How can I obtain the .dll's from a NuGet package? - nuget-package

I need the .dll's for Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc version 15. How can I obtain them?
It seems that this is distributed as a "NuGet package". Fair enough, but the computer (B) I need it for does not have the means to download it.
I need to obtain the .dll's on my own computer (A) and then transfer them to the other computer (B).


How to build MSI package on a linux server?

I have a windows desktop application which is currently available on a Linux server for download on user's machine. I want to automate the process of MSI packaging on the same Linux server using any EXE/DLL.
I have an App.exe and App.txt file. Some information should be read from text file and injected into exe before creating an MSI package. This entire process has to happen dynamically in the Linux server only after the user clicks on download.
Can anybody point me in the right direction as to how i can achieve my goal? I want to achieve the same by having minimum dependencies on any additional/3rd party tool. TIA for any time and effort.
p.s - I have done some R&D about various installers but none of them were matching the criteria as they have too many dependencies.
False Positive Risk: Creating a new binary for every user would seem to be very unwise because of malware scanners and their ability to recognize "known" versions of binaries (by hash).
If you create a new binary for each user, the malware suite might suddenly start to quarantine your setup without any warning or sense. This problem is not trivial anymore as malware control is hardened everywhere and setups that run with elevated rights are "prime suspects for risk management".
Digital signatures can help, but they are merely a guarantee that you made the setup, and not a guarantee that the setup doesn't contain anything harmful. Nothing worse than signed malware vectors. In fact it is proof positive that the malware came from you :-). Note: some people even manage to tamper with signed executables. The combination of the latter two fact is very troubling.
Application Setup: I like to eliminate such features and details from the setup and make the application itself responsible for it own configuration on first launch after installation. I find this more reliable and easier to debug.
Custom Configuration: You can apply custom configuration information at runtime via various mechanisms. You should add in a transform, or you can create a batch file next to the setup with this information embedded and pass to the MSI or the setup.exe.
Batch File?: The msiexec.exe command line supports passing parameters to the MSI. You can generate a batch file that will run the setup with such parameters if you design your setup to support these "incoming" parameters.
msiexec.exe /i myinstaller.msi ADDLOCAL="Program,Dictionaries" SERIALKEY="1234-1234" /qn
Transform: You can also create a transform to contain the parameters (a transform is a tiny MSI fragment with settings and changes to the original MSI):
msiexec.exe /i myinstaller.msi TRANSFORMS="mytransform.mst" /qn
A transform would be difficult to create on a Linux box, seeing as they are COM-structured storage files native to Windows only. I am not sure if it is even possible, but maybe.
Some Links:
Can the resulting command line be determined after running an .msi installer?
Change Program Name and Shortcut Title during installation
How to make better use of MSI files
We have had some success with wixl from msitools.
Also WiX will run under WINE.
However, in both cases we have not had EmbedCab="yes" work, which may or may not affect you.

Can i get source code of msi file in linux and add some conditions?

i have a .msi file . i want to add functionality in the installer.
i want to add
License Key Condition ,when someone try to install the application.
i don't want others to use this application. Only for those who have key for this software.Please help me if you can. Thanks
This question needs some improvement and clarification I think, but I will attempt an answer.
The application itself should be designed to allow license keys to only be accessible for certain users. Generally this involves storing the license in HKCU rather than HKLM. You cannot really change this in the setup, it is the application that will expect to read the license key from a predetermined source. Some applications are able to store license keys both per-user or per-machine - it all depends on its design. What application is this?
One way to "emulate" this for applications that only register the license key per-machine (for all users), is to remove the shortcuts to launch the application for users who do not have rights to use the application. This can involve installing the MSI "per-user", but it doesn't always work as intended.
It also depends on how you will distribute this software. Does it get installed remotely from a deployment system such as SCCM, or will you install interactively on every computer? If the latter is the case, you can install as the user who will use the application, and check if there is an option called "Install for current user" (or equivalent). If you deploy remotely you should create a transform to set the same option (install for current user) and invoke the install via SCCM whilst that user is logged in.
Where does Linux fit into this equation? Are you running Wine or some emulation software?

