How to display an image with SVG in FICO Xpress Workbench - svg

I'm working to generate an SVG image to represent a graph. For each node, I would like to display an image. As written in the documentation, to use an image, I need to use svgaddfile and svgaddimage.
I wrote this code (I copy only the interesting lines)
svgsetgraphviewbox(0, 0,max(i in V_zero_n_plus_one)X(i)+10, max(i in V_zero_n_plus_one)Y(i)+10)
svgaddgroup("Customers", "Customers", SVG_BLACK)
svgaddgroup("Depot", "Depot", SVG_BROWN)
svgaddpoint(X(0), Y(0))
svgaddtext(X(0)+0.5, Y(0)-0.5, "Depot")
svgaddfile("./city2.jpg", "city.png")
svgaddimage("city.png", X(0)+0.5, Y(0)-0.5, 20, 20)
svgaddgroup("Routes", "Delivery routes")
svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1)
I obtain the following image:
The image is 512x512. What am I doing wrong? Tnx

There seems to be a timing issue for the uploading of the graphic file when you are using the option '1' in 'svgwaitclose' when running from Workbench (this option means that the underlying HTTP server that is run by mmsvg is stopped immediately once the SVG file has been uploaded).
You could either work with this form:
svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.") ! NB: the second argument defaults to value 0
or add a small delay before this statement:
sleep(2000) ! Wait for 2 seconds
svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1)


Change background of windows 10 using python

I was wondering that can we change windows 10 background using python i did a bit research and find a module name ctypes but the problem was that it needs a image to apply but i want that instead of a locally saved file it should use a url of a image and refresh the background at a interval with a new image. Cuz i want to create a script which will apply an anime wallpaper in every 5 minute and the url will be taken from a api.
Please Help!
On Windows with python2.5 or higher, use ctypes to load user32.dll and call SystemParametersInfo() with SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER action.
For example:
import ctypes
ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, "image.jpg" , 0)
Your script will have to do that in two steps
Download the image from the url using a package like requests
Set the Windows Background

PyQt5 run Multithreaded processes consicutively on single thread

I am working on an application in PyQT5 which has two docks on either side and an OCC 3d viewer and a TextEdit in the middle. The .ExportToImage() method of the OCC viewer allows taking a screenshot of the viewer. But since the Application has a responsive design, the Viewer is resized to be thin(on certain display resolutions) and thus the screenshot also comes out to be thin.
I've tried to resize the window to a particular size and then hide everything except the 3D viewer. This enlarges the viewer thus saving from a cropped screenshot. But when I hide and resize and then take the screenshot, the screenshot still comes out to be thin. Here's the code:
def take_screenshot(self):
self.outputDock.hide() #Dock on the right
self.inputDock.hide() #Dock on the left
self.textEdit.hide() #TextEdit on the Bottom-Middle
self.display.ExportToImage(fName) #Display is the 3d Viewer's display on the Top-Middle
I guess this happens because the above .show(), .hide(), .resize() methods of PyQt5 are multithreaded and as soon as I run them they dont run consicutively but parallely. Thus the screenshot is taken before the other processes complete.
Is there a way to resolve this? Or is there a better way?
no multiple threads. events are processed in loops, so called eventloop.
try this:
def take_screenshot(self):
self.outputDock.hide() #Dock on the right
self.inputDock.hide() #Dock on the left
self.textEdit.hide() #TextEdit on the Bottom-Middle
QTimer.singleShot(0, self._capture)
def _capture(self):
# app.processEvents() # open this line if it still doesn't work, I don't know why.
self.display.ExportToImage(fName) #Display is the 3d Viewer's display on the Top-Middle

