Build loopback 3 project - node.js

I have loopback 3 project. I want to build it. I am creating a bitbucket pipeline for this.
So for deployment, I want to know how to build loopback 3 project so that I can use these commands into my bitbucket.yml file.
I checked the documentations but for lb3 there is nothing for building the project. I got this into documentations: Preparing-for-deployment. But I am not user how I can use this into the yml file.
For loopback 4 we can use #loopback/build, and its working fine there. But I couldn't find anything for loopback 3.
Is there any other way to build loopback 3 project ?
Thanks in advance!

You can't build a loopback 3 server you can only run it.
To run a loopback server you simply use npm start or node . or even node server/server
Your postest script is running a linter and an audit, not the actual server.
What is running your server is not the script in the package.json it's the AZURE_EXTENSION_COMMAND part.
It's running pm2 start server/server.js which is a process manager that run your node server.
Using pm2 is correct making a separate step for testing and lining is also correct the problem is that you are confusing which part do what role.
This resulted in a response to the wrong question.

I didn't find anything for creating bundle for my loopback 3 app,
we can't make bundle of lb3. we can run server.js file and that's what I did using PM2. AZURE_EXTENSION_COMMAND here you can see that I have pulled to code from my branch and run the server.js file from that.
I used following things into my bitbucket.yml :
> pipelines:
> master:
> - step:
> script:
> - npm install
> - npm run posttest
> - step:
> name: Deploy to master
> deployment: production
> script:
> - echo "Deploying to master"
> - pipe: microsoft/azure-vm-linux-script-deploy:1.0.1
> variables:
> AZURE_APP_ID: '<appid>'
> AZURE_PASSWORD: '<pass>'
> AZURE_TENANT_ID: '<tenantid>'
> AZURE_VM_NAME: '<vm name>'
> AZURE_EXTENSION_COMMAND: 'cd <path to my folder> && git remote add origin <my repo> && git pull origin master && npm install -g npm && npm install && sudo -E pm2 start server/server.js'
And in my package.json I have used below script for auditing:
"scripts": {
"posttest": "npm run lint && npm audit --audit-level high"
And it is working fine.
I am not sure if this is the very right methode, but i just found it useful.
Hope it can help someone as well.


How to run commands in parallel Gitlab CI/CD pipeline?

I have a test command in my repo that should work when my server is up because the tests interact with the server once it is running.
On my local i use two commands on first terminal npm run dev - this gets the server running and on second terminal i run the command npm run test that runs test which only pass when the first command is running. How do i achieve this in my gitlab CICD test stage job?
currently i am doing this
stage: test
- npm run dev
- npm run test
so the pipeline executes npm run dev which doesnt self terminate and my pipeline gets stuck cant seem to find the solution. Help and suggestions are appreciated. Stack is typescript express graphql
You have two options that you can use for this:
If you're building your server into a container prior to this test job, you can run the container as a service, which will allow you to access it via it's service alias. That would look something like this:
stage: test
- name: my_test_container:latest
alias: test_container
- npm run test # should hit http://test_container:<port> to access service
You can use the nohup linux command to run your service in the background. This will run the command in the background once it's started up, and it will die when the CI job ends (as part of shutting down the job). That would look like this:
stage: test
- nohup npm run dev &
- npm run test

Deploy NodeJS Express on amplify

I am trying to deploy an app on AWS Amplify.
The app is React front and and NodeJS Express backend.
The frontend works fine, but the backend is just stuck without any reasonable explanation
My YML file is
version: 1
- npm run build-backend
- cd ..
- npm ci
- npm run build-frontend
baseDirectory: ./client/build
- '**/*'
- node_modules/**/*
build backend-script :
"build-backend": "cd server && npm run start",
npm run start script:
"start": "npm install && node index.js"
The build is getting stuck on the npm install and after 10-20 minutes just "gives up" without the following log
2021-04-22T11:49:20.693Z [INFO]: > server#1.0.0 start /codebuild/output/src650104622/src/myBlog/server
> npm install && node index.js
2021-04-22T11:49:26.976Z [INFO]: > bcrypt#5.0.0 install /codebuild/output/src650104622/src/myBlog/server/node_modules/bcrypt
> node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
I came across this thread while looking for a solution for my project. And because there are no more answers here, I'll tell you what I could find myself.
Amplify works fine with SSG web applications (Gatsby, etc.), with SSR (React, NextJS, NuxtJS, etc.) and with simple NodeJS and ExpressJS applications (which only run on requests because Amplify uses Lambda-functions to handle it). So:
If you need a simple ExpressJS application for your API you can
use the following serverless Ampl solution:
If you need a application (or another constantly
running application) you need to use AWS Fargate (uses
docker images) or AWS EC2 (works on simple virtual machine
with access by SSH) solutions.
P.S. If you have any other information on this subject, please post it here.