How should I go about using a temporarily changed copy of a DLL locally when it's been checked in to TFS?

We have a Libraries folder where we keep third-party DLLs and our own utility DLLs for all applications to reference. I want to do development against one of our utility DLLs and an application that consumes it at the same time. But if I check out the library DLL to change it for temporary local use, TFS insists on checking it out exclusively, which trips other people up. I understand the reasoning behind it doing that (hard/impossible to merge a DLL, so two people shouldn't be working on one at the same time), but I just want to mess with my local copy while I'm working on the library it represents.
I suppose I could delete my application's reference to the DLL and recreate the reference pointing to some other place, but of course this just begs for me to forget and check it in like that, which would obviously be bad. Not to mention that this is a pain in the neck.
How should I proceed in such a situation?
You are using a server workspace that does not allow editing outwith TFS. In TFS 2012 local workspaces were introduced which do not have a read only flag for files and you are free to edit at will.
You can change your existing workspace in a few clicks:
You could just go into the file system and mark the file as writeable. Once you are happy the binary is good you could check it out, copy the new version of the file over and check it back in again. TFS marks binary files like this as locked for good reason, as you can't merge them in the way you can with textual content.
The best approach would be to use a NuGet repository to manage your binary dependencies, instead of relying on binaries checked into source control.

CentOS 5.8 ISO with custom packages

How can I create a CentOS 5.8 .iso image with custom packages? I have to create an iso with only the packages needed for our production system. I already have all the rpms with their dependencies resolved in a folder. I have successfully created a repository from that folder with createrepo.
As I understand it, I should put the rpm files in the CentOS folder, and repodata folder should contain the metadata needed for a package manager. I don't know if I should modify the existing comps.xml file or create a new one, or which structure to use, since this is only a subset of packages contained on a default CentOS installation disk.
I know it is probably futile to delete packages from the default iso, but that is my work order and there's not much to be done there. (There are also some packages not available in the default iso)
Much appreciated
I feel as though your question is a bit vague for a topic with this sort of breadth but I'll do my best to offer an answer. I think you should use Kickstart for this task as it's going to result in a much happier customer whether they're internal or external, and easier management for you going forward when things get updated. Start by reviewing the CentOS documentation, if you are already this far and just asking about removing packages, check out this section of the docs, it talks about specifying your packages and removing the ones you don't want.
If you only have the one style of production machine, then this should take care of it. if you have multiple different configurations I'd suggest taking a look at a configuration management tool such as Ansible, Puppet, or Salt. This would allow you to provide a base image via Kickstart, then build off of that image depending on the needs of whoever is consuming the system.

Multiple cab installer for Windows Mobile with CE kernel in lazarus

Spending more than an hour on figuring out if an equivalent solution to the problem of Multiple CAB installer exists for Windows Mobile in the lazarus cross-platfor compiler I have become tired? I mean the code that represents roughly the same functionality as:
but as far as I can say it is not possible by interior inf declaration, nor by:
Do you know any solution to that?
You are confusing two concepts with one. The first link describes how to use ActiveSync's deployment architecture to deploy multiple CAB files from the PC serially. One CAB file is pushed down to the device and extracted, then the next is pushed down and extracted. This is done by hooking into the extensibility for a desktop MSI file and Windows installer.
This should work fine for any set of CABs - Lazarus or not. To this system a CAB file is a CAB file, the contents are not relevant.
The second link is a description of an INF file (among other thigs). This is an input file for CABWIZ.exe, which is a desktop tool that simply generates CAB files that can be used on a WinMo/WinCE device. even if you generate a CAB that contains another CAB with CABWIZ, the device side of things (wceload.exe) does not support extracting a CAb within a CAB.
It's a fundamental limitation that you can't avoid. To make things worse, newer versions of WinMo can't have two instances of wceload running, so you can't launch (via a custom installer DLL) a second instance of WCELOAD to extract an internal CAB.
You best solution is to not try. Just extract everything for your app on your PC - app, references, resources - everything. Then create an INF to package it all into one CAB (not a CAB inside a CAB) and then deploy that CAB.
