Where is the 'pacman' style loading icon? - jhipster

I would like to replace this animation (i.e. the animated pacman image displayed on initial page load).. but where should I be looking ?

The "pacman" loading icon is configured in src/main/webapp/content/css/loading.css
The HTML that loading.css applies to is in src/main/webapp/index.html


How Do I Increase the Search Text in my Navigation

I am using Bigcommerce and their them Corner Stone.
How do I increase the size of the "SEARCH" text font?
I attached a screen shot image with a blue circle showing where the "search" text is.
Screen Shot
Thank you
Depending on your theme, you may be able to make this change by navigating to Storefront > My Theme in your back office.
However, it's likely that the font size for that one component is the same for the rest of them; in that case, you may have to make manual changes to the CSS stylesheets by editing your theme files.

ESRI leaflet missing tiles

Here's the page I'm working on. Just click on "Forecasts" tab. On Chrome and FF browsers. http://www.weather.gov/mfr/dot
Once on the forecasts tab, you'll see a map below the text links. Much of the map is grey upon loading. I saw that this can happen if CSS is not loaded, but I have the latest CSS loaded on there. Can anyone help with this problem?
since the map container is being created dynamically, you need to call map.invalidateSize() when the 'Forecast' panel is toggled.

How to animate textview for example a word "Hello" in android studio without any button?

so basically I want to animate hello which comes from down from the image and stop in the center of image as user launch the app. Can anyone help me. Plus my text view is on relative layout. And also is there any package do i need to import any packages in my main activity.enter image description here
You should consider using GIF. And if you need help creating GIF, you can make a video of the animation, and then convert it to GIF by services available online.

Remove maximise button on iBooks HTML widget

I've added a PNG animation (acting like a animated GIF) to an iBook HTML widget using CSS, JavaScript and HTML.
The problem is that there is a maximize button when hovering over the widget in the iBook preview. I want to remove this because it is only supposed to be an animation that plays when entering the page, and I don't want the user to be able to interact with it.
How can I remove this functionality from the widget?
Setting the widget width and height in your info.plist file the same as the width and height in iBooks author prevents opening in full screen when tapping on it.
I don't know if this logic works on Mac or iPhone, but it seems to work on the iPad.

Responsive layout distorting images

I am having a problem on Liferay 6.2 GA2 where I have some web content portlet with a simple image, the problem is when I view my page on a small device or resize the browser window my image gets distorted, the width of the image changes but the height doesn't.
Any ideas on how I would force the image size to change proportionally?
A "quick fix" to this problem was to remove the "height" css entry in the web content source of the image.
It seems that Liferay responsive implementation adjusts the width of images when a small screen size is detected but does not adjust the height, I wonder if this is a bug or a feature.
