Azure Kubernetes - Auto-scaling & Nodeselector, Taint and Tolerance? - azure

I have an AKS cluster with the below configuration
Windows Node Pools - 1
Nodes - 2
Node Labels - 2 : app1, app2
Pods - 4 : two pods for each app, node is selected based on the nodeselector
Pod uses Taint & Tolerance
Node auto-scaling is enabled
Now, lets says if a new node is created to support the additional load of app1. would that new node labelled automatically and taint is applied so that app1 can be deployed on that node?

When you create a nodepool, you can specify labels and taints (--nodetaints) that would be applied automatically. Once the nodepool is created, I don't think you can currently go back and add that auto-label or auto-tainting ability.


Azure Kubernetes - System and User pool

I configured system and user pool on Azure AKS instances. I follow this guide:
Microrosft Guide
before the activity we only had system type pools for applications and system pods as well.
I did the following steps:
creation of a system type pool and set of the following taint "CriticalAddonsOnly = true: NoSchedule" (to avoid deployment on the system pool for application microservices)
conversion of old pools from system to users
restart the following deployments:
to allow the scheduling of system pods also on the pool system since they are not automatically scheduled after pool creation.
Now i'm noticing that the system pods have now been scheduled on the pool system as well but I keep seeing the same pods on all other nodes. Even if I brutally delete them from the user pools, they are immediately redeployed on them. Is the behavior correct? Logically if I have a pool system all pods should only be on that pool and none on the user pool?
As per Microsoft official documentation, these are the some features of user node pool and system node pool.
System Node Pool:
Must be running Linux.
They can have a minimum of 1 node, but it is recommended to have 2 nodes or 3 if it is your only Linux node pool.
They only support AKS cluster running on Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
The nodes need at least 2 vCPUs and 4GB memory.
They need to support at least 30 pods.
Cannot be made up of Spot VM’s.
Can have multiple system node pools.
If only one system node pool, it cannot be deleted.
Can be changed to a user node pool if you have another system node pool.
User Node Pool:
User node pools can be either Linux or Windows.
Can scale down to 0 nodes.
Can be deleted with no issues.
Spot VM’s can be used
Can be changed to a system node pool.
Can have as many user node pols as Azure will let you.
As per pod definitions, system pods are bound to be scheduled on system node pool unless controlled by DaemonSet. If a system pod is controlled by DaemonSet, it is bound to be scheduled to on every node present in a cluster regardless of pool type. My cluster has 4 nodes. 2 systems, 2 user. So these system pods exist in kube-system namespace have replicas each for one node.
kubectl get ds -n kube-system
ama-logs 4 4 4 4 4 <none> 14d
azure-cni-networkmonitor 4 4 4 4 4 <none> 540d
azure-ip-masq-agent 4 4 4 4 4 <none> 540d
kube-proxy 4 4 4 4 4 <none> 540d
To further controll the behaviour of application pod to be not scheduled on system pool. You can add tain on System node pool by this and all application pods will be only scheduled on user node pool.
az aks nodepool add \
--resource-group myResourceGroup \
--cluster-name myAKSCluster \
--name systempool \
--node-count 3 \
--node-taints CriticalAddonsOnly=true:NoSchedule \
--mode System
AKS prefer system nodepool when scheduling system pods, but it's not guaranteed that system pods won't be put on a user nodepool when system nodepool does not have enough capacity to schedule all system pods.
Have you checked if your system pool has the required capacity for all system pods?
see the limitaions section of the page you mentioned.

How to dictate a master pod with NodeJS app

I'm trying to run a deployment of my NodeJS application in EKS with a ReplicaSet dictating that 3 pods should be run of the application. However, I'm trying to make some logic exclusive to one of the Pods, calling it the "master" version of the application.
Is it possible to either a) have a different environment like IS_MASTER passed to just that pod or to otherwise tell from within the application that it's running on the "master pod" without multiple deployments?
You can have a sticky identity for each pods using StatefulSets
Quoting docs
Like a Deployment, a StatefulSet manages Pods that are based on an identical container spec. Unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet maintains a sticky identity for each of their Pods. These pods are created from the same spec, but are not interchangeable: each has a persistent identifier that it maintains across any rescheduling.
Pods will have the hostnames foo-{0..N-1} given N replicas, you can do some sort of check for a master like if the hostname is foo-0 then it is master.

