What happens to events in event hub after stream analytics does it works and routes them to service bus? - azure

I have following scenario:
The event hub (EH1) is configured with a retention policy of 7 days.
Producers publish events to EH1.
The events from EH1 are routed from stream analytics (SA) (after performing certain calculations over 1 hour time windows) to service bus, which gets both raw events (as messages) as well as summarized calculations.
Lets say over 24 hour period of day 1, producers publish 1 million events to EH1.
SA kicks in and routes the raw events as well as summarized calculations (over 1 hour periods) to service bus.
Assume that after day 1, there are no events pushed to EH1 for next 15 days.
How long will the 1 million raw events (from day 1) stay in EH1?
Will those 1 million raw events (from day 1) be still there on day 2 (after 1st hour) through day 7 (because the retention policy is 7)? Or will they be gone after day 1 when SA is done processing all those events? If neither, what else happens?
What metrics should I look at in EH1 to prove what ever the answer is to both (1) and (2)?

First of all, you should take a look at the consumer group first.
In short, when consumers(like any app or code which are used to receive events from eventhub) read events, it must read the events via a consumer group(we named it cg_1 here) -> then for the next time, you read events from cg_1 again, the events(which you have already read) will not be read again.
But if you switch to another consumer group(like you newly create a consumer group named cg_2), you can read all the data(even though the data has been read from cg_1) again.
So for your questions:
Since you have configured the retention policy of 7 days, the events(raw data) will be kept in eventhub for 7 days. If the events have been received via a consumer group, you cannot receive it again via this consumer group. But you can use another consumer group to receive the data again.
Similar to question 1, the raw events will be stored in eventhub according to the retention days you have configured.
#There is no such metrics, but you can easily write client codes, and create a new consumer group, then read the data to check if it's there.


Azure Function with Event Hub trigger receives weird amount of events

I have an Event Hub and Azure Function connected to it. With small amounts of data all works well, but when I tested it with 10 000 events, I got very peculiar results.
For test purposes I send into Event hub numbers from 0 to 9999 and log data in application insights and in service bus. For the first test I see in Azure that hub got exactly 10 000 events, but service bus and AI got all messages between 0 and 4500, and every second message after 4500 (so it lost about 30%). In second test, I got all messages from 0 to 9999, but every second message between 3500 and 3200 was duplicated. I would like to get all messages once, what did I do wrong?
public async Task Run([EventHubTrigger("%EventHubName%", Connection = "AzureEventHubConnectionString")] EventData[] events, ILogger log)
int id = _random.Next(1, 100000);
_context.Log.TraceInfo("Started. Count: " + events.Length + ". " + id); //AI log
foreach (var message in events)
//log with ASB
var mess = new Message();
mess.Body = message.EventBody.ToArray();
await queueClient.SendAsync(mess);
_context.Log.TraceInfo("Completed. " + id); //AI log
By using EventData[] events, you are reading events from hub in batch mode, thats why you see X events processing at a time then next seconds you process next batch.
Instead of EventData[] use simply EventData.
When you send events to hub check that all events are sent with the same partition key if you want try batch processing otherwise they can be splitted in several partitions depending on TU (throughput units), PU (Processing Units) and CU (Capacity Units).
Egress: Up to 2 MB per second or 4096 events per second.
Refer to this document.
Throughput limits for Basic, Standard, Premium..:
There are a couple of things likely happening, though I can only speculate with the limited context that we have. Knowing more about the testing methodology, tier of your Event Hubs namespace, and the number of partitions in your Event Hub would help.
The first thing to be aware of is that the timing between when an event is published and when it is available in a partition to be read is non-deterministic. When a publish operation completes, the Event Hubs broker has acknowledged receipt of the events and taken responsibility for ensuring they are persisted to multiple replicas and made available in a specific partition. However, it is not a guarantee that the event can immediately be read.
Depending on how you sent the events, the broker may also need to route events from a gateway by performing a round-robin or applying a hash algorithm. If you're looking to optimize the time from publish to availability, taking ownership of partition distribution and publishing directly to a partition can help, as can ensuring that you're publishing with the right degree of concurrency for your host environment and scenario.
With respect to duplication, it's important to be aware that Event Hubs offers an "at least once" guarantee; your consuming application should expect some duplicates and needs to be able to handle them in the way that is appropriate for your application scenario.
Azure Functions uses a set of event processors in its infrastructure to read events. The processors collaborate with one another to share work and distribute the responsibility for partitions between them. Because collaboration takes place using storage as an intermediary to synchronize, there is an overlap of partition ownership when instances are scaled up or scaled down, during which time the potential for duplication is increased.
Functions makes the decision to scale based on the number of events that it sees waiting in partitions to be read. In the case of your test, if your publication pattern increases rapidly and Functions sees "the event backlog" grow to the point that it feels the need to scale by multiple instances, you'll see more duplication than you otherwise would for a period of 10-30 seconds until partition ownership normalizes. To mitigate this, using an approach of gradually increasing speed of publishing over a 1-2 minute period can help to smooth out the scaling and reduce (but not eliminate) duplication.

