C# SharePoint CSOM change file properties after upload - sharepoint

I have searched and found several examples of how to do this, but I can't make them work - well part of it doesn't work.
I can perform the file upload, but the following attempt to change properties fail.
I'm attempting to upload a file from a base64 payload - this part works - but when I afterwards attempt to edit the properties (custom column) associated with the file, the code fails.
Here is the code (simplified for readability):
(note that props is a collection of custom objects (FileProperty) with a name and a value attribute).
using (ClientContext context = new ClientContext("<sharepoint_server_url>"))
context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(<usr>,<secure_pwd>);
using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(<base64_content>)))
File.SaveBinaryDirect(context, <relative_path>, ms, true);
// file is uploaded - so far so good!
// attempt to edit properties of the file.
if (props != null)
if (props.Count > 0)
File newFile = context.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(<relative_path>);
ListItem item = newFile.ListItemAllFields;
foreach (FileProperty fp in props)
item[fp.name] = fp.value;
newFile.CheckIn(string.Empty, CheckinType.OverwriteCheckIn);
This code throws an exception in the part where I try to update the properties.
Message: The file was not found.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this example or provide another example on how to do this?
Also, a question - is there a way to address a file by a unique ID which is the same regardless of where in the SharePoint server the file is located or moved to?
I hope someone can help me out - thanks :)

Ok, I found a solution to my problem. I don't know why this works better, it just does.
For all I know, I'm doing the exact same thing, just in another way - maybe someone else who knows more about SharePoint than me (which isn't much) can explain why this works while the first example I posted doesn't.
Previous to the code shown, I ensure that <site_url> doesn't end with "/" and that <library_name> doesn't start or end with "/" and that <file_name> doesn't start or end with "/".
With the code below I can uplaod a file and update properties, in my case i changed "Title" and a custom column "CustCulomnA" and it workes.
using (ClientContext context = new ClientContext(<site_url>))
context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(<usr>, <secure_pwd>);
FileCreationInformation fci = new FileCreationInformation()
Url = <file_name>,
Content = Convert.FromBase64String(<base64_content>),
Overwrite = true
Web web = context.Web;
List lib = web.Lists.GetByTitle(<library_name>);
response.message = "uploaded";
if (props != null)
if (props.Count > 0)
File newFile = context.Web.GetFileByUrl(<site_url> +"/"+ <library_name> + "/" + <file_name>);
ListItem item = newFile.ListItemAllFields;
foreach (FileProperty fp in props)
item[fp.name] = fp.value;
newFile.CheckIn(string.Empty, CheckinType.OverwriteCheckIn);

Make sure the file server relative url is valid in this case.
For example if the complete url is:
Then relative url should be
And you can also use GetFileByUrl method, passing the complete file url like this:
clientContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, securePassword);
Web web = clientContext.Web;
File file = web.GetFileByUrl("https://zheguo.sharepoint.com/sites/test/Shared%20Documents/test.jpg");
ListItem item = file.ListItemAllFields;
item["Title"] = "Test";
file.CheckIn(string.Empty, CheckinType.OverwriteCheckIn);


SharePoint 2013 CSOM Upload Doc and Change Column Values

I'd like to upload a document to a SharePoint 2013 document library and set value for three of the columns.
I'm running following C# code from a unit test within Visual Studio:
using (var ctx = new ClientContext($"{spRoot}/{spPathToFolder}"))
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.SaveBinaryDirect(ctx, targetFileUrl, ms, true);
var uploadedFile = ctx.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(targetFileUrl);
var listItem = uploadedFile.ListItemAllFields;
listItem["Title"] = "title";
listItem["UPRN"] = "uprn";
listItem["KeystoneDocType"] = "keystoneDocType";
listItem.File.CheckIn("Added by BizTalk", CheckinType.MajorCheckIn);
The following path variables values are logged:
spRoot=[https://collaboration.xxx.com], spPathToFolder=[sites/HousingICTSolution/Technical]
The file gets uploaded ok (and I can view it when I click the link withing the SharePoint library) but no column values are set. Another problem is that executing the line "ctx.ExecuteQuery()" causes the following exception to be thrown:
Message "The file AssetMgmtEfilesDemo/xxxLogo_190213115512.png has been modified by i:0#.w|xxx\\adm-tco05544 on 13 Feb 2019 11:59:35 -0000." string
I am user "adm-tco05544". Can anyone suggest how to prevent the exception?
Before updating the file item fields, please firstly checkout and then update list fields value, finally check in the file, here is a working snippet for your reference:
ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext("http://sp/sites/dev");
using (FileStream fs=new FileStream(#"C:\\Test.jpg",FileMode.Open))
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.SaveBinaryDirect(ctx, "/sites/dev/MyDocLibraryName/Test.jpg", fs, true);
var uploadedFile = ctx.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl("/sites/dev/MyDocLibraryName/Test.jpg");
if (uploadedFile.CheckOutType==CheckOutType.None)
var listItem = uploadedFile.ListItemAllFields;
listItem["Title"] = "title";
listItem["UPRN"] = "uprn";
listItem["KeystoneDocType"] = "keystoneDocType";
listItem.File.CheckIn("Added by BizTalk", CheckinType.MajorCheckIn);

