DNS Transfer from Plesk Domain Controller to Azure - azure

Good Afternoon,
after 2-3 Days trying to move my Domain from a Webhoster to Azure, i need your Help.
My actual Webhoster has Plesk. Over Plesk i can access and change all the DNS Entrys.
Based on this Walkthrough i'll have created 4 Entrys at my actual WebHoster and the Verification of the Domain is allright. When i run the command
nslookup -type=SOA #mydomain# i see a azure dns.
After that i wanted to create a Test App in Azure. Based on the above Walkthroughs i managed to set my Custom Domain for my App Service. I made this Settings at my old WebHoster and in my newly created DNS-Zone in Azure.
So far so good. So I have deactivated the local DNS Service in Plesk in order to move on to Azure that should manage my DNS now. So i'll have deleted the Custom Domain in my App Service and created it again but this time it should point to my Azure DNS. But in the Creation Dialog of Creating a Custom Domain it tells me that im not the owner of the Domain.
Im confused and floating somwhere in the Dark. Could some guys point to the right direction. Do i have to do additional Entrys in the Azure DNS?
I hope someone can understand my bad Descriptions :).
Thanks for every help

After you host your domain in Azure DNS, you only need to manage your DNS entry in the Azure DNS zone.
Thus, in the step of migrating an active DNS name to Azure App Service, you can create domain verification records in the Azure DNS zone.
Then you also need to add the custom domain to the web app and remap the active DNS records via A or CNAME record following that steps in the document.

Thanks Nancy for the answer.
i could solve the Problem. I found this ?-Button in Plesk that let you test the DNS-Zone on the Nameserver. There was an ip poping up that does not belong to an A-Reccord. But the weird thing is thtat this Ip-Adress also did not belong to the App-Service IP.
But as soon as i added this Ip everything went fine and is working now.


Cannot link custom domain to azure website

There are certain variations to this question but none answered mine.
I have a custom domain aaaskills.mydomain.com pointing to azure website.
This was done by setting CNAME to aaaskills.mydomain.com -> azure website. This is all working fine. Good.
But I want to change the subdomain to skills.mydomain.com, so i updated the existing CNAME to skills.mydomain.com -> azure website. All good.
Now, in my Azure portal i'm trying to add a new hostname for new domain but the azure doesn't recognize the CNAME updated.
Now aaaskills.mydomain.com doesn't work and skills.mydomain.com is bringing up 404 not found and it is suggesting me to update custom domain in azure website.
Am i missing something here?
Domain ownership on azure website was resolved after awverify'ing the sub domain. I added CNAME with records like below to awverify.
CNAME('awverify.subdomain.domain.com','azure website url')
Double check to see if the CNAME and A records are appropriately added in your domain registrar.
Also it take some time for the new host to be reflected in the app's Custom domains page. Try refreshing the browser,Clear the cache and test DNS resolution again.
On a Windows machine, you clear the cache with ipconfig /flushdns.
If the issue still persists, kindly do let us know for further investigation.

Azure Web App naked URL redirects but www does not

I have a web app deployed on Azure and I'm trying to make it so both <myurl>.com and www.<myurl>.com work. Right now I have both domains listed on Azure within my webapp. www.<myurl>.com is registered as a CNAME from www to <myurl>.azurewebsites.net in godaddy. I have an A record from # to the IP address shown by Azure, as well as a TXT record from # to the given DNS by Azure <myurl>.azurewebsites.net
The problem is when I go to http://<myurl>.com it will change the URL to <myurl>.azurewebsites.net but when I go to http://www.<myurl>.com the URL is does not change.
Below are my go daddy DNS records. Most of these were there when I bought the domain so I'm not sure what they do. There is an A record that I can't seem to edit and I don't know what that IP address belongs to either.
Alot of this can be done with an A and a CNAME. You will need to add both "www" and "awverify.www" in your DNS, and do those corresponding entries in the Azure portal.
Here's good doc:
Here's alot more details:
The Azure portal will also give clues on what to do.