GitLab CI stuck on running NodeJS server

I'm trying to use GitLab CI to build, test and deploy an Express app on a server (the Runner is running with the shell executor). However, the test:async and deploy_staging jobs do not terminate. But when checking the terminal inside GitLab, the Express server does indeed start. What gives ?
- build
- test
- deploy
### Jobs ###
stage: build
- npm install -q
- npm run build
- knex migrate:latest
- knex seed:run
- build/
- node_modules/
- database
- build
stage: test
- npm run lint
- lint
# Run the Express server
stage: test
- npm start &
- curl http://localhost:3000
- server
stage: deploy
- npm start
name: staging
url: my_url_here
- deployment
The npm start is just node build/bundle.js. The build script is using Webpack.
Note: solution works fine when using a gitlab runner with shell executor
Generally in Gitlab CI we run ordered jobs with specific tasks that should be executed one after the end of the other.
So for the job build we have the npm install -q command that runs and terminates with an exit status (0 exit status if the command was succesful), then runs the next command npm run build and so on until the job is terminated.
For the test job we have npm start & process that keeps running so the job wont be able to terminate.
The problem is that sometimes we need to have some process that need to run in background or having some process that keeps living between tasks. For example in some kind of test we need to keep the server running, something like that:
stage: test
- npm start
- npm test
in this case npm test will never start because npm statrt keeps running without terminating.
The solution is to use before_script where we run a shell script that keeps npm start process running then we call after_script to kill that npm start process
so on our .gitlab-ci.yml we write
stage: test
- ./
- npm test
- kill -9 $(ps aux | grep '\snode\s' | awk '{print $2}')
and on the
# !/bin/bash
# start the server and send the console and error logs on nodeserver.log
npm start > nodeserver.log 2>&1 &
# keep waiting until the server is started
# (in this case wait for mongodb://localhost:27017/app-test to be logged)
while ! grep -q "mongodb://localhost:27017/app-test" nodeserver.log
sleep .1
echo -e "server has started\n"
exit 0
thanks to that script is terminated while keeping npm start process alive and help us by the way move to the job where we have npm test.
npm test terminates and pass to after script where we kill all nodejs process.
You are starting a background job during your test phase which never terminates - therefore the job runs forever.
The idea of the GitLab CI jobs are shortly-running tasks - like compiling, executing unit tests or gathering information such as code coverage - which are executed in a predefined order. In your case, the order is build -> test -> deploy; since the test job doesn't finish, deploy isn't even executed.
Depending on your environment, you will have to create a different job for deploying your node app. For example, you can push the build output to a remote server using a tool like scp or upload it to AWS; after that, you reference the final URL in the url: field in your .gitlab-ci.yml.

npm scripts hang indefinitely on Concourse CI

On Concourse, I am running integration tests where I run certain npm scripts. There is a particular script that build my backend/frontend and then proceeds to run the tests. However once the test is done (fail or succeed). the npm script does not stop. It doesn't error out and hangs indefinitely either when the tests fail or succeeds. I have run this script on a local machine and a local container and the npm script works fine. Only on Concourse, the script hangs forever.
To give more context to my setup here is a sample of the npm script which is run on the frontend
"ci:start:backend": "npm run --prefix ../emailservice/mock-service dev & npm run --prefix ../server-repo ci:start:server & sleep 3"
"ci:test:system": "npm run ci:start:backend && npm run build:dist:serve & sleep 90 && npm run test:browser:ci"
npm run ci:test:system is the main script that is run. What it does it will start running an email service, a server and the frontend all at once in order to run the tests. It is a messy way of doing things but it works for both local and in containers. This method has been done for similar tests for server testing and it is running on concourse fine.
The task of the pipeline can be seen below
# runs unit tests for frontend
- name: run-tests
- get: frontend-repo
- get: server-repo
- get: emailservice
- task: run-npm-tests
privileged: true
platform: linux
type: docker-image
repository: jonoc/techradar-integration
- name: frontend-repo
- name: server-repo
- name: emailservice
path: sh
- -exc
- |
mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb.log
export SHELL=/bin/bash
cd server-repo
npm install --silent
cd ../emailservice/mock-service
npm install --silent
cd ../../frontend-repo
npm install --silent
npm rebuild node-sass --silent
npm run postinstall --silent
npm run ci:test:system
Everything seems to be not out of the ordinary but concourse refuses to give a green or red build. I suspect it is due to the other scripts that are run forever but are hanging in the background and concourse does not want to end. However running npm run ci:start:backend in concourse will work fine, but running npm run test:browser:ci will hang forever which further adds confusion to whats the problem.
Concourse version:3.3.2
Deployment type (BOSH/Docker/binary):Docker
Browser (if applicable):Chrome
Did this used to work? Never
Are you sure that your resources are available in the tasks docker container?
You specify multiple inputs here
- name: frontend-repo
- name: server-repo
- name: emailservice
But concourse requires you to specify a proper path for each input if you have more than one.
Try to hijack the task container after execution and check if the resources are available. You can also execute the script in the container, so you can debug it easier.
fly -t <your_target> hijack -j demo_job/demo_task
My issue is resolved by changing up my npm scripts. Turns out chaining npm run --prefix ../emailservice/mock-service dev & npm run --prefix ../server-repo ci:start:server & sleep 3 with the other scripts causes some issues on Concourse.
I modified the npm scripts to use npm-run-all and use the -r parameter to finish the script when my tests are done