Does IoTHub delay messages by a batching interval in a custom endpoint to Azure Storage?

I am sending some messages in a pipeline using Azure IoT Edge. There is a custom endpoint (say, GenericEndpoint) that I have set up, which will send/put the messages to Azure Blob storage. I am using a route to push the device messages to the specific endpoint GenericEndpoint.
The batch frequency of GenericEndpoint is set at 60 seconds. So 1 batch creates 1 single file with some messages, in the container specified.
Lets say, there are N messages in a single blob batch file (say, blobX) in the specific container. If I take the average of the difference between the IoTHub.EnqueuedTime(i) of each message i, in blobX and the 'Creation Time' of blobX, and call it AVG, I get:
I think, this essentially gives me the average time that those N messages spent in iothub before being written in the blob storage. Now what I observe here is that, if p and q are respectively the first and last message written in blobX, then
But since the batching interval was set to 60 seconds, I would expect this average or AVG to be approximately near 30 seconds. Because, if the messages are written as soon as they arrive, then the average for each batch file would be near 30 seconds.
But in my case, AVG ≈ 90 seconds, which suggests the messages wait for atleast approximately one batching interval (60 seconds in this case) before being considered for a particular batch.
Assumption: When a batch of messages are written in a blob file, they are written all at once.
My question:
Is this delay of one batch interval or 60 seconds intentional? If yes, then I assume it will change on changing the batching interval to say 100 seconds.
If, no, then, does it usually take 60 seconds to process a message in iothub and then send it through a route to a custom endpoint? Or am I looking at this from a completely wrong angle?
I apologize beforehand if my question seems confusing.

Solution for delaying events for N days

We're currently writing an application in Microsoft Azure and we're planning to use Event Hubs to handle processing of real time events.
However, after an initial processing we will have to delay further processing of the events for N number of days. The process will work like this:
Event triggered -> Place event in Event Hub -> Event gets fetched from Event Hub and processed -> Event should be delay for X days -> Event gets' further processed (two last steps might be a loop)
How can we achieve this delay of further event processing without using polling or similar strategies. One idea is to use Azure Queues and their visibility timeout, but 7 days is the supported maximum according to the documentation and our business demands are in the 1-3 months maximum range. Number of events in our system should be max 10k per day.
Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!
As you already mentioned - EventHubs supports only 7 days window of data to be retained.
Event Hubs are typically used as real-time telemetry data pipe-lines where data seek performance is critical. For 99.9% usecases/scenarios our users typically require last couple of hours, if not seconds.
However, after the real-time processing is over, and If you still need to re-analyze the data after a while, for ex: run a Hadoop job on last months data - our seek pattern & store are not optimized for it. We recommend to forward the messages to other data archival stores which are specialized for big-data queries.
As - data archival is an ask that most of our customers naturally look for - we are releasing a new feature which automatically archives the data in AVRO format into Azure storage.

Send million events to Azure event hub every 5 seconds

I have a simple requirement, 1 million devices need to send a simple heartbeat to the event hub every 5 seconds, that works out to 200000 events per second. Since 1 throughput unit supports only 1000 events\sec, do I really need to purchase 200 throughput units to implement a simple heartbeat mechanism?
I'm really wondering about the claim of event hub supporting millions of events per second, how is that possible if a throughput unit only supports 1000. I need a HUGE number of throughput units and that's going to burn every last dollar. Unless I'm really missing something.

Azure ServiceBus Eventhub, is the "offset" still available/durable when some of event data is expired?

When I write some code to test the EventHub which is a newly released on azure service bus.
As there is very few article online and msdn also do not have rich documentation about the detail of event hub. So I hope someone could share your experience for my question.
For EventHub, we have following statement:
we use "offset" to remember where we are when reading the event data from some partition
the event data on the EventHub would be expired (automatically?) after some configurable time span
So my question is, can the offset still be available/durable when some of the event data is deleted as the result of expiration?
For example, we have following data on one of partition:
M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 ( oldest --> latest )
After my processing logic runs, let's say that I have processed M1 and M2, so the offset would be the start of M2(when use exclusive mode).
After some time, and if my service is down during that time. M1 is deleted as the result of expiration. so the partition would become:
M2 | M3 | M4 | M.... ( oldest -> latest )
In this case, when my server is restart again, is the offset i stored before is still be available to be used to read from M3?
We can also image this case on runtime when my consumer server is reading the event data on eventhub when some of the oldest event data is expired, does the offset still be available on runtime?
Thanks for any sharing of this question.
Based upon how various parts of the documentation is written I believe you will start from the beginning of the current stream as desired if your starting offset is no longer available. EventProcessorHost should follow similar restrictions. Since the sequence numbers are 64 bits, I would expect one of those to be able to serve as an offset within a partition since they monotonically increase without being recycled. The offset should have a similar property. So if EventHubs are designed in a reasonable fashion (ie like similar solutions), then the offsets within partitions can hold despite data expiration. But since I have not yet tested this myself, I will be very unhappy if it is not so, and I'd expect an Azure person to be able to give true confirmation.
