else path not taken on a try catch block - jestjs

disclaimer: this is part of a course I am taking and a practice task. I am having quite hard time wrapping my head around the test chapter of a course I am taking. Given the following class, I have to write test to it but I see the error else path not taken on my return results; line. Which else is it talking about?
import DB from './DB';
import ErrorLogger from './ErrorLogger'; // ===> if path not taken here
class ChapterSevenJest {
constructor() {
if (!ChapterSevenJest.instance) {
ChapterSevenJest.instance = this;
return ChapterSevenJest.instance;
_db = new DB();
getData = async (gradeId, teamId) => {
let results = [];
try {
results = await this._db.getData(gradeId, teamId);
} catch (error) {
return results; // else path not taken here
const JestPractice = new ChapterSevenJest();
export default JestPractice;
the test:
import DB from './DB';
import ErrorLogger from './ErrorLogger';
import JestPractice from './JestPractice';
describe('service', () => {
const gradeId = 11;
const teamId = 1;
let spyLogs;
beforeEach(() => {
spyLogs = jest.spyOn(ErrorLogger, 'register');
afterEach(() => {
it('should return data ot a grade and team', async () => {
const spyDB = jest.spyOn(
const stat = [
"score" : 100,
"rank": 2
const results = await JestPractice.getData(
expect(spyDB).toHaveBeenCalledWith(gradeId, teamId);
it('should return empty on error', async () => {
const spyDB = jest.spyOn(
const results = await JestPractice.getData(
expect(spyDB).toHaveBeenCalledWith(gradeId, teamId);

There is only 1 if statement which is
if (!ChapterSevenJest.instance) {
ChapterSevenJest.instance = this;
You need to have a test where ChapterSevenJest.instance is truthy so that the if block doesn't execute.


How can i tests that check for race conditions transaction is working?

I need a transaction that prevents duplicate order numbers, this is my code:
ThrowError :
export class InsertRejectError extends Error {
constructor(msg?: string) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, GetInvoiceLargestNumberError.prototype)
async getInvoiceLargestNumber() {
// //transaction -------------------------------------------------
const isolationLevel = "serializable";
const trx = await this.knex.transaction({ isolationLevel })
//transaction -------------------------------------------------
try {
const invoiceLargestNumber = await trx
.select('invoiceNumber', 'id')
.orderBy('invoiceNumber', 'desc')
const invoiceLargestNumberString = invoiceLargestNumber[0].invoiceNumber//expect 'ABC003'
const invoiceLargestNumberNumber = Number(invoiceLargestNumberString.substring(3, invoiceLargestNumberString.length))//3
const invoiceLargestNumberNextNumber = invoiceLargestNumberNumber + 1 //4
const invoiceLargestNumberNextString = 'ABC00' + invoiceLargestNumberNextNumber.toString() //'ABC004'
await trx.commit()
return invoiceLargestNumberNextString
} catch (error) {
await trx.rollback()
throw new GetInvoiceLargestNumberError()
Test Case
it('can not getInvoiceLargesNumber (GetInvoiceLargestNumberError)', async () => {
try {
const promise1 = invoiceService.getInvoiceLargestNumber()
const promise2 = invoiceService.getInvoiceLargestNumber()
await Promise.all([promise1, promise2]);
// console.log(invoice)
} catch (err) {
How do I know that my knex transaction is working? The test case doesn't seem to trigger the race conditions correctly.
I expect to get GetInvoiceLargestNumberError.
get error

