How to update/edit IoT Central Cloud Property in IoT Central Application V3? - azure-iot-central

I am used to setting and defining IoT Central V2 applications.
In V3 application one can define Cloud Properties, general properties that are not supposed to be sent to the device. For example, external data like Last Service Date or Maintenance Organisation are likely to be defined as cloud properties.
But in V3 there doesn´t seem to be any way to update or even enter these values. In V2 one would enter values through a Properties tab and save the values entered. The only option now seems to be to show the (somehow) entered cloud property in an UI view. For a specific device, where do I set/update the cloud properties?
In V2 one could create device properties and update their values directly in the UI of that device.
In V3, I am not able to enter values of any Property fields, even if they are not Cloud Properties. Do I have to set them by the API? Is it not possible to enter Property values in IoT Central? Again, this was possible in V2.

I spot multiple questions, so I'll focus on the one you set in the title. To edit a cloud property in the V3 of IoT Central, you need to create a View on the device template that allows editing. To do that, you go to the device template, go to Views. Hit "Editing device and cloud data", then you can add the property to a view like so:
Hit save, publish the template (requires no migration) and when you visit a device of that template you should see the following:


How do you update popups in Azure map from a Microsoft Synapse database

I am new to Azure Maps. I am using the Azure maps example showPopupOnHover.html. How would I connect to an Azure Synapse database to retrieve values to display when I hover over the markers? The database contains many rows so I will have to retrieve the most current data per map point. Do you recommend using node and javascript? Any examples would be appreciated.
Ideally you will already have the latitude, longitude and an ID for each data point on the map. If not, you will need a service to retrieve that information from the database. An Azure Function (any programming language), Azure Web app or ASP.NET app is a good option to for a light weight service.
From there, to display details for a location I would use a click event instead of a hover event just because of the frequency at which the hover event would fire (it would potentially hammer your service). When a user clicks on a location I would load a popup with an animated image for loading, and make a request using the ID of the point to the service to retrieve details for that location. When the service responses, update the content of the popup.

Update Azure APIM Operation Name After Creation

Is it possible to change the operation name (a.k.a. operationId) of an Azure APIM operation after it has been created?
In the example below, I would like the auto-generated name of 5dk6e437e1fd991b3df455ff to be get-branding-information:
Changing the name is not currently supported through the Azure portal UI, but perhaps it is possible through another method? Since this URL only relates to the APIM documentation pages and is not the actual API URL, changing the name wouldn't be a breaking API change for our customers.
Developers who created the original operations on my team got a little lazy and just let the Azure portal assign an auto-generated name to multiple operations. As a result, I cannot create relative URL reference to different operations within the APIM documentation as the name value is unique in our development, QA, and production APIM environments.
Your screenshot didn't go quite high enough to show the 'OpenAPI specification View' button. Click this and you can edit the name.

Azure Function Log Screen in Portal Deprecated or Moved

There used to be an Azure Functions screen that looked like this ...
I am wanting to know how you Used To Get to it. I do not need to get to it today. I am wanting to know how you used to navigate to this screen before it was removed or deprecated. There was a time where you had to click "classic view" to see this screen. I am suspicious that when the function was first or last deployed is relevant to the navigation to this screen, when it was reachable.
If anyone remembers what keywords or where the old menu items were that used to go to this screen for Azure Function Apps - I appreciate it.
The old monitor view retrieves data from the table in Storage Account specified by Application setting AzureWebJobsDashboard. After Function 2.0 went GA, the AzureWebJobsDashboard is removed i.e. classic view was gone by default when we create new Function app, it's recommended to work with Application Insights now.
For v1 functions, to get the old view back, go to Application settings,
Add AzureWebJobsDashboard with a Storage Account Connection String, we could leverage the value of AzureWebJobsStorage.
Click the Monitor view, Switch to classic view.
For v2 functions, logs provided by ILogger are not sent to the table anymore, so I think the old feature has been deprecated completely.

service fabric, control what events get saved to table storage

I have a service fabric cluster on Azure and it has a very simple app running on it. The app is from this tutorial.
When running the app locally, the Visual Studio Diagnostic Events shows 3 events.
I believe the CRM and MasterCRM are related to the cluster manager and the ServiceMessage shows events from my app, in this case just a message saying the current value of a counter.
This data is also saved in a table storage, I was wondering is there any way for me to control what gets saved to the table storage? Right now my table consists of pages and pages of CRM and MasterCRM messages and I've yet to see messages from my app, I'm sure if I keep going I might eventually see it, but so far no luck.
I'd like to just save the events from my app to the table storage and ignore the rest. I've looked around and found no way to do it.
The events you refer to are coming from ETW from the fabric runtime (CRM, MasterCRM) and your application (ServiceMessage) like you mentioned. The diagnostics viewer in Visual Studio is getting these events directly from ETW and not Azure Table Storage. If you want to filter the events showing up in the diagnostics viewer you can click the gear icon and edit the sources listed.
*CRM comes from Microsoft-ServiceFabric:5:0x4000000000000000.
Controlling what events get uploaded to Azure Table Storage in an Azure hosted cluster would require editing the ARM template's diagnostics section similarly.

Windows Azure mobile services, server side scripts: data

I have added some tables to my database in in windows azure via entity framework however I am not able to access these tables through the server side scripts (mobile services custom api)and they do not appear through the "MOBILE SERVICES: DATA" section. Do I have to add these tables and set permissions on them manually though the portal to get access to these via the scripts etc? I am sure there is some documentation on this somewhere but have been chasing my tail trying to find it.
The only table that currently appears there is the TodoItem table created by default.
A bit of direct on this would be great
you need to move it to the schema of your Mobile Services App and add the tables, see:
You only need to define the table name through the portal interface, its pretty easy to use. This is also when you define if that table requires authentication, and which kind of authentication you will use, also pretty well explained in the interface so I will leave that to you. After you've done this basic layout in azure, the entity framework will take over and define the table details from within your code. (Version and table type Depending) Something like;
private IMobileServiceSyncTable<MyTable> mySyncTable = App.MobileService.GetSyncTable<MyTable>();
Your table names in azure must exactly match the class names that your using in the code to define the tables, this mirroring is how the server maps your data to its intended location in the cloud.
You should now have complete access to your cloud data from the MobileServices API by calling operations on mySyncTable.
