Can anyone please explain the working of the below line? - python-3.x

"\n".join([string[i:i+max_width] for i in range(0, len(string), max_width)])
String - Input String
max_width = a integer value
Ex - input- abcdefghij
output -

Ok, so:
range(0, len(string), max_width)
this returns an iterable of integers starting from 0, ending at len(string) - 1, with a stride of max_width, so for max_width = 3, it would give us 0, 3, 6, 9, ...
is a slicing syntax, so
'abcdefgh'[2:5] = 'cde'
Finally, the join function inserts a newline character between all of those arrays.

Given a String this Code consists of different parts:
string[i:i+max_width] accesses several characters within the string (depending on max_width) and returns them. Join joins these returns together with a newline inbetween. This happens for range(0, len(string), max_width) meaning, that we range from 0 to len(string)-1 with steps of size max_width, which is 2 in this example. This means for your input we take every two chars of the string and seperate them by newline.


How to define a function with a parameter one string and return a new string which has the middle char repeated as much as the length of the str

Define a function called repeat_middle which receives as parameter one string (with at least one character), and it should return a new string which will have the middle character/s in the string repeated as many times as the length of the input (original) string.
Notice that if the original string has an odd number of characters there is only one middle character. If, on the other hand, if the original string has an even number of characters then there will be two middle characters, and both have to be repeated (see the example).
Additionally, if there is only one middle character, then the string should be surrounded by 1 exclamation sign in each extreme . If , on the other hand, the original string has two middle characters then the returned string should have two exclamation signs at each extreme.
As an example, the following code fragment:
print (repeat_middle("abMNcd"))
should produce the output:
Try the following:
def repeat_middle(string):
l = len(string)
if l % 2 == 0:
return "!!{}!!".format(string[int(l / 2 - .5) : int(l / 2 + 1.5)] * l)
return "{}".format(string[int(l / 2)] * l)
odd = "ham"
even = "spam"
print("Original odd length string: {}".format(odd))
print("Returned string: {}".format(repeat_middle(odd)))
print("Original even length string: {}".format(even))
print("Returned string: {}".format(repeat_middle(even)))
Where the sample output is:
Original even length string: spam
Returned string: !!papapapa!!
Original odd length string: ham
Returned string: aaa
You will find that print(repeat_middle("abMNcd")) does indeed output !!MNMNMNMNMNMN!!.

Zipping strings together at arbitrary index and step (Python)

I am working in Python 2.7. I am trying to create a function which can zip a string into a larger string starting at an arbitrary index and with an arbitrary step.
For example, I may want to zip the string ##*#* into the larger string TNAXHAXMKQWGZESEJFPYDMYP starting at the 5th character with a step of 3. The resulting string should be:
The working function that I came up with is
#Insert one character of string every nth position starting after ith position of text
def zip_in(string,text,i,n):
for c in string:
i +=n
text = ''.join(text)
print text
This function produces the desired result, but I feel that it is not as elegant as it could be.
Further, I would like it to be general enough that I can zip in a string backwards, that is, starting at the ith position of the text, I would like to insert the string in one character at a time with a backwards step.
For example, I may want to zip the string ##*#* into the larger string TNAXHAXMKQWGZESEJFPYDMYP starting at the 22nd position with a step of -3. The resulting string should be:
With my current function, I can do this by setting n negative, but if I want a step of -3, I need to set n as -2.
All of this leads me to my question:
Is there a more elegant (or Pythonic) way to achieve my end?
Here are some related questions which don't provide a general answer:
Pythonic way to insert every 2 elements in a string
Insert element in Python list after every nth element
Merge Two strings Together at N & X
You can use some functions from the itertools and more_itertools libraries (make sure to have them) and combine them to get your result : chunked and izip_longest.
# Parameters
s1 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ' # your string
s2 = '####' # your string of elements to add
int_from = 4 # position from which we start adding letters
step = 2 # we will add in elements of s2 each 2 letters
return_list = list(s1)[:int_from] # keep the first int_from elements unchanged
for letter, char in izip_longest(chunked(list(s1)[int_from:], step), s2, fillvalue=''):
Then get your string back by doing :
Output :
# For the parameters above the output is :
What does izip_longest(chunked(list(s1)[int_from:], step), s2, fillvalue='') return ?:
for letter, char in izip_longest(chunked(list(s1)[int_from:], step), s2, fillvalue=''):
print(letter, char)
>> Output
>> (['E', 'F'], '#')
(['G', 'H'], '#')
(['I', 'J'], '#')
(['K', 'L'], '#')
(['M', 'N'], '')
(['O', 'P'], '')
(['Q'], '')

