How do I fix cells in Excel that contain formulas, but are showing as empty cells? - excel

I have tried to find this scenario somewhere but haven't been able to find any useful resources.
Essentially, I have performed some work in Excel and upon returning to the file the row sizes were so large the file could not used properly, and the cells were blank. The row sizes was an easy fix, however the blank cells are strange because they still contain text/formulae.
Has anyone seen this issue before, and know how to fix it?
In this image, you can see that the selected sell contains some text
Here, if I double click to edit the cell contents, there seems to be some kind of disconnect between the location of the cell, and where Excel is allowing me to edit the text

I think you should start working with "formulatext()" Excel function: if you have a formula, this returns a full string

I've seen issues like this in the past and have always first tried the "Text to Columns" Data Tool on the Data Menu. I have used this when cells are unexpectedly blank, or when my dates are registering as dates or formulas are registering as formulas. It might help.


Excel - Selecting a cell with a formula - none of the input cells are marked with colour

The input cells are marked with colour upon inserting a formula. But upon selecting formulas, the cells are not dispayed/marked, and this makes the spreadsheet less readable and thereby reduce my workflow.
The problem has been presented here too, but without any proper answer/solution:
Inserting a formula
Selecting a cell with a formula
I did as explained by others in the link provided, but they didn't help unfortunately.
PS. I do have macros enabled, and work with them a bit. But nothing that should turn on/off such functions...
Unfortunately, I didn't manage to identify what caused the problem, and neither the solution.
I ran my macro a couple of times, and it suddenly worked. I don't even remember if it was at the first run.
Sorry guys, for you others might looking for the same solution as I did...
The macros were only making some formulas and autofill them for specific ranges...

Prevent Blank Cells with Data Validation

I'm having a seriously hard time with the simplest of Excel data validations: how do you prevent a blank value? The user needs to enter a number into a cell. If the cell has no value, Excel should throw up an error message. I've tried the following:
=COUNTIF($A5:$A27, "")=0
and a whole assortment of ridiculous Excel gymnastics, but nothing has worked. The Ignore Blank checkbox is off, too. How hard can this be?
This is in Excel 2016 running on Windows 10. I've tried Google searches ad nauseum with different search keywords. I've tried winging it. I've tried searching on here fora simple formula to solve the problem.
Assuming you also don't want to allow a value of 0 to be entered, you can use the following validation. However, validation only applies when you're entering values into a cell. If you're in edit mode, you won't be able to hit Enter while the cell is blank. But there's nothing to stop you from ignoring the cell entirely or even selecting the cell and clearing it's contents using the Delete key.
There's no way for Excel to force fields to be mandatory and with good reason. If Excel wasn't going to let you do anything while a mandatory cell was empty, you would be stuck if there were two mandatory cells because you could never complete one cell without Excel complaining about the other cell.
You can only force cells to be mandatory when you're also running macros which could display error messages instead of performing the required tasks if the mandatory fields aren't all complete.
As per the comment, the best thing to do is highlight empty mandatory cells using conditional formatting. From the Home tab, create conditional formatting based on value equal to 0 then set the background format to red (or whatever you want).

Using an Excel Macro to identify and then filter out specific rows

I've been attempting to create a macro to grab certain rows in my excel sheet to no avail. Here's what I am looking at before.
I need to find the wording "Car result printed - (Car Name)"(shown under A2) and grab the content RIGHT below it and than paste that content to another column. As the second photo shows, F-150 was properly pasted into another column. Instead of a single instance this would have hundreds obviously.
I tried using a variety of macros, but kept getting stonewalled (probably because my lack of VBA). Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you all.

Downloading File with importrange function failing - think it's a bug

I've been saving Google Sheets to Excel without any problems for a while. These sheets have always successfully saved and opened in Excel with the importrange function. However, recently it hasn't been successfully saving correctly.
It used to just have the static value (e.g, 40). There used to be an IFERROR in the first cell in the header row but now it exists in every single cell.
E.g, each cell would have something like this:
DUMMYFUNCTION throws an error and "40" is returned as a result. but "40" is a string, not an integer which messes up all my formulas.
I also know this isn't an Excel issue because OpenOffice is doing the same thing with the file.
I'm pretty sure this would be a bug because why would it be working for months and then suddenly stop working?
What should I do?
I'm thinking it's a bug too.
On Excel
Copy and paste as values only the ranges with IFERROR(__xludf.DUMMYFUNCTION(..., then use Excel's UI tools to convert numbers shown as text to numbers.
Selectively remove quotes on the IFERROR second argument of the cells causing problems
Remove =IFERROR(__xludf.DUMMYFUNCTION(),"value") except value (we could use Excel's built-in FIND & REPLACE for this)
On Google Sheets
Use Copy > Paste as values only on the range areas having formulas with non-compatible functions like IMPORTRANGE, QUERY, FILTER, etc.
If you only need the values, download it as CSV instead of XLSX
In order to help to prioritize this issue, send feedback to Google. To do this open a Google Sheets spreadsheet, click on Help > Report a problem, then fill the feedback form and submit it.
Related stuff
I posted 5 small articles about this in Spanish. You could find them listed on
We accidentally created a workaround for this bug with a different sheet that was just set up like this.
This works when you IMPORTRANGE into another Google Sheet. We are doing it into a Google Sheet with a single worksheet - haven't tried it with multiple.
It's going to sound a little nuts but it works for us.
In the first cell of your import range put a hyperlink in the original document you are importing from. This is in the first cell of the import range. We linked it to a worksheet in the original document. It has worked and failed with an external link. With an external link it worked when I linked it to an internal link, then changed it. But when I deleted the cell and just straight linked it to an external URL it didn't work.
Then #timbo was right - put data validation in. This can be in part of the document that isn't being imported into the second sheet. I put it in the first line of the import range but outside what I was importing. It might have to be the first line. I just put a date in one cell, then in the next cell data > data validation > then choose that one date as the data range.
For aesthetics I have hidden the first row in one Google Sheet I am importing into. In another I made the first cell link the title of the sheet and put the data validation outside the import range. Both of these work.
Let me know if this works for you.
Until this bug is fixed, a workaround is to put a data validation (Data > Data Validation) on the imported data (Any kind of data validation will do).

confluence, excel macro: spaces in imported excel file are breaking the cells in confluence created doc

I have excel file, which I successfully imported to confluence, using Excel from macro browser (just to new blank doc in confluence).
But column width, in which cells values have spaces (like "Values Have Spaces") is broken, and corresponding column looks bad (some rows instead of one in corresponding cells).
Guessing: its due to the spaces. If change with smth like "no_spaces_now" - rows became ok in excel confluence file.
How to fix this without removing spaces? (Rows in original local Excel file are looking good).
Problem is partially fixed with proposed by Jeeped checking/setting the formats. Other problem (with absence of horisontal scrolling for excel on confluence, at least in this case) raised with Atlassian.
this question will be closed as answered.
I just ran into this, myself.
Imported Excel seemed to justify any of my columns, so the spacing looked ugly, as in the OP's attached image. I did not do any formatting to default excel columns (I try to avoid formatting or anything fancy in excel as importing to confluence always results in some sort of uglifying of excel)
Anyways, the fix for me was to Center (horizontal) my excel text (which obviously looks ugly in Excel). Doing this meant my cell text in the imported table is now aligned left, rather than Justified.
If anyone has found a better solution, and can properly describe it, I would be delighted to hear. :)