Can I delete a file in Acumatica via the API?

I'm creating a file in Acumatica by calling an action from the API, so that I can retrieve the file in my application.
Is it possible to delete the file via API after I'm done with it? I'd rather not have it cluttering up my Acumatica database.
Failing this, is there a recommended cleanup approach for these files?
Found examples of how to delete a file from within Acumatica, as well as how to save a new version of an existing file! The below implementation saves a new version but has the deletion method commented out. Because I built this into my report generation process, I'm not later deleting the report via API, but it would be easy to translate a deletion into an action callable by the API.
private IEnumerable ExportReport(PXAdapter adapter, string reportID, Dictionary<String, String> parameters)
//Press save if the SO is not completed
if (Base.Document.Current.Completed == false)
PX.SM.FileInfo file = null;
using (Report report = PXReportTools.LoadReport(reportID, null))
if (report == null)
throw new Exception("Unable to access Acumatica report writer for specified report : " + reportID);
PXReportTools.InitReportParameters(report, parameters, PXSettingProvider.Instance.Default);
ReportNode reportNode = ReportProcessor.ProcessReport(report);
IRenderFilter renderFilter = ReportProcessor.GetRenderer(ReportProcessor.FilterPdf);
//Generate the PDF
byte[] data = PX.Reports.Mail.Message.GenerateReport(reportNode, ReportProcessor.FilterPdf).First();
file = new PX.SM.FileInfo(reportNode.ExportFileName + ".pdf", null, data);
//Save the PDF to the SO
UploadFileMaintenance graph = new UploadFileMaintenance();
//Check to see if a file with this name already exists
Guid[] files = PXNoteAttribute.GetFileNotes(Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current);
foreach (Guid fileID in files)
FileInfo existingFile = graph.GetFileWithNoData(fileID);
if (existingFile.Name == reportNode.ExportFileName + ".pdf")
//If we later decide we want to delete previous versions instead of saving them, this can be changed to
//But in the meantime, for history purposes, set the UID of the new file to that of the existing file so we can save it as a new version.
file.UID = existingFile.UID;
//Save the file with the setting to create a new version if one already exists based on the UID
graph.SaveFile(file, FileExistsAction.CreateVersion);
//Save the note attribute so we can find it again.
PXNoteAttribute.AttachFile(Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current, file);
//Return the info on the file
return adapter.Get();
The response from Acumatica:
S-b (Screen-base) API allows clean way of downloading report generated as file. C-b (Contract-base) simply does not have this feature added. I suggest you provided feedback here: feedback.acumatica.com (EDIT: Done! https://feedback.acumatica.com/ideas/ACU-I-1852)
I think couple of workaround are:
1) use s-b using login from c-b to generate report and get as file (see example below), or
2) create another method to delete the file once required report file is downloaded. For that, you will need to pass back FileID or something to identify for deletion.
example of #1
using (DefaultSoapClient sc = new DefaultSoapClient("DefaultSoap1"))
string sharedCookie;
using (new OperationContextScope(sc.InnerChannel))
sc.Login("admin", "123", "Company", null, null);
var responseMessageProperty = (HttpResponseMessageProperty)
sharedCookie = responseMessageProperty.Headers.Get("Set-Cookie");
Screen scr = new Screen(); // add reference to report e.g. http://localhost/Demo2018R2/Soap/SO641010.asmx
scr.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
scr.CookieContainer.SetCookies(new Uri(scr.Url), sharedCookie);
var schema = scr.GetSchema();
var commands = new Command[]
new Value { LinkedCommand = schema.Parameters.OrderType, Value = "SO" },
new Value { LinkedCommand = schema.Parameters.OrderNumber, Value = "SO004425" },
var data = scr.Submit(commands);
if(data != null && data.Length > 0)
Hope this helps. Also, it would be great if you update the stackover post based on these suggestions.
Nayan Mansinha
Lead - Developer Support | Acumatica