Converting int to string then back to int

How do I call out a particular digit from a number. For example: bringing out 6 from 768, then using 6 to multiply 3. I've tried using the code below, but it does not work.
digits = []
digits = str(input("no:"))
print (int(digits[1] * 5))
If my input is 234 since the value in[1] is 3, how can I multiply the 3 by 5?
input() returns a string (wether or not you explicitly convert it to str() again), so digits[1] is still a single character string.
You need to convert that single digit to an integer with int(), not the result of the multiplication:
print (int(digits[1]) * 5)
All I did was move a ) parenthesis there.
Your mistake was to multiply the single-character string; multiplying a string by n produces that string repeated n times.
digits[1] = '3' so digits[1] * 5 = '33333'. You want int(digits[1]) * 5.

Matlab. Find the indices of a cell array of strings with characters all contained in a given string (without repetition)

I have one string and a cell array of strings.
str = 'actaz';
dic = {'aaccttzz', 'ac', 'zt', 'ctu', 'bdu', 'zac', 'zaz', 'aac'};
I want to obtain:
idx = [2, 3, 6, 8];
I have written a very long code that:
finds the elements with length not greater than length(str);
removes the elements with characters not included in str;
finally, for each remaining element, checks the characters one by one
Essentially, it's an almost brute force code and runs very slowly. I wonder if there is a simple way to do it fast.
NB: I have just edited the question to make clear that characters can be repeated n times if they appear n times in str. Thanks Shai for pointing it out.
You can sort the strings and then match them using regular expression. For your example the pattern will be ^a{0,2}c{0,1}t{0,1}z{0,1}$:
u = unique(str);
t = ['^' sprintf('%c{0,%d}', [u; histc(str,u)]) '$'];
s = cellfun(#sort, dic, 'uni', 0);
idx = find(~cellfun('isempty', regexp(s, t)));
I came up with this :
>> g=#(x,y) sum(x==y) <= sum(str==y);
>> h=#(t)sum(arrayfun(#(x)g(t,x),t))==length(t);
>> f=cellfun(#(x)h(x),dic);
>> find(f)
ans =
2 3 6
g & h: check if number of count of each letter in search string <= number of count in str.
f : finally use g and h for each element in dic

How compiler is converting integer to string and vice versa

Many languages have functions for converting string to integer and vice versa. So what happens there? What algorithm is being executed during conversion?
I don't ask in specific language because I think it should be similar in all of them.
To convert a string to an integer, take each character in turn and if it's in the range '0' through '9', convert it to its decimal equivalent. Usually that's simply subtracting the character value of '0'. Now multiply any previous results by 10 and add the new value. Repeat until there are no digits left. If there was a leading '-' minus sign, invert the result.
To convert an integer to a string, start by inverting the number if it is negative. Divide the integer by 10 and save the remainder. Convert the remainder to a character by adding the character value of '0'. Push this to the beginning of the string; now repeat with the value that you obtained from the division. Repeat until the divided value is zero. Put out a leading '-' minus sign if the number started out negative.
Here are concrete implementations in Python, which in my opinion is the language closest to pseudo-code.
def string_to_int(s):
i = 0
sign = 1
if s[0] == '-':
sign = -1
s = s[1:]
for c in s:
if not ('0' <= c <= '9'):
raise ValueError
i = 10 * i + ord(c) - ord('0')
return sign * i
def int_to_string(i):
s = ''
sign = ''
if i < 0:
sign = '-'
i = -i
while True:
remainder = i % 10
i = i / 10
s = chr(ord('0') + remainder) + s
if i == 0:
return sign + s
I wouldn't call it an algorithm per se, but depending on the language it will involve the conversion of characters into their integral equivalent. Many languages will either stop on the first character that cannot be represented as an integer (e.g. the letter a), will blindly convert all characters into their ASCII value (e.g. the letter a becomes 97), or will ignore characters that cannot be represented as integers and only convert the ones that can - or return 0 / empty. You have to get more specific on the framework/language to provide more information.
String to integer:
Many (most) languages represent strings, on some level or another, as an array (or list) of characters, which are also short integers. Map the ones corresponding to number characters to their number value. For example, '0' in ascii is represented by 48. So you map 48 to 0, 49 to 1, and so on to 9.
Starting from the left, you multiply your current total by 10, add the next character's value, and move on. (You can make a larger or smaller map, change the number you multiply by at each step, and convert strings of any base you like.)
Integer to string is a longer process involving base conversion to 10. I suppose that since most integers have limited bits (32 or 64, usually), you know that it will come to a certain number of characters at most in a string (20?). So you can set up your own adder and iterate through each place for each bit after calculating its value (2^place).
