Executing VLC for unity - libvlcsharp

I am facing similar issue like this mentioned in the post:
Triying to run VLC for unity plugin demo
Build platform is WIN 10 x64 (build 2004).
I am using LibVLC from the nightly build: https://artifacts.videolan.org/vlc/nightly-win64-llvm/20200914-0434/
LibVLCSharp gets built successfully (https://code.videolan.org/videolan/LibVLCSharp/-/tree/master/).
I was trying to build "VLCUnityPlugin.dll" but failing (have installed https://github.com/mstorsjo/llvm-mingw/tree/20200325 (LLVM MinGW)), using MSYS64 to run ./build.sh and it was coming up with this error:
MSYS error while building VLCUnity plugin dll
I thought maybe since "VLCUnityPlugin.dll" is NOT present, Unity x64 (v 2019.4.8f1) keeps on complaining with the following errors:
UNITY errors
But after, I hacked "common" make file as shown below:
make file changes to build VLCUnityPlugin.dll
I successfully built VLCUnityPlugin.dll and my plugin file structure looks like this now:
Plugin directory structure
Still, I do see UNITY Errors:
"Assets\VLCUnity\Demos\Scripts\MinimalPlayback.cs(99,39): error CS1061: 'MediaPlayer' does not contain a definition for 'GetTexture' and no accessible extension method 'GetTexture' accepting a first argument of type 'MediaPlayer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"

The free trial version is available for download here https://videolabs.io/vlc-unity/vlc-unity-windows-trial.unitypackage.
That being said, if you want to build it yourself, you should follow what the CI does https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-unity/-/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml
The libvlcsharp build is a special one, you need to define UNITY when you build it. It has the added GetTexture method.
For VLCPlugin.dll, you should crosscompile from Linux, where you install llvm-mingw and run it from bash (for example). MSYS not needed.


command phasescriptexecution failed with a nonzero exit code react native IOS

i am facing PhaseScriptExecution error
when i try to build IOS then project not build this give the following error
the following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution Bundle\ React\ Native\ code\ and\ images /Users/ali/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/NassauTennisMobileApp-akwowvjtagvlxbalhbsvukoitagy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/NassauTennisMobileApp.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/NassauTennisMobileApp.build/Script-00DD1BFF1BD5951E006B06BC.sh
For me: It seems that react native doesn't like spaces in the directory. I was able to build my ios after removing all of the spaces in my directory.
Potential solution to your problem, didn't fix mine but it might help you: The author suggests there is a mismatch between the node version that you're using and the one that xcode is calling/using. The author provides a way to check the versions installed as well as a way to symlink between the two versions => https://dev.to/glocore/react-native-command-phasescriptexecution-failed-of9

Trying to build UE 4.25 fork/SpatialOS on Ubuntu 20 Linux

I am trying to build this fork of Unreal Engine 4.25 on Ubuntu 20 Linux: https://github.com/improbableio/UnrealEngine
$ ./Setup.sh
works fine, all success!
$ ./GenerateProjectFiles.sh
here I get many warnings like the following:
Attempting to set up UE4 pretty printers for gdb (existing UE4Printers.py, if any, will be
overwritten)… updated UE4Printers.py found necessary entries in ~/.gdbinit file, not changing it.
Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files… Fixing inconsistent case in filenames.
Setting up Mono Generating data for project indexing… 0%
Wrong build env! WARNING: Exception while generating include data for UE4Editor: Unable to instantiate module ‘UVAtlas’:
Wrong build env! (referenced via Target → ProxyLODMeshReduction.Build.cs) Generating data for project indexing… 100% Generating data for project indexing… 0%Wrong build env! … … …
Writing project files… 100%
$ make
after many successful builds the process stops with this message here:
Building UE4Editor…
Using ‘git status’ to determine working set for adaptive non-unity build (/mnt/3091fd7d-024b-4559-a6ee-07633a74e28a/UnrealEngineSpatialOS).
Creating makefile for UE4Editor (no existing makefile)
Wrong build env!
ERROR: Unable to instantiate module ‘UVAtlas’: Wrong build env!
(referenced via Target → ProxyLODMeshReduction.Build.cs)
Would love to work under Linux! I hope you guys can help me!

How can I link a Rust Wasm application with libpq via wasm-pack?

I'm trying to create a NodeJS application with a Wasm database layer. I use Rust, Diesel as a database driver and wasm-pack as a WebAssembly compiler.
When I try to build my service with wasm-pack, it fails trying to link the libpq library. The PQ_LIB_DIR environment variable is set, and the diesel-cli works without any issue, but when I try to compile my service it fails with the following error:
error: linking with `rust-lld` failed: exit code: 1
= note: rust-lld: error: unable to find library -llibpq
How can I fix it?
My system:
OS: Windows 10
Rust: 1.38.0
wasm-pack: 0.8.1
diesel: 1.4.0
PostgreSQL: 12
It's not possible to link to a system library from WebAssembly. You have to use an implementation written in pure Rust code to make it work. You also could use a JavaScript library. But it always has to be inside of the JavaScript runtime environment.
libpq is available inside the postgreSQL installation binary
For example, PosgreSQL Binary Download Site if open the zip distribution postgresql-12.0-1-windows-x64-binaries.zip you can see these 2 files:
You need to specify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or you can specify the -L in the compiler arguments to tell the folder path which will auto pick those files
If you have used the installer the same file should be there inside the installation folder
You can also refer this stackoverflow link How to I tell Rust where to look for a static library?
To combine a C library inside a web assemble distribution, we can use this guide - Compiling an Existing C Module to WebAssembly

Eclipse LESS compiler shows me 3 errors

I've been trying to compile LESS files to CSS using Vincent Simonet's "Eclipse plugin for LESS".
I tried installing these addons using CMD in the folder where my less is installed but it's not working.
This is the error:
Unable to interpret argument yui-compress - if it is a plugin (less-plugin-yui-compress), make sure that it is installed under or at the same level as less
Unable to interpret argument O0 - if it is a plugin (less-plugin-O0), make sure that it is installed under or at the same level as less
The compress option has been deprecated. We recommend you use a dedicated css minifier, for instance see less-plugin-clean-css.
A failure occurred when running the LESS compiler, see above error message.

MyEclipse - The container 'Struts 1.1 Libraries' references non existing library

Some time my project in MyEclipse show me the following error on compilation. Sometime by restarting MyEclipse the error message disappear.
Can you please tell me why this error occurs ?
Error message :
The container 'Struts 1.1 Libraries' references non existing library 'C:\MyEclipse\.......\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\16\1\.cp\data\1.1\lib\commons-beanutils.jar' ROMO_ETD Build path Build Path Problem
Thanks a lot.
Looks like you might be using an old unsupported release of MyEclipse, so one option would be to upgrade to the latest release. Another would be to run MyEclipse with the -clean argument, once. The argument is mentioned here (for the eclipse Juno release, but it's similar for earlier releases): http://help.eclipse.org/juno/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/tasks/running_eclipse.htm?cp=0_3_0
Basically, the argument is added to the command line or to the top of the myeclipse.ini file, in the folder containing the myeclipse.exe file. The argument can be removed after the first launch, as it slows down the launch.
