How to write script for arithmetic mean of even numbers - linux

I have to write a script in bash where I have to provide 10 numbers to the table. Then script have to write the content out and arithmetic mean of even numbers. I did like 90% of the script, but I can't find out how to extract information about quantity of even numbers that is needed for arithmetic mean.
Here is my code:
echo "Provide data:"
for (( i = 0 ; i < 10; i++ ))
echo "Provide $[$i+1] number:"
read x
if [ "$x" = "" ]
echo "Provided data: ${table[*]}"
for (( i = 0 ; i < 10; i++))
if [ $res -eq 0 ]
echo "Number ${table[i]} is even"
echo "SUM:$[$result]"

ignoring data input adding only odd inputs can look like :
$ cat
declare -A xDarray
xDarray[0 1]=1
xDarray[0 2]=3
xDarray[1 0]=2
xDarray[2 0]=4
for var in ${xDarray[#]}
if [ $(( $var & 1 )) == 0 ] ; then
echo $var is even
sum=$(( $sum + $var))
var=$(echo ${tab[#]} | sed 's/ / + /g' )
echo $var = $sum
result in
$ ./
2 is even
4 is even
2 + 4 = 6
whatever the number of data is used it would work
I let you work around your data input

Here are some suggested modifications for your script, syntax is simple.
for (( i=1;i<=10;i++ )); do
while [[ ! $number =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; do
printf "Please enter number $i:\n"
read number
printf "\nProvided numbers:"
printf " %d" "${arr[#]}"
printf "\nEven numbers:"
for x in "${arr[#]}"; do
if ! (( x % 2 )); then
printf " %d" "$x"
s=$(( s + x ))
(( n++ ))
m=$(( s / n ))
printf "\nMean of the %d even numbers: %d / %d = %d\n" "$n" "$s" "$n" "$m"
Use an array arr to hold the input numbers, declare with arr=(), append numbers with arr+=($x), we refer only ${arr[#]} for all the items and we avoid any other complex array references, indices etc.
Every input number is tested against regular expression ^[0-9]+$ which means one or more digits (and only digits) with the =~ operator, and if this is not true, we prompt again for the same i-th input number.
Also we prefer printf for printing.
The last loop is the standard array loop, where we use again the arithmetic expansion syntax to find the even numbers, to add them to the sum and get the mean of them (result is an integer).
If you want to print a decimal result, e.g. with 2 floating points, you could use bc and printf "%f" like this:
m=$( bc <<< "scale=2; $s/$n" )
printf "%.2f" "$m"


Bash script outputs wrong answer [duplicate]