Is it possible to manipulate master page content (Remove certain code programmatically )in share point 2013 using csom

I am trying to remove a piece of code from sharepoint master page from a lot of sites,so is it possible to manipulate the master page content using csom.
As a workaround, get the master page from Master Page Gallery using CSOM, modify the file and replace some content in the file, then set master page using this:
web.CustomMasterUrl = masterUrl;
Set Custom Master Page through CSOM SharePoint
C# Search/Replace in Files
var rootWeb = clientContext.Site.RootWeb;
string CustomMasterPage = rootWeb.CustomMasterUrl;
var masterPagefile = rootWeb.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(CustomMasterPage);
var stream = masterPagefile.OpenBinaryStream();
if (masterPagefile.CheckOutType == CheckOutType.None)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream.Value, Encoding.UTF8))
masterPageContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
var catalog = clientContext.Site.GetCatalog((int)ListTemplateType.MasterPageCatalog);
var files = catalog.RootFolder.Files;
var fileCreationInformation = new FileCreationInformation();
fileCreationInformation.Content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(masterPageContent);
fileCreationInformation.Overwrite = true;
fileCreationInformation.Url = rootWeb.CustomMasterUrl;
masterPagefile.CheckIn(" Test", CheckinType.MinorCheckIn);

(401) Unauthorized exception while downloading file from SharePoint

I have generated an access token using OAuth mechanism for SharePoint Online server. I am using this token to create ClientContext using CSOM. While I am able to access all the sites, libraries, and folders seamlessly, I get error
The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
while downloading the file from SharePoint Online. Below is the code that I am using for file download:
var clientContext = TokenHelper.GetClientContextWithAccessToken("https://adventurer.sharepoint.com/Subsite1", accessToken);
var list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("SubSite 1 Library 1");
string vquery = #"<View Scope='RecursiveAll'><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='UniqueId' /><Value Type='Lookup'>" + "6718053d-a785-489c-877f-5a4b88dcb2a7" + "</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>";
CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery();
query.ViewXml = vquery;
var listItems = list.GetItems(query);
clientContext.Load(listItems, items => items.Take(1).Include(item => item.File));
var fileRef = listItems[0].File.ServerRelativeUrl;
var fileInfo = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.OpenBinaryDirect(clientContext, fileRef);
I don't understand the root cause of this error, as I am passing client context with right access token. I want to know if OpenBinaryDirect has a limitation to work with access tokens? If not, what is wrong with above code? Is there any other alternative that can be used to download using access token?
After trying a lot of alternatives, I have come to conclusion that OpenBinaryDirect() cannot be used with OAuth tokens. I was able to download file from SharePoint Online using two other approaches. I am posting the answers here so that it might help someone:
Approach 1 (OpenBinaryStream):
var file = clientContext.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(fileRef);
ClientResult<Stream> streamResult = file.OpenBinaryStream();
While this approach works perfectly, OpenBinaryStream is not available in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll <= v
Approach 2 (WebClient or Other Http Requests):
string downloadUrl = HostURL + "/_api/web/getfilebyserverrelativeurl('" + fileRef + "')/$value";
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
client.DownloadFile(downloadUrl, filePath);
Note the download URL that I have used for WebClient. Normal file URL will not work to download files from SharePoint Online.
I am using C# and here is how I am currently retrieving documents from SharePoint Online. I am showing the user a list of their documents in a gridview, so I populate a DataTable with the documents. I am unsure of a way using an Access Token, but if you are able to use a Service Account like I am, then hopefully this helps you.
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using SP = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
Object Attributes
SecureString securePassword = new SecureString();
private string username = "";
ClientContext context = new SP.ClientContext("https://<root>.sharepoint.com/<site collection (unless root)>/<site>");
Constructor (This is how I am authenticating)
public SharePoint()
securePassword = convertToSecureString(System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["O365PW"]);
username = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["O365UN"];
context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(username, securePassword);
Method to get documents
public DataTable GetDocuments(int changeID)
DataTable dt = new DataTable("ChangeDocuments");
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
// The SharePoint web at the URL.
Web web = context.Web;
// We want to retrieve the web's properties.
// We must call ExecuteQuery before enumerate list.Fields.
// Assume the web has a list named "Announcements".
SP.List oList = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Name of your document library");
// This creates a CamlQuery that has a RowLimit of 100, and also specifies Scope="RecursiveAll"
// so that it grabs all list items, regardless of the folder they are in.
CamlQuery query = CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery(100);
query.ViewXml = "<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ChangeID'/>" +
"<Value Type='Number'>" + changeID + "</Value></Eq></Where></Query><RowLimit>100</RowLimit></View>";
SP.ListItemCollection items = oList.GetItems(query);
// Retrieve all items in the ListItemCollection from List.GetItems(Query).
foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListItem listItem in items)
// We have all the list item data. For example, Title.
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["Title"] = listItem["FileLeafRef"];
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(listItem["ServerRedirectedEmbedUrl"].ToString()))
dr["URL"] = "<root>/<site>/<document library>" + listItem["FileLeafRef"].ToString();
dr["URL"] = listItem["ServerRedirectedEmbedUrl"];
dr["ChangeID"] = listItem["ChangeID"];
dr["Modified"] = Convert.ToDateTime(listItem["Modified"]).ToString("MMM.dd,yyyy h:mm tt");
dr["ID"] = listItem["ID"];
return dt;
Method to convert password to secure string
private SecureString convertToSecureString(string strPassword)
var secureStr = new SecureString();
if (strPassword.Length > 0)
foreach (var c in strPassword.ToCharArray()) secureStr.AppendChar(c);
return secureStr;

