jenkins result.
You now (June 2020, GitLab 13.1) have code coverage history, in addition of Test coverage parsing.
Graph code coverage changes over time for a project
All too often, a project has a code coverage target but development teams might not have much visibility into which direction that target value is trending over time.
There needs to be an easier way to track changes in code coverage over time without that extra hassle.
The Code Coverage graph now provides better visibility into how code coverage is trending over time.
It displays a simple graph of the coverage value(s) calculated in pipelines.
See Documentation and Issue
With GitLab 13.6 (November 2020), you also have (not for free though)
Display code coverage data for selected projects
In 13.4, we released the first iteration of Code Coverage data for Groups that enables you to compare the coverage of multiple projects and download the data in a single file from a single screen. However, to analyze the data, you had to open the file to check it manually, and probably imported it into a spreadsheet for further analysis.
In GitLab 13.6, you can now select specific projects in a group to see their latest coverage values directly in GitLab itself without needing to download a file or waste development time accessing code coverage data. We welcome feedback on the functionality and possible iterations for this feature in our feedback issue.
See Documentation and Issue.