I'm unable to get numeric comparisons working:
echo "enter two numbers";
read a b;
echo "a=$a";
echo "b=$b";
if [ $a \> $b ];
echo "a is greater than b";
echo "b is greater than a";
The problem is that it compares the number from the first digit on, i.e., 9 is bigger than 10, but 1 is greater than 09.
How can I convert the numbers into a type to do a true comparison?
In Bash, you should do your check in an arithmetic context:
if (( a > b )); then
For POSIX shells that don't support (()), you can use -lt and -gt.
if [ "$a" -gt "$b" ]; then
You can get a full list of comparison operators with help test or man test.
Like this:
if [ "$a" -eq "$b" ]; then
echo "They're equal";
Integers can be compared with these operators:
-eq # Equal
-ne # Not equal
-lt # Less than
-le # Less than or equal
-gt # Greater than
-ge # Greater than or equal
See this cheatsheet.
There is also one nice thing some people might not know about:
echo $(( a < b ? a : b ))
This code will print the smallest number out of a and b
In Bash I prefer doing this as it addresses itself more as a conditional operation unlike using (( )) which is more of arithmetic.
[[ n -gt m ]]
Unless I do complex stuff like
(( (n + 1) > m ))
But everyone just has their own preferences. Sad thing is that some people impose their unofficial standards.
You can also do this:
[[ 'n + 1' -gt m ]]
Which allows you to add something else which you could do with [[ ]] besides arithmetic stuff.
The bracket stuff (e.g., [[ $a -gt $b ]] or (( $a > $b )) ) isn't enough if you want to use float numbers as well; it would report a syntax error. If you want to compare float numbers or float number to integer, you can use (( $(bc <<< "...") )).
For example,
if (( $(bc <<<"$a > $b") )); then
echo "a is greater than b"
echo "a is not greater than b"
You can include more than one comparison in the if statement. For example,
if (( $(bc <<<"$b == $c && $b < $a") )); then
echo "b is equal to c but less than a"
echo "b is either not equal to c and/or not less than a"
That's helpful if you want to check if a numeric variable (integer or not) is within a numeric range.
One-line solution.
[[ ${a} -gt ${b} ]] && echo "true" || echo "false"
gt reference:
&& reference:
[[...]] construct reference:
${} reference: (2.6.2)
The format for parameter expansion is as follows:
where expression consists of all characters until the matching '}'.
Any '}' escaped by a or within a quoted string, and
characters in embedded arithmetic expansions, command substitutions,
and variable expansions, shall not be examined in determining the
matching '}'.
The simplest form for parameter expansion is:
This code can also compare floats. It is using AWK (it is not pure Bash). However, this shouldn't be a problem, as AWK is a standard POSIX command that is most likely shipped by default with your operating system.
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 == -1.2345) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 >= -1.2345) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 < -1.2345) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 < 2) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 > 2) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
To make it shorter for use, use this function:
# Function to compare two numbers (float or integers) by using AWK.
# The function will not print anything, but it will return 0 (if the comparison is true) or 1
# (if the comparison is false) exit codes, so it can be used directly in shell one liners.
### Usage ###
### Note that you have to enclose the comparison operator in quotes.
# compare_nums 1 ">" 2 # returns false
# compare_nums 1.23 "<=" 2 # returns true
# compare_nums -1.238 "<=" -2 # returns false
# Make sure that the provided numbers are actually numbers.
if ! [[ $num1 =~ ^-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then >&2 echo "$num1 is not a number"; return $E_BADARGS; fi
if ! [[ $num2 =~ ^-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then >&2 echo "$num2 is not a number"; return $E_BADARGS; fi
# If you want to print the exit code as well (instead of only returning it), uncomment
# the awk line below and comment the uncommented one which is two lines below.
#awk 'BEGIN {print return_code=('$num1' '$op' '$num2') ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
awk 'BEGIN {return_code=('$num1' '$op' '$num2') ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
return $return_code
$ compare_nums -1.2345 ">=" -1.2345 && echo true || echo false
$ compare_nums -1.2345 ">=" 23 && echo true || echo false
If you have floats, you can write a function and then use that. For example,
function float_gt() {
perl -e "{if($1>$2){print 1} else {print 0}}"
if [ $(float_gt $x $y) == 1 ] ; then
echo "do stuff with x"
echo "do stuff with y"
I solved this by using a small function to convert version strings to plain integer values that can be compared:
function versionToInt() {
local IFS=.
let val=1000000*parts[0]+1000*parts[1]+parts[2]
echo $val
This makes two important assumptions:
The input is a "normal SemVer string"
Each part is between 0-999
For example
versionToInt 12.34.56 # --> 12034056
versionToInt 1.2.3 # --> 1002003
Example testing whether npm command meets the minimum requirement...
NPM_ACTUAL=$(versionToInt $(npm --version)) # Capture npm version
NPM_REQUIRED=$(versionToInt 4.3.0) # Desired version
if [ $NPM_ACTUAL \< $NPM_REQUIRED ]; then
echo "Please update to npm#latest"
exit 1
Just adding to all the above answers:
If you have more than one expression in single if statement, you can do something like this:
if (( $a % 2 == 0 )) && (( $b % 2 != 0));
echo "What you want to do"
Hope this helps!

how to find sum of even no till 100 in linux

what should be condition for while before adding while loops it prints even no upto 100 but I need to print sum of even numbers
echo $n
while [[$n 0]] # what should be condition for while loop
sum= `expr sum + $n`
echo "sum is $sum "
Does this count ^_* :
kent$ seq -s + 2 2 100|bc
for i in {1..100}; do
if [[ $(( i % 2 )) == 0 ]]; then
let k=k+i
fi ; done
echo $k
or this:
k=0; for i in {1..100}; do
if (( i % 2 == 0 )); then
(( k=k+i )) ; fi ; done ; echo $k
You shouldn't have the while loop at all. You're already iterating with the for loop.
echo $n
echo "sum is $sum "

compare float numbers with integers to get output in shell programing? [duplicate]