Sitecore HOWTO: Search item bucket for items with specific values

I have an item bucket with more then 30 000 items inside. What I need is to quickly search items that have particular field set to particular value, or even better is to make something like SELECT WHERE fieldValue IN (1,2,3,4) statement. Are there any ready solutions?
I searched the web and the only thing I found is "Developer's Guide to Item
Buckets and Search" but there is no code examples.
You need something like this. The Bucket item is an IIndexable so it can be searched using Sitecore 7 search API.
This code snippet below can easily be adapted to meet your needs and it's just a question of modifying the where clause.if you need any further help with the sitecore 7 syntax just write a comment on the QuickStart blog post below and I'll get back to you.
var bucketItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(bucketPath);
if (bucketItem != null && BucketManager.IsBucket(bucketItem))
using (var searchContext = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(bucketItem as IIndexable).CreateSearchContext())
var result = searchContext.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem().Where(x => x.Name == itemName).FirstOrDefault();
if(result != null)
Context.Item = result.GetItem();
Further reading on my blog post here:
Using Sitecore Content Editor:
Go to the bucket item then In search tab, start typing the following (replace fieldname and value with actual field name and value):
Then hit enter, you see the result of the query, you can multiple queries at once if you want.
Using Sitecore Content Search API:
using Sitecore.ContentSearch;
using Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq;
using Sitecore.ContentSearch.SearchTypes;
using Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.Utilities
ID bucketItemID = "GUID of your bucket item";
ID templateID = "Guid of your item's template under bucket";
string values = "1,2,3,4,5";
using (var context = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_web_index").CreateSearchContext())
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();
predicate = PredicateBuilder.And(item => item.TemplateId == new ID(templateID)
&& item.Paths.Contains(bucketItemID));
var innerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<SearchResultItem>();
foreach(string val in values.Split(','))
innerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<SearchResultItem>();
innerPredicate = innerPredicate.Or(item => item["FIELDNAME"] == val);
predicate = predicate.And(innerPredicate);
var result = predicate.GetResults();
List<Item> ResultsItems = new List<Item>();
foreach (var hit in result.Hits)
Item item = hit.Document.GetItem();
if(item !=null)
ResultsItems .Add(item);
The following links can give good start with the Search API:
Hope this helps!