async/await troubles in a recursive Redis function

Ima rookie using async/await but must now to use Redis-om. NN_walkd walks through a Redis database looking for loop-chains and does this by recursion. So the 2 questions I have is:
Am I calling the inner recursive NN_walkd calls correctly via async/await?
At runtime, the compSearchM proc is called first and seems to work (it gets 5 entries so it has to call NN_walkd 5 times). A NN_walkd is then recursively called, and then when it loops the 1st time it then calls compSearchK where the problems are. It seems to sit on the first Redis call in compSearchK (.search). Yet the code for compSearchK and compSearchM look basically identical.
main call
NN_walk = async function(req, db, cnode, pnode, chain, cb) {
var vegas, sneaker;
req.session.walk = [];
await NN_walkd(req, cnode, pnode, [], 1);
req.session.walk = null;
console.log('~~~~~~~~~~~~ Out of Walk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~');
export class RedisDB {
constructor() {
this._companyRepo = ...
compSearchK(ckey) { // doesn't matter if I have a async or not here
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const sckey = await this._companyRepo.search()
if (sckey.length) {
const ttrr = await this._companyRepo.fetch(sckey[0].entityId);
} else
compSearchM(mkey) {
var tArr=[];
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const smkey = await this._companyRepo.search()
if (smkey.length) {
for (var spot in smkey) {
const ttrr = await this._companyRepo.fetch(smkey[spot].entityId);
} else {
NN_walkd = async function(req, cnode, pnode, chain, lvl) {
if (cnode[1]) {
const sObj = await req.app.get('redis').compSearchK(cnode[1]);
if (sObj) {
int1 = (sObj.TBLNUM==1) ? null : sObj.CLIENTKEY;
(async () => await NN_walkd(req, [sObj.COMPANYKEY,int1], cnode, Array.from(chain), tlvl))()
} else {
const sArr = await req.app.get('redis').compSearchM(cnode[0]);
if (sArr.length) {
for (sneaker in sArr) {
(async () => await NN_walkd(req, [sArr[sneaker].COMPANYKEY,sArr[sneaker].CLIENTKEY], cnode, Array.from(chain), tlvl))()
} else {
console.log('no more links on this chain: ',cnode);
"doesn't matter if i have async or not here"
compSearchK(ckey) { // doesn't matter if I have a async or not here
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const sckey = await this._companyRepo.search()
if (sckey.length) {
const ttrr = await this._companyRepo.fetch(sckey[0].entityId);
} else
Of course it doesn't matter, because you're not using await inside of compSearchK!
You are using the explicit promise contructor anti-pattern. You should avoid it as it demonstrates lack of understanding. Here is compSearchK rewritten without the anti-pattern -
async compSearchK(ckey) {
// await key
const sckey =
await this._companyRepo.search()
// return null if key is not found
if (sckey.length == 0) return null;
// otherwise get ttrr
const ttrr = await this._companyRepo.fetch(sckey[0].entityId);
// return ttrr as json
return ttrr.toJSON();

Problem to use a Map in Firebase Functions

I am trying to get the length of a Map and I keep getting "undefined". Could please someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
This is the part of the code that gives me problems.
const GYMdetail: { [key: string]: number} = {};
GYMdetail[`${doc.data().name} (${doc.data().personalID})`] = 650;
const subtotal = 650 * GYMdetail.size;
This is the complete function code
export const addGymMonthlyExpense =
functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const query1 = admin.firestore().collection("users");
const query = query1.where("subscriptions.gym.active", "==", true);
.then(async (allUsers) => {
allUsers.docs.forEach(async (doc) => {
if (doc != undefined) {
const houseForGym = doc.data().subscriptions.gym.house;
await admin.firestore()
.get().then((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.data() == undefined) {
console.log(`${houseForGym}-${doc.data().name}: CREAR!!`);
} else if (snapshot.data()!.issued == false) {
let detail: { [key: string]: any} = {};
const GYMdetail: { [key: string]: number} = {};
detail = snapshot.data()!.detail;
`${doc.data().name} (${doc.data().personalID})`
] = 650;
const subtotal = 650 * GYMdetail.size;
detail["GYM"] = {"total": subtotal, "detail": GYMdetail};
snapshot.ref.set({"detail": detail}, {merge: true});
return null;
.catch((error) => {
`${houseForGym} - ${doc.data().name}: ${error}`);
return null;
.catch((error) => {
Since you are executing an asynchronous call to the database in your code, you need to return a promise from the top-level code; otherwise Cloud Functions may kill the container when the final } executes and by that time the database load won't be done yet.
export const addGymMonthlyExpense =
functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const query1 = admin.firestore().collection("users");
const query = query1.where("subscriptions.gym.active", "==", true);
return query.get()
Next you'll need to ensure that all the nested get() calls also get a chance to finish before the Functions container gets terminated. For that I recommend not using await for each nested get call, but a single Promise.all for all of them:
.then(async (allUsers) => {
const promises = [];
allUsers.docs.forEach((doc) => {
const houseForGym = doc.data().subscriptions.gym.house;
.get().then((snapshot) => {
return Promise.all(promises);
.catch((error) => {

