Unable to send text message to India (+91) using AWS SNS - python-3.x

This is what the CloudWatch response looks like
"notification": {
"messageId": "69f1ef66-3db1-5ed0-bbdf-b8b32c6dbe03",
"timestamp": "2020-09-11 05:48:12.245"
"delivery": {
"destination": "+91xxxxxxxxxx",
"smsType": "Promotional",
"providerResponse": "Internal Error",
"dwellTimeMs": 41
"status": "FAILURE"
I'm using the region ap-south-1 which is in the supported regions and using an Indian phone number (+91) but still getting this error. Apart from AWS CLI, I've also tried python boto3 library to send the message to no avail.This is the python code that I've tried:
import botot3
client = boto3.client('sns','ap-south-1')

I believe sending SMS messages to Indian phone numbers requires you to register a sender ID as India has stricter laws on texts. Do you have a non-Indian phone number you can test with to confirm?
From Supported Regions and Countries:
Senders are required to use a pre-registered alphabetic sender ID.
Additional registration steps are required. For more information, see
Special requirements for sending SMS messages to recipients in India.


MS Bot Framework Direct Line API 3.0: Get starting message

I published a bot using the Azure bot framework to the Azure cloud servers, and made an application that uses the Direct Line API 3.0 to send user responses and receive bot messages through HTTP requests. Everything works except that I'm not sure how to get the starting message of the bot at the start of the conversation. I open the conversation with the /v3/directline/conversations endpoint, but I'm not sure how to receive the first message of the bot (that is normally sent without any user interaction). A message request after opening the conversation doesn't include any bot responses, but the next message request after sending the first user input includes the first two messages of the bot (starting message and response to the user).
EDIT: From reading this I came to the conclusion that it will be easier to just use a custom event as a trigger for the welcome message. I updated my bot as follows to reflect this within bot composer, adding a new CUSTOM event trigger with a test response message:
However, I still can't seem to trigger this event via the Direct Line API. Currently, I send a request as follows, following the event activity structure:
"type": "event",
"channelId": "directline",
"from": { "id": "UnityUserId", "name": "Unity User 1" },
"value": "test",
"name": "welcome"
I then get a response with ID, normally indicating that the request was successfull. However, upon requesting the bot response messages, I get the following:
"activities": [
"type": "event",
"id": "5FZsHpWBxm1hjhWQYY7gr-eu|0000000",
"timestamp": "2022-04-09T14:39:15.90169Z",
"serviceUrl": "https://directline.botframework.com/",
"channelId": "directline",
"from": {
"id": "UnityUserId",
"name": "Unity User 1"
"conversation": {
"id": "5FZsHpWBxm1hjhWQYY7gr-eu"
"value": "test",
"name": "welcome"
"watermark": "0"
Indicating that the bot has no responses, which doesn't seem quite right when looking at the bot composer screenshot above. Is there something wrong with my current method?
The onMembersAdded event usually does the trick. Sample code is in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-send-welcome-message?view=azure-bot-service-4.0&tabs=csharp
I thought I remembered seeing the bot's welcome message when using Direct Line, so I tried to quickly repro it again. I connected a simple echo bot via Direct Line. Then I created a conversation, sent a simple message, and then retrieved all activities (all via REST calls), and the bot's welcome message was indeed present in the response, as you can see in this screenshot:
Perhaps you should use these Direct Line 3.0 API reference docs as opposed to the one you linked above. I followed these steps using the basic Echo bot sample, Postman, and a bot resource in Azure for simple and easy testing, but you could use a full application if you wish.

Update message card in Teams via webhook connector

I have a build machine from which I want to post updates in Microsoft Teams. I created a webhook connector for my channel in Teams and I can send a simple POST request to the webhook url to post a message card in Teams with this json payload:
"#type": "MessageCard",
"#context": "http://schema.org/extensions",
"summary": "Build Status",
"sections": [{
"facts": [{
"name": "Status",
"value": "<build status>"
Now I want to update the <build status> value as the build progresses and maybe add another fact with download link when the build is finished. Is it possible to update an existing card once it is posted? It seems like a common use case to me, but I was not able to find an answer to it. There are some blogs about updating card as a result of an action, but I don't have or want to have any actions. And obviously I don't want to keep adding cards for the same build process.
Currently update card via web-hook is supported in teams. Could you please Raise a user voice
Sorry, I jumped the gun on that. It appears it isn't supported from webhooks.

