How does RFID reader energize passive tag - rfid

I'm reading the EPCGlobal Gen2 protocol and RFID and Sensor Networks, and was confused by the following description about the Use of Session: " Session S0 has a persistence time of zero, so in this case, the reader must continually energize the tags. This is achieved by the reader transmitting the CW between commands. When using session S0, the inventoried flag of any tag that loses power during this process will revert to A regardless of its previous value. "
Does it mean that the reader will only energizing tags while transmitting CW, and the tags will not be powered when the reader sends commands like Select/Query, etc?

The tags will stay energized as long as they stay within the electromagnetic field of the antenna.
In other words, an do try to make it simply, the tags will be energized from the moment they have been detected by the RFID reader antenna and until they leave that detection range (even briefly).


What peer-to-peer protocol has the shortest specification?

I want to implement a P2P protocol in C for personal education purposes.
What would be the protocol with the shortest specification that is still used today?
I have already implemented a web and IRC client and server.
I agree with Mark, that point to point over a serial link would be a good exercise.
In particular, I would recommend the following programme of stuff...
Implement basic transmission over a "Serial Port" (using RS-232 if you have some Arduinos/embedded processors lying around, or using a null modem emulator if you don't (see com0com on Windows, or this on linux/mac).
I.e. send lower case letters from A->B, and echo them back as upper case from B->A
Implement SLIP as a way to reliably frame messages
i.e. you can send any string (e.g. "hello") and it is returned in upper case with "WORLD" appended ("HELLOWORLD").
Implement the "Read Multiple Holding Registers" and "Write Multiple Holding Registers" part of the Modbus protocol, using SLIP to frame the messages.
I.e. you have one follower (slave) device, and one leader (master) device. The follower has 10 bytes of memory that are exposed over modbus with the initial value "helloworld".
Just hard-code the follower / leader device Ids for now.
The leader reads the value, and then sets it to be "worldhello".
At the end of this you would start to have an understanding of the roles of network layers, ie:
The physical layer - Serial/RS-232
A "link layer" of sorts - SLIP
An "application" layer - Modbus
Serial. The answer is serial. You're not going to get any leaner than simple RX/TX communication but you'll lack a lot of convenience methods. If you want to explore more than simple bidirectional comms, I2C or modbus open up a lot of options.

How Long is RFID Tag Session 2 Persistence?

When doing scanning with passive RFID tags, you can set the SESSION to '2' in order for the tag state of 'B' to persist for "an indefinite amount of time" even when it is not being energized by the scanner, according to the standards. Your tag will then not be visible to the scanner until this indefinite amount of time expires.
My question is, does anyone have any idea what the maximum amount of time is for RFID tags? I'm sure it's different for different tag manufacturers , etc. However, are we talking seconds, minutes, hours, or even days? I don't want to keep seeing the same tags over and over again while doing a scan in the storeroom, but at the same time, I don't want the tag to be hidden if they need to be scanned again at a later time.
The answer is: it depends. Please note that the standard says 'indefinite when powered'. When powered, it is really indefinite. When not powered, the standard defines it is longer than 5 seconds. For most modern tags, it is typically less than 30s, of course depending on environment conditions.
About the definition of 'powered': please note that this power can originate from any RFID reader, not only the one you are using to interrogate the tags with. Or any other radio device that transmits at the same frequency.
To circumvent this, you can use a SELECT statement to revert the session flag back from B to A.

Can the the device receive commands without previous negotiation (sending any data)?

I'm dealing with the following challenge. In my system, there are two devices. Tags and anchors. Tags have BLE module with the transmit power 0dBm and not Long Range feature (BLE 4.0). Anchors have BLE module with transmit power over 8dBm and Long range feature (BLE 5.0).
I want tags to only receive some commands. Bi-directional communication is not necessary. This way, I can utilize the transmit power of anchor (8dBm) and thus quite bigger range, if tag with 0dBm is only receiving.
I read something about Observer/Broadcaster principle, where connecting is not necessary. But somehow devices have to agree on what frequencies should they hop on, the step and so on.
I'm asking, is it possible for device to only receive commands without previous negotiation with the sender?
Thank you very much for help. I'm beginning with BLE standard and there is a lot to learn.
Yes, it is possible to send data via adverts/scanning only. This way, there's no connection that needs to be established, and therefore no connection parameter negotiation takes place. As for the frequency hopping agreement - this happens via the baseband (in other words you will not deal with this in the software yourself) and is generally not applicable for advertising/scanning (these happen on 3 frequency channels only and therefore it is likely that the observer will catch what the broadcaster is broadcasting).
However, keep in mind that because you are broadcasting/advertising the data as opposed to directly sending it, that data can be received by any observing/scanning BLE devices which is not desired for safety/security/privacy purposes.
For more information on BLE communication, I recommend the links below:-
Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy
Is it Possible to Send Data with BLE Broadcast Mode

RFID reader read one and the same tag many times

I have a RFID reader (CS101). When it starts to scan, it reads one and the same RFID tag again and again. So to read 1000 tags, after the 500th for each uniquely read, it makes a thousant empty 1000 empty turnover already read tags.
What can I do to prevent reading the same tags so many times again?
At the reader level you can look into manipulating the RFID session state. Impinj has good information on how each session works and how your reader will report tag events:
You can also programmatically add some sort of dwell time, so your program will ignore the tag for so many seconds or minutes after being seen.

Interpreting data from RDM630 RFID reader

I am trying to build an RFID based door opener with an Attiny2313 and an RDM630 RFID reader. There has been no Problem with programming or getting the two ICs to talk to each other via UART. The Problem is the interpretation of the data.
I wasn't able to make any sense of what the RDM630 had sent to the Attiny, so I hooked it up via an RS232/USB Adapter, and this is what I get on my PC:
Display = ASCII:
Display set to HEX:
Written on the Card is:
0000714511 010,59151
Can anyone help me make sense of the Data?
Most of the bytes that the RDM630 RFID reader module sends are ASCII characters of hex digits ('0'-'9','A'-'F') which means 0x30-0x39, 0x41-0x46.
It looks like your RS232/USB inverts the bits, comparing to a direct TTL connections.
(RS232 is inverted TTL. It has also different voltage levels, but that's OK as long as TTL transmit output feeds RS232 receive input, as in your case. The other way around is more tricky).
