Docusign: PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED when using docusign.esign.dll 5.0.0 - docusignapi

When I am using same development keys and private rsa key in sample app provided by docusign then that is working. But when using same keys in my application is shows below error while creating envelope.
Sample app has docusign.esign.dll 4.1.1 and in my case its docusign.esign.dll 5.0.0.
Anything I am missing while calling CreateEnvelope or is there any configuration issue?

I can't see the code you used to obtain accessToken, but you should ensure that you provided the correct information and the same environment (account-d vs.
Also, you create a new Configuration() object called config, but then use _configuration in the code I can use. This is a bit odd. I wonder if you set the BaseUrl correctly for the _configuration object you did use.
Also, you need to pass the config object when to the API so that it is used.


BIM360 Issues editor Forge Node JS App -trying to run on localhost 3000

I am trying to work with the BIM 360 Issue Editor created by Petr and available on github
I have added all the dependencies,etc. but seem to be stuck with the configuration.
I am testing on local host and I am getting invalid URI error, what would be the correct configuration variables for launch.json file for
Also there is SENDGRID_API_KEY required, which throws an error on the console, I add the key from SendGrid in config.js, and the error goes away. Is it correct?
Please suggest. Thanks
Here's more details about the env. variables:
HOST_URL is just the host/port the app is listening on (for example, http://localhost:3000)
This value is used to built the callback URL for the 3-legged OAuth workflow; for example, if the host URL is http://localhost:3000, the callback URL will be http://localhost:3000/auth/callback
Note that the same callback URL must be configured for your Forge app on
SERVER_SESSION_SECRET is an arbitrary string that will be used to encrypt/decrypt browser cookies
CLI_CONFIG_PASSWORD is only needed when you want to use the command-line utility that's part of the sample code; in that case the configuration for the CLI utility will be zipped in a password-protected *.zip file using this env. variable as the password
SENDGRID_API_KEY is also optional and only needed if you want the app to send email notifications to users who triggered the Excel export

how to set default application version in azure batch using java sdk

Is there a way to set the default application version in azure batch account using java sdk?
The sample script that they have in the git does not show how to set the default version(
Also I was trying to dig in the interface( to get some clues but couldn't see anything that supports updating the default version.
I was able to get the version update working following #brklein suggestion:
BatchApplication batchApplication = batchAccount.applications().get(applicationName)
ApplicationTokenCredentials credentials = new ApplicationTokenCredentials(applicationId, tenantId, appSecret, AzureEnvironment.AZURE)
BatchManager batchManager = BatchManager.authenticate(credentials, subscriptionId)
ApplicationsInner applicationsInner = batchManager.inner().applications()
ApplicationUpdateParameters parameters = new ApplicationUpdateParameters(defaultVersion: DEFAULT_APP_VERSION)
applicationsInner.update(resourceGroupName, batchAccountName,, parameters)
It does not appear that default version is being surface at the client layer of the SDK.
To get around this you should be able to call the implementation methods manually, which have the full functionality of the REST API (as they are auto-generated).
To do this create either CreateApplicationParameters or ApplicationUpdateParameters and set the defaultVersion property. Then you can call the implementations create or update methods manually (

Precompiled Azure Function and SOAP endpoints

I'm writing a precompiled Azure function that will perform a SOAP call to ServiceNow. The code works as a standalone exe but I can't seem to get it converted to a precompiled function. In know it's because my DLL can't find the app.config file but what's the best way to get around it. Error message below. ServiceNow requires I set certain bindings and endpoint configuration. The other contractors for their ServiceNowSoapClient class allow me to specify a url directly but don't seem to allow me to get to the binding settings.
Exception while executing function: Functions.TimerTriggerCSharp.
System.ServiceModel: Could not find endpoint element with name
'ServiceNowSoapDev' and contract 'ServiceNowReference.ServiceNowSoap'
in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be
because no configuration file was found for your application, or
because no endpoint element matching this name could be found in the
client element.
In WCF you can define your client binding and endpoint programmatically instead of using app.config. Use the constructor of the generated client with two parameters:
new ServiceNowSoapClient(binding, remoteAddress);
See more code here.