.ebextensions with CodePipeline and Elastic Beanstalk

I started working on my first CodePipeline with node.js app which is hosted on github. I would like to create simple pipe as follow:
Github repo triggers pipe
Test env (Elastic Beanstalk app) is built from S3 .zip file
Test env runs npm test and npm lint
If everything is OK then QA env (another EB app) is built
For above pipe I've created .config files under .ebextensions directory:
I would like to use npm install --production for QA and PROD env, but it seems that EC2 can't find node nor npm. I checked logs and EC2 triggered npm install by default in temporary folder, then it fails on my first script and app catalogue is always empty.
command: "npm install"
test: "[ \"$NODE_ENV\" = \"TEST\" ]"
ignoreErrors: false
command: "npm install --production"
test: "[ \"$NODE_ENV\" != \"TEST\" ]"
ignoreErrors: false
Is it posible to run unit tests and linting without jenkins?
command: "npm run lint"
test: "[ \"$NODE_ENV\" = \"TEST\" ]"
ignoreErrors: false
command: "npm run test"
test: "[ \"$NODE_ENV\" = \"TEST\" ]"
ignoreErrors: false
I set NODE_ENV for each Elastic Beanstalk instance. No matter what I will do every time my pipe fails because of npm is not recognized, but how is it possible if I'm running 64bit Amazon Linux with node.js ? What's more I cannot find any examples about CodePipeline with node.js in AWS Docs. Thanks in advance!
If you're using AWS for CI/CD, you can use CodeBuild. However, Github provides a great feature called Actions for running Unit Tests, which I find much simpler than AWS. Anyway, I will walk you through both examples:
Using AWS for running Unit Tests
Essentially, you could create a new stage into your CodePipeline, and configure the CodeBuild for running Unit Tests, e.g.
First, add a buildspec.yml file in the root folder of your app so you can use the following example:
version: 0.2
nodejs: 10
- echo Installing Mocha globally...
- npm install -g mocha
- echo Installing dependencies...
- npm install
- npm install unit.js
- echo Build started on `date`
- echo Run Unit Tests and so on
- npm run test
- npm run lint
- echo Build completed on `date`
- app.js
- package.json
- src/app/*
- node_modules/**/*
You can find everything you need in the BackSpace Academy, this course is for free:
AWS DevOps CI/CD - CodePipeline, Elastic Beanstalk and Mocha
Using Github for running Unit Tests
You could create your custom actions using Github, it will automatically set up everything you need in your root folder, e.g.
After choosing the appropriate workflow, it will automatically generate a folder/file ".github > workflow > nodejs.yml".
So it will look like this:
name: Node CI
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
node-version: [8.x, 10.x, 12.x]
- uses: actions/checkout#v1
- name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node#v1
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- name: npm install, build, and test
run: |
npm install
npm run build --if-present
npm test
CI: true
I hope you could find everything you need in this answer. Cheers
Have you incorporated CodeBuild into your pipeline?
You should
1) Create a pipeline whose source is your github account. Go through the setup procedure so that commits on a particular branch trigger the Codepipeline
2) Create a test stage in your Codepipeline which leverages the CodeBuild service. In order to run your Node tests, you might need to provide a configured build environment. And you probably also need to provide a build spec file that specifies the tests to run etc.
3) Assuming that the test stage passes, you can determine if the pipeline continues to another stage which is linked to an elasticbeanstalk app environment which supports the Node platform. These environments are purely for artifacts that have passed testing, so I see no need to have the .ebextensions commands written above.
Have a read of what CodeBuild can do to help you run tests for Node,
Good luck!