I have this Bash script and I had a problem in line 16.
How can I take the previous result of line 15 and add
it to the variable in line 16?
for ((i=1; i<=2; i++)); do
for j in `ls output-$i-*`; do
echo "$j"
metab=$(cat $j|grep EndBuffer|awk '{sum+=$2} END { print sum/120}') (line15)
num= $num + $metab (line16)
echo "$num"
For integers:
Use arithmetic expansion: $((EXPR))
num=$((num1 + num2))
num=$(($num1 + $num2)) # Also works
num=$((num1 + 2 + 3)) # ...
num=$[num1+num2] # Old, deprecated arithmetic expression syntax
Using the external expr utility. Note that this is only needed for really old systems.
num=`expr $num1 + $num2` # Whitespace for expr is important
For floating point:
Bash doesn't directly support this, but there are a couple of external tools you can use:
num=$(awk "BEGIN {print $num1+$num2; exit}")
num=$(python -c "print $num1+$num2")
num=$(perl -e "print $num1+$num2")
num=$(echo $num1 + $num2 | bc) # Whitespace for echo is important
You can also use scientific notation (for example, 2.5e+2).
Common pitfalls:
When setting a variable, you cannot have whitespace on either side of =, otherwise it will force the shell to interpret the first word as the name of the application to run (for example, num= or num)
num= 1 num =2
bc and expr expect each number and operator as a separate argument, so whitespace is important. They cannot process arguments like 3+ +4.
num=`expr $num1+ $num2`
Use the $(( )) arithmetic expansion.
num=$(( $num + $metab ))
See Chapter 13. Arithmetic Expansion for more information.
There are a thousand and one ways to do it. Here's one using dc (a reverse Polish desk calculator which supports unlimited precision arithmetic):
dc <<<"$num1 $num2 + p"
But if that's too bash-y for you (or portability matters) you could say
echo $num1 $num2 + p | dc
But maybe you're one of those people who thinks RPN is icky and weird; don't worry! bc is here for you:
bc <<< "$num1 + $num2"
echo $num1 + $num2 | bc
That said, there are some unrelated improvements you could be making to your script:
for ((i=1; i<=2; i++)); do
for j in output-$i-* ; do # 'for' can glob directly, no need to ls
echo "$j"
# 'grep' can read files, no need to use 'cat'
metab=$(grep EndBuffer "$j" | awk '{sum+=$2} END { print sum/120}')
num=$(( $num + $metab ))
echo "$num"
As described in Bash FAQ 022, Bash does not natively support floating point numbers. If you need to sum floating point numbers the use of an external tool (like bc or dc) is required.
In this case the solution would be
num=$(dc <<<"$num $metab + p")
To add accumulate possibly-floating-point numbers into num.
In Bash,
(( num += x ))
echo $num # ==> 11
Note that Bash can only handle integer arithmetic, so if your AWK command returns a fraction, then you'll want to redesign: here's your code rewritten a bit to do all math in AWK.
for ((i=1; i<=2; i++)); do
for j in output-$i-*; do
echo "$j"
awk -v n="$num" '
/EndBuffer/ {sum += $2}
END {print n + (sum/120)}
' "$j"
echo "$num"
I always forget the syntax so I come to Google Search, but then I never find the one I'm familiar with :P. This is the cleanest to me and more true to what I'd expect in other languages.
echo $i;
I really like this method as well. There is less clutter:
read X
read Y
echo "$(($X+$Y))"
You should declare metab as integer and then use arithmetic evaluation
declare -i metab num
For more information, see 6.5 Shell Arithmetic.
Use the shell built-in let. It is similar to (( expr )):
let "C = $A + $B"
echo $C # C == 2
Source: Bash let builtin command
Another portable POSIX compliant way to do in Bash, which can be defined as a function in .bashrc for all the arithmetic operators of convenience.
addNumbers () {
local IFS='+'
printf "%s\n" "$(( $* ))"
and just call it in command-line as,
addNumbers 1 2 3 4 5 100
The idea is to use the Input-Field-Separator(IFS), a special variable in Bash used for word splitting after expansion and to split lines into words. The function changes the value locally to use word-splitting character as the sum operator +.
Remember the IFS is changed locally and does not take effect on the default IFS behaviour outside the function scope. An excerpt from the man bash page,
The shell treats each character of IFS as a delimiter, and splits the results of the other expansions into words on these characters. If IFS is unset, or its value is exactly , the default, then sequences of , , and at the beginning and end of the results of the previous expansions are ignored, and any sequence of IFS characters not at the beginning or end serves to delimit words.
The "$(( $* ))" represents the list of arguments passed to be split by + and later the sum value is output using the printf function. The function can be extended to add scope for other arithmetic operations also.
#integer numbers
echo $(( num1 + num2 ))
echo $(( num1-num2 ))
echo $(( num1*num2 ))
echo $(( num1/num2 ))
echo $(( num1%num2 ))
read -p "Enter first number : " a
read -p "Enter second number : " b
# we can store the result
result=$(( a+b ))
echo sum of $a \& $b is $result # \ is used to espace &
#decimal numbers
#bash only support integers so we have to delegate to a tool such as bc
echo $num1+$num2 | bc
echo $num1-$num2 | bc
echo $num1*$num2 |bc
echo "scale=20;$num1/$num2" | bc
echo $num1%$num2 | bc
# we can store the result
#result=$( ( echo $num1+$num2 ) | bc )
result=$( echo $num1+$num2 | bc )
echo result is $result
#Calling built in methods of bc
echo "scale=2;sqrt($num)" | bc -l # bc provides support for calculating square root
echo "scale=2;$num^3" | bc -l # calculate power
for ((i=1; i<=2; i++)); do
for j in `ls output-$i-*`; do
echo "$j"
metab=$(cat $j|grep EndBuffer|awk '{sum+=$2} END { print sum/120}') (line15)
let num=num+metab (line 16)
echo "$num"
Works on MacOS. bc is a command line calculator
for (( i=1; i<=5; i++ )); do
sum=$(echo "$sum + 1.1" | bc) # bc: if you want to use decimal
echo "Total: $sum"