ZKSync is not a constructor

I am trying to write test using a class , but I am getting an error.
Here is the test:
import assert from 'assert'
const ethers = require('ethers');
const zksync = require('zksync');
const ZKSync = require('../../../../app/scripts/controllers/zksync');
describe('zkSync', function () {
let zkSync
before(async () => {
// zkSync = new ZKSync(new Proxy({}, ethers, zksync))
zkSync = new ZKSync(ethers, zksync);
describe('initAccount', function () {
it('registers an account on zksync', async () => {
const TEST_SEED = 'debris dizzy just program just float decrease vacant alarm reduce speak stadium'
const ethersProvider = await new ZKSync.getEthereumProvider(ethers,'rinkeby')
const zkSyncProvider = await new ZKSync.getZkSyncProvider('testnet');
const aliceRinkebyWallet = new ethersProvider.Wallet.fromMnemonic(TEST_SEED);
const aliceZKsyncWallet = new ZKSync.initAccount(aliceRinkebyWallet,zkSyncProvider);
assert.strictEqual(await aliceZKsyncWallet.isSigningKeySet(), true, 'account is registered.')
Here is the code it calls:
const ethers = require('ethers')
const zksync = require('zksync')
export default class ZKSync {
constructor (ethers, zksync) {
// const initState = opts.initState || {}
// this.store = new ObservableStore(initState)
// this.keyringController = opts.keyringController
this.ethers = ethers
this.zksync = zksync
async getZkSyncProvider (zksync, networkName) {
let zkSyncProvider
try {
zkSyncProvider = await zksync.getDefaultProvider(networkName)
} catch (error) {
console.log('Unable to connect to zkSync.')
return zkSyncProvider
async getEthereumProvider (ethers, networkName) {
let ethersProvider
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
ethersProvider = new this.ethers.getDefaultProvider(networkName)
} catch (error) {
console.log('Could not connect to Rinkeby')
return ethersProvider
async initAccount (rinkebyWallet, zkSyncProvider) {
const zkSyncWallet = await this.zksync.Wallet.fromEthSigner(rinkebyWallet, zkSyncProvider)
return zkSyncWallet
I run the tests with mocha test/unit/app/controllers/zksync-lib-test.js.
However , I get the following error:
TypeError: ZKSync is not a constructor
I will appreciate any pointers on this.

Handling promises inside the forEach loop

I am trying to run a series of tasks. Each task is dynamic, and could have different rules to follow. This will be executed on AWS-Lambda.
I have an array of JSON. It has a body with task name in it, and it also has attributes.
I need to dynamically load a javascript file with the name inside the body.
I need to wait until all is finished inside that task. Or it failed (regardless where). If the fail happens, I will need to write that data inside the current record inside the forEach loop.
I have old issue, where my forEach is finished first without waiting for the task to complete.
This is the forEach loop:
const jobLoader = require('./Helpers/jobLoader');
event.Records.forEach(record => {
const { body: jobName } = record;
const { messageAttributes } = record;
const job = jobLoader.loadJob(jobName);
job.runJob(messageAttributes).then(res => {
console.log('Show results');
return; // resume another record from forEach
}).catch(err => {
record.failed = true;
record.failureMessage = err.message;
console.log('I errored');
console.log('All Done');
The problem is that message All Done is printed, and then the message show results is printed. I get results from the database once it comes for execution.
This is the file that loads a task:
exports.loadJob = (jobName) => {
const job = require(`../Tasks/${jobName}`);
return job;
This is the file that contains actual task:
const mySqlConnector = require('../Storage/mySql');
exports.runJob = async (params) => {
let payload = {};
let dataToSend = await getUserName(params.userId.stringValue);
payload.dataToSend = dataToSend;
let moreDataToSend = await getEvenMoreData(params.userId.stringValue);
payload.moreDataToSend = moreDataToSend;
return await sendData(payload);
const getUserName = async (userId) => {
const query = 'SELECT * FROM user_data';
return await mySqlConnector.handler(query);
const getEvenMoreData = async (userId) => {
const query = 'SELECT * FROM user_data';
return await mySqlConnector.handler(query);
const sendData = (payload) => {
//this should be Axios sending data
And this is the mySql connector itself:
const mysql = require('promise-mysql');
exports.handler = async (query) => {
return mysql.createConnection({
host : '',
user : 'root',
password : '',
database: 'crm'
}).then(conn =>{
let result = conn.query(query);
return result;
}).then(rows => {
//console.log("These are rows:" + rows);
return rows;
}).catch(error => {
return error;
The task file can have any number of things it needs to complete, which will be different when I start adding tasks.
I need that job.runJob completes, or that it catches an error, from whatever location it originated, so I can continue with the forEach.
I have tried using map and what not, but the end result is always the same.
What am I doing wrong?
You can use Promise.all method :
const promises = event.Records.map(record => {
const { body: jobName } = record;
const { messageAttributes } = record;
const job = jobLoader.loadJob(jobName);
return job.runJob(messageAttributes).then(res => {
console.log('Show results', res);
}).catch(err => {
record.failed = true;
record.failureMessage = err.message;
console.log('I errored');
throw new Error('Your error !');
try {
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
console.log('All done');
} catch (e) {
console.log('Something has an error', e);
don't forget to make your function async !
I managed to solve it, and still keep details about the execution:
Something like this:
for (let prop in event.Records){
const { body: jobName } = event.Records[prop];
const { messageAttributes } = event.Records[prop];
const job = jobLoader.loadJob(jobName);
await job.runJob(messageAttributes).then(res => {
console.log('Show results', res);
}).catch(err => {
event.Records[prop].failed = true;
event.Records[prop].failed = err.message;
console.log('I errored');