Is there a way to get dialpad input through dialogflow telephony

I had written a node js server code so that dialog-flow can connect to my server through web-hook and integrated dialog-flow phone gateway. I am able to get the voice transcript text when made call to that number. But if i type any number on dial-pad i am not getting it. Is there any thing i should do to get the number input from dial-pad on call.
The response is something like this if i say 'hello' on call.
"queryResult": :{
"displayName":"Default Welcome Intent"
You are looking for DTMF detection. Google's Dialogflow Phone Gateway does not support this, but you can get this capability from some third party Dialogflow Gateway products like Voximplant, Audiocodes' VoiceAI Gateway, and drachtio.org.
There is no standard method for how to do this, but generally the telephony gateway needs to detect a digit and then sends a text query or event to Dialogflow where your bot can handle it.
I wrote reviews at cogint.ai with details on how to do this for Voximplant and Audiocodes.

Send GCM Push Notification to Multiple Token Id from nodeJs Server [duplicate]

I want to send same message to multiple devices in android using GCM. Currently i am able to send push notification to my device as i am explicitly specifying my registration ID in PHP code. But i want to send it to multiple devices so how can i do this???
Any help or idea are highly appreciated.
Please guide for this
What you should do is send multiple registrations Ids (up to 1000 at once) when you send your message to GCM, and you will need to use JSON as your request format.
You can read more about that here:
You will need to add your list of Id's to the registration_ids field:
A string array with the list of devices (registration IDs) receiving the message. It must contain at least 1 and at most 1000 registration IDs. To send a multicast message, you must use JSON. For sending a single message to a single device, you could use a JSON object with just 1 registration id, or plain text (see below). Required.
Here is an example request from their docs:
Here is a message with a payload and 6 recipients:
{ "data": {
"score": "5x1",
"time": "15:10"
"registration_ids": ["4", "8", "15", "16", "23", "42"]

Api version change but docs not updated?

I've been trying to do various things through your Mail REST API today and not having much success... My project (using the api) has been running for at least a month now, but requests to your api are failing.
For example:
GET https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/OData/Me/messages (works)
GET https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/OData/Me/inbox (doesn't work)
Looking at the documentation, still says its available.
Trying to send an email using:
POST https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/OData/Me/Messages?MessageDisposition=SendAndSaveCopy also just returns 400 (Bad Request)
Any info about this?
Also, the http status codes returned are not useful at all; almost all errors return as 400's. In one instance, I didn't provide auth creds, and a 400 was returned instead of the appropriate 401. The accompanying status code detail could also be more helpful.
Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. We are currently deploying some non-backwards compatible changes described here, and this is causing your issues. The current set of changes including versioning support, and deploying non-backwards compatible changes won't cause issues for your app in the future. For the queries, that don't work, please use the following:
Accessing Inbox: https://outlook.office365.com/ews/odata/me/folders/inbox
Send email (new action called SendMail):
POST https://outlook.office365.com/ews/odata/me/sendmail
"Subject": "Test message",
"Content": "This is test message!"
{ "EmailAddress": { "Address": "John#contoso.com", "Name": "John Doe" }},
{ "EmailAddress": { "Address": "Jane#fabrikam.com", "Name": "Jane Smith" }}
"SaveToSentItems": true
Hope this helps. We are updating the documentation to reflect the changes, and it should be available shortly. Thanks for the feedback on the HTTP status codes, we will review the status codes returned currently and make any fixes required.
Conversation support is in our roadmap but we don't yet have a timeline to share. Currently, you can search using https://outlook.office365.com/ews/odata/Folders/FolderId/Messages?$filter=ConversationId%20eq%20%%27ConversationID%27 but this will only return messages within the specified folder belonging to that conversation.
Let me know if you have any questions or need more info.