MongoDB change stream - Duplicate records / Multiple listeners

My question is an extension of the earlier discussion here:
Mongo Change Streams running multiple times (kind of): Node app running multiple instances
In my case, the application is deployed on Kubernetes pods. There will be at least 3 pods and a maximum of 5 pods. The solution mentioned in the above link suggests to use <this instance's id> in the $mod operator. Since the application is deployed to K8s pods, pod names are dynamic. How can I achieve a similar solution for my scenario?
if you are running stateless workload i am not sure why you want to fix name of POD(deployment).
Fixing PODs names is only possible with stateful sets.
You should be using statefulset instead of deployment, replication controllers(RC), however, replication controllers are replaced with ReplicaSets.
StatefulSet Pods have a unique identity comprised of an ordinal. For any StatefulSet with N replicas, each Pod in the StatefulSet will be assigned an integer ordinal, from 0 up through N-1, which will be unique across Set.

Manage Docker containers at low scale

I have deployed 5 apps using Azure container instances, these are working fine, the issue I have is that currently, all containers are running all the time, which gets expensive.
What I want to do is to start/stop instances when required using for this a Master container or VM that will be working all the time.
This master service gets a request to spin up service number 3 for 2 hours then shut it down and all other containers will be off until they receive a similar request.
For my use case, each service will be used for less than 5 hours a day most of the time.
Now, I know Kubernetes its an engine made to manage containers but all examples I have found are for high scale services, not for 5 services with only one container each, also not sure if Kubernetes allows to have all the containers off most of the time.
What I was thinking on is to handle all these throw some API, but I'm not fiding any service in Azure that allows something similar to this, I have only found options to create new containers, not to spin up and shut them down.
Also, this apps run process that are to heavy to have them on a serverless platform.
Solution is to define horizontal pod autoscaler for your deployment.
The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with custom metrics support, on some other application-provided metrics). Note that Horizontal Pod Autoscaling does not apply to objects that can’t be scaled, for example, DaemonSets.
The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is implemented as a Kubernetes API resource and a controller. The resource determines the behavior of the controller. The controller periodically adjusts the number of replicas in a replication controller or deployment to match the observed average CPU utilization to the target specified by user.
Configuration file should looks like this:
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: hpa-images-service
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: example-deployment
minReplicas: 2
maxReplicas: 100
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 75
scaleRef should refer toyour deployment definition and minReplicas you can set as 0, value of targetCPUUtilization you can set according to your preferences.. Such approach should help you to save money due to termination pod which have high CPU utilization.
Kubernetes official documentation: kubernetes-hpa.
GKE autoscaler documentation: gke-autoscaler.
Useful blog about saving cash using GCP: kubernetes-google-cloud.

Scale Azure nginx ingress controller

We have a K8s cluster on Azure (aks). On this cluster, we added a loadbalancer on the setup which installed an nginx-ingress controller.
Looking at the deployments:
addon-http-application-routing-default-http-backend 1
addon-http-application-routing-external-dns 1
addon-http-application-routing-nginx-ingress-controller 1
I see there is 1 of each running. Now I find very little information if these should be scaled (there is 1 pod each) and if they should, how?
I've tried running
kubectl scale deployment addon-http-application-routing-nginx-ingress-controller --replicas=3
Which temporarily scales it to 3 pods, but after a few moments, it is downscaled again.
So again, are these supposed to be scaled? Why? How?
For those that missed it like I did: The AKS addon-http-application is not ready for production, it is there to quickly set you up and start experimenting. Which is why I wasn't able to scale it properly.
Read more
That's generally the way how you do it:
$ kubectl scale deployment addon-http-application-routing-nginx-ingress-controller --replicas=3
However, I suspect you have an HPA configured which will scale up/down depending on the load or some metrics and has the minReplicas spec set to 1. You can check with:
$ kubectl get hpa
$ kubectl describe hpa <hpa-name>
If that's the case you can scale up by just patching the HPA:
$ kubectl patch hpa <hpa-name> -p '{"spec": {"minReplicas": 3}}'
or edit it manually:
$ kubectl edit hpa <hpa-name>
More information on HPAs here.
And yes, the ingress controllers are supposed to be scaled up and down depending on the load.
In AKS, being a managed service, this "system" workloads like kube-dns and the ingress controller, are managed by the service itself and they cannot be modified by the user (because they're labeled with Reconcile, which forces the current configuration to reflect what's on disk at /etc/kubernetes/addons on the masters).