Tkinter and some kind of issue when trying to display images

First off, I'm very new to Python and coding in general. I'm using Python, Tkinter, and Idle version 3.7.3. I'm using an HP Chromebook, with Chrome OS Version 81.0.4044.141.
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
window.title('Image Example')
img = PhotoImage(file = 'python.gif')
label = Label(window, image = img)
As you can see above, this is the small snippet of code that I'm having issues with. As far as I understand, everything is written correctly and the file "python.gif" is in the correct directory. For reference this is what the image should look like:
python.gif (normal)
But when I run the program, this is what I get:
python.gif (screenshot of running program)
That's the result 99% of the time, but I should mention that there have been a RARE number of occasions where the image displayed correctly upon program execution. However, I do not know how to replicate that. Also for more context, I've tried other images to see what happened. I found a free .pgm image to try as an example, and upon execution either I got the same result, or half of the image would appear correctly while the bottom half (also sometimes this would be reversed and the top half would be affected) would be "blacked out".
In conclusion, I wanted to ask if anybody has an idea of what's going on. I'm not sure if this is a hardware issue (because I can view all mentioned images in a normal image viewing app with no problems), or if this has something to do with Python/Tkinter.
Any assistance is very appreciated! Please and Thank You!

Creating cv2.VideoCapture() object directly from numpy array image data

The purpose is to take data from a virtual camera (from a camera in Gazebo simulation, updating every second) and use Detectron2 (requires data come from cv2.VideoCapture) to recognize other objects in the simulation. The virtual camera of course does not appear in lspci so I can't simply use cv2.VideoCapture(0).
So my code is
bridge = CvBridge()
cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding='bgr8') #cv_image is numpy.ndarray, size (100,100,3)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture()
ret, frame =
print(ret, frame)
but it just prints False None, I assume because there's nothing being captured in cap. I
f I replace line 2 with cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cv_image) I get the error,
TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
since I believe it requires either and integer (representing webcam number) or string (representing video file).
And for reference,
cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding='bgr8') # cv_image is numpy.ndarray
cv2.imshow('image', cv_image)
displays the image perfectly fine. Could there be a way to use imshow() or something similar as input for VideoCapture()?
However, cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cv2.imshow('image', cv_image))opens a blank window and gives me,
[ERROR:0] global /io/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap.cpp (116) open VIDEOIO(CV_IMAGES): raised OpenCV exception:
OpenCV(4.2.0) /io/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_images.cpp:293: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !_filename.empty() in function 'open'
How can I create a cv2.VideoCapture() object that can use the image data that I have? Or what's something that might point me in the right direction?
Ubuntu 18.04 and Python 3.6 with opencv-python
From what I found on Gazebo tutorials page:
In Rviz, add a ''Camera'' display and under ''Image Topic'' set it to /rrbot/camera1/image_raw.
In your case it probably won't be /rrbot/camera1/ name, but the one you are setting in .gazebo file
So you can create subscriber and use cv2.VideoCapture() for every single image from that topic.
My solution was to rewrite Detectron2's --input flag in the demo to constantly run a ROS2 callback with demo.run_on_image(cv_data). So instead of making it process video, it just quickly processes each new image one at a time. This is a workaround so that cv2.VideoCapture() is not needed.

OpenCV Image Display Failure

I'm trying to include OpenCV (version 2.3.1) in a project I'm working on. A camera is sending my program (in Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine) an image stream, which the program stores in an unsigned 8-bit integer buffer. I would like to display this stream in a window using OpenCV. Right now, I can't seem to get any images to display in my OpenCV windows, so I'm not using my image stream yet; just a JPEG file.
First I declare my window:
namedWindow( "Window", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
Then I try to fill it:
char* imgName = "C:\...\Jellyfish.jpg";
Mat imgMat = imread(imgName, 1);
imshow( "Window", imgMat );
When my program gets to the point where the window gets declared, a tiny gray window appears. When it reaches the point where it is supposed to display the image, the window's dimensions change to that of the image (I've tested this with different images) but the inside of the window remains a plain gray box.
What is causing this strange error? The program obviously found the image, or it would not have been able to change its dimensions correctly.
You need to add waitKey(2) function call after the imshow.
From OpenCV documentation for waitKey:
This function is the only method in HighGUI that can fetch and handle
events, so it needs to be called periodically for normal event
processing unless HighGUI is used within an environment that takes
care of event processing.
Without this function Windows is unable to handle PAINT event and redraw your window.