Weird result in bash elif ladder [duplicate]

I'm unable to get numeric comparisons working:
echo "enter two numbers";
read a b;
echo "a=$a";
echo "b=$b";
if [ $a \> $b ];
echo "a is greater than b";
echo "b is greater than a";
The problem is that it compares the number from the first digit on, i.e., 9 is bigger than 10, but 1 is greater than 09.
How can I convert the numbers into a type to do a true comparison?
In Bash, you should do your check in an arithmetic context:
if (( a > b )); then
For POSIX shells that don't support (()), you can use -lt and -gt.
if [ "$a" -gt "$b" ]; then
You can get a full list of comparison operators with help test or man test.
Like this:
if [ "$a" -eq "$b" ]; then
echo "They're equal";
Integers can be compared with these operators:
-eq # Equal
-ne # Not equal
-lt # Less than
-le # Less than or equal
-gt # Greater than
-ge # Greater than or equal
See this cheatsheet.
There is also one nice thing some people might not know about:
echo $(( a < b ? a : b ))
This code will print the smallest number out of a and b
In Bash I prefer doing this as it addresses itself more as a conditional operation unlike using (( )) which is more of arithmetic.
[[ n -gt m ]]
Unless I do complex stuff like
(( (n + 1) > m ))
But everyone just has their own preferences. Sad thing is that some people impose their unofficial standards.
You can also do this:
[[ 'n + 1' -gt m ]]
Which allows you to add something else which you could do with [[ ]] besides arithmetic stuff.
The bracket stuff (e.g., [[ $a -gt $b ]] or (( $a > $b )) ) isn't enough if you want to use float numbers as well; it would report a syntax error. If you want to compare float numbers or float number to integer, you can use (( $(bc <<< "...") )).
For example,
if (( $(bc <<<"$a > $b") )); then
echo "a is greater than b"
echo "a is not greater than b"
You can include more than one comparison in the if statement. For example,
if (( $(bc <<<"$b == $c && $b < $a") )); then
echo "b is equal to c but less than a"
echo "b is either not equal to c and/or not less than a"
That's helpful if you want to check if a numeric variable (integer or not) is within a numeric range.
One-line solution.
[[ ${a} -gt ${b} ]] && echo "true" || echo "false"
gt reference:
&& reference:
[[...]] construct reference:
${} reference: (2.6.2)
The format for parameter expansion is as follows:
where expression consists of all characters until the matching '}'.
Any '}' escaped by a or within a quoted string, and
characters in embedded arithmetic expansions, command substitutions,
and variable expansions, shall not be examined in determining the
matching '}'.
The simplest form for parameter expansion is:
This code can also compare floats. It is using AWK (it is not pure Bash). However, this shouldn't be a problem, as AWK is a standard POSIX command that is most likely shipped by default with your operating system.
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 == -1.2345) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 >= -1.2345) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 < -1.2345) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 < 2) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
$ awk 'BEGIN {return_code=(-1.2345 > 2) ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
$ echo $?
To make it shorter for use, use this function:
# Function to compare two numbers (float or integers) by using AWK.
# The function will not print anything, but it will return 0 (if the comparison is true) or 1
# (if the comparison is false) exit codes, so it can be used directly in shell one liners.
### Usage ###
### Note that you have to enclose the comparison operator in quotes.
# compare_nums 1 ">" 2 # returns false
# compare_nums 1.23 "<=" 2 # returns true
# compare_nums -1.238 "<=" -2 # returns false
# Make sure that the provided numbers are actually numbers.
if ! [[ $num1 =~ ^-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then >&2 echo "$num1 is not a number"; return $E_BADARGS; fi
if ! [[ $num2 =~ ^-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then >&2 echo "$num2 is not a number"; return $E_BADARGS; fi
# If you want to print the exit code as well (instead of only returning it), uncomment
# the awk line below and comment the uncommented one which is two lines below.
#awk 'BEGIN {print return_code=('$num1' '$op' '$num2') ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
awk 'BEGIN {return_code=('$num1' '$op' '$num2') ? 0 : 1; exit} END {exit return_code}'
return $return_code
$ compare_nums -1.2345 ">=" -1.2345 && echo true || echo false
$ compare_nums -1.2345 ">=" 23 && echo true || echo false
If you have floats, you can write a function and then use that. For example,
function float_gt() {
perl -e "{if($1>$2){print 1} else {print 0}}"
if [ $(float_gt $x $y) == 1 ] ; then
echo "do stuff with x"
echo "do stuff with y"
I solved this by using a small function to convert version strings to plain integer values that can be compared:
function versionToInt() {
local IFS=.
let val=1000000*parts[0]+1000*parts[1]+parts[2]
echo $val
This makes two important assumptions:
The input is a "normal SemVer string"
Each part is between 0-999
For example
versionToInt 12.34.56 # --> 12034056
versionToInt 1.2.3 # --> 1002003
Example testing whether npm command meets the minimum requirement...
NPM_ACTUAL=$(versionToInt $(npm --version)) # Capture npm version
NPM_REQUIRED=$(versionToInt 4.3.0) # Desired version
if [ $NPM_ACTUAL \< $NPM_REQUIRED ]; then
echo "Please update to npm#latest"
exit 1
Just adding to all the above answers:
If you have more than one expression in single if statement, you can do something like this:
if (( $a % 2 == 0 )) && (( $b % 2 != 0));
echo "What you want to do"
Hope this helps!