SendGrid API Key is not working. "The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired or revoked"

SendGrid seems to be preventing my node js server from sending emails.
I get this error message in the response on sending off an email:
The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired or revoked
I have an API key setup as well and have followed the documentation.
You need to use the API KEY GENERATED
Sendgrid only displays the generated key once when you create it.
If you didn't record it somewhere when you created the key you'll need to create a new key and then you'll probably want to delete the old key since it would be useless if you don't know what it is.
FYI: The API key in the screenshot above is already deleted. I deleted it right away so please don't worry about me leaking that key.
This is a late answer and JAVA oriented.. But I simply copied the docs and didn't notice..
SendGrid sg = new SendGrid(System.getenv("SENDGRID_API_KEY"));
I just put my key in there and didn't see the getEnv. Silly of course.. but when trying to get things to work quickly...
For me I just had to generate a new API key. For some weird reason the former API key has become invalid, so I also added an alert for this case
In Sendgrid v3, I had the similar issue when using env variable in Node JS. If I use env variable, I get the above issue. But if I drop the string into the require process, it works.
Doesn't Work:
var sg = require('sendgrid')(process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY);
var sg = require('sendgrid')('SG.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX');
Replace SG.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with API Key Generated (which you can only see once during key generation).
Note : Make sure you don't save this to public repository. If you do anyone can use your API Key and also your account will be suspended by Sendgrid team temporarily until you remove it from repository.
In my case I was trying to debug the connection by using telnet and kept getting rejected.
Turns out that these two are not equivalent, echo will include \n in the encoded string.
echo 'apikey' | base64
printf 'apikey' | base64
So yeah, make sure you don't include the newline in the API key.
If you are using node js,
make sure you have the require('dotenv').config()line inside the file that needs the sendgrid/nodemailer module.
Without it, the sendgrid transporter will have an undefined value instead of the api_key.
Here's my solution:
Install the dotenv package: npm i dotenv
Go to the earliest entry point of your application(i.e index.js) and put this at the top:
const dotenv = require('dotenv').config();
Create a .env file and add SENDGRID_API_KEY=<YOUR_API_KEY>. NO quotes '' or "".
In your file which you use sendgrid, add this to the top:
const sgMail = require('#sendgrid/mail');
It might be late for an answer but for people who are getting the same problem in spring boot
it might be caused at initialization when you are using env or property value
i was initializing the variable in the constructor before the value was loaded by spring and it was giving the same output. so either initialize it in the method you are calling the SendGrid function or do it after values are loaded
Instead of using,
api_key: ${process.env.SENDGRIDAPIKEY}
api_key: "" + ${process.env.SENDGRIDAPIKEY} + ""
worked for me,
For me; I've just created a new API key and then it works again.
I'm %100 sure it was working with no any code change.
Maybe it is an issue with SendGrid or some sort of security action from SendGrid.
I had the same issue, it disappeared after I verified my email address and enabled 2FA.

Foxx oauth2 configuration

To play with the demo-sessions app, I've got the oauth2 app mounted on /oauth2 as required.
In arangodb/Foxx doc, the oauth2 endpoints seems to be defined as strings (i.e )
But when I perform that with correct urls, and try to play with oauth, I've got an error :
...\oauth2\APP\manifest.json\": attribute child \"authEndpoint\" fails because [\"authEndpoint\" must be an object] (was \"[object Object]\").]","...
Oauth endpoints definitions are expected to be objects, not strings.
So what is the correct configuration for Foxx oauth2 ?
Thanks for help,
I can't reproduce your problem but the OAuth2 app has been updated for ArangoDB 2.7. You can still install odler versions of the OAuth2 app from the "install from GitHub" dialog, though.
I understand my mistake. In the code of the oauth2 2.0 release, the manifest just references the export.js file. In the previous release (1.2), a providers.js file was supplied and referenced in the manifest. Then in this previous release, it was possible to use different providers (what I want) as described in the 1.2 setup.js.
var providers = db._collection(providersName);
I just fetch the files providers.js, and setup.js from 1.2 github tag and configure them for my configuration, and that's ok.
