Download Appium Logs from AppCenter using API or CLI - visual-studio-app-center

I am running appium test from Azure DevOps in Appcenter, After the test is completed I want to download the Appium logs from App Center. Any API or CLI is available to download the Appium Logs from AppCenter

By using this URL was able to get the Appium Logs. This API URL provides all the Logs for a particular test.{owner_name}/{app_name}/test_runs/{test_run_id}/report


Unable to deploy update a react app to app service

I have a react app running on an app service, I have already updated the app multiple times through the Azure vsCode extension. Now if I try to deploy a new version the output window on the extensions gives out the next message:
Error: Failed to get status of deployment.
And there is nothing in the deployment center logs on the app service portal.
The app service uses a Local Git as source so I tried deploying manually to the git building the app myself and using the commands
git remote add azure "my Git Clone Uri"
git push azure master --force
But this gives the next output
And again nothing on the deployment center logs.
I used to be able to deploy my react app this 2 ways but now I can't. Is there any other way to deploy or to know what is going wrong with either the manual push or the VScode extension?

Unable to install the VSTS Agent Azure VM extension

I am unable to install the VSTS Agent Azure VM extension on an Azure VM. I tried both the Install extension blade in the Azure portal and the Powershell option. When I try from the portal it just gets stuck at transitioning. If I run the Powershell script it gets stuck trying to connect to server.
I was able to install it on another server without any issues. The 2 servers are part of a web farm so they are exact images.
I am following the steps detailed at this url .
I am trying to deploy from VSTS to an Azure VM.
This is the screen when I try to run the powershell script.
Run the config file directly (from C:/vstsagent folder) in cmdline and try again with{organisation name} url.

what happens when the command gcloud app deploy --version v1 is issued to deploy a nodejs application?

Can any one help me understand gcloud app deploy? I tried deploying an application but it gave me the error:
ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] An internal error
occurred while creating a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
gcloud is google sdk command to interact with its cloud services, you can read more about it here
you can run gcloud commands either by installing gcloud sdk or from a gcloud shell where sdk is pre-installed.
gcloud app deploy looks for app.yaml which can be configured based on this documentation
To address the error try running this command gcloud config set app/use_deprecated_preparation True; and give a try.
once we run gcloud app deploy --version v1 a version of the application is created and can be accessed by the corresponding url from version column.
one can even login to the running instance of VM by accessing respective instance ssh.
this command will tar ball the folder containing app.yaml and will be used to create the running nodejs instance; the entire deployment depends on PORT being used as part of NodeJS application for running production instance, and a proper package.json which will have all the dependencies listed and contains a start script to run the application.

Bluemix CLI on Linux - websocket: bad handshake

I'm able to push and execute a Java sample application under a Bluemix account but when running the log command through the CLI prompt I receive an error message as shown below:
cf logs myapp-myname --recent
Connected, dumping recent logs for app myapp-myname in org / space dev as
websocket: bad handshake
My local platform the runs the CLI is Linux, see the currently installed version:
cf -version
cf version 6.1.2-6a013ca
When accessing the log records through the web console dashboard, all log information is shown correctly.
The error you are seeing is because you are using an old version of Cloud Foundry CLI. This version is not supported in Bluemix.
Please use the link below to get a more recent version:

Logging on gcloud node.js

I'm experimenting with node.js and managed servers. So far so good. I just can't figure out how to log to the console on my development server. I'm talking about the console I see in the terminal after running gcloud preview app run . (not the browser console). console.log() doesn't appear to do anything at all.
Try using this command:
gcloud preview app --verbosity debug run .