Bash script: max,min,sum - many sources as parameter

Is it possible to write a script that reads the file containing numbers (one per line) and writes their maximum, minimum and sum. If the file is empty, it will print an appropriate message. The name of the file is to be given as the parameter of the script. I mange to create below script, but there are 2 errors:
./4.3: line 20: syntax error near unexpected token `done'
./4.3: line 20: `done echo "Max: $max" '
Is it possible to add multiple files as parameter?
lines=`cat "$1" | wc -l`
if [ $lines -eq 0 ];
then echo "File $1 is empty!"
exit fi min=`cat "$1" | head -n 1`
max=$min sum=0
while [ $lines -gt 0 ];
do num=`cat "$1" |
tail -n $lines`
if [ $num -gt $max ];
then max=$num
elif [ $num -lt $min ];
then min=$num fiS
sum=$[ $sum + $num] lines=$[ $lines - 1 ]
done echo "Max: $max"
echo "Min: number $min"
echo "Sum: $sum"
Pretty compelling use of GNU datamash here:
read sum min max < <( datamash sum 1 min 1 max 1 < "$1" )
[[ -z $sum ]] && echo "file is empty"
echo "sum=$sum; min=$min; max=$max"
Or, sort and awk:
sort -n "$1" | awk '
NR == 1 { min = $1 }
{ sum += $1 }
if (NR == 0) {
print "file is empty"
} else {
print "min=" min
print "max=" $1
print "sum=" sum
Here's how I'd fix your original attempt, preserving as much of the intent as possible:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
lines=$(wc -l "$1")
if [ "$lines" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "File $1 is empty!"
min=$(head -n 1 "$1")
while [ "$lines" -gt 0 ]; do
num=$(tail -n "$lines" "$1")
if [ "$num" -gt "$max" ]; then
elif [ "$num" -lt "$min" ]; then
sum=$(( sum + num ))
lines=$(( lines - 1 ))
echo "Max: $max"
echo "Min: number $min"
echo "Sum: $sum"
The dealbreakers were missing linebreaks (can't use exit fi on a single line without ;); other changes are good practice (quoting expansions, useless use of cat), but wouldn't have prevented your script from working; and others are cosmetic (indentation, no backticks).
The overall approach is a massive antipattern, though: you read the whole file for each line being processed.
Here's how I would do it instead:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for fname in "$#"; do
[[ -s $fname ]] || { echo "file $fname is empty" >&2; continue; }
IFS= read -r min < "$fname"
while IFS= read -r num; do
(( sum += num ))
(( max = num > max ? num : max ))
(( min = num < min ? num : min ))
done < "$fname"
printf '%s\n' "$fname:" " min: $min" " max: $max" " sum: $sum"
This uses the proper way to loop over an input file and utilizes the ternary operator in the arithmetic context.
The outermost for loop loops over all arguments.
You can do the whole thing in one while loop inside a shell script. Here's the bash version:
while read x; do
if [ ! $mi ]; then
elif [ $mi -gt $x ]; then
if [ ! $ma ]; then
elif [ $ma -lt $x ]; then
if [ ! $ma ]; then
echo "File is empty."
echo "s=$s, mi=$mi, ma=$ma"