Sendgrid "Sender Authentication" on Azure

I have an Azure SendGrid account that works great. I can send e-mails no problem with the usual API. I need to setup Sender Authentication (2 reasons, first it will help with receiver finding it in their junk and more importantly it will allow me to setup an Inbound Parse).
I have consulted the Sendgrid Documentation (https://sendgrid.com/docs/User_Guide/Settings/Sender_authentication/How_to_set_up_domain_authentication.html), which has explicit instructions, which involve DNS Records (more soon), but unfortunately this isn't working. I have also gone through their troubleshooting. I think it may be an issue with my domain actually being a sub-domain, but I can't figure out how to fix the DNS records to make it work.
I have a "DNS Zone" setup for my site, lets call the site "fake.azurewebsites.net".
Sendgrid instructed me to add the following CNAME records (numbers are scrambled):
em1879.fake.azurewebsites.net > u7381760.wl261.sendgrid.net
(..as well as two others)
So I made those records, and waited over 48 hours for DNS refresh, but Sendgrid will still not verify. I get the error: Expected CNAME for "em1879.fake.azurewebsites.net" to match "u7381760.wl261.sendgrid.net". I also tried their troubleshooting and wasn't able to get an "answer" using the DIG command. I am not using whitelisting or any of the other features that are known to interfere.
In all the documentation, the records usually take the form:
em1879.usersDomain.com and not em1879.userSub.Domain.com, so that could be part of the issue, but I could of course be missing something.
I wanted to copy the answer that I got from Microsoft Tech support. Based on #mdeora comment, I contacted Azure and below was the response. It seems that the SubDomain is the problem, but only specifically for these azurewebsites.net subdomains, it may work fine for other subdomains if you can setup delegation.
"I suspect a delegation issue.
As I understand it, you have created a DNS zone name 'geic.azurewebsites.net'. This has been assigned name servers in Azure DNS (e.g. ns1-08.azure-dns.com etc). You have then created a DNS entry 'em8849' of type CNAME.
The problem is that there is no DNS delegation in place from the parent DNS zone to your DNS zone. In this case, the parent DNS zone is 'azurewebsites.net'. This is owned by Microsoft, and they do not support customers setting up delegations from this domain.
You should:
Purchase your own domain name (e.g. myapp.com). You can do this using the App Service Domains service in Azure (currently in Preview). See https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/app-service-domain/
Create a corresponding DNS zone in Azure DNS
Set up DNS delegation for your DNS zone. See https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/dns/dns-delegate-domain-azure-dns
Create your DNS record. For a Web App, use either a CNAME to the 'xxx.azurewebsites.net' or an A record directly to the site IP address.
For Web Apps, you will also have to register your domain name as a custom domain for the Web App. See https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/app-service/web-sites-traffic-manager-custom-domain-name
If you use App Service Domains to complete step 1, then steps 2 and 3 should be completed for you, automatically.
Good luck!
Jonathan (www.opsgility.com)"
Proposed as answer by Jonathan TulianiModerator Friday, June 15, 2018 9:00 AM
For me, the problem was that Azure automatically includes domain name in the records: Sendgrid asks to add a CNAME record "s1.domainkey.yourcustomdomain.com"; You shoudn't include ".yourcustomdomain.com" in the name because azure automatically includes it. You can check that by editing a record and seeing that it ends up as: "s1.domainkey.yourcustomdomain.com.yourcustomdomain.com". So the record should be only: "s1.domainkey";
It worked for me, but i have a custom domain acquired from azure; maybe it works for azurewebsites subdomains, i'm not sure.

Using custom domain for an IIS app running on Azure VM

Sent from my Windows 10 phone
I have a problem in seeing up a custom finding to reach the website which is running on Azure VM.
Recently I have set up a new VM on Azure Virtual Network and let it run an php application as IIS. I have successfully configured custom DNS label so I can reach to the website with "http://hogehoge.japaneast.cloudapp.azure.com".
However, I can't well get a way to set up a custom domain, for example, "http://hogehoge.net". I made some search and managed to create a new DNS Zone, and then I also added a CNAME record, which is shown in the attached image, to it.
But I can't reach to the site. I know it is probably matter of course since I didn't configure DNS registrar. Also I haven't yet purchased the domain.
I think I made some mistake in my procedure. Could anyone point out what is wrong?
The problem is that your machine is not using the Azure DNS nameservers by default. You should add the CNAME/A records in your domain registrar's records, not in Azure DNS.

Azure cloud service Web App Not found -404

I've a webapp hosted in azure cloud service.
We would like to put the WAF infront of web app per setup below:
We have created a bladomain.com.au
The DNS record points to IMPERVA IP address
IMPERVA then points to bla.azurewebsites.net
If I access the site directly using bla.azurewebsites.net, it works with no issue.
However when I try to access bla.zurewebsites.net, it shows below:
I tried adding bladomain.com.au to azure web app custom domain but it shows the error message below:
Error:DNS record for 'bladomain.com.au' that points to
'bla.azurewebsites.net' could not be located. If you want to configure
A record you must first create CNAME record with your DNS provider..."
Bit confused with error message above, as CNAME for bladomain.com.au should point to Imperva....
Appreciate any help.
This usually happens when you move your site regions, for example you had your site on Europe DC and you moved to US DC
It takes some time for the DNS to switch the IP address of your new Website and point it to the right DataCenter
It usually takes from 10 min to 2 hour for the changes to sync across the glob
We have similar problem, we are getting 404 error after more than 48 hours. It works after only, we run ipconfig /flushdns on client machine. It works smoothly after that, but it virtually impossible to tell every client to do flushdns.
To resolve this issue you simply need to do one of below:
1. Create awverify.yourdomain and point it's CNAME to azure web apps. OR
2. Update your domain CNAME to point to azure Web Apps.