Save that script into a file, and then you can use pipes to send as many input files into it as you wish, like so (assuming the script is called "mysum"):
cat file1 file2 file3 | mysum
or for a single file
mysum < file1
(Make sure, the script is executable and on the $PATH, otherwise use "./mysum" for the script in the current directory or indeed "bash mysum" if it isn't executable.)
The script assumes that the numbers are one per line and that there's nothing else on the line. It gives a message if the input is empty.
How does it work? The "read x" will take input from stdin line-by-line. If the file is empty, the while loop will never be run, and thus variables mi and ma won't be set. So we use this at the end to trigger the appropriate message. Otherwise the loop checks first if the mi and ma variables exist. If they don't, they are initialised with the first x. Otherwise it is checked if the next x requires updating the mi and ma found thus far.
Note that this trick ensures that you can feed-in any sequence of numbers. Otherwise you have to initialise mi with something that's definitely too large and ma with something that's definitely too small - which works until you encounter a strange number list.
Note further, that this works for integers only. If you need to work with floats, then you need to use some other tool than the shell, e.g. awk.
Just for fun, here's the awk version, a one-liner, use as-is or in a script, and it will work with floats, too:
cat file1 file2 file3 | awk 'BEGIN{s=0}; {s+=$1; if(length(mi)==0)mi=$1; if(length(ma)==0)ma=$1; if(mi>$1)mi=$1; if(ma<$1)ma=$1} END{print s, mi, ma}'
or for one file:
awk 'BEGIN{s=0}; {s+=$1; if(length(mi)==0)mi=$1; if(length(ma)==0)ma=$1; if(mi>$1)mi=$1; if(ma<$1)ma=$1} END{print s, mi, ma}' < file1
Downside: if doesn't give a decent error message for an empty file.
a script that reads the file containing numbers (one per line) and writes their maximum, minimum and sum
Bash solution using sort:
<file sort -n | {
read -r sum
echo "Min is $sum"
while read -r num; do
echo "Max is $num"
echo "Sum is $sum"
Let's speed up by using some smart parsing using tee, tr and calculating with bc and if we don't mind using stderr for output. But we could do a little fifo and synchronize tee output. Anyway:
<file sort -n |
tee >(echo "Min is $(head -n1)" >&2) >(echo "Max is $(tail -n1)" >&2) |
tr '\n' '+';
echo 0;
} | bc | sed 's/^/Sum is /'
And there is always datamash. The following willl output 3 numbers, being sum, min and max:
<file datamash sum 1 min 1 max 1
You can try with a shell loop and dc
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
dc -f - -e '
['"$1"' is empty]sa
[la p q ]sZ
z 0 =Z
# if file is empty
dd sb sc
# populate max and min with the first value
[d sb]sY
[d lb <Y ]sM
# if max keep it
[d sc]sX
[d lc >X ]sN
# if min keep it
[lM x lN x ld + sd z 0 <B]sB
lB x
# on each line look for max, min and keep the sum
[max for '"$1"' = ] n lb p
[min for '"$1"' = ] n lc p
[sum for '"$1"' = ] n ld p
# print summary at end of each file
' <"$1"
